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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ShogokiX

  1. So much mystery time^^ Send the Scooby squad. Maybe Shaggy can figure this out, if he actually uses 0.1% of his power^^
  2. The thing that i am really looking forward to the most would be what kind of totally unexpected plot twitsts may occur....
  3. If you are referring to my profile pic, no it's not^^ That one is Shiroe XD It seems i am in luck though. Most of my custom shinies seem to work fine as they are. Still, there are a few i will have to fix. Some of them i will redo from scratch.... Edit: Ok, it took me a solid hour or so, but i managed to find the cause of the glitch. While most of the battle sprites in 18.2 Reborn are saved as 32 bit sprites, some of them are just 8 bit sprites, like the Garbodor sprite from my screenshot earlier. The 18.3 sprites however are all 32 bit sprites. By converting all of my custom sprites that were based on 18.2 Reborn 8 bit sprites into 32 bit i can use all of them without the need to edit any of them. I will leave this piece of information here in case anyone else may notice problems with their custom sprites in 18.3.
  4. Meh, i guess it's trial and error then? I just hope that not too many of my custom shinies are affected XD
  5. So this means that we can't just copy the entire 18.2 Battlers folder into 18.3 because we are too lazy to copy all of our custom sprites manually..... Good to know XD Now i have to find out which one of my custom sprites i can still use or which ones i have to fix... By the way, how DID you fix them? They do look the same visually.
  6. You might want to have a look at this: While it seems this doesn't happen for all Pokémon, the new Game-z.exe swallows the outlines of a number of battle sprites. I have tested around for a bit and i can confirm that this only happens on the Game-z.exe, while Game.exe is not affected by this glitch.
  7. I'll try with my old Nokia 3210^^ There's a good chance that i'll be able to finish the game before i need to recharge the battery XD
  8. Lord Voldemort played Reborn? Yes, some people are like that. I have seen some live streams as well where the the games miraculously "crashed" every time they were about to lose a battle.... Well, can't call it a lose if the game "crashed" on you, right?
  9. Yeah, about that..... There have been quite a few nuzlockes of Reborn throughout the last years, and they all have one thing in common: The players are underestimating the game and are getting the living crap kicked out of them. And as you already said, earlier versions of Reborn didn't even have the same amount of challenge that the current EP18 has to offer. Now i am not saying that the game has become more difficult over the progress of new Episodes, but i am saying that it has become more of a unique experiece in a good way. In my opinion one of the best examples of players totally underestimating Reborn would be the Penta-OP. Those guys underestimated the game so much that, if it were not for their special rule that all 5 of them need to lose to the same battle in order to lose the challenge, they wouldn't even have made it up to Julia. Down and out before making it to the first gym... TTar might be running around with his heads in the clouds, making a lot of mistakes in the process (that are now catching up to him big time), but the Penta-OP's performance makes TTar look like a god tier Pokémon player.
  10. Not sure if that is important somehow, but the sound for new Game-z.exe is a lot louder than for the old Game.exe. I am usually running the sound volume settings of Reborn on a BGM Volume of 25 and a SE Volume of 40. This is still fine if i use the 18.3 Game.exe, however, if i use the new Game-z.exe i have to turn down the BGM Volume to 10 and SE Volume to 25 to be on a level similar to the Game.exe. Alternatively i can just reduce Game-z.exe overall sound volume in the windows volume settings down to 30% to achive the same goal. It really blew my ears out, since i'm playing with headset most of the time.....
  11. Considering that the EP19 story part is already done i highly doubt that Ame will change any part of the story. However, if Elias does survive the story somehow and is still around in the post game, i wouldn't be surprised if Ame may consider using our random theory crafting (or whatever comes out of it) for a post game encounter. But in all honesty i wouldn't bet on that....
  12. Who would have thought beeing a weeb who watched hundreds if not thousands of anime would one day help me create a themed mono type Pokémon team..... Reality never fails to amaze....The best stories are not written by famous authors but by life itself^^ Anyway, so we now have a "seven deadly sins" team that consists of Tauros, Snorlax, Slaking, Pyroar, Lopunny, Purugly and Ditto. And considering the fact that Ditto is already on the other team we somehow put together, it would make sense to leave Ditto out of this second team to have the 6 Pokémon left that form this second themed team^^ On a side note though: If we are talking about the seven deadly sins, there can only be ONE true wrath, and that would be Meliodas!
  13. I dare ask: Did you watch the Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Anime? In FMA the seven deadly sins are depicted as homunculi with unique powers to each of them. The sind of envy is a form changing being, as he is envious of literally everyone and everything. Ditto would match that description quite well, as it can transform into any Pokémon. As for the sind of greed, that one is depicted as a thief who steals whatever he likes or whatever he just wants to steal for no particular reason other than stealing something only to gain possession over the stolen item. I think Purugly would fit that bill, as it tends to steal other Pokémon's nests and claim them as its own.
  14. This is actually making a lot of sense^^ The only question would be how you would put both teams in the game in a way that doesnt feel cheap/lazy. Fighting two or more strong teams in a row, all of them used by a single character would feel like someone ran out of ideas^^ Then again, there are so many games out there where the final boss battle is a "fight the very same dude in 3 different forms in a row" thing in so many games anyway.
  15. Yeah.....not exactly what i was trying to imply there, but equally painful compared to what i had in mind...
  16. Nah, seeing as TTar already missed out on several side quests, i highly doubt he's doing any of those unless the game somehow directs him toward these, or unless his community pesters him for long enough XD
  17. Also i would recommend replacing Diggersby with Lopunny. If we are talking about the sin of lust that would be way more fitting in more than one sense.....
  18. I see no problem with him putting Reborn on hold for a while.....it's not like playing through any official game will take that long, not even if randomized....
  19. Hahahahaha! Unleash the power of the ratatouille! (I should probably stop it with the bad puns.....one day my GF is going to kill me for one of those....) But no, seriously, 6 Raticate? We're talking about Elias, not Team Rocket^^ He's a religious extremist, not a tamer of Zubat and Rattata.....
  20. I agree with the Swordsman. Elias is a religious fanatic (or rather a religious extremist) who worships Arceus over everything else. To him both Type: Null and Silvally are but mere copies, an act of blasphemy towards the one true lord Arcueus himself. A sacrilegeous, vile creature like that cannot be allowed to exist and must be terminated with the full might of the lords righteous powers. With Elias being devoted to his beliefs, and him using a normal type team, there are some more Pokémon that i would generally rule out right away. Among those would be Pidgeot, as Bird Jesus is the messiah of the helix god, which Elias would consider to be a heretic belief. Farfetch'd would also drop out, as that one is also part of the heretic helix god cult. And Talonflame is also out, as it is a fire/flying type. I would also rule out any other normal type legendary or mystic Pokémon like Regigigas or Meloetta. However, Pokémon that i can imagine being on his team (and this did have me thinking for a while) would be: Ditto, as he already did make use of a Ditto in the past enconter. What would stop him from using his Ditto again? But this time not to copy Arceus, but to copy one of the players strongest fighters and use your own power against you! Kangaskhan, as this Pokémon symbolizes a mother, and therefore symbolizing fertility, which is considered to be a gift of the gods. I guess i don't need to go into the stories of people whose birth were considered an act of god... Pyroar, as lions are a symbol of strength and royalty. Those who are favored by god are born with power and/or high social status after all. Or so the people tended to believe in the middle ages. Drampa, as dragons are long-living creatures of great wisdom (at least in some cultures) that were considered beings similar to a god, or at least a symbol of godly powers, though more in the asian regions than in europe. Raticate, as rats were the major carrier of the black plauge, which religious folks considered to be a heavenly punishment sent onto humanity by god himself. God sent quite a number of plagues onto humanity, according to religion..... And last but not least....who would have guessed it? Arceus! For the most loyal servant of the one true lord would also need to smite all evil in his name. Amen! (Why is Hellsing's Alexander Anderson popping up in my head now?)
  21. Haha, using actual macOS users as beta testers. Well played....
  22. Like i said before, i am only interested in his Reborn playthrough, so i won't watch his other content, unless it's a Rejuvenation playthrough XD So yeah, i'm hoping he won't leave that one hanging for too long.
  23. Adrienn is already the fariy type gym leader. Being the champion as well would be kinda boring.
  24. Well, Anna is full of mysteries. A strange girl with powers to see things that nobody else, not even her own brother, believes her about those things she sees. I would not be surprised if she actually has some kind of powers that she didn't reveal until now, and i would go as far as to say she has powers she doesn't WANT to use, if possible. What if we look at it this way: Noel has his Cleffa doll, and uses a Clefable as his wild card in the gym battle. Anna has her Jirachi doll. Now what if she really owns a real Jirachi? We all know that Jirachi has the power to grant wishes.....
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