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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Okkun

  1. Okay, so I'll try to catch a pokemon that can learn Fake Out and see what happens after. Thank you for the reply.
  2. Hello, I need some advice against [Shelly]. I know it shouldn't be a real problem since it's like the 3rd gym, but somehow she always beats me no matter what I do. My team right now cansists of: [Pangoro] LV32 Adamant nature Ability: Scrappy ~Cut ~Bullet Punch ~Slash ~Karate Chop [Graveler] LV33 Gentle nature Ability: Sturdy ~Rock Smash ~Smack Down ~Bulldoze ~Self Destruct [Growlithe] LV33 Naive nature Ability: Intimidate ~Reversal ~Fire Fang ~Retaliate ~Flame Burst [Dartrix] LV32 Mild nature Ability: Long Reach ~Tackle ~Razor Leaf ~Omnious Wind ~Pluck [Butterfree] LV30 Bold nature Ability: Compound Eyes ~Silver Wind ~Bug Buzz ~Psybeam ~Gust [Panpour] LV26 Quirky nature Ability: Torrent ~Water Sport ~Scald ~Lick ~Water Gun Other mons in the PC worth mentioning: [Luxray] LV36 (I tried her before exceeding the lvl cap) Brave nature Ability: Intimidate ~Bite ~Thunder Fang ~Charge ~Spark [Mightyena] LV22 Lonely nature Ability: Moxie ~Bite ~Tackle ~Snarl ~Odor Sleuth [Ariados] LV27 Jolly nature Ability: Sniper ~Poison Sting ~Infestation ~Shadow Sneak ~Absorb Not leveled mons in the PC: -Kricketune -Sewaddle -Eevee -Larvesta -Purrlion -Thrubbish -Yungoos -Ekans -Beedrill -Buneary -Wishmur -Cherubi -Bellsprout -Oddish -Pansage -Espurr -Swirlix -Zigzagoon -Igglybuff -Skitty -Flaaffy -Spritzee
  3. I checked the link and according to that I need to defeat Shelly first. Thanks a lot for your help.
  4. Oh okay, so I don't need to trade her? Thank you.:)
  5. Hi Everyone, I've just recently started playing Pokemon Reborn, so I would like to ask your help for evolving my Graveler. 1. If I trade my 'mon with someone just to evolve it can I trade back the same 'mon I gave? 2. Can someone trade with me so I can get a Golem? Hope you can help me.
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