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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Meryibre

  1. Stantler is a big sleeper powerhouse, you get the equivalent of a choice band power boost on top of a 50% boost in accuracy, giving you a 90% accurate hypnosis and perfect accuracy jump kick and zen headbutt, meaning that coupled with intimidate as an ability it becomes stupidly powerful in most conditions
  2. Your options are either posting to the bug fix thread for rejuv, or you can manually fix it yourself depending on how recently you saved. You can do this by searching your files for a file called 'Game.rxdata' under the Rejuv 12 folder, from there you need to open the file location, delete the file currently named 'Game', and rename your most recent save otherwise as 'Game'. This will manually revert you back to your past save, but you *will* lose all progress between those points, so if the gap is too big I highly recommend you go to the bug fixing thread instead.
  3. They seem to have given you the Scripts file with debug enabled, however if you want to install it you need to download that file and move it into the 'Data' folder in your game files, from here it should prompt you to ask if you want to replace your Scripts file with this one, and you should either do that or rename your old Scripts file to something else and replace it with the downloaded version here. From there you should be able to boot up the game and debug should be enabled. If you have any issues with that process, let me know and I can try to help further ^^
  4. Managed to become both invisible and walk through walls by losing to Dufaux and getting teleported back to the center, can't exit any points on the map but can still talk to people Game.rxdata
  5. The best fix I've found so far if you haven't done so already is changing the affinity for your processing cores on your computer (much easier than it sounds). This is accomplished by going to (with the game running) task manager -> select RGSS player -> go to details -> right click on Game.exe in details (should be highlighted for you) and set affinity so that it's only running one a single CPU, this should reduce the strain and make your game run a little more smoothly
  6. clown based criminal

    1. doombotmecha


      Smooth Criminal, but every "ow!" sound is instead a bicycle horn.

    2. Ojama Yellow
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