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The Shady Dealer

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14 Fledgling

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    Not Telling
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    I'm currently in Nunya
  • Interests
    Doing skooma, Tieing knots and The Witcher 3.

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  1. False alarm, the file was empty when I downloaded it for some reason. I downloaded it again and it works.
  2. First, thank you. Second, you're awesome. Third, It doesn't work for me. I have this problem: Is there a problem on my end?
  3. Did anyone find the Charizardite Y stone yet?
  4. Hi. I want to test all the different events/quest you get through relationship points but I don't want to start a new game every time. Is there a way to edit my save file's variables? btw, if it's the wrong forum to post pls tell me and i'll move it
  5. I also thought about it, but Arceus is normal type.
  6. Not to be rude or anything, but NO ONE will give you their stone. It's the only one in the game. I can tell you how to get one, though. Behind the fire type gym in Calceon town. BTW, do you have the mega ring? You know you can't mega evolve without it, right?
  7. Honestly I don't remembar needing a strategy to beat it, but if you have ANY kinda problem with a single pokemon then you just need to either badly poison it (toxic) or to paralyze it. BTW, I don't want to be an a**hole but you should probably try to balance your team (unless you're doing a challenge or smtn). If you can't beat Arceus you're going to have a hard time in future fights.
  8. Sup. I'm looking for ANY kinda source of information about RPG maker's games modding. Me and my friends want to make mod for Reborn and I wanted to do the technical stuff. Our mod will feature new designs and a rebalance for some old pokemon, as well as some new fakemon so if you have any specific info on those subjects it would be awesome. BTW, I have some experience in coding but not in RPG maker. -Thanks in advance for all the helpers, your friendly neighborhood (not so shady) dealer
  9. Or you can just open a debug menu and get the mring.
  10. Ohh. Umm... Sorry man, I'm blank. I don't think that people would want to give you their pokemon because they will need it for the quest. Maybe you can start a new game, get to the point when you get the pokemon, and then trade it with your main account.
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