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Fallen Savior Morgan

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14 Fledgling


About Fallen Savior Morgan

  • Birthday 04/20/2002

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    Next up: Time to end Ashiya Doman
  • Interests
    Gaming , Pokemon, Fate series, Naruto, Db franchise

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. one reason would be that she took the 3 black boxes from clear and kieran, one transforms into Nancy and the other transforms into the MC, the third black box is still unknown
  3. the best place to look is at the item guide, specified in the TMs section
  4. did you visit adreinn in the gearen labaratory first? though, when you got to goldenwood town, you can enter to defeat rift gyarados again edit: try to enter from the goldenwood gates to see if you can enter
  5. A dungeon key is past the trainers, then open the locked door in that corridor and jump down
  6. its aevian budew, its in zorrialyn desert, try finding it during the day in front of alamissa
  7. the adam telling us to tell ryland, where is ryland? I can't find him (edit: nvm, he is at the stupid pyramid)
  8. Blaziken also helps with angie alot if you chose it, if not, you should get a tanky water type which has no secondary type weak to ice
  9. ah right, it seems to just vanish with interceptor's wish, her mega houndoom is a big issue, you can probably use hydreigon as a counter, or maybe mega snorlax
  10. you do mean the battle in the den of souls, correct?, you fight cassandra ,not madelis
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