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About EyesOnKindred

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  1. This happens in all the pokecenter during rolling from box 1 to box 2 in pc Edit: Only Box 2 has this bug. Edit: Box 10 also has this bug and it freezes the game.
  3. I guess it's the same bug as the one appeared in Florinia's battle when Brambleghast is switched in.
  4. Trace has a bug that it cannot copy Protosynthesis or Quark Drive, which cannot be removed by Gastro Acid/Worry Seed or replaced by Skill Swap but it can be copied by Trace.
  5. It makes sense to solve these at first before working on Revival Blessing, Zero to Hero, etc.
  6. I tried to implement the debug mode single trainer double battle but it doesn't work that it doesn't show the additional option of "test double battle" in debug screen. This works well in vanilla reborn, rejuv even rejuv MM but it doesn't work in this mod so I'm not sure why. Also Illuminate has bug in mirror arena:
  7. Btw may I ask whether Galarian legendary birds are available in this version?
  8. I used all of them except the battle tower one
  9. Oh okay I redownload the entire mod and I find out that the bug is fixed by default and it occurs when I also implement Torre's Decat mod. No idea what's going on but it turns out to be my problem(or Torre's) when your mod doesn't contain his mod.
  10. Oh the code is right there. Then it should work properly but it still doesn't hit both targets in my game. I try to hit both sides but it still only hits one target. bandicam 2022-12-06 16-15-38-232 - Join.mp4
  11. Zacian and Zamazenta do not change the form immediately when they hold Rusty Sword and Rusty Shield. Dialga and Palkia work fine. Also I checked the script and the Expanding Force script still needs to be revised. This does not provide the special effect of hitting both targets in Psychic Terrain when the user is grounded. It only gives 1.5x damage in Psychic Terrain.
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