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Status Replies posted by Pocky

  1. Since Flux is slacking, here's your Smash gif of the day, from Melee: https://gfycat.com/QueasySimpleCaracal

  2. Oops, I ment double phantom dancers for my last post, sorry ^^ But what do you think of them?

  3. Oops, I ment double phantom dancers for my last post, sorry ^^ But what do you think of them?

  4. Oh thank god, FNAF will finally end after this.

  5. "Screw it, I can't find a good avatar anyways, it doesn't matter WHAT I pick" Reason I am now a Brick.

  6. ...uh oh. Lego relaunched Bionicle. RIP my wallet, RIP my life.

  7. >Keeps getting caught out >>asked to group "It's called warding, learn it." >>>had second least wards on the team

  8. Someone explain to me why Hulk Hogan is in Persona Q.

  9. Somebody please rassure me that I don't suck before this losing streak drops me to Bronze. I can't even play nomrals adequately anymore ;n;

  10. Somebody please rassure me that I don't suck before this losing streak drops me to Bronze. I can't even play nomrals adequately anymore ;n;

  11. Hai leaving C9 pretty much confirmed. Pour one out, boys.

  12. Riot indirectly hinted at the season 4 championship skins (Samsung White) to be revealed at MSI later this month. Skins are expected to be for Ryze, Rengar, Yasuo, Twitch and Thresh

  13. I played the Super Smash Bros WiiU for the first time. There were many times my metaphorical arse was handed to me but I do believe I found Little Mac the best suited character for me.

  14. I played the Super Smash Bros WiiU for the first time. There were many times my metaphorical arse was handed to me but I do believe I found Little Mac the best suited character for me.

  15. Emulating project m is making me angry >>

  16. Naoto casually swinging her gun and saying "just the outcome I was expecting" after beating the Reaper with a normal attack: priceless.

  17. Naoto casually swinging her gun and saying "just the outcome I was expecting" after beating the Reaper with a normal attack: priceless.

  18. I'm going to Japan

  19. http://i.imgur.com/eVity8l.jpg Four years and I have FINALLY done it.
  20. Time for the Smash gif of the day! Seriously though, does anybody even stand a chance against Isai in Smash 64? http://www.gfycat.com/PreciousBrilliantImperatorangel


  22. 1v1 me you filthy scrub

  23. everyone at my school is a captain falcon main...

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