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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Pocky

  1. how are sophomores this immature like they're giggling at repeating the last word the teacher says

  2. how are sophomores this immature like they're giggling at repeating the last word the teacher says

  3. im gonna buy a small pig, kill it, and make Tamales. The rest of his body will be prepared for Tacos Al Pastor (Shepherd Tacos) Oh yeah, this saturday night will rule.

  4. All the sharknado hate. Like I named myself that. Zipo, you've got some 'splaining to do.

  5. If I turn into a white woman, blame it on yoga.

  6. I wish there were more mmorpgs like Guild Wars 2. :t

  7. The infection will soon begin.

  8. (◡‿◡✿)

  9. 's muh birthday

  10. just found out the gamestop opening near my school only has console games and no pc game cards, ok

  11. this week can suck my ass, first my stepmom shrinks my clothing, then my sister uses all my money "on accident", and then the other day some african american broke my backpack straps. fuck me right?

  12. man without that birthday tab i can't bathe in the glory of being seen but that's probably a bad thing hue

  13. Why do I feel like Terra's fondness for pretzels is going to be a plotpoint? Like, will she reject our challenge even with the voucher unless we go out and find a pretzel key item to give her?

  14. Tristan Taylor, you are the new King of Lames. Congratulations on your achiev -.....*Shoots himself*

  15. D-d-d-d-d-d-duel!

  16. Tempest thinks he has jokes.

  17. ok now listen here u little punk

  18. I ish sew sowwy, Tempest-san. Pweese dun h8 meh! Pweedie Pweese?

  19. "Twitch is a balanced champion that takes a lot of skill," she says as she right clicks and e's and gets pentas

  20. ヽ༼ʘ̚ل͜ʘ̚༽ノ

  21. I am Fush I have taken over Ame's status and therefore have also taken over control of Reborn bow before your new overlord

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