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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Pocky

  1. Playing Demon Soul's, I feel like I entered hell

  2. I feel like I should take a selfie of what i do in the metalshop.

  3. I want this suit. Who do I have to murder to get one?

  4. a customer tried to roofie me at work today?????????

  5. Let's make a petition for amethyst to sing let it go okay? ok

  6. I have no reason to stick around. Amethyst? Lay down the hammer.

  7. When you're reading this, I'm eating OR cookies OR waffles OR chocolate. I may also have died.

  8. My Uncle's car just got stolen right in front of my house. He had just received it. He was with his daughter. The robber pointed his gun AT HIS 9 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER. By the way he was dressed, he had a choice. It's not like he was doing this to survive. Scum.

  9. Gonna be streaming tomorrow! BR Server's been crappy, dropping games and screwing up latencies, so I'll be playing n64 games instead! List me some of your favorites!

  10. oh my god... Renekton and Riven are amazing!

  11. Me(Fizz): Leona, why do you have a Rod of Ages?" Leona: its for earlygame i can build what i want its my game Fizz: Sunfire says hi, though Leona: Fuck u

  12. Me(Fizz): Leona, why do you have a Rod of Ages?" Leona: its for earlygame i can build what i want its my game Fizz: Sunfire says hi, though Leona: Fuck u

  13. So I got invited to a party then I got deinvited, sigh, I guess i'll be alone with me,myself, and i.

  14. Why do you people take EVERYTHING I say out of context? @.@

  15. aw shit i think my post count is stuff at 469

  16. aw shit i think my post count is stuff at 469

  17. aw shit i think my post count is stuff at 469

  18. I litterally spent 2 hours at 12 am voice acting the female champs for my friends. I did riven 3 times because i unno, they liked it.

  19. yeah idk who did this to me, but im not sure if i should hiss at them, or just ask 'hoo'

  20. Sigil League is debuting tonight. It will be in a back channel.

  21. I have a Steam Key for Kinding of Isaac + Wrath of Lamb. Who wants it? I'll pick someone at random from anyone who comments.


  23. Drew the head, what armor to use though?

  24. >taking anything seriously

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