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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Pocky

  1. Oh god, Alliance or Fnatic, who do I support? ;A;

  2. 8 GB required for dota 2? Are you for real, Valve?

  3. I have played Support Nidalee with a touchpad. Bow down to me peasants.

  4. Dear God, Somebody shoot me now,I am sick of my step brothers messing wiith my crap. I swear one of them touch my laptop again and I will punt kick them and there puppy. Dang it Noivy Your rubbing off of me.

  5. brb uninstalling LoL because I now have no reason to play it.

  6. tfw your mom tries to twerk it like miley ):

  7. Woah Dota 2 is surprisingly fun. I mean I used to rage at it but now it just feels pretty easy :D

  8. FYI I'm not dead

  9. [insert generic server crash status]

  10. cowtao comment on this status for your present c:

  11. I just jammed my fingers hard enough that I can barely bend them. I'm told it'll take a year for them to fully recover. This sucks. It hurts like hell too.

  12. mfw 1 year older

  13. Seriously, who thought it waws a good idea to add Valentines day to the game?!

  14. I just got Borderlands 2 for free. Damn Im the luckiest man alive.

  15. Thinking of hosting a reborn 5v5 or 1v1 tourney. Anyone keen and/or have any opinions?

  16. Thinking of hosting a reborn 5v5 or 1v1 tourney. Anyone keen and/or have any opinions?

  17. http://prntscr.com/2el2lt I finally have something to look forward to on mondays now... Tuesdays on the other hand...
  18. 150 bucks on Steam

  19. Here's a thought; how about when I do my job, I don't get five people trying to piss me off at every go? It's not my fault people don't listen, and I'll start being a dick if that's what the public wants. No really, I'm here for you.

  20. I need some advice now. My parents are fighting and i may not get to see my dad if my mom has her way. I am being used as a tool by one side to be used again by the opposing one. I need some advice on how to break the cycle of this for my sake but also for my siblings sake.

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