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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Pocky

  1. iT wON't HuRt A bIT!

  2. Make a TFS joke. Has it removed. Why?

  3. ... First part of my 8 AM exam grade got uploaded.... it's uh.... oh god it was terrible and I'm going to fail the exam because of it and I'd have to of done flawlessly on the Short Answer portion to scrape by with a C- on it stupid tricky matching encouraging guesswork and oh god i'm going to fail and my parents will cut off my college funding and I'll end up failing out and making everyone disappointed in me and aaaaaaaahhhh fuck i need a soda and a burger and fuckfuckfu...

  4. ... First part of my 8 AM exam grade got uploaded.... it's uh.... oh god it was terrible and I'm going to fail the exam because of it and I'd have to of done flawlessly on the Short Answer portion to scrape by with a C- on it stupid tricky matching encouraging guesswork and oh god i'm going to fail and my parents will cut off my college funding and I'll end up failing out and making everyone disappointed in me and aaaaaaaahhhh fuck i need a soda and a burger and fuckfuckfu...

  5. Note to self. Disallow specs on ALL my future battles.

  6. P-L-A-T 1 B-I-T-C-H

  7. Know the contents of a package before opening it...

  8. The ezreal on my team complained that I was stealing his kills and farm on Twisted Treeline. He proceeded to feed and keep away from me. He's also married. all of my wat.

  9. Mmm... Okay! Starting from today I'm only going to allow myself 1 or 2 meals a day and it HAS to be from the dining hall or the Points Market! No more eating out! ... Because dear god, a month of eating out does HELL on your bank account.

  10. Mmm... Okay! Starting from today I'm only going to allow myself 1 or 2 meals a day and it HAS to be from the dining hall or the Points Market! No more eating out! ... Because dear god, a month of eating out does HELL on your bank account.

  11. why did we not give pocky a birthday thread we need more birthday threads

  12. note to self: do not do what that guy just did tohimself over the forge.

  13. My birthday is tomorrow. I'm half stoked, but i'm half not on the fact that i'm going to be a year older :T

  14. So my friend showed me Corpse party today, and in the 30 seconds, I saw: someone's tongue getting cut off, someone getting stabbed in the eye with scissors and a bodiless head. Never touching that genre again :(

  15. oh god vindictus is so fun for some reason yet there's so little people

  16. tfw i kinda miss how Reborn was when i first joined ):

  17. so the local newpaper printed that this year's homecoming game is on September 20th, 2010

  18. I need to add more people on League

  19. amethyst would be judgement social ink

  20. Krilin, senzu bean. Senzu bean? senzu bean. SENZU BEAN!

  21. amethyst would be judgement social ink

  22. Kitty's kitty had kittens so we're getting one of Kitty's kitty's kitties today~

  23. First day of school done. Woo.

  24. attack on titan

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