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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Pocky

  1. So... I'm getting really close to writing a piece on why the whole "Violent Video Games" scapegoat within the media is complete bullshit. Thoughts?

  2. I leave for all but two fucking hours without locking my PC. I come home, only to find there's Adware on my PC. Upon doing a registry scan; someone in my home had downloaded Frostwire, downloaded virus-filled music, deleted the music, and unistalled Frostwire only to leave behind a myriad of viruses... Half an hour later, my PC is clean and my jimmies have been thoroughly rustled.

  3. Jesus christ, how hard is it for a man to find a scientific name for a nautilus?

  4. Bought some pokemon TCG theme decks. Is it bad that my favorite thing in them were the plastic coins for coin tosses?

  5. Why do people talk about how amazing the newer pokemon generation is? I remember the original 151, that was the greatest generation of all

  6. Add me on steam, guys. MaelstromForce

  7. ..back to being really afraid..hopefully I build up the courage by the time I'm done work...

  8. i fucking hate casuals who can't make up their mind on what they want.

  9. that um awkward moment when you um ban yourself from your own server

  10. Suddenly have the urge to play KH:BBS

  11. Aaaaaaaaaaah Suteki Da Ne (god I hope i spelled that right) on Theatrythm has me so pumped for FFXHD. Like. I know it's not in 3D like on the 3DS, but oh my god, dat high quality textures even on the 3DS, I can only imagine how nice it looks otherwise. ffffffff

  12. Well, I managed to make a mini cumpter lab, thanks to my dad. Thank you temporary solutions!

  13. Gig tonight! Wish me luck guys~

  14. In the words of Aya, "Let it be known that Rotom is an ******** tool."

  15. I could go for a little change, but I don't have the $R to do so, and I suck at pokémon :D

  16. At this rate, leveling the shed in my front yard will be the least I do after this day is over.

  17. They should change the Quick Claw item description to, "The hold attacks first every turn", because thats what it damn well feels like when people use them. REMOVE_QUICK_CLAW_FROM_THE_GAME

  18. gems gems gems gems gems gems gems gems gems gems gems gems gems

  19. gems gems gems gems gems gems gems gems gems gems gems gems gems

  20. Why can't -I- get thrown into a magical world and live in a giant crystal castle with pretty gemstone powers :c

  21. Oh darn I forgot to water Seymour. I knew I forgot something. And it's late and the container of rainwater is outside. Hmm.

  22. So, one birthday and an entire pan of brownies later... I am now sick. I regret nothing.

  23. I feel like streaming making a team tonight. lemme know if anyone is interested and I'll do that, if not I'll make a team and maybe stream a bit after instead =P In either situation there will be more Majora's Mask =)

  24. Can we have a discussion about Darkrai after Kyurem-B? <<>>

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