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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Pocky

  1. I think all these new people need to post what they look like =o

  2. Sapphire Rose turned into ashes and was blown away in the wind, never to return...~

  3. Tfw wake up because the kitten dropped the lamp on your head...owww....

  4. For the ones wondering where I am, I successfully broke my laptop screen, I'll get it fixed sooner or later, I miss you guys, sorry I haven't been on.

  5. Patty Cake Patty Cake :3

  6. It seems to me that the answer to "What's on your mind", for everyone, is "Ughghdghgh"

  7. I call Comcast and ask for the application for Internet Essentials? And what do they do? They fucking hang up on me. Those fucking pricks. They should go eat a back of shit

  8. Nico NIco chorus stuff soooo much better than miku hatsune.

  9. originally i had said this next episode should be relatively tame. but then i had a better idea. c:

  10. So wait, who's that third admin guy? Confuuuuuused.

  11. I hate sleeping in an awkward position and waking up with a killer pain your neck and shoulder... I can't even turn my head to the side right now I'm in so much pain.

  12. So wait, who's that third admin guy? Confuuuuuused.

  13. yay registered myself in DN. Tiem to figure this shit out

  14. Is-is-is anyone even paying attention to me?

  15. My reborn game isn't opening. Fuck I broke it.

  16. How the hell to people expect me to be perfect all the time? I have problems that I keep bottled up inside, ok? Stop bringing me past my breaking point, I don't like to cry in public...

  17. I literally just spent thirty minutes trying to lure the kitten with a scarf so I could catch her and bring her up to bed. -_-

  18. I literally just spent thirty minutes trying to lure the kitten with a scarf so I could catch her and bring her up to bed. -_-

  19. "Serperior with Contrary is banned" pls stop

  20. If I just speak to you in complete, unbroken english, with no accent or stuttering at all and am completely elequent. THE NEXT QUESTION OUT OF YOUR MOUTH SHOULD NOT BE " DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH?" Cops are racist and it makes me laugh.

  21. Hey guys, i've got 5 dollars on amazon from mah sis, wat do

  22. I am the best Annie.

  23. I am the best Annie.

  24. When life gives you lemonade, get someone to make lemonade for you, because you hands are too fucking full to squeeze some.

  25. So, apparently my girlfriend's ex is being institutionalized. Why? They raided his home and found his walls plastered with photos, contact information for both my girlfriend and I, my fucking address, and he had apparently scribed various ways he was going to kill me. What in the absolute fuck?

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