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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Pocky

  1. I thought I was going to have plenty of time today since I had to miss school, but we spent so much time at the hospital. qq

  2. >Wins top lane against a diamond II renekton. >Loses because Shaco fed and quit

  3. I thought I was going to have plenty of time today since I had to miss school, but we spent so much time at the hospital. qq

  4. omg Lux best champion NA

  5. imgoingtopaxprimeimgoingtopaxprimeimgoingtopaxprimeimgoingtopaxprimeimgoingtopaxprimeimgoingtopaxprimeimgoingtopaxprimeimgoingtopaxprimeimgoingtopaxprimeimgoingtopaxprimeimgoingtopaxprimeimgoingtopaxprimeimgoingtopaxprimeimgoingtopaxprimeimgoingtopaxprimeimgoingtopaxprimeimgoingtopaxprime

  6. Just edited the "Art!" thread with yet another banner. Somebody take Illustrator away from me.

  7. that feel when you make a little kid threaten you on tf2 for annoying with pans

  8. Anyone care for a drink?

  9. I wonder if anyone will notice that thing in that picture o////o

  10. just won a Persona 4 Arena tournament!!!

  11. dumb dialga :D

  12. just won a Persona 4 Arena tournament!!!

  13. i maked le maymay xDDD

  14. All the lovely people of Reborn! I have the most important thing ever to say, now lend your ears! ................................. Hi!

  15. Eating Chocolate Digestives and drinking tea. Nothing can upset me right now. Nothing. <3

  16. All Nighter? ...pfftnah.

  17. You ever have one of those days where you're totally unmotivated and want to do nothing but lie around like a useless lump? That be me lately.

  18. Jungle Amumu blows.

  19. well i signed on the site for three more years so y'all better stick around :c

  20. Won a 1v1 match in LoL at school #collegelife

  21. what the actual fuck was that.

  22. Page 69 of +Infinitas is now out! You can check it out in the "+Infinitas" section in the "The Radio Tower" forum or in the "+Infinitas" section in the "Member Creations" on the home page!

  23. This. Sentence. Is. FALSE.

  24. yolo mode engage

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