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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Pocky

  1. Ever talk to someone for the first time... And just... You know, click? Like... You spill everything to them, despite not being a talker or being much for letting people too close... Like, boom. This person, is the one... And, it's a mutual feeling.

  2. This pic is definitely a keeper.

  3. ikaru what does "on the count of 5" mean to you

  4. Best mono is Flying mono. Prove me wrong >:J

  5. Best mono is Flying mono. Prove me wrong >:J

  6. Inuki guess what: The Greek Form of the name "Joshua" is "Jesus". SO IS IT STILL JUST THE HAT

  7. and then Yen'Fay used a ranged attack...BY THROWING HIS SWORD. FUCKING BADASS.

  8. Dear Ventus, your theme is amazing. tys c:

  9. *scribbles down on a note that Delibird checks Breloom*

  10. I'm starting to get what Erick and Ryan meant about my behaviour outside the nightclub. What I say there can, for some reason, never be taken seriously...

  11. happy anniversary to me, happy anniversary to me, i know no one cares about me, but happy anniversary for me :o

  12. So, Cave Story+ is $2.50 on Steam. Is it worth it?

  13. So Inuki what would you say if I told you that hat is buyable

  14. Ryan is actually a Ditto

  15. I seriously need to consider joining another clan. TTD is srs ded

  16. Halp. I dun get pythagorean theorem

  17. Halp. I dun get pythagorean theorem

  18. Halp. I dun get pythagorean theorem

  19. Why is it that being a dick is rewarded on the web?

  20. Gah, moving to a new school in Sacramento. Tips?

  21. mfw i live in the same city as dark desire

  22. FINALLY. BACK. ..Does anyone even remember me?

  23. oh my god. League of Legends is everywhere in school @.@

  24. If you're reading this, you may or may not be a certified creeper.

  25. Realizing I don't see 90% of Reborn community anymore, I'm just gonna say that I'm freaking busy atm. Will return maybe next month.

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