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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Pocky

  1. What IS The Elements of Cringe? xD

  2. i'm not emotionally prepared for the next DR3 episode

  3. TFW I go to the CW section after a longish while and find an explosion of art and spriting threads. Good to know that more people want to draw!

  4. I just got back to college, and found out that I have twenty two PokeStops in walking distance of my apartment. Twenty two.

  5. Okay, fuck Undertale, I'm scared as hell now.


  7. youtube does some serious shit to people man
  8. youtube does some serious shit to people man
  9. jirachi is my favorite heatran/magnezone counter

  10. jirachi is my favorite heatran/magnezone counter

  11. I feel like a persona x pokemon would feel pretty similar to Pokemon Conquest at the start.

  12. grr. argh. PAX time.

  13. I'm gonna say it again but LEAVE RYOTA ALONE HE'S TOO PRECIOUS FOR THIS

  14. i have bought a macbook and i hope i wont break it once i get it

  15. Youtube just updated their TOS... they fucked up.

  16. my dogs are adorable and if you disagree you can fight me k bye

  17. 2016 is the year our childhoods cease to exist.

  18. All you kids are behaving quite nicely today. =D

  19. AP Biology AKA watch pillbugs fight each other to the death and record the results.

  20. https://github.com/citra-emu/citra/pull/1948... You can play 3DS Pokemon games on a computer now
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