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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Pemseles

  1. It works now dw, I fumbled around some more with the conversion after i made my original post. Turns out my original file was busted, and using a different converter did the trick.
  2. Hey so idk why but the mod for me isn't working, like in-battle there is no music at all. This only happens when I manually replace the music with something else. The way I did this is simply take a different .ogg file, rename it to the theme I want it to replace and place it in the game files. The .ogg file i'm using plays fine outside of the game, but it won't play in-game for some reason. I tried replacing the one I want with another .ogg file, and it suddenly works. Is there some behind the scenes audio manipulation causing this to happen? (the only thing i can think of is the fact that the audio file is initially quiet, but starts playing music shortly afterwards idk) The theme i'm trying to replace is Cain's battle theme with this music: This theme doesn't seem to work at all, but when I tried replacing it with this theme: It suddenly does work in-game.
  3. So i've been doing a shiny-only run of reborn e19 (it's been almost 3 months of suffering lamoo; am at pre-adrienn) and i've noticed something. With this challenge i have obtained many shinies (around 500 in fact) and generally, i would consider them more aesthetically pleasing than the canon variants. Some of my faves are: Of course there's many more than these 7, but in general i can confidently say that i like probably ~95% of them. As with anything shiny-related, everything's subjective, so here's some of reborn's stinkers: Now, with rejuvenation, this becomes a different story. Unlike with reborn, i've never started a shiny-only run on it, and i don't plan on doing so for one simple reason: the shinies are a lot less interesting. Like with everything, everything is subjective, so here's some of rejuvenation's greats: However, i can confidently say that most of rejuvenation's shinies are really lackluster, with them either literally lacking luster or being WAYY too bright and desaturated. Here's a look at the average rejuv shiny: It breaks me to say, but i would call all of these very unappealing. Either their colors clash very badly, or they're too bright or too dark to look at properly. The majority of rejuvenation's shinies are at a lower level comparatively, and i would say that the main appeal to a shiny pokemon would be that they're supposed to look nice (sorry to whoever made these!). So this is a kind request to please let these 'mons shine like they should be able to.
  4. It's extremely scary to think that V13 came out almost a full year ago, just the idea of that makes me shiver.
  5. If anything, it could be possible to have a password enable shield-mechanic-bosses. I personally didn't like them since i like relying on cheap strats, but i can see their appeal and it would be sad to have no way of fighting them like that.
  6. Also, for teambuilding's/completionist's sake, is there going to be a document of some kind that contains all wild encounters in-game? I'm planning on completing the pokedex with only shiny pokemon, but to do that i would need to know which mons are available before each gym leader (am planning to catch all of the shinies as soon as they're obtainable, i know masochistic but at least im not monotype-hardcore-nuzlocking smh)
  7. also about bug reports; i hope the way we're gonna have to report them is similar to how rejuv did vor v13, just a google answer thingy. its quick on our end and we have 1 place to check if any bugs have already been reported (in a drive spreadsheet iirc). id imagine making a new post to the forums is going to be hell for both parties to manage and sift through
  8. god why do all the pokemon fan projects have to come out now first BB2VW2 redux now this? how am i going to finish my rapport for colleg im blaming you for any misspellings mkay
  9. Craudburry is secretly your mom
  10. looks more like tanzan cove to me, but i guess the rock-texture is more yellow over there & the pond is layed out differently. they did say that around here is where they still did the early game revamps so who knows
  11. honest to god why don't more people just go "fuck yeah, vidoe games"
  12. not the uno admin, beat them and they hit you with one of these anyway love their design and as always i will have a shiny living dex finished by 3 months after release because i am what? gonna play this gaem again and ignore life's responsibilities in favor of funny pixel
  13. finally some good fucking fo̴̢̮͉̱̭̺̪̼̥͙̗̠̳̤̎̇͗͒̔͋̇͋͐͗o̴̦̖͙͐͋͑̈̇͂͌́̀̂͒̚d̴̛̮̳̲͎̥̜͚̺͚̤̍̿̈́ͅͅ also love having some insight in how the battle system works, actually makes me kinda want to try making a fangame if only i knew how to do the stuff that is not coding. a console pokemon game would not seem that fun tbh imo idk lmk
  14. this is all somewhat similar to how rejuv V13 was announced/made available to me so i am going to shit if the 3rd card makes the release date clear through some puzzle shenanigans
  15. my excitement to have my face kicked in by the game is growing exponentially. also headcanon lin is the gastlight gatekeep girlboss of reborn and you cant prove me wrong
  16. please continue this, it's very entertaining to read :), mostly because i also did a similar playthrough about a year ago where i filled up the pokedex with only shiny mons. my method was a little different because when i got to the daycare i used a mod called speedbreed, which adds some panels to the daycare allowing you to instantly collect 5 eggs and hatch them immediately (i have an attention span of like 4 seconds ok), but before the daycare & when dealing with unbreedable mons i just soft-resetted as well
  17. cannot wait for the ms craudburry anomaly fight
  18. why does he look like Ryoji but european and less empty-looking
  19. honestly extremely glad the grinding is getting some love and attention, finally won't have to mindlessly watch youtube while the battle music plays over and over and over while i could have been spending that wonderful time actually doing something productive. also the one thing i keep finding i miss in the game is a way to access the field notes in battle. i can see why this isnt a thing cuz youd have to add buttons to the ui and mayb its kinda the point you memorise the effects but im baby
  20. Spinda crest: Reverses stat changes (effect of Contrary) for every pokemon on the field and dizzy punch doubles in base power. Kricketune crest: Makes its sound-based moves have perfect accuracy, its bug type moves are considered sound-based and perish song activates the turn after its used Goodra crest: Sets up sticky web on switch-in, and absorbs sticky webs on your side of the field. Budew crest: All its moves have +3 priority, the effect of destiny bond is always active for it and its immune to non-damaging moves. Articuno crest: All its attacking moves lower the opponents speed by 1 stage, and defog has a 50% chance of freezing its target and lowers their speed by 1 stage also Moltres crest: Upon switch-in, sunny day is set up for 3 turns, and opponents take 1/16 of their max hp in damage each turn while moltres is on the field. Zapdos crest: Increases its special attack by one stage each turn, but the user faints after reaching +4 special attack. Comfey crest: Heals the ally on switch-in by 25% of their hp, and it gains stab from grass type moves. Electrode crest: The user will always live on 1 hp after taking a fatal blow from any hp range and explode after the turn ends. Tropius crest: While the holder is on the field sunny day is active, and it will gain the effects of a random berry each turn. Carbink crest: Gains +2 in both defense and sp.defense upon switching in, and its 'room' moves will last for 8 turns (trick room, wonder room etc.). Purugly crest: While this pokemon is active the opponent(s) is considered under the effects of taunt and torment. Thievul crest: While this pokemon is active the opponent's held items have no effect, with Thievul obtaining their effects. Octillery crest: For this pokemon, Octazooka increases in base power to 100, always results in a critical hit and gains +1 priority. Cramorant crest: The holder triggers the gulp missile effect after using any water-type move, not just dive, and the damage of gulp missile doubles. Cursola crest: The holder draws in ghost and dark type moves, gaining +1 defense and sp.defense, and perish body only affects the opponent. Pincurchin crest: The user's electric surge lasts 8 turns, and while this pokemon is active spikes deal double damage on the opponent. Toucannon crest: For this pokemon, Beak Blast will deal stab fire type damage, has +1 priority, deals the damaging hit upon use and has a 100% chance to burn the target. Seaking crest: This pokemon's speed is doubled and horn-based-attacks (megahorn, drill run etc.) increase in base power by 1.5x. Pyukumuku crest: This pokemon's status moves have +1 priority, and innards out always deals damage equal to the holders max hp. Wailord crest: This pokemon's attacks are calculated using its hp stat and the holder weighs double its current weight. Delibird crest: For this pokemon, Present recieves +1 priority, will always deal 150 bp ice type damage when used on the opponent, and always heal 50% of your allies' max hp when used on an ally. this post is a lot and i tried to make the crests as interesting as possible
  21. https://www.sporcle.com/playlists/Pemseles/pokemon-reborn-pokedex thats it, thats the post, compete in this quiz that tests your knowledge and on how many braincells you have allocated to pokemon reborn tm (all rights reserved) basically its all the available pokemon and their evolutions when you first have access to them, without taking level cap and availability of evo stones and trade items etc into account, because this was meant to be sort of a regional dex (also i might make more quizzes later i dont know) have fun breaking your brains everyone
  22. thanks for the quick replies i really appreciate it
  23. hi. let me tell you, having panic disorder is not a fun time, especially when there are scary things in games that you like. for instance in pokemon reborn, Shade's gym is a scary place, and has made me unable to sleep for 2 weeks straight. i would like to either request a mod or feature in the game itself (that last one is probably not necessary though) to help with accessibility in this way, because i do enjoy being able to sleep at night without having hour long panic attacks all night. the main issue i have with the game is the background music and the sound effects that play in the gym and during the gym battle. the mod/feature could replace the music and SE or mute them entirely. i think this will help players like me be able to enjoy the game more without shitting our pants in the process. thank you for helping out.
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