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53 Samaritan


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  1. This might be a bit of an odd one, but i've noticed that Sunflowers tend to show up whenever Death is involved. Rift Chandelure's little pocket dimension (Six Sunflowers on the top of the hill, as well as the field of Sunflowers), and numerous times in the Nightmare Realms, particularly involving the whereabouts of Risa, as well as one on an operating table in Aelita's Nightmare Realm. Do Sunflowers symbolize death in Rejuvenation, or am i looking too deeply into this?
  2. a variation of this strategy works on intense, actually. just not Sylveon, but Clefable. find a way to debuff AoD's speed with Scary Face or String shot twice, then have Clefable set up Misty terrain before AoD can move, with a number of crucial distinctions: Clef is holding Leftovers (1% Drop from level 71+ Pickup), Clef is running max special defense, and Clef has Moonblast, Cosmic Power, and Moonlight as it's remaining moves. the idea here is to build up bulk, and refresh misty terrain as it wears off, since AoD would have no way of going first when she is at -4 speed. then you just sorta slowly start chipping away at her with field boosted Moonblasts, using moonlight to recover when needed.
  3. I don't know if it's been fixed or not, but Heal Block causes residual damage on Dimensional Field, which goes through shields. but if it doesn't, it's still a source of residual damage that, when combined with other sources like weather or a trapping move, can passively just remove an entire shield per turn. furthermore, Heal Block in general stops the passive healing AoD gets from her ability.
  4. the Experience that's the most in line with an official game is Casual, although that's still a little bit harder than B/W 2 Challenge mode, but you should be able to get through that just fine without worrying much about optimization. and no worries. if a higher difficulty is hampering your enjoyment of the game, then you don't have to play said difficulty. ultimately, at the end of the day, games are things meant to have fun with, after all.
  5. Ask anybody. LITERALLY ANYBODY. how they got into Reborn. they'll tell you it's because they heard it was hard. the main positive point anyone hears is always the Difficulty first. story, for most people, has always been a pleasant side effect.
  6. ...No? i'll have to politely disagree. Reborn's main selling point has ALWAYS been the difficulty, and Rejuv simply inherited that title. if you ask people what the first thing that comes to mind when they play these games, they will almost always say "It's a challenging game!" or something to the tune of that.
  7. Let me dissect this real quick: 1) Pokemon having more levels than your level cap has been a thing since, idk, v7? hell, if you played on Normal, it'd still probably happen. you should be used to it by now. 2) Enemies having moves you don't. since the start of the game. and you're TOLD what the custom moves do. again, you should be used to it by now. 3) you can get stirus berries as early as Goldenwood town, thanks to wild linoone. i would not consider that "useless." not to mention, you can buy any berry that isn't Custap, Maranga, or Kee at the Department store before you start chapter 15, provided you did all the sidequests. 4) Leftovers have existed since the level cap was 70, via pickup. Crests, Megas, Z Crystals, and similar items are dispersed around. the game gives you everything you need to win. 5) I don't get this point. the game gives you powerful TMs. you can get SCALD before going into chapter 15, for crying out loud! unless you're complaining about not getting Ice Beam or Earthquake. in which case, deal with it, since you don't even have those in Reborn yet. 6) You can grind money. the game GIVES YOU THE PAY DAY TM. 7) and the Ev cap was higher than 252 for mons back in v12 intense as well. you should be used to it. The game gives you everything you need to win. it's up to the player to look at everything and figure out how to use what they have, and that's why Intense v13 is so much fun for me.
  8. Something i've noticed, over the last couple days, is some people complaining about Intense Mode, and i'd like to offer my two cents on the matter. i highly doubt this'll amount to anything more than just a crazy man, yelling to the winds, but whatever. As a start, Rejuvenation going into v13 is harder than v12, because the AI is improved, and Field moves no longer negate the current field. i've seen complaints about both, but....i, and a good number of people i know who play intense aren't bothered by this? from my perspective, both of these increase the number of strategies available to the player. an AI that switches out makes certain pokemon and strategies more effective, like Pursuit, Trapping moves, Hazard stacking, and rewards the player for predicting what the AI is going to do. Secondly, terrain moves overlaying, rather than replacing. i'm quite fond of this change, as before, a boss would simply just be trivialized by using a terrain move, which is quite boring in my opinion. now, though? Terrain Moves operate like a second category of weather, which makes it more acceptable in my eyes to actually USE them. all in all, i've been having a blast with Rejuvenation's Intense Mode v13. am i crazy? perhaps. but do remember: if playing the hardest difficulty is hurting your enjoyment of the game, there is no shame in going down to a lower difficulty. A game is a game, and having fun comes first, after all.
  9. Well, in each of those Behind the scenes places, there's a jumble a numbers and letters that need to be decoded. some answers to the right decryption tool are more obvious than others, like how box 3 only has 1's and 0's.
  10. Here's a bit of a hint. Every Browser/Computer/whatever has a specific tool used to "inspect" under the surface of a website. maybe you know what it is?
  11. Well, just like the last two boxes, if you want to find the truth, you're going to have to look deeper than the surface. And i've found a truth that will be keeping me awake for a few nights....
  12. In all honesty, Intense Mode is at the point where the number of retries needed to beat something isn't impressive, but merely that it was beaten. i'll tell you now, all those wacky and out there challenge runs of Intense? most of those successful runs absolutely took more than two tries. if you feel it was an impressive feat, then it is exactly that.
  13. Pachirisu, of all things, can be a fantastic utility mon. in particular, Pickup is good in Rejuvenation, and Super Fang+Nuzzle by level makes Pachirisu fantastic at safely weakening wild pokemon for capture.
  14. well, Sean, a Typical Witch Pokemon pool would include Chandelure, first and foremost. the next most obvious choice is Mismagius, followed by Delphox, the Alakazam line, maybe Gardevoir, and a couple other choices. but not a single physical attacker in sight. Although, i'm wondeirng if you might regret using that Garufan Magic. i mean, i've gotten a lot of very solid use out of non fused Solrock, oddly enough. Levitating Rocks are great, apparently. finally, i'm willing to foot the bill for Ceasar's therapy. he definitely needs it.
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