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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by UmbraWitch01

  1. Is the shift unique for each pokemon? E.g. if bulbasaur gets a shift of 2 to venusaur, does that make wartortle also get a shift of 2 to charmander?
  2. Just got to the bit where you play as Ren, and I noticed an issue where sometimes the text would say Ren when its supposed to say the players name. I'm assuming this is because /PN was used in the script, which now holds Ren, instead of whatever buffer used to store the players actual name.
  3. Not sure if you are aware of this, but in the distorted path in V9's story, if you give Melia the journal, then lose to the garbador, the players pathing goes awry and they attempt to walk into a wall when attempting to rebattle the garbodor, softlocking the game and forcing the player to load to their save, which cannot progress unless the last time they saved was before the initial fight (annoyingly for me, it autosaved during the part right after I gave Melia the journal). Even debug mode doesn't help - The player can finish the pathing and enter the battle but once it ends and the cutscene plays, the player is stuck in the wall and cannot move (presumably since auto pathing takes over but cannot start as the player is in a wall). Looking at RPG maker it appears as if, on my save, the variable Garb is 1 and the switch GaveDiary is on, causing both's pathing to occur and thus break everything. I can think of a potential fix, that being to automatically set GaveDiary to off when the player enters the distorted path. I will also mess with these variables on my save, so I don't think I'm gonna need anyone else to edit it.I hope this is useful, and I apologise if you have heard this all before .
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