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Everything posted by Perkunos

  1. Amazing pack, love the Amethyst version, though I wonder if for future updates you could put the modified/new images in another folder, so it would be easier to update the texture pack if we have made some changes ourselves to some files? Thanks and I'll be looking forward to future updates (especially that new trainer card in an Amethyst version :D)
  2. The shiny is better, you don't want your Chespin/Chesnaught using its special attack anyway, and the shiny one has better physical defense and speed. The only thing the latter has over the former is its HP. Later in the game, you'll be able to change the nature (to something like +Def -SpA, I always forget natures' name) and its ability (to Bulletproof).
  3. I mean, it depends on your other Pokemon and what you want from the Pokemon on that exact spot. Empoleon is a (very) good utility mon, it can be a Stealth Rock setter, a Defogger, it has access to Knock Off and Roar to cripple stallers and phaze set-up sweepers, and in Mono-Steel, it helps not getting completely abused by Fire mons. Typhlosion on the other hand is much faster (and actually has a decent speed tier) has access to Eruption, which like Swampellow said, benefits greatly from many Field Effects and can change them, but also to Nature Power (and he's actually the only non-Grass starter Pokemon able to learn it).
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