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  1. Thank you so much! I've been trying to get a cacnea for a while now so I'm overjoyed! Sorry that I wasn't able to trade you one of the aforementioned shinies though.
  2. I'm at a story point where I don't have access to a PC, would you mind just getting a moxie scraggy?
  3. Oh can I not choose Pokemon from my PC?
  4. I'm clicking accept but then after that my screen goes black but the music of reborn is still playing
  5. I'm on right now, would I be able to get the male one please? Also I don't really have much to trade away, really only a shiny trubbish, shiny phanpy, shiny unfezant, and shiny pansage.
  6. Sadly I never got the cacnea egg from the onyx ward girl and cacturne is one of my favorite Pokemon. Would anybody happen to have a spare one to trade me? My ID is Darkrai8674
  7. Thanks! Yeah I'm super paranoid about losing my progress too, I have 166 hours and I don't want to lose them.
  8. When I click the link it takes me to the download page for rejuvenation so I assume the patch was just put into the download, if I copy all my saves and redownload rejuvenation I can paste the saves back in (unless they don't get deleted when I reinstall rejuvenation) correct?
  9. I'm having the same problem, apparently it's bugged and supposed to be in the room with the 3 workers although I've looked through some other posts related to this and a patch came out I think. I can't seem to find the patch though >.<
  10. That happened to me too Dani although a bit earlier before I was playing as Ren, I ended up having to soft reset because I don't think you're supposed to go to goldenleaf and I couldn't find a way back
  11. Last night I was playing rejuvenation, I'm at the part where you have to beat crawli for magma drift but he's in his secret base. I found his dad dancing and won and everything and I remember him saying something about valor shore I think but I was tired and now I can't seem to find it. There is this one tiny island thing with a weird square block on the ground but I don't know if that's the base, I've tried hitting a towards it and on it but it did nothing. Edit: wow I was completely wrong, I found it by just talking to everyone on the island and eventually stumbled upon the captain.
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