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  1. as someone that does software engineering (mainly java + web development coding atm) in university as well as following pokemon for their entire life, looking at this was possibly the most mind boggling + interesting thing ever and it's amazing seeing all this :) can't wait for everything to be released
  2. yeah the URL title decoded in mirror cipher is A P R E S E N T
  3. I'm playing with the randomiser pack and i've gotten stuck gamewise as i can't progress through tesla's villa cause of one grunt crashing my game. Game.rxdata here's the game file
  4. I'm in the villa on teila resort and one of the grunts makes me crash constantly so I can't leave cause that grunt blocks the way out. Game.rxdata heres my game data as well
  5. Riolu is obtainable by playing through where love lies, which is a side game that links to rejuvenation.
  6. i'm pretty sure whimsicott comes with prankster naturally, not a hidden ability. Here is a link to pokemon that can learn wide guard, You could probably use mantine and toxapex which both learn it through level up but choose your pick. Definitely try spamming surf with a swift swim kingdra or something that can outspeed his team. Your samurott is good as well with swords dance aqua jet/razor shell to pick anything off
  7. If you're having problems with not outspeeding, whimsicott with prankster tailwind turn one will give you the tailwind boost if necessary. something a lot of people did is use pokemon with wide guard, like mantine, which negates rock slide making the battle with hardy easier as he can't spam rock slide every turn. What I did is I used a rain team so I had pelipper with drizzle switch in turn 1 (not be first pokemon out otherwise sand will stay up) and then used kingdra with choice specs to spam surf which should outspeed everything with it's swift swim ability. (you don't need choice specs it was something I had on me, water plate, wise specs or anything that boosts surf is fine.) I had bulky pokemon like toxapex, aegislash, rotom-wash etc just for any switch ins and lower their hp. I'd highly recommend trying tailwind prankster whimsicott to get the speed boost and swords dance once or twice with samurott and aqua jet/razor shell your way through, only issue is that it's double and the other pokemon will most likely rock slide so use any wide guard pokemon.
  8. Dragalge was an amazing pokemon that had some nice dragon poison moves and hydro pump + toxic spikes. cofagrigus and dusclops both amazing spdef/def tanks that helped me with a lot of the bosses both having curse will o wisp infestation and hex for garchomp and arceus and the pulses. zoroark and houndoom both amazing dark types, houndoom i used later when i got the mega stone for him and zoroark's illusion cheesed the ice gym (evasion boost that i still don't know about) hawlucha is a god. unburden + terrain seed or gem swept a lot of gyms like fighting ground steel rock. malamar's topsy turvy is extremely underrated including the seed boost with inverted field. it helped me stop a lot of gym leader's terrains from ever becoming useful.
  9. For fire types a few suggestions you could use are salazzle, darmanitan, houndoom, arcanine and chandelure which are all pretty good. Also i'm wondering why you have alolan sandslash with slush rush but no snow warning pokemon and also a politoed with no swift swim pokemon
  10. well right now he's not doing tooo great, if you want spoilers then click the spoiler
  11. Bre_a_d


    No, it will be decided when the pokemon will be given to you after the poke ball is repaired.
  12. IIRC there isn't one currently and I highly doubt there will be in the future as Jan (creator of rejuvenation) said no debug menus when someone asked them about it, so sandbox mode seems very unlikely
  13. I put a list of pokemon you can get in the spoiler, all of them can be obtained before agate circus with the exception of hawlucha, which you get on route 2. I'd also recommend looking at all of the event pokemon seeing if theres any you might want.
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