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Shadow Rysing

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Everything posted by Shadow Rysing

  1. I know I am late to this, but everything should work fine, until a certain fight in ch. 12, I think. The discord actually has a patch to download with the fixed files if you get stuck there. I've been using Joiplay for the better part of 2 months now, and that has been the only issue.
  2. No, it didn't take me 6 months to rewrite this part...or proofread...or do anything on a span of three months....(._. ) I wasn't planning on a rejuvenation playthrough either....Couldn't be me ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 : Broken "GOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDD MORNING JHOTO!" My name is Beuna, and it is a beautiful morning here in Goldenrod. I'm here wi..." Zane slammed the pokegears snooze, knocking it to the floor. "Fuck mornings." As he rolled over, he noticed Courtney wasn't there, however a note was there on the pillows. Zane groggily started to read the note. "Hey babe, I went to see the doctor to hopefully find out what's wrong all of sudden. P.S. I took the last of your medicine. Sorry! -with love." Around the time that he finished ready, his Dragonair sleepily entered the room. "Hey, there's my other favorite girl." Dragonair shifted to him, and laid her head on Zane's stomach. "You want to relax for a bit today?" Zane asked her. Dragonair's response was a nod of the head in the middle of a yawn. "That settles that." "Hmm, what do I all need? home meds, berry pots, food for Courtney and I plus Dragonair and Ivysaur, Totodile, and towels..." Zane picked up his med container only to find it was empty. "Huh, she did take the rest." It was a special blend that his mother had taught him. Containing Lum, Leppa, and Sitrius berries, with revival herbs, all cooked down to reduce the bitterness from the herbs. it was more effective than conventional medicine for pokemon, and gives more peace of mind for the trainer. "Well then, that's unfortunate. i can cook some more down there though." Zane pondered. "Better make sure I write a note for Courtney saying where I am. Poor girl, hopefully the doc can find out what's wrong..." After writing a note explaining where he went, Zane made sure to grab his pokeball containing Dragonair, as well as the newest addition. An egg. Most pokemon researchers don't actually know where pokemon eggs come from. No one has witnessed this, so no official record exists. Equally confusing, this egg came out of the blue. Given that Zane's Dragonair is female, the child is already known, but what pokemon was the father? And when did it happen? All Zane knew was, this is his to take care of. Blackthorn city, being situated near Ice path, has breath taking scenery during the late summer/early fall time of the year, and that's partly due to the ice melting. The river that flows through Blackthorn creates stunning waterfalls to the city's south. These waterfalls make for great relaxation spot for people and pokemon alike. One of these is Zane's favorite for mediation. Sitting under a waterfall and letting the water affect his muscles is a great method for recovery in his mind. It also allows him to clear his mind and ease his thoughts. As he approached the shore, Zane noticed that the waters were unusually calmer. "Huh...it's calm, odd..." Zane thought that given the time of year, more water should be in the river. "Eh, it'll be ok. Should still be good enough." Zane reached for Dragonair's pokeball. "Come on out, Dragonair!" He exclaimed, tossing the ball in the air. A brilliant flash of light erupted form the ball, giving shape to his trusted pokemon. The light then started spinning, causing a twister to appear. "Is that necessary?" Zane asked. "Hpmhm." Dragonair sighed now calming down. "Don't give me that sass." Zane responded. "Today a break, so have fun in the water. We'll train more tomorrow." Dragonair then erupted in glee, squealing through the air, spinning around Zane. "Good girl." Zane said. "Have fun, you've earned it." he thought. Zane started climbing the rocks underneath the waterfall, trying to reach his spot. "the water is warmer than normal." Zane thought. "it should be colder. Eh... I need to relax." As he started to sit, Zane got a chill, like he had a nervous reaction to something. "The hell?" He decided to ignore it. Instead, he started to focus on clearing his mind. But, unknown to him, he wasn't alone. On the cliff above stood a lone pokemon. Zane began to meditate, his body relaxed, giving way to his thoughts. "Man, I was way more tense than I thought." He thought, while the water rushed over his head and shoulders. "Though... something feels off... Like I'm asleep or something. I can't move, nor open my eyes." No matter how much he tried, he couldn't move. "Wait... Am I being hypnotized? What the hell is going on. Hold on, what is that, fire?" The image being presented to him was nothing but fire and smoke, but he wasn't sure where it was. "What is happening, why am I seeing this?"All of a sudden, Zane sprung out of the waterfall, in a panic. Frantically looking around, he couldn't see fire or smoke, but was convinced it was somewhere. Dragonair, being concerned for her trainer, nuzzled up to his leg, wondering why he was so upset. This calmed Zane down, causing him to spring back to reality. He petted Dragonair, reassuring her. "Good girl, I'm ok." He started back for his spot under the water. I hope I'm ok." He thought. A few minutes later, Dragonair began whining in happiness. "What is it girl?" Zane asked her, turning to see what Dragonair saw. It was Courtney, coming down to the shore. Zane emerged from the water to meet his girlfriend. "Zak was looking for you. He asked me if I knew where you were." Courtney said to Zane. She was absolutely glowing, like her rough morning wasn't an issue. And she was also back to her natrual hair, blonde. "Eh, I'll call him in a bit then. Firstly however, how'd seeing the doc go? And what’s up with your hair?" Zane responded "Well," Courtney started to respond as Dragonair nuzzled up to her. "Hey you! You want to play with Ivysaur and Tots a bit?" She asked, reaching for her pokeballs. Dragonair nodded, becoming antsy. "Someone is in a good mood." Courtney added. "Let's have some family fun!" she exclaimed as her pokemon emerged. "So, the doc?" Zane asked. "What did he find out?" "He didn't find anything bad per say. But he ran more tests so he can confirm something." Courtney responded, as she wrapped her arms around Zane. "Well..." Zane started to say as he went for a hug. "What does he think?" "He thinks I'm pregnant..." She said calmly. "P-Pregnant?" Zane asked in disbelief. "Are you serious?" Zane could feel his heart skip a beat. He started smiling uncontrollably. "Yes babe, he thinks I am." Courtney added. "What you've wanted, and it's happening," "Baby, I'm so happy now." Zane said as he hugged her tighter. "I don't know what to say really." They stood in embrace for what felt like hours. "I love you so much," Zane said softly. "You've given so much more that you'll ever realize. You're the one I fight for now, and I will always be there for you." As he said this, he closed his eyes. But, that image of fires returned. "no, I don't want this. I should be able to block this out so I focus on her, but this is not normal. Something or someone is showing me this..." "I love you too babe," her voice seemed to bring him back to the moment. "You're my best friend, and I can't imagine myself with any one else. These three years have been amongst the best in my life." As he opened his eyes to look at her, he noticed a figure on the cliff above them. He couldn't make the figure out to see if he could recognize it, but he didn't like the feel of it either. By the time he saw it, it had already fled. "Hey babe, you want something to eat? Zane asked Courtney. "Yes please." She responded quickly.... As he cooked, his face showed his troubles, causing Courtney to notice. "What's the matter babe?" She asked, kind of starling Zane. "It's nothing babe, just mulling over a few things..." he responded "Bullshit." She snapped back. "I know there is something wrong. What's wrong? Don't make me ask again." Courtney knew how to get to him. She fell in love with him for his aggressiveness and boldness, but he wasn't an ass about it either. So, if there was something bothering him, she would know. "I've never asked this before, but..." Zane began to trail off, trying to figure how to word his next words. "...what do you think about premonitions?" He finished his thought. He was now starting to panic, which is not what he does. the only other time he ever panicked was when his mother died. "What do you mean by that? Like seeing the future?" She asked. "I don't know. Just an image that keeps flashing through my mind that I've never seen before this morning." Zane said, as his knife stopped in a carrot. "Which is what?" Courtney now approached Zane, feeling how much he is panicking. "Fire. Nothing but fire, and no identifying features. Nothing to tell where or when this fire is." He was starting to tremble. And he couldn't explain why this image hit so hard, all he knew is that he did not like the feel of it. "Babe," Courtney began. "I think that you're reacting to this cause you didn't sleep well. You were tossing and turning a lot. Let's just focus on the fact that we're starting a family now." The blonde beauty placed her hands on his tense shoulders and laid her head on his chest, instantly calming Zane. Her touch always had an effect on him. "You know... I think we should just stay in tonight. Have a family night." Zane said. "Let me call Zak though, see what he wanted though." He finished. They stood there in each others arms for a while, not saying anything while the sounds of Ivysaur, Totodile and Dragonair playing in the shallows filled the air. "There has to be a meaning behind it. And that figure on the cliffs... It was a pokemon, but I couldn't get a clear look. It didn't look like anything I have seen, so it isn't native. I'll look it up at the gym." A couple of hours later, the two called back their pokemon, and set out to go home. Zane pulled his Pokegear out and started to call Zak. "I never did call him," Zane said. "Eh, he'll get over it though. Any idea on what he wanted?" "No, he just asked me where you were, and asked me to tell you to call him." Courtney responded. "Tch, typical Zak, being vague." Zane pressed his name in the pokegear. "Oi, punk. What do you want?" He said playfully as Zak answered the call. "Jeez, Just wanted to see how you were, haven't heard from you in a bit." Zak responded. "Nice of you to call back promptly. Were you down at your waterfall?" he added. "Yea, only place I wanted to be at today. And I appreciate your concern. So, What's up bud?" Zane asked as he tossed a rock into the river. "Hi Zak!" Courtney added. "Hi Courtney! And not much. Clair is at the Indigo Plateau today, So I wanted to know if you needed anything since nothing is happening at the gym today." Zak said. Being an understudy to Clair, it was Zak's responsibility to watch the gym in her absence. He tended to everything to ensure that the gym still ran, even though challengers were turned away. That included making sure trainers in the now city, seeing as the pokecenter and pokemarts were recently opened, got what they needed. "Ohhh right, it's the security conference for Johto and Kanto. Supposedly in Kanto, there has been a sort of uprising by a criminal syndicate named Team Rocket, right?" Zane asked. "Didn't they get broken up last year by a kid?" "Yea! I heard he was young, like 12 maybe? Courtney added. "Didn't he become the Kanto champion as well?" "Yep. His name is Red. not only the Team Rocket situation, but also what took place in the Hoenn region, is why they're holding this meeting." Zak said like he was reading a prepared statement. "Kanto wasn't the only region with a criminal syndicate. Hoenn had two, Team Aqua and Team Magma." He added. "So between all of that, They're all worried about what might happen if tabs aren't placed on Team Rocket. Wait... What happened in Hoenn? I thought that was a peaceful tropical region?" Zane asked, perplexed by this info. "Apparently, the two syndicates awoke two ancient legendaries, one embodying the land and one embodying the sea, both wanting control of the region. However, due to the incompetence of their leaders, the two pokemon started fighting. They had the power to control the weather, and it started wrecking havoc with the region. Zak stated. "That's what happened?!" Courtney exclaimed. "That's why our weather went nuts? Cause of those two pokemon?" "Seams so." Zane added. "Right. That was only resolved by a third legendary, whom which quelled the two. It involved all of their gym leaders and two trainers on their league challenges." Zak added. "Well, hopefully nothing like that takes place here." Courtney said with a tinge of fright in her voice. "That's something in discussion." Zak started to say. "Between us, there are reports of sightings of Team Rocket in Mahogany and Azelea." "Why would they be interested in those towns? There isn't much in them..." Zane asked. "Who knows?" Courtney responded. "Well Zak, we'll call you later, we're home and we both want to spend tonight with each other." "Actually, I'm going to head to the gym for about an hour." Zane interjected. "So I'll see in a bit bud. I want to test and see how well Dragonair has learned dragon pulse." "Alright. I'll get that ready for her then. See ya soon." Zak hung up. "Sorry babe, I know we said we want to spend the night together, but I want to see how well this training has paid off." Zane said as he hugged Courtney. "I'll only be an hour." "It's ok, I wanted you to get something from the store anyways. So, you can stop by there on your way home." She said while smiling and handed him a note. "Okay, Love you babe." Zane said while opening their door to their home. "See you in a bit." He grabbed his traditional Dragon tamer robes and started for the gym. "I love you too baby!" Courtney yelled after him. On his way the gym, he noticed a pair having an argument between themselves. They were both taller, slim built males dressed in black jumpsuits. Their argument wasn't a confrontational one from what Zane could tell, but it looked like one on how to do something. "Eh, I bet it's nothing." As Zane was closer to the gym door, he overheard them state something about Clair being absent. This caused him to shoot a look towards the duo. As he changed direction, the pair quickly darted around the corner, causing Zane to lose track of them. "I don't like the feel of this." Zane thought. Though, he ignored it, instead wanting to see if his pokemon had improved at all. As Zane entered the gym, Zak was walking towards him with a sly smile. "I didn't realize we started allowing punks in here." Zak fired sarcastically. "Oh shush. You ready for her?" Zane snapped back. "For my dream girl? Always, but I don't see her walking in with you." Zak quipped back. "Still waiting to see her." "Keep being a smartass and you'll wait even longer." Zane said not amused by the lanky blonde. "Jeez Mr. SeriousPants, yes I'm ready to give your Dragonair the test." Zak responded with a hint of sadness. "Kill all the fun." "Sorry man, I'm just tired and I've got a few things on my mind." Zane said and began trailing off. "Like what?" Zak asked as he shuffled papers around on the front desk. "Well... My family is expanding. Got the news this morning." Zane responded as he grabbed Dragonair's pokeball, tossing it the air and bringing her out into the gym. "Courtney is pregnant." "Really? That's amazing!!" Zak said with glee, shuffling papers haphazardly. "Mhmm, I have so many things to think about, but..... I'm happy again. Courtney has given me a lot in the past 3 years, now we have a life together." Zane said, over taken with emotions. "She saved your life. And I couldn't be happier for you man. If anyone needed a break in this village, it's you." Zak said with a hint of grief. "You alright bud?" Zane asked. "Is he hiding something?" Zane thought, feeling uneasy about what he just sensed. "Yea, just thinking I could of helped you more." Zak responded. "What could you of done?" Zane wasn't reassured by that response. "But that's neither here or there. Besides, you were a better friend than a guy like me could ever ask for." "Well, I'll run the test for her then. See how well you taught Dragon Pulse....without the TM." Zak said bewildered. "I STILL don't know how you've managed to do that." "Eh, not that difficult." Zane said, shoveling himself out. "Dragonair, come here." Dragonair started to move towards her trainer. "You've got this. Your training went incredibly well, just relax and let the move come naturally. Don't force it and you'll do fine." Zane reassured his trusted pokemon. Dragonair snuggled up to Zane, trying to take his advice. Zane petted Dragonair, calming her down more. "Dragonair, you ready?" Zak asked, wanting to start the testing. "Also, like last time Zane, you can't be in here during the testing." "I'm well aware." Zane nodded. "I want to do some research as it is." While Dragonair's testing was taking place, Zane headed to the gyms library to see if he couldn't figure out what he saw earlier. "White, four legs, agile..." Zane thought as he approached one of the computers. While he was familiar with most dragon types and pseudo-dragon pokemon, Zane wasn't familiar with most pokemon outside of Kanto/Jhoto/Sinnoh regions. He had visited Sinnoh twice during his childhood for vacations, as his mother had family in Celestic Town. So he was familiar with some Sinnoh pokemon, however not all of them. "Hmm, let's see. Start alphabetically. Filter? White is the only thing I can filter for..." Zane put the database to filter, and started going through them. "Abomasnow...That's certainly white...but not it. Abra...no...." His thoughts trailed off as he saw the next pokemon. "Absol..." That was it... "That is what I saw. Any info on it?" Zane started scrolling through the page and finally landed on reports. "It senses coming disasters and appears before people only to warn them of the impending danger. This made Absol a target however, one for it's horn, the other because of misunderstandings. It was mistaken as the harbinger of doom. It's habitat is harsh, rugged mountain ranges. It only leaves it's home to bring the warnings that it is known for." Zane sat there in silence, stunned. "Oh shit." He said to himself. "What does that mean then?" Before he could finish his thoughts, the intercom came on calling his name. "ZANE, WOULD YOU PLEASE COME TO THE FRONT LOBBY?!" Frustrated, Zane gets up from his chair and starts heading for the lobby. "Dammit, can things stop interrupting my thoughts?" He says as he leaves the page about Absol on the screen, while the cursor blinks on 'the disaster pokemon.' Zane saw Zak filing more paperwork and assumed that was due to Dragonair passing the testing. "So, what's the news?" Zane said lightly. "Passed with flying colors...almost literally." Zak responded, putting papers down. "Not a single target left. And she decided to show off on the final two..." He added. “You’re clearly one of the bast trainers in the town, yet you don’t want in the gym... Is this cause you weren’t able to get Leader? "Well.....I guess she takes after her trainer." One of the aids said while grooming Dragonair. "It was impressive though." she added grudgingly. "She didn't learn it from me..." Before Zane could finish, half the lobby exploded, throwing debris all over the gym's lobby. Fire started to spread and smoke started to fill the room. The explosion sent Zane and Zak flying backwards, causing them to slam into the wall. Zak was knocked out cold, but Zane wasn't. After getting over the initial shock, Zane started to get to his feet. Looking around, all he could see was Horseas and Seadras spouting water to douse the fires that were spreading, but no sign of his Dragonair. "DRAGONAIR, WHERE ARE YOU GIRL?!" Zane called out, but there was no answer. Zane stumbled to where Dragonair was last seen, but he couldn't touch the rumble due to it being on fire. Zane turned to a trainer of a Seadra. "Douse me with water!!" The trainer responded quickly and ordered his Seadra to douse Zane. "Thank you!" Zane said as he began trying to lift rumble out of the way. Rock after rock, however, there was no sign of her yet. "No, no, no, no, no...." Zane started to panic. "Where are you girl?" Zane started lifting rocks faster and faster. There was no pain, no hot, no cold....only panic. He had to find her. Eventually, one of the rocks gave way to Dragonair. "Dragonair, Wake up girl! You've been through worse!" Zane started getting more rubble off of her. "Come on girl! Wake up!" Zane yelled, hoping that she was just knocked out. Zane started petting her head, hoping his touch would wake her. "Come on girl, you gotta get up." Zane started to well up. "Come on girl." Nothing was working. Slowly, Zane began to realize that she wasn't going to get up. She was dead, and Zane couldn't do anything about it. His trusted partner and friend of 17 years was gone. Zane sat there, slightly sobbing to himself, cradling her head. For several minutes, he held her in his arms, until Zac awoke. "Zane..." Zak didn't know how to approach this. "I'm so sorry." He approached Zane, putting his hand on Zane's shoulder. "I need to find out who did this..." Zane's voice went from sobbing, to pure rage. "I will find out who did this, and mount their head on Mt. Silver for all to see." "I'll see what I can find out man. I want to help you with that. Anyone who attacks this city that I call home now deserves to die." Zak said, mimicking Zane's anger. Without warning, Zane started to see the vision of flames again. "Not again...Wait..." Zane thought. "This isn't the gym...No..." The realization hit Zane. It was his house. He instantly started sprinting home. However, he was to late. Another explosion rocked the normally peacefully village. And it was in the direction of Zane's home....and where Courtney was now. As he ran up to his house, all he could see was fire. "COURTNEY!!!!" Zane tried yelling her name, fearing the worst... Zane began panicking even more. “Not the both of them, I can’t lose the both of them today!” he said out loud.
  3. Author's prelude- I guess I get to do this over...Eh, to give this a positive spin, it's a retcon. And oh boy, between a bad bout of burnout on anything creatively, it’s been a challenge to write. Depression is a bitch. Yes, this will turn into a playthrough, just want to set a background. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 1: small beginnings with big prophecies. Zane just wanted to sleep. Slammed into a wall by a dammed Kingdra. "It could be worse, I could have broken my neck...Still, that look Clair had. It was full of sadness, almost like she didn't want to fight me." he finished his thought while shifting to try to get comfortable. "Broken ribs suck." Zane thought aloud. "You know, I'm beginning to think that you like sadism..." said the sassy brunette walking into the room. "Babe...I wouldn't end up like this if Clair would just swallow her pride. But, she's too egotistical to do that." Zane piped back, grabbing at his side. "I'm dammed and determined to get the recognition I damn well deserve." "I know Zane, but sometimes you've got to stop hurting yourself while trying to get results. I don't want to see you hurt like this." Courtney knew how to get Zane to calm down... Nestled in the northeastern mountains of the Johto region, Blackthorn city is a beautiful sight to behold. Ice from the mountains has cut a river through the south of the city with waterfalls dotting the route that follows that river. Forests give the city its western edge while providing ample opportunities for trainers to toughen themselves and their partner Pokémon. Most of the time, these consist of dragon tamers. Of course, Blackthorn city is rooted in its past for a singular purpose... to fulfill the prophecy of the Johto region. This prophecy, handed down over numerous generations, tells of a trainer meeting and battling all kinds of Pokémon, and eventually coming across the one they call "God." Arceus. This legendary trainer prophecy has driven everything Blackthorn does... just so the city can claim to have that honor. The city that heralded the legendary trainer. Everything from training regiments to schooling. Who can be a dragon tamer, who can compete for gym positions. Those who were selected by the elders of the city were normally native-born children. However, Zane wasn't born in Blackthorn. He was born in Goldenrod, the biggest city in Johto. His mother, a native of Olivine, fled the city because of her family. While a talented battler herself, she could never use her prowess because her father demanded that she help with the family farm. His desire to own and operate his farm made the rest of the family help, otherwise it would have failed. However, Zane's mother, Marissa, wanted to be more than just a ranch hand. She wanted to experience things she thought were only dreams. So, during a late-night argument, she snuck out and ran east to Goldenrod. Fast forward 5 years, Marissa was finally able to put her battling abilities to use as the Goldenrod Gym Leader. During her time as a Gym leader, she would meet the man that would become Zane's father. He called himself Steve and he was from a smaller region, the Orre region. He had traveled to Johto because of his work, being a traveling researcher. However, because he was from the Orre region, he had never experienced a gym battle. So, he spent most of his time watching Marissa and her challengers. He was fascinated with her and her Pokémon for months, asking her numerous questions about how she felt about battling the challengers. They spent 5 months getting to know one another before he received a letter. The letter was from his family, and he needed to go home. One week after Steve left, Marissa found out she was pregnant. Two months after Zane was born, there was a confrontation in Marissa's Gym. Her brother had stormed in and started threatening her, saying that the family was going to make her life hell. Fearing for her newborn son, Marissa resigned as the Gym Leader, leaving the position vacant. Because of connections, she was able to flee to Blackthorn with the help of Lance's father, the then current Gym Leader. These connections gave the council no second thought about Zane being trained as a child of Blackthorn would be...The only exception was Alcin Kuso. Alcin had recently come into Blackthorn, just like Marissa and her son. However, he promised to the elders of the city council that he could help deliver the prophecy that Blackthorn so desperately coveted. Most dragon tamers started off with a Dratini as their first Pokémon if they heralded from Blackthorn. However, because of Alcin's lone exception, the council was stuck in debate about starting Zane as a dragon tamer. For 9 years, Zane didn't have a Pokémon because of this stalemate. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now sweetie, don't go farther than the first edge, and stick close to Kangaskhan please?" Marissa told Zane as he was getting ready to play on the route to the south. "Yes Mom, I know. I promise I'll be careful." Zane responded with a tinge of melancholy. "I always am..." A group of kids was waiting for Zane to get to the mouth of the river. This group included Clair, Zak, and Lance, who was a bit older than the rest of the group. The 4 of them regularly hung out on the weekends after Clair and Lance had finished dragon training. Zak was an arrival to the city with Alcin; however, Zak didn't have the resentment that Alcin had. Not much else was known about him. He lived within the elders communal housing, and was pretty secretive, preferring to keep to himself, unless it was to hang out with Zane. “Hey Zane!” Lance called out. “You done getting your stuff together up there?” “Yea, I’m headed y’alls way!” Zane responded with a tinge of frustration. Route 45 was extremely hilly, full of small bumps. The route was divided in the middle by a river, mostly comprised of melting ice from the mountains in the north. This makes for excellent terrain to train Pokémon. This also made the Pokémon that inhabited the route some of the toughest in the region. The tops of the larger hills were dotted with nests of Skarmorys and Gligars. However, because Zane was with his mother’s Kangaskhan, he was fairly safe. Zane had some basic battling training, given his mother's position. However, he was still very green to the flow and overall feeling of battling. Kangaskhan was still strong enough to overcome this deficit in his knowledge at this time. “Humph.” Kangaskhan growled, trying to get Zane’s attention. “Yes, I know. I’m not gonna go past here. I know there’s a lot of danger down there.” Zane pipped back with. Suddenly, Lance and Zak blasted past Zane, laughing. “Hey Zane, come on down here!” Zak shouted after him while tossing his pokeball up in the air, releasing his Pokémon, A Chatot. Zak decided not to train dragons as they weren’t his speed. His choice of partner was the one he came over with. Lance followed suit by releasing his Dragnoair, followed by Clair’s Seadra. Zane slumped and sat down, disappointed that he couldn’t go further than the hill he was on. It was far to dangerous for him to move past that point, and Kangaskhan wouldn’t let him down there. “Go Dratini!” Zane thought aloud, throwing a rock, pretending that it was a pokeball. Lance, Zak, and Clair giving their pokemon some instructions to relax while they played in the water, shot a look up at Zane. “When is the council going to give him a start? He’s one of us!” Lance said proudly. “When Alcin doesn’t have a stick up his-…" Before Clair could finish her thought, a loud shriek cut through the air. “SOMETHING has a Skarmory up in arms over there.”Zak said, pointing to a hilltop behind Zane. Zane quickly turned around just barely to see a Skarmory jetting itself towards him. Before Zane or Kangaskhan could react, the metal bird had impacted Zane in the stomach, launching him into waters below, not able to stop. Before he knew it, Zane felt a presence, and then felt a creature budge his hand. Without thinking, Zane clenched his hand clutching the creature. The creature, in response, rocketed itself out of the water pulling Zane up with it. With Zane able to open his eyes properly out of that water, he found the creature to be a....pink Dratini? “I thought Dratini are blue?” Zane thought to himself. “Are you being disturbed by this punk?” Zane asked Dratini, with the juvenile dragon nodding in response. “Right then, how about we shut it up?” With little more than reflex, Zane began commanding Dratini. “Thunder Wave! Slow it down!” Dratini responded in kind, instantly launching a weak jolt of electricity, striking Skarmory and causing it to screech in agony. Dratini started squaring up, seeing the bird wriggle. “Do you know Dragon Rage?” Zane asked. Dratini started gathering a blueish flame in its maw. “Burn it.” Zane said coldly seeing this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With this event, Zane had gotten his Dragon. But it was not an easy process for the council to accept him for training. Despite a close bond forming extremely quick, Zane and the Dratini were ostracized by Alcin, with his argument being it wasn’t but a mere fluke that they meet. Eventually, the council agreed to start training Zane, with the head elder overruling Alcin. For 13 years, Zane was trained just like those who were born in Blackthorn. He was trained to be a tamer, but that isn't what he wanted. He thought being a trainer, traveling the region to prove his strength was more apt for him. As most children had the choice to do so in Blackthorn, the council still had to approve this. Because the child leaving the village would carry the name of Blackthorn. Alcin blocked Zane's request. Zane's mother continued to support his choice. Always wanting him to be happy, she supported what he wanted to do. She always did things to ensure his success and was always willing to fight for him. It was her who trained him to be a trainer instead of a tamer for those years, being a proficient battler herself. She taught him the importance of always being thankful for his pokemons performance. Always looking after his health, she taught him some of the best training methods she had used for her pokemon. Because of this mentorship, Zane had quickly become one of the best battlers in the village, only being challenged by Clair, who was, in her own right, a prodigy; and Lance, the youngest accepted member of the Elite 4. However, there were significant hardships for the young Tamer. His mother had fallen seriously ill in later years, battling a rare form of cancer. This immediately put a stop to any plans to travel for Zane. His mother took priority. As Marissa’s health continued to decline, Zane began to battle less and less, feeling more responsible for keeping the home running. And when she passed after fighting for 3 years, Zane abandoned battling, instead choosing to try to survive on his own with His now Dragonair. After 13 years of training, it fell to nothing for him. The battle of living was more difficult than what he was prepared for. One year later, the village was more open to travelers, seeing as the Pokemon commissions office of Johto had recently put out a new league campaign. That was when Zane met the one who saved him from the deep depression he had entered. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “There is a reason why this gym is the last one trainers need to qualify for the league. Are you sure you can handle it?” Zane smirked as he chided the blonde. “Well, would you like to test me yourself?” “Courtney snapped back. “Or are you chicken?” She ended her retort with her hands on her hip. This clearly hit Zane in a spot he didn’t know he had. What was it holding him back? He wanted to battle again, despite losing his fire a year ago. “Why am I wanting to do this? I never backed down from a challenge before, but I haven’t had my fire to battle for a year now. So what’s different?” He thought to himself, unsure of what he was feeling. “Fine! Let’s go! There’s a training ground around the back. We’ll do a 1v1.” He exclaimed. -------------------------------------------------------------- Several hours later -------------------------------------------------------------- “May I ask you something Courtney?” Zane spoke up after an hour of rest after their battle. “Why did you set out on your journey?” Perplexed by this question, the blonde took a minute to think. “I’m not exactly sure myself. I think it was a way to avoid what I was leaving behind. A broken family, whom I never felt like I fit into. Well, never felt like I fit into after my dad passed a few years back...” This immediately took Zane by surprise and caused him to well up and look off into the distance. “You know, today was the first battle I’ve had in over a year. My mother was the one who primarily trained me. She passed a year ago, and I lost my fire to battle. I felt like I had to just survive.” Tears nearly breaking Zane’s voice. “She always loved seeing me train and battle at the gym. I was going to initially travel as a trainer. Then her health took a turn for the worse, then I thought maybe going for Gym Leader would be better. I would be able to keep tabs on her...” Zane couldn’t finish the thought. His pain became manifest and cut him short. Courtney reached her hand out and placed it on Zanes back for comfort. “Well, if it’s any comfort, she trained you right. That was the most intense fight I’ve had in a while, even for a 1v1.” Courtney said with a soft voice. “And I can’t imagine how tender it must be for you with it only being a year out. I’m sorry for your loss.” She added. “I’m sorry, you’re still just a stranger to me, I shouldn’t be breakin down like this in front of you.” Zane tried to apologize. “No, it’s quite alright. And I think we’re much more of a kindred spirit than you might think.” Courtney corrected him. “The one who pushed me to want to travel? Was my father... and he trained me, but it’s obvious you had the better training. I was no match for you today.” She tried to pick him back up. “No, you just need to learn the flow of battle better. You have the basics down well.” Zane said. “Well then, how about you teach me.” --------------------------- Present day --------------------------- “I know it’s been a dream of yours to travel. And yes, we could do it together. But you need to get over What Alcin has done to you. Everyone here has been telling you that it was just him voting against you. You don’t need to earn anyone’s recognition; you have it already.” Courtney told Zane, genuinely worried that the man she loves was going to end up seriously hurt. “Then why do I not feel like it?!” Zane snapped back.
  4. is there a spreadsheet for the rejuv movepool? Cause I have a mon w/ effect, and I know it can learn a move through gen 8 TR, not sure for revuj
  5. Is it possible to have a specific trainer have a specific theme? I'd love to submit a team and a battle theme if possible.
  6. I have been writing a story based on Reborn....and maybe because it's dragon themed...but Adrienn is a constant thorn in my side. At most, I have two mons that effectively counter...but they get reversed countered in no time at all. I have no effective strategy for xim. So I have been stuck writing my battle with xim for AGES... so that's my vote. Again, could be cause I use a dragon theme, but fuck that battle...
  7. So, I would check a few sources. First and foremost, you've got a good core in water-grass-fire, Brionne-Roselia-Growlithe. I love my Amphraos....but it's to slow unless you want to ev train it in HP. I recommend checking the North Peridot ward encounter at night to see what electric bug you get. If you get Joltik, it's damn good. For a support option for your next Gym battle, get the event Onix as it learns Stealth Rocks in South peridot ward. Unfortunate that you got the larvesta egg. Becomes good with time, but not until right at the 9th badge. Good time to come into though! As you are early in the game, you're doing ok. just keep looking for any events you can.
  8. So, I may have some trouble thinking right now, so team building is hard...any help would be appreciated. Lead(heather) Naganadel @ electric gem/expert belt beast boost- 252sp/spA Timid Nasty plot Dragon Pulse Snatch Thunderbolt I gonna replace t-bolt and snatch later in the matches... Amphraos @ amphraosite Static- 252hp/spA Modest Protect T-bolt Power Gem Signal Beam Honestly? the one I'm most questionable about Charizard @ expert belt Blaze - 252 sp/spA Timid Heat wave Air Slash Dragon Pulse Tailwind Mainly for the second battle, heat wave spam. Hydriegon @ wise Glasses Levitate - 252 sp/spA timid Heat Wave Dark Pulse Flash Cannon Draco Meteor Kommo-o @ Leftovers Bulletproof - 252hp/att Careful(-spA, +spD) D-Dance Close Combat Dragon Claw Ice Punch Mainly a defensive d-dance sweeper Dragonite @ Expert Belt/Leftovers/Choiceband? Multiscale - 252 Att/Sp Jolly D-Dance Espeed Iron Tail Fire Punch I have the Steel Zmove for the lin fight, possibly on Hydriegon. Not sure if this good enough
  9. throw in your save file, and I'll see what I can do for ya.
  10. What @Axelyx stands. Speed is CRITICAL. Max speed Galva with stick web helps a lot. Most of the coverage you have is great, I would suggest having a rotation to swap in when you're having issues, cause with 6 'mons, it'll happen. Roserade, Sceptile, Archeops, Hydriegon, Charizard, Greninja are some of the few I recommend seeing where you could fit them in. Anything with speed-boosting setup sweeps also works. I know it's late game, but Eevee Z-move is BUSTED with stored power. D-Dance and Q-Dance are good options to throw in anywhere. otherwise, not a bad start.
  11. Three tips I have from my limited nuzlocke time. Moxie Mightyena is godlike for this fight. Fury cutter Kricketune is a good sweeper option as well. Toxic Spikes Trubbish is a good support mon for this fight too
  12. keep in mind some leaders will not give a badge. Corey and KikI are such leaders. As so, Aya is your fifth badge.
  13. I appreciate the advice. Dragonite was the first one I did, so yea, it's not great. Back sprite main red doesn't match, and too much gray in the red areas. I tend to not touch white and black areas. And I had no plan for Sceptile. I'm gonna redo him cause I have one now. I'm proud of the Dragalge.
  14. So...like most of what I do...I got bored and decided to learn something new. Sprite Work! Here are the first three I've done. If you want a specific mon done, Just Ask!
  15. uhh, I was not expecting a response from the Head honcho Herself. Madam. *bows* HELL DIDN"T HAVE ENOUGH ROOM FOR ME!! FEAR ME MORTALS!!! *ahem* Honestly...if life decides to throw ANYTHING else at me, I hope that it is not like before. So you would be correct. 10 minutes is the time that the brain dies from a lack of oxygen, under normal circumstances. But I was already in the hospital due to the reaction from the radiation therapy. I was ~40% oxygen when I started to fade. As for what I remember? that's hard to answer. You definitely feel yourself starting to fade, kinda like fighting to not pass out...but you can't fight it. I don't remember much other than the feeling of being rushed awake during resuscitation. I just remember being in a lot of pain. It's not pleasant bleeding out. As morbid as this is, it is definitely better to die quickly. As for the psycho? He's locked up now, and his friends kinda see how much of an ass he was. soooo..... That's cool.
  16. Uhh...Hi? *checks watch* ......fuck..... <(_ _)> TWO FUCKING YEARS???? (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ Before I start, I have been around. Just lurkin in the shadows, as my namesake would suggest. And I haven't forgotten about the story I was writing. Thank GOD for cloud services... That being said, In my last post, I made the big mistake of saying how "a stretch of a few months being the worst in my life." I have LITERALLY died, come back, fought cancer, be chased around the state of Texas by a psychopath, lose a very close friend (because of the same psycho), And I'm Fighting cancer...AGAIN. From the start. Being formally diagnosed with cancer In late May 2021, right around my birthday no less, was a blow that I haven't recovered from. I fought cancer for a year. In Early May 2022, we found out something fun. Turns out, my body does not like radiation therapy. And my spleen decided to close shop and stop working. Because it stopped working, my spleen ruptured, causing MASSIVE blood loss. I lost my heartbeat for 12 minutes before being resuscitated. I was in the hospital for almost a month recovering form that spleen issue. During that, A friend was sexually attacked by her Ex. I tried to get some form of protection for her... In November of '22, I was hit a late 00's Ford Mustang. Because I am taller, I ended up rolling over the mustang with minimal injuries. Thought it was just a random hit-and-run. News Flash. IT WASN'T. After the guy had been caught thanks to the idiot not getting the dent of his friends mustang, the bail hearing had some sparks fly. He lost it when he saw me and started launching threats. Because he had contacts, it was determined to be safe to put myself and my friend in Witness Protection. We spent 6 and a half months running. He attacked her again, put her in the hospital. She later died from those injuries in December. He tried to attack me again, but me being a former MMA fighter, it didn't end up well for him. In January, when walking with a member of my security team, we were jumped by the guy, and he ended up putting the agent in acoma and he and I fought...Well, because of the injuries from our fight, he has been captured. I've only been home for 4 months now. I'm still having some trauma issues from the whole thing. But the cancer is back. Stage 3 intestinal. So now, most of my time spent on hobbies....then I remembered (while playing Reborn no less) that I have a story to write. so I'm back....but alive is subjective. -Shadow
  17. https://1drv.ms/x/s!AvGjQ-Tj8Z4ohkcy_7NrEjV2I1Tk?e=YXwpfX Soooo....I'm doing a themed run in preparation for a story that I am going to write. I have limited mons to run with, so even though I have mons you're not able to get at this point, I still have an added degree of difficulty because I am limited That being said. Radomus Is a pain in the ass. I thought I could power through using some setup, BUT that means I can't kill his first trick room setters for the sweep. The attached spread sheet has my mons, the attached items, EV spreads and the moves I currently have, as well as, the maybe useful items in my bag. Any thoughts on a potential solution are really welcome. I have gotten close, leaving just the Slowking left, that lived a +2 Leaf Blade from my Sceptile.
  18. So, when planning out a playthrough for my story, I logged into my account as I recently switched internet browsers... then I noticed a notification from your story. Best decision I have made in a long while. First off, glad to see you back in the saddle on writing this. Glad things are starting to settle for you. Congrats on the degree! Secondly, what a chapter to come back in on. I wasn't to sure how Flannery was going to get out of that situation. And Dounia being more involved is a good choice. Far to many stories dump characters after setting an... interesting background and moral compass.
  19. I think because there is a trainer sprite, he might be someone we fight. Maybe a younger Solaris... Time travel anyone? Dialga's influence to help protect Arceus... Hmmmm, feeling like I need more sleep.
  20. Random life update no one asked for, but I am alive...I think. Covid fucking sucks. Wow, my first update to these forums in a while and I say that? Guess I should elaborate a little. I realized that I haven't posted anything in...*checks watch* over a year? But, I have had shit thrown at me that few could predict. So, I'll start where I left off. The end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020 was possibly the worst stretch of months in my life. I remember posting on my story about my laptop completely breaking. I have tried to post things through my phone, but my phone doesn't like this site... so I was stuck not being able to put my creative ideas to use. Then I doomed us all. I said on my story thread how I hoped that Coronavirus wouldn't become a thing in the states...Well.....we see how THAT worked out. Between quarantine and the near endless stupidity of some people, I lost a majority of my income. I've had health issues my entire life, and I am susceptible to various community spread illnesses..mainly Bronchitis. So me working in a hospital during a global pandemic wasn't going to end well for anyone. I managed to avoid covid for a while, but I still had medical emergencies pop up. Between the months of July and August, I had a colonoscopy preformed with biopsies taken. Those tissue samples came back positive for cancer. However, because of the massive tear in my colon, it was determined that these rapidly mutating cells I had were caused by said tear...not because that they were actual cancer. Bad, but that could of been far worse. Fast forward to January 2021. Myself and my mother finally contract Covid.... Fuck. Covid. Because of my medical training, we were able to avoid the hospital. Though...It's sad when the best chance of avoiding the hospital is having a lot of neurological issues. Constantly falling down, forgetting words...just generally unable to function. It also doesn't help that when we going through the initial period of Covid, the cold snap from hell hit Texas. Being buried under 4 1/2 feet of ice and snow while dealing with covid is not my idea of a fun time. We are STILL dealing with the symptoms of Covid 2 months later. One positive thing though... I have a new laptop. So, I will be re-writing my story. I think that's it for now. Cheers -Shadow
  21. So... it's been a while... what year is it? 2020?.........shit damn..... Next time, I need to not jinx the entire planet and myself. Sooooo... Between losing my ENTIRE computer (power source corruption fried the mother board...yep) and being hospitalized for complications due to an injury from a few years ago, I lost both all of the chapters that I had written and the time I could of saved writing it again. No promises this time. Now, back to writing while the pain meds knock me out... I wanted to publish the next chapter. Bright side, I have my op account again. Silver linings...
  22. So, for those unaware, I am writing a story playthrough for reborn, and I'm currently testing the team for it as well. (So, spoilers....I guess?) I'm having trouble finding good moves for Elektross. any suggestions are welcome, however I would like to keep crunch as it comes in handy.
  23. If civies heard the conversations I've had with co-workers, it would be bad. I'm pretty sure that commitments to mental health hospitals would be flying fast and furious. If you try to be "normal," with the sense of humor, the strain would be to much. Just the fact that you have to remain somewhat calm after witnessing deaths, you can't hold it in being what the perception of healthcare workers is and not be affected. I remember them all. And it still affects me when a patient dies on my call. Nothing, even going through it before, can really prepare you for it. Bit of a turn from a pokemon story. lol
  24. I work in medicine (Respiratory therapy), and the honest truth is that more medical professionals have darker senses of humor. Fact is, you have to have a darker sense of humor. You will lose your mind pretty quickly if you don't. so I'm evil as well.
  25. Thank you kindly good sir. This is kinda new to me, so reading that gives me confidence. Through writing it all yesterday (I haven't really slept, Insomnia is a fickle mistress) all I could think is "I'VE GOT SO MANY TIE INS TO THE STORY!!!" The myth of Johto is actually lifted from a difficulty mod/hack for HG/SS made by Drayano. He expanded the story of those games to include it, and it fits with parts of the story of vanilla Reborn, so I thought what the hell? I always intended to write my story of a Dragon tamer from Blackthorn, so it was a natural fit...
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