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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by SharlaSmith44

  1. Is there a discord for this? I swear there was..
  2. Will you add the puzzle skips like Reborn? I can't physically do the last puzzle in the Manor arc, and I don't want to beg people to do it for me on repeat playthroughs. I will ask as often as I have to.
  3. Will you add the puzzle skips like Reborn? I can't physically do the last puzzle in the Manor arc, and I don't want to beg people to do it for me on repeat playthroughs.
  4. Will you add the puzzle skips like Reborn? I can't physically do the last puzzle in the Manor arc, and I don't want to beg people to do it for me on repeat playthroughs.
  5. I have a shiny Silvally for you. I don't need anything in particular. Just let me know when you're able to trade.
  6. Yeah, you can just trade in Reborn. The link stone is there if you don't want to trade or can't for whatever reason (Can't get a stable internet connection/certain passwords or mods disable online mode/etc)
  7. use the password "monopsychic" to guarantee Espurr in the house
  8. Okay c: You don't have to do it if you don't want to work on it.
  9. I posted an issue a while ago: I mean, I was sure that is a thing in the base game. edit: I was correct: from the wiki-
  10. Here you go: https://pokemon-reborn.fandom.com/wiki/Piplup_Special_Encounter It should be the same in Ep 18
  11. It's because of Primarina's hidden ability turns it into a water type move.
  12. Do you think we'll need to restart when this mod is updated? If so, that's fine, just want to know ahead of time [so I can get everything ready]~ Edit; I don't care if it takes long, I need a long break. And I'm probably going to restart anyways. I missed quite a few quests and such rushing ahead xD Edit 2: The Starter Egg quest doesn't account for the starters from Galar, Paldea, or Tandor. Is this intentional?
  13. ...That sounds like a demand, not an ask...
  14. I think BlueTowel got mad at people disagreeing with him.. I agree, but I have to say, BT is being unreasonably petty. All but the Eeveelutions are Nintendo's IP, not his. (The Eeveelutions aren't his, either)
  15. Np, I think the debug menus are the same as Rejuv's haha
  16. Shadow Pokemon are in Pokémon Rejuvenation, not Reborn.
  17. Sorry, didn't see it on the main page ^^;;; Is the download link updated..? Just don't want to re-download only to find it was the same.
  18. Are the new Eeveelutions getting Nuclear forms? I don't mind if no, just thought I'd ask. Sorry if this has been asked before!
  19. Happiny doesn't require friendship to evolve, unless that's changed in Rejuvenation
  20. None of that excuses his bullying, asshole-ish behavior to me. I've been a victim of bullies like him (not to THAT degree, thankfully), so I know bullies when I see them. He also said some...crude things about Cory's suicide that I can't forgive him for. All in all, I will never not hate him.
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