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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by SharlaSmith44

  1. To be fair, there have been a lot of nerfing of Venam lately especially on easy. -Geodude available in the sewers -Removed Merciless on Mareanie [easy] -- Changed first badge cap to 18- Adjusted Venam's levels slightly to match new cap; removed Venoshock on Mareanie What I recommend is pickling up the voltorb [buy 4 poke balls from the market dude that asks for $400/ball], and teach it Charge Beam when it levels up enough, then lower Mareanie's Sp Attack with Eerie Impulse. Enough charge beam boosts tears through her team
  2. There's a bunch of Super's music in the game, not that it's a bad thing, tbh <3
  3. I'm unable to find where to download the patch files, unless I'm blind and it's the PBS files....
  4. Anyone found Galarian Ponyta/Rapidash? I'm assuming in Darchlight Woods if anywhere.
  5. Zacian is the fairy type one, not Zamazenta. The typing is correct Edit: Wow I'm dumb today, sorry, I totally misread that
  6. Yeahhh sounds like a bug to me. I would report the bug here. Edit: Wait what? A-Ditto?
  7. I'm fairly sure it's a bug, since Toxicitry can breed in the main games. However, are you using the two different forms? Try breeding the Galarian forms
  8. I'm sorry but Mosley is a boy? I always saw him as a girl... Ack, good to know, at least. I hope this gets fixed for the next patch. Do you know if the mod 'Unreal Time' will make it later? Might be a good temp fix.
  9. One of the very few things about this update I don't like, tbh aside from moving lycanroc very far into the game
  10. Andrew can be found in Abandoned Sewers underneath Gearen City by crossing the first bridge north, then the first bridge west, then the first bridge down in an alcove at the bottom. James can be found by entering Spring of Purification from Sheridan Village. He’s on the right. Marissa can be found on Wispy Path in the upper right corner of where Espurr played with you. Matthew can be found on Route 3, the second bridge from the bottom. Cybur can be found on Route 3, next to the mystery egg vendor. Jessibelle, can be found behind a tree in Akuwa town [near the gym]. Dylan is in the Basement of Goldenwood Cave (Requires Surf + Rock Smash) Teddy: Enter Route 4 from Akuwa Town. Head all the way to the entrance by Wispy Ruins. Surf up at the top of the mountain: you’ll find him. Alisha is in Amethyst Cave: Enter via Route 2, take the stairs to the right, then head across the first bridge on top. Rock climb here, and head in. Exit on the bottom doors to the left to meet Alisha Edit: I know you said the route 3 ones, but I thought I'd include the rest in case you needed them
  11. Andrew can be found in Abandoned Sewers underneath Gearen City by crossing the first bridge north, then the first bridge west, then the first bridge down in an alcove at the bottom. James can be found by entering Spring of Purification from Sheridan Village. He’s on the right. Marissa can be found on Wispy Path in the upper right corner of where Espurr played with you. Matthew can be found on Route 3, the second bridge from the bottom. Cybur can be found on Route 3, next to the mystery egg vendor. Jessibelle, can be found behind a tree in Akuwa town [near the gym]. Dylan is in the Basement of Goldenwood Cave (Requires Surf + Rock Smash) Teddy: Enter Route 4 from Akuwa Town. Head all the way to the entrance by Wispy Ruins. Surf up at the top of the mountain: you’ll find him. Alisha is in Amethyst Cave: Enter via Route 2, take the stairs to the right, then head across the first bridge on top. Rock climb here, and head in. Exit on the bottom doors to the left to meet Alisha
  12. iirc 10 or 15... I can't remember, I'm replaying through v13 and haven't gotten that far yet, sorry
  13. Andrew can be found in Abandoned Sewers underneath Gearen City by crossing the first bridge north, then the first bridge west, then the first bridge down in an alcove at the bottom. James can be found by entering Spring of Purification from Sheridan Village. He’s on the right. Marissa can be found on Wispy Path in the upper right corner of where Espurr played with you. Matthew can be found on Route 3, the second bridge from the bottom. Cybur can be found on Route 3, next to the mystery egg vendor.
  14. Mama Tesla [my nickname for her] needs more love
  15. Update: I finally did it after catching a Shuppet and evolving it... Good gravy it was still tough.
  16. Any tips? Anyway I can just kill his damn Lopunny? My team:
  17. And now his computer died. Hopefully he backed up his save file.
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