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  1. Hello, i need help fixing my file, file stays stuck wanting to open with firefox. Game - 1 - Justice - 112h 49m - 14 badges.rxdata
  2. It didnt work mates, thanks for the help might have to start all over again.
  3. thanks playa Game - 613 - Justice - 112h 49m - 14 badges.rxdata
  4. Hello all, my save file aren't working for rejuv it just shows the firefox icon by my game data. What do I do?
  5. i found one of my other files check it out p Game - 263 - Sean - 59h 18m - 7 badges.rxdata
  6. is there a thread that shows me how cuz my method aint work
  7. cool , so i started a new game playthrough and now i have new problem where the game starts shows me an error code and cuts off what do i need to do?
  8. if you can Game - 221 - Sean - 45h 16m - 6 badges.rxdata
  9. game keeps crashing can you help? Game - 391 - Justice - 73h 14m - 13 badges.rxdata
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