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Everything posted by renowner

  1. Wait, did the Nonary game return? I remember this was a lot of fun, though I haven't actually played PO in a very long time.
  2. Guys. This is a fifth gen team I imagine. There isn't a single 6th gen Pokemon, move, item, or ability. I think mence should had Dragon Dance or a speed boosting nature though, his speed isn't that great on his own. as for metagross, his speed is kinda low to abuse scarf but it does have the surprise factor going for him. Just keep in mind that he can learn bullet punch, and agility. Also ditch the sp.atack based moves on metagross, he's got a great physical move set and his sp.attack really isn't that great. That being said you don't really have any full on special attackers, and you probably should. On infernape i'd recommend taking out a move for mach punch, for priority, and maybe a life orb over fist plate, or a fighting gem. I love all the ideas you put into your team though, its very creative and I don't think its terrible.
  3. I for one love that, its a nice touch to these forums. Kudos to whomever's idea it was.
  4. Yes! And after we prove its destructive might, Let's start a petition to REBAN WYNAUT! Because it was ALWAYS on par with the likes of the Olympic poke-gods! Let it reascend to the lofty heights like that of Arceus and Kyogre!
  5. Its all an anti-magikarp conspiracy. They fill your head with propaganda so you evolve it, and can't find its true strength. Splash over a mountain, into a perfect "dive" right onto the unfortunate skulls of the enemy. Let's see a wynaut's splash do that!
  6. Know what? I'm gonna agree with SonOfRed. Also, the pokedex in EVERY GAME (except I think Ruby) is a total dick to magikarp.
  7. Dunsparce is amazing! And Sunkern is the weakest...poor little ball of cute. The most forgotten Pokemon I know of, I think, would be Girafarig. its cool, its nice, but has ANYONE talked about it since its debut in gen-2? I haven't heard of it at all really. (Also I feel like MegaMantine should've had Kangaskan's ability too.....its Remoraid would deal a second attack ) "Don't forget about m- I mean.... Kern. Kern. Sun. Sunkern."
  8. Both Pokemon are overlooked, and under-appreciated. But just look at those cute faces! Additionally, when used correctly in Little Cup, they prove to be quite devastating. (and of course, there's Dunsparce.)
  9. Welcome aboard matey. People keep saying to leave your sanity at the door, but I don't even see the door here. so If you have any sanity left, maybe try to turn it into a hat or something. Something useful. Anyway, I think you'll do fine here, so enjoy your stay!
  10. Well as far as fire emblem goes, Barbarians are awesome! Enjoy your stay here on reborn, everyone's pretty nice. Unless you play the Nonary game with them. Then they usually become animals >_>
  11. Well welcome to reborn! I'm sure you'll enjoy you're stay. The people here are quite nice.
  12. Good attitude! You'll fit in well. Hope you enjoy your stay!
  13. Well if you love perish song so much, maybe try out lapras? It can learn perish song AND trap with whirlpool. has priority attacks too. On blissey, hyper voice is likely to not deal much damage ,but seismic toss will always deal 100, unless you're up against a ghost type which hyper voice wouldn't effect either. although I get how you're trying to make a sound based team, and I personally love origionality!
  14. Welcome! And offensive blissey can totally be a thing, it just isn't as easy. with serene g race and actually decent sp.atk shadow ball having a 40% chance to lower sp.def and ice beam having a 20% chance to freeze, i'm sure you can find a time fir it to be helpful. possibly against physical set up switch ins that want to make your blissey run away like a sissy, such as gyarados or scizor or salamence. (depending on the coverage moves you give your blissey) Make it happen! Let your dreams come to life! And enjoy your stay at reborn.
  15. If you ever want to be sick of Pokemon puns, just talk to Summer and Pandora, they'll get you acquainted with them. Anyway, Welcome aboard! I hope you have fun battling, and talking with all the amazing people of Reborn.
  16. I really hope that by the end of all this they can at least agree on SOMETHING and not end up causing another shutdown. (P.S. love your quote Color)
  17. I certainly agree with that. Its definitely not fair to expect people to have to work without pay for up to months at a time. All the layoffs ect. The many people at N.A.S.A losing their living areas, having to go home SOMEHOW.
  18. Congress couldn't come to a decision on Obama's health care initiative, republicans trying to undermine it, and democrats not wanting that, yatta yatta. Since they didn't come to a decision in time, the government is facing shutdown. Apparently for the first time in 17 years. So in short, congress is pretty deadlocked and can't come to even a bit of a trivial decision, so millions of federal workers are going to be pretty much in limbo, and the military can't leave, but won't get paid either. God bless America. Political squabbling for the win. Getting pretty close to elections too, so things aren't gonna look good for whichever side ends up being the scapegoat for all this.
  19. Seems like a pretty decent team. Though you might want to add an air balloon to somebody, because if you meet a dugtrio, its going to really hurt your team.
  20. Maybe i'll play, since its just the basic decks. I played the pokemon tcg gameboy game, and it was pretty fun. So why not? I'll try.
  21. I played this, got into a battle: normal moves are super effective against ghost types. WHAT?!?!
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