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Everything posted by renowner

  1. Really Skeleton? You struck me as the type of guy that would enjoy this. I may actually try this game, though I don't see much point unless there is some other 3rd route nobody has shown yet, as it seems to be a straightfoward experience. I didn't find it that creepy, or at least not scary. Kinda interesting, though somthing did strike me: If its lost silver why was the kid's name gold? (on the alternate experience video, i think the where was meant to be: we're as in: we're even.)
  2. Usually, when you post a RMT, its customary to tell wich of the abilities you chose..... Take for example gyarados. He could use intimidate or moxie, though I think moxie would be better for a lead. What abilities did you choose?
  3. Kinda rude Neo. As for you Enigma, Hyper beam is just well....useless really. It may seem good on paper, but you're unable to move after using it for one turn. So if you did the math, that's 75 power each turn, and you can't switch out. Return (physical though) has around 102 power at 255 happiness. And a draco meteor that is resisted, still has a power of 105. Try ice beam. Noone should be able to resist electric, water, ice, and dragon. and that means the least amount of power you have will be 95 *assuming no switch-outs* and will, in the end, still deal more power than hyper beam. The only time any of those recharge moves are usefull in my oppinion are: In CC (I don't even like CC, [thats challenge cup btw]) and giga impact, on slaking. Wich is susceptable to protect, but is a VERY strong attack. Furthermore, normal is the worst offensive type, and should really only be used by normal types, or pokemon with no other good type of attack. Ex. Klingklang/marowak. Because no pokemon is weak to normal, and two types resist it, and another doesn't take any damage from it at all. (not counting scrappy, or those moves that allow any type of move to hit the foe) So all in all, hyper beam is not a good move, though it may look good on paper. (and once again: be nice neo)
  4. welcome! Looking at your trainer card, it looks like you come up with your own sets and stratagies, thats somthing I appreciate.
  5. Ditto of course! I could be anything, anytime I wanted. Unstoppable. For a somewhat whimsical person like me, i'd love to be anything at any time. Feel like swaying in the breeze? Hey, i'm a baloon... (drifloon perhaps?) Feel like getting rid of all this energy? Dodrio, lets run around. A sword, A sheild, A thick bubble of steel when needed, anything at anytime. And with proper training (though I am a lazy person) I could learn to not have that "ditto face" On all of my transformations. I respect honor, and ditto also shows that, because if the enemy doesn't bother to show its face in battle, ditto doesn't bother to do anything himself. (substitute, or Illusion) It'd (or I'd) be able to rise up to any challenge, and match it head on. Just don't pit two ditto against each other.......the faster one alwayse loses... (and speed is my favorite stat, and trait).
  6. Personally When I first used a Drizzle team, quite a while ago, I used delayed weather. It seemed smarter to me, to set up my weather second, to stop opponents weather if they started out with it. I chose a genesect lead, as it could U-turn into my politoad, or do whatever it felt necessary to combat their lead, it could u-turn, stopping sashes, then politoad would come in, K.O. or I could send out a spinner. It was pretty succsessfull back then.
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