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Everything posted by chasedawg98

  1. Definitely get rid of acrobatics, it's completely redundant to have 2 flying type attacks on the same pokemon. Run brave bird and flare blitz. Also, since when does garchomp fear aggron? Earthquake from garchomp easily 2HKO's any aggron. Plus any mach punch will totally kill aggron's chance of sweeping.
  2. (14:50:53) ±OverUsed Tournament: [AO]Teh Mighty Chase has won a match! Dark Desire is out of the tournament. 1 match remaining. (14:51:07) [AO]Teh Mighty Chase: whew that was a close one (14:52:55) Dempsey: how close (14:53:07) Dempsey: was it a pubic hairaway (14:53:12) [Devon]Wendel: North/South Korea close? (14:53:24) Fezzdog: ew. (14:53:33) [AO]Teh Mighty Chase: XD (14:53:39) Dempsey: Redneck and his sister close?
  3. I'm in in case you missed kamina's post
  4. How on earth is not following Smogon's tiers one of Reborn's biggest appeals. That is the worst thing about reborn. I agree in keeping pokemon such as garchomp and ST chandelure, ect. because they are not game breaking and can be easily countered. However, this whole mess with evasion and the admin being too damn stubborn to ban it and start throwing out mutes or bans every time somebody tries to have a mature discussion about it. This has to end. Evasion is literally unfair and requires tactics to counter it that are far from viable in the OU metagame. It requires you to run certain pokemon or moves on every team just to counter this one facet of the metagame. That to me is the definition of a game breaking aspect of a game and taints the metagame. Almost everyone on Reborn (except Crep) agrees that evasion teams are unfair, damn near uncounterable, and require no skill to use. They are a horrible representation of the metagame and make it ridiculously unbalanced. A change needs to come about. I would like any authority to reads this to PM me so I can hear your thoughts and we can have a civilized discussion about this GLARING issue. Thank you.
  5. Type coverage is awful with this team. Any steel type can run through this team after donphan is gone and if they have a balloon then donphan can't even deal with it. You need some sort of stall breaker as well.
  6. Type coverage is awful with this team. Any steel type can run through this team after donphan is gone and if they have a balloon then donphan can't even deal with it. You need some sort of stall breaker as well.
  7. Silver that is fine that they used to be calm mind and swords dance sets but you cant have non-attacking moves on a scarf set because then you get locked into them and become unable to attack your opponent. So if you are going to keep all the choice items you have to make it so they have all attacking moves.
  8. Alright looks A LOT better after the edits. Galvantula: I would advise using hp ice instead of volt switch so he isn't figuritively (or maybe even literally) pooped on by gliscor, landorus, and dragon types that will use you as setup fodder like dragonite and salamence. Ferrothorn: Looks good. Gigalith: If you are intent on using gigalith than its fine. In my opinion there are many better stealth rockers out there, but its ok I supose. Braviary: I would use a scarf set myself since scarfed braviary is really good and besides galvantulla, you have no pokemon who are fast without boosts. However if you perfer the raw power of the choice band versus the abilty to outspeed your opponent, then I can't stop you. Bisharp: I would go with the set listed Trait: Defiant EVs: 252 Atk / 160 HP / 96 Spe Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk) - Swords Dance - Substitute - Sucker Punch - Brick Break Subsitute makes bisharp extremely difficult to revenge kill. A bisharp with one or two swords dances behind a sub is a nightmare. Anything that tries to touch bisharp gets put down with sucker punch. Brick break is to hit steel types that wall the bisharps that run iron head and gives bisharp great coverage. If I'm not mistaken there no type bisharp cannot hit for neutral damage with this set. I also reccomend leftovers to improve bisharp's survivability while trying to get up subs and set up SD's. Golurk: Looks good. Team looks good to me. If I were you, I would replace gigalith with something else to set up rocks. It just kinda seems like a wasted slot to me. You could use something like a specially defensive heatran which can set up rocks and still have a use after rocks are set up. Specially defensive can spounge hits and deliver some nice damage as well. Actually now that I think about it, this team has one HUGE weakness that is also very common in the OU metagame: terrakion. Terrakion can effectively outspeed and OHKO every pokemon on your team with a scarf, except for golurk, which has a good deal of weaknesses, making it not difficult for your opponent to go out into something that can deal with him. You DEFINITELY need to find a counter for terrakion. However i would like to mention that terrakion can be killed by bisharp if he has a sub up . I personally like golurk a lot, but it seems that a landorus or landorus T would GREATLY benifit this team. It could deal with terrakion and also function as an effective rock polish sweeper (if thats what you wanted. If not he can definitely run an effective scarf set). Those were just my thoughts. I like the team, there are just some holes that need to be patched up for it to be taken to the next level. Initially, I was going to give it a 7.5 out of 10. However that severe terrakion weakness leaves it as just a 6 out of 10. I would be happy to rate it again if you posted an edit.
  9. You know that choice items make it so you can't switch moves right? So why are you running calm mind on a scarfer and swords dance on a scarfer?
  10. Mantric just seem outclassed by jolteon in almost every way. The only real thing manetric has that jolteon doesn't is overheat. Which forces manetric to switch out the next turn anyway. Also on porygon 2, might i suggest using discharge over thunderbolt cuz it has a higher chance to paralyze. Overall I'd give it a 6.5 out of 10. I understand what you are trying to do with ninetales by ruining weather teams, but to me, it just seems like a wasted team slot.
  11. And once again I loose a badge due to logs being lost. I'm gettin really tired of this. How am I suposed to be motivated to beat and challenge leaders if every time a get a badge the logs are lost.

    1. Mashew
    2. Cloud


      That's why Edge asks you to PM him if you notice a badge missing.

  12. Too lazy to write a pokemon-by-pokemon review at the moment, but I suggest running giga drain on gengar in place of energy ball. Giga drain has nearly the same base power as energy ball and giga drain provides a small form of recovery.
  13. That is true. However, you could switch ferrothorn for something along the lines of aromatherapy tangrowth or tangela and keep tentacruel. Just a thought.
  14. Dayum dude, I want your dreams XD. Ik I don't really know you, but I'm on the server almost all the time so... was I there?
  15. Already beat charlotte... but I have to battle her again cuz of logs -_-.

  16. Don't get me wrong I love the team and the whole contrary victini thing, I think it's genius. However, I think this team is better suited as a regular doubles team rather than a league team since not every battle is gonna be a double or triple. And there are some leaders like shade, who do singles 95% of the time. Just my thoughts.
  17. Rock polish on golurk not in a trick room team is awesome. However, since you are in a trick room team rock polish is counter intuitive
  18. ok here are some of mine /d bought a stairway to heaven /d had their sweetroll stolen /d was hit by a fired LAZAR /d crossed the streams /d 's mother was a hamster and their father smelled of elder berries /d doesn't liek mudkipz /d threw a grenade, killed 50 people, and then exploded /d listened to Hayeayeayeayeay for 5 hours /d littered, then captin planet showed up /d was made an offer they couldn't refuse /d cudda been a contender
  19. My worst fear is heights... *shudders*
  20. Oh lol I thought that ghost types were, solitary, misunderstood, and lonely
  21. For the team as a whole, looks great . There are no major weaknesses (that I can see). However there are some minor tweaks I would suggest on some of the individual pokemon. Aerodactyl: I would suggest taunt instead of dragon claw as aerodactyl uses this much better than serperior and definitely better than haxorus. Also I would suggest using pressure or unerve instead of rock head, seeing as you have no recoil moves anyway. Conkeldurr: You have obviously never used one before so I will try not to be critical. First off, you want to use flame orb instead of toxic orb because guts cancels out the attack drop caused by burns and burn damage dosent increase every turn like toxic damage. You definitely want payback instead of earthquake so you can hit ghost types hard. And as for bulk up, you dont want to use a status orb and bulk up on the same set. The bulk up set needs survivability so it can sweep and a status orb GREATLY decreases that. Either take off bulk up and replace it with something like ice punch to hit ground types like gliscor (who used to wall the fuck out of conkeldurr), or keep bulk up and replace the orb with lefties. Kingdra: Looks good Volcarona: Looks good as well Serperior: Giga drain is kind of redundant as leaf storm gets the same coverage, hits a lot harder, and provides stat boosts. I would replace giga drain with dragon pulse, obviously to hit dragon types. I would suggest hidden power fire over rock as steel types wall the fuck out of you. Leaders in the league are very good and will no doubt use this against you. and for the last move you can keep taunt if you want as serperior has a shitty movepool. However, there are some other helpful moves that can come in handy like substitute. Serperior usually forces many switches so it can be pretty easy to set up a sub and sit behind it and sweep. You can also use glare to cripple speedy sweepers. Haxorus: This guy is a monster. You can never really go wrong with him. May I suggest using a lum berry so he isn't totally crippled by burns and paralyzes. Taunt is not ideal as it's not very useful on haxorus because it takes up a slot that can be used for coverage and nothing tries to set up on haxorus anyway. If your opponent stays in, it will attack you 90% of the time. I would replace it with x-scisor, shadow claw, or brick break. Raikou: Mad love to a fellow raikou user *brofists*. Use shadow ball instead of signal beam because it gets better coverage and it has a higher base power. Other than that, looks good . A threat list would be helpful. I know it helps me a ton on my RMT's.
  22. I got ghost as you can see which was kinda odd cuz on the server and in real life, I'm very playful and joking. However I dont really have a problem with it cuz ghost is my favorite type. Ghost types are just so cool
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