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Everything posted by chasedawg98

  1. looks very nice. However, I think vaporeon would be better suited as a wish supporter, and wish provides more reliable recovery than rest. And imo I think you should change surf to scald for dat hax which will help you tank better. Also jolteon, kinda needs hp ice for coverage and primape should have a stab (close combat). Other than that nice work! why not
  2. excadrill, so I could be ridiculously overpowered.
  3. interesting, but why not dinosaurs?
  4. hey ive looked and can't find the hidden ralts. Can someone please tell me where it is? Sorry if this would have been better under another thread but i really couldnt find much of a better one. why not
  5. Monster+Monster+Monster+Monster+Monster+Monster+Monster+Monster+Monster+Bug+Bug+Bug+Bug+Bug+Bug+Flying+Flying+Flying+Field+Field+Flying+Flying+Field+Field+Field+Field+Field+Field+Monster+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Monster+Monster+Monster+Fairy+Fairy+Field+Field+Fairy+Fairy+Flying+Flying+Grass+Grass+Grass+Bug+Bug+Bug+Bug+Field+Field+Field+Field+Water 1+Water 1+Field+Field+Field+Field+Water 1+Water 1+Water 1+Human-like+Human-like+Human-like+Human-like+Human-Like+Human-like+Grass+Grass+Grass+Water 3+Water 3+Mineral+Mineral+Mineral+Field+Field+Monster+Monster+Mineral+Mineral+Flying+Flying+Flying+Water 1+Water 1+Amorphous+Amorphous+Water 3+Water 3+Amorphous+Amorphous+Mineral+Human-like+Human-like+Water 3+Water 3+Mineral+Mineral+Grass+Grass+Monster+Human-like+Human-like+Monster+Amorphous+Amorphous+Monster+Monster+Fairy+Grass+Monster+Water 1+Water 1+Water 2+Water 2+Water 3+Water 3+Human-like+Bug+Human-like+Human-like+Human-like+Bug+Field+Water 2+Water 2+Monster+Ditto+Field+Field+Field+Field+Mineral+Water 1+Water 1+Water 1+Water 1+Flying+Monster+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Water 1+Water 1+Water 1+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Monster+Monster+Monster+Field+Field+Field+Monster+Monster+Monster+Field+Field+Flying+Flying+Bug+Bug+Bug+Bug+Flying+Water 2+Water 2+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Flying+Flying+Flying+Monster+Monster+Monster+Grass+Water 1+Water 1+Mineral+Water 1+Fairy+Fairy+Fairy+Field+Grass+Grass+Bug+Water 1+Water 1+Field+Field+Flying+Monster+Amorphous+Undiscovered+Amorphous+Field+Bug+Bug+Field+Bug+Mineral+Field+Field+Water 2+Bug+Bug+Bug+Field+Field+Field+Amorphous+Amorphous+Field+Field+Water 1+Water 1+Water 1+Water 1+Water 1+Flying+Field+Field+Water 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1+Fairy+Field+Amorphous+Amorphous+Amorphous+Amorphous+Monster+Amorphous+Field+Undiscovered+Fairy+Fairy+Water 1+Water 1+Water 1+Water 1+Water 1+Water 1+Water 1+Water 2+Dragon+Dragon+Dragon+Mineral+Mineral+Mineral+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Monster+Monster+Monster+Field+Field+Field+Water 1+Water 1+Water 1+Flying+Flying+Flying+Water 1+Water 1+Bug+Bug+Field+Field+Field+Undiscovered+Fairy+Monster+Monster+Monster+Monster+Bug+Bug+Bug+Bug+Bug+Field+Water 1+Water 1+Fairy+Fairy+Water 1 1+Field+Amorphous+Amorphous+Field+Field+Flying+Field+Field+Field+Field+Mineral+Mineral+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Flying+Amorphous+Monster+Monster+Monster+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Field+Field+Field+Bug+Bug+Human-like+Human-like+Grass+Water 2+Water 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1+Mineral+Mineral+Mineral+Field+Field+Field+Bug+Bug+Grass+Grass+Amorphous+Amorphous+Water 1+Bug+Bug+Grass+Grass+Mineral+Mineral+Mineral+Amorphous+Amorphous+Amorphous+Human-like+Human-like+Amorphous+Amorphous+Amorphous+Monster+Monster+Monster+Field+Field+Mineral+Bug+Bug+Water 1+Field+Field+Dragon+Mineral+Mineral+Human-like+Human-like+Field+Flying+Flying+Flying+Flying+Field+Bug+Dragon+Dragon+Dragon+Bug+Bug+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered+Undiscovered Probably wrong but wynaunt try why not
  6. Sounds fun. I don't like the whole only 5th gen pokes but ill let it slide. Question though, who will be the subway bosses
  7. too gimmicky, too slow and not effective enough. why not
  8. Interesting. But machamp isnt fast enough to take out more than one or two pokes at best. There are too many speedy counters that can make quit work of machamp. I would go with neo's idea and use machoke in LU. why not
  9. I love the synergy on this set. Nice work! why not
  10. protect on boufulant seems rather unnessesary. I would run earthquake instead to deal with steel types that can wall this set.
  11. this seems like an interesting set I should try this out sometime
  12. if you want a fire proof ferro just run a pokemon with flash fire its a simple as that :feelsgd:
  13. Sucker punch makes quick work of any chandelure. The best set for doing this IMO is a bisharp sucker punch set as your opponent will stay in against it thinking it can get an easy kill why not
  14. I would like to be more towards the middle to end of the game so the player isn't overwhelmed by the strong pokes on the team. And can the chandelure be shiny? Thanks Trainer Name: Chase Trainer Class: Rich Boy Battle Start/End Text: My father owns like a million Taco Bell's, so don't be suprised if I'm too spicy for ya/You're fired! Trainer Team: Chandelure, Charizard, Infernape, volcarona
  15. I have had a good amount of sucess with the chandelure, bisharp, salamence offensive core lately. chandelure can take fighting and fire attacks for bisharp and ice attacks for salamence, bisharp can take ice attacks for mence and dark, ghost, and psychic attacks for chandy. Mence can take ground attacks for bisharp and chandelure, it can take fighting attacks for bisharp, and it can take fire attacks for bisharp. :feelsgd:
  16. Tyranitar: Looks good. Im assuming fire blast is so you're not completely walled by Skarmoy Quagsire: Keep it. Quag is every boosting sweeper's worst nightmare (besides ditto ) Excadrill: Even though I hate this thing and think it should burn in hell, I'll let it slide. Nothing to special, standard set. Keep SD tho Serperior: I agree with Neo. You should replace it with ferrothorn, but since it's here ill give my thoughts on the set. Kind of a wierd set. I would run glare since giga dran isnt really doing much for the set. The recovery from giga drain doesnt have much going for it on this set. Run Hp fire so you're not completely walled by grass types (namely ferrothorn). Garchomp: I have run this set before and I love it . I would run dual chop instead of dragon claw because it breaks subs and focus sashes. But other than that, nice work. Chandelure: As I have mentioned many times: chandelure is my favorite poke. However since this is a sand team and chandelure doesnt have much hp to begin with and it also takes 1/4 damage from stealth rock, i would run maybe a heatran.
  17. I agree with some of this and disagree with some. Just becuase someone lands a crit in a crucial moment of the battle and you have a friendly lol about it does not make you a scrub.
  18. I'll gladly help. I know the metagame very well. In my opinion, I am a great teambuilder and a pretty good battler too. I've played on some competitive circuits before and I'd give myself a 7.5/10 as far as battling goes. And a wynaut just for good measure why not
  19. I pretty much agree with everything said above. I understand why the rules are there and that they need to be followed but i wish the authorities would take care of the warnings instead of the entire server all typing rule_ into their chatbar btw connor I love the Dave n Buster's:Chuck E. Cheese analogy there why not
  20. +3spd+1def+2def+1hp+2hp+3hp+1atk+2atk+3atk+2hp+3hp+1spd+1satk1spd+2hp+3hp+1spd+2spd +1satk+2satk+3satk+1atk+2atk1def+1sdef+1satk1spd+1spd+2spd+1spd+2spd+1satk+2satk +1atk+2atk+1atk+2atk+1spd+2spd+3def+1satk+2satk+3satk+1atk+2atk+3atk+1atk+2atk+3atk +1sdef+2sdef+1def+2def+3def+1spd+2spd+1hp+2def+1satk+2satk+1atk+1atk+2atk+1sdef +2sdef+1hp+1hp1atk+1def+2def+1satk+2satk+3satk+1def+1sdef+2sdef+1atk+2atk+1spd+2spd +1def+2satk+1def+2def+2atk+2sdef+2hp+1def+2def+1def+2def+2hp+1def+2hp+1satk +1def1satk+1atk+2atk+1spd+2spd+2sdef+1atk+2satk+2spd+2satk+2atk+1atk1spd+1spd+2atk +2hp+1hp+1sdef+2hp+2spd+2atk+1satk+1def+2def+1def+2atk+2spd+2hp+3sdef+3satk+3satk +1atk+2atk+3atk+3satk+3hp+1sdef+1def1sdef+1def2sdef+1spd+1satk1spd+3satk+1atk +1atk1def+2atk1def+1atk+2spd+1hp+2hp+1sdef+2sdef+1atk+2atk+3spd+1hp+2hp+1spd+1sdef +1hp+1sdef+2sdef+1satk+1satk1spd+1satk+2satk+3satk+3sdef+2hp+3hp+2def+3sdef+1sdef +2spd+3spd+1spd+1satk+2satk+1spd+1hp+2hp+2satk+2sdef+1spd+3sdef+1sdef+1atk1satk+2hp +2satk+1def+2def+1hp+1def+2def+1atk+2atk+1atk+2atk+1def1sdef+2atk+1spd+1atk+2atk +1satk+2def+1atk+1hp1atk+1def+1satk+1atk1satk+1spd+2sdef+2def+1satk+2satk +1atk1satk1sdef+1hp+1atk1def+2satk+1atk+1spd+1atk+2sdef+1satk+1spd+1spd+2def+3hp +1satk2spd+1hp2atk+1def2sdef+1atk+2atk+3atk+3sdef+3sdef+3hp+1spd+2spd+3spd+1satk +1atk1satk+3atk+1atk+2atk+3atk+1atk+2atk+1spd+2spd+1hp+2def+3satk+2def+3sdef+1sdef +2sdef+3sdef+1def+2atk+3atk+1spd+2spd+1spd+2def+1satk+2satk+3satk+1spd+1satk1sdef +1hp+2atk+1hp+2spd+3hp+1def+2spd+2hp+1hp+2hp+3hp+1hp+2hp+1hp+1def+1spd+1hp1spd +1atk1def+1atk1def+1def+2def+3def+1spd+2spd+1spd+2spd+1spd+1spd+1spd+1spd+2satk+1hp +2hp+1atk+2aatk+1hp+2hp+1satk+1atk1satk+2def+1sdef+2sdef+1satk+1atk+1atk1spd +1atk2spd+1satk+2atk+1sdef+2sdef+2atk+1atk1satk+2satk+2atk+1hp+2hp+1atk+3atk +1sdef+2sdef+1sdef+2sdef+1atk+2atk+1spd+2sdef+1hp+1sdef+1atk+2atk+1sdef+1def1sdef +2hp+1satk1sdef+2atk+1hp+1hp+2hp+1hp+2hp+3hp+1def+1atk1def+2satk+1hp1def+1spd+1atk +2def+3atk+1def+2def+3def+3def+3sdef+2def1sdef+3sdef+3satk+3satk+3atk+2atk1satk+3hp +1atk1satk1spd+1atk+1atk1def+2atk1def+1spd+1satk1spd+1atk1satk1spd+1satk+2satk +3satk+1spd+2spd+3satk+k1hp+2atk+1def+2atk+1atk+2atk+3atk+1satk+3satk+1atk+2atk +1def+2def+1sdef+1atk1satk+1spd+1def1sdef+1spd+1spd+2spd+1satk+2satk+1hp+2hp+2spd +1hp+2hp+1spd+2spd+1satk1sdef+2atk+1spd+2spd+1satk+1spd+2hp+1def+1def1sdef+1def +1sdef+1hp+1atk+1def1sdef+1atk+2atk+3atk+1hp+1atk+1atk1satk+1def+2def+1def+2def +1atk+2atk+2atk+1spd+2spd+1sdef+1atk+1atk1satk+1atk1spd+3atk+3hp+3def+2def+3atk +3satk+2satk1sdef+2atk+2def+2satk+2def+3atk+3satk+3atk+1def2sdef+1def2sdef+2spd +1satk1spd+2def1sdef+1atk1satk1sdef+2atk1satk+3satk+3satk+3satk+3atk+3hp+3sdef+1hp +3hp+2satk1spd+3hp+3hp+3hp+1spd+2spd+3spd+1hp+2atk+3atk+1satk+2satk+3satk+1atk+1atk +1atk+2atk+3atk+1spd+2spd+1spd+2spd+1spd+2spd+1spd+2spd+1hp+2hp+1atk +2atk +3atk +1spd+2spd+1def+1atk1def+3atk+1spd+2spd+1atk+2atk+2hp+1atk+2atk+3atk+1spd+2hp+3hp +2hp+2atk+1def+2def+3atk+1def+2def+3spd+1spd+2spd+1satk+2satk+2spd+1atk+2atk+3atk +1atk+2atk+2satk+1def+2def+1atk+1def1sdef+2satk+1def+2def+1def+2def+1atk+2atk+1spd +2atk+1satk+2satk+1spd+2spd+1sdef+2sdef+3sdef+1satk+2satk+3satk+1hp+2spd+1satk +2satk+3satk+1spd+2atk+2spd+1atk+2atk+1hp+2hp+1sdef+2sdef+2hp+1spd+2spd+1def+2def +1def+2def+3def+1spd+2atk+3atk+1satk+2satk+1satk+2satk+3satk+1atk+2atk+3atk+1atk +2atk+2sdef+1def+2spd+2hp+1atk+2atk+2atk+1atk+2atk+1atk+2atk+2atk+1atk+2atk+1def +2satk +2satk+2def+1atk+2atk+3satk+1atk+3satk+3def+3atk+3sdef+3atk+3atk+3satk+3atk +3satk+1hp1atk1satk+1satk1sdef1spd+1satk1sdef1spd+1atk1satk1spd1SAtk+1SAtk1Sdef+2SAtk1Sdef+1Spd+2SAtk1 spd+3satk+1def+1def1sdef+3sdef+1hp2def+2def +2satk1sdef+1spd+2def+2atk1spd+1spd+2spd+3spd+1spd+2spd+1spd+2spd+1atk+2atk+2spd Hope i'm not too late. It's probably wrong but i gave it my best shot.
  21. Mienshao: Standard lead set, you may want to run taunt instead of stone edge to deal with those assholish ninjask and smeargle leads Zapdos: looks good. Zapdos is way to underused and this looks like an interesting set. Nice job Ferrothorn: I know that thunder wave is there to cripple sweepers but since this is labeled a wear-down team, you might want to run leech seed instead of twave Chansey: Once again, since this is labeled a wear-down team you may want to run toxic on here somewhere, but other than that, looks good Dragonite: looks good. I usually perfer the DD set but that's just me Chandelure: Nice. Chandy is my favorite poke so big props from me All in all, it looks like a nice stall team that will be able to wear down and finish your opponent off with dragonite and chandelure. Keep up the good work .
  22. [u]Overrated[/u] Breloom: He's slow, doesn't have a great movepool, esentially the only set he can run is the spore, swords dance, focus punch set, he is killed by sleep clause, and he has no way to boost his speed w/o a passer, making a sweep extremely difficult. Haxorus: Although he has monsterous attack and he looks awesome (especially shiny ), he is just outclassed by the other dragons that make their homes in OU namely salamence and garchomp. Haxy is held back by its dissapointingly sub-par speed and shallow movepool. Granted that I've used the choice banded set in the past and let me tell you it puts in work, haxorus is just too easily countered and just generally outclassed especially when it comes to a dragon dancer, as salamence and dragonite both do this better and have much more diverse movepools (and dragonite gets a very powerful priority in extremespeed). [u]Underrated[/u] Golurk: This big guy is a BEAST. He blessed with terrific typing which gives you a great switch in against powerful fighting types (especially choiced ones) like conkeldurr and has massive attack and a great hp stat, not to mention he can wall terrakion to hell . His only drawback is his lackluster speed. However, Gamefreak blessed this big guy with a great boosting move in rock polish making him, with max speed and an adamant nature able to outspeed any non-scarfed pokemon in the teir. But the main selling point for golurk is his amazing dream world ability no-guard, which is only shared by machamp. This ability makes golurk unstoppable allowing him to always land with a dynamicpunch, no to mention he has very reliable and powerful stabs in earthquake and shadow punch. He also can serve as a very good sub-puncher with his ability iron fist. There's not enogh i can say about this guy. In my opinion he is one of the best late-game sweepers in OU. Golurk has all the tools it needs to succeed in OU, and yet nobody ever seems to use him. Mienshao: Although he looks like an asian stereotype, mienshao is an awesome member on any team. He has an awesome attack stat, a good speed stat, and a decent special attack stat, making a mixed set viable. He can run an effective lead set with taunt and fake out and he can serve as a great all out attacker with a painfully powerful hi jump-kick. He has also been givin two great abilities in reckless, which will power-up his hi jump-kick even more, and regenerator which, paired with u-turn, makes mienshao a great scout and hit and run pokemon. Sharpedo: I would write about this guy, but many people in this thread have already covered him so I figured i would just give him an honorable mention . [u]Hated[/u] Excadrill: This assmole (see what i did there? ) is simply rediculous. It has a rediculous attack stat that is barely lower than conkeldurr's, an awesome hp stat. Now at first you might say "it's not that OP it has sub-par defenses and very average speed right?" Wrong because of its rediculous ability sand rush (which is esentially the sandstorm version of swift swim), it can outspeed any scarf-user in the game and even outspeed many pokes even after a speed boost or two. And just to add insult to injury excadrill was given swords dance so it can easily set up by switching in on a weak pokemon and SDing on the switch. The only drawback to this dude is his disappointing defenses and relitively shallow movepool. Porygon 2: Oh lord is this thing is annoying. With evolite, the duck reaches rediculous levels of bulk, has a decent hp stat, and has a very usable base special attack stat at 105 . It has a great ability in trace and is only weak to fighting types. It has a very diverse and annoying movepool with the bolt-beam combo, a reliable recovery move in recover, good status moves, trick room to make use of its terrible speed stat, and to top it all off, a stab tri attack which usually gets some pretty useful hax. Just to put into perspective how bulky this thing is, it can live through two draco meteors from a max special attack salamence, a flare blitz from a choice banded darmanitan, and a +1 outrage from a haxorus. This thing is annoying as hell . Toxicroak: This thing (mostly in the rain) is just plain annoying. It has decent hp a great attack stat an ok speed stat, and a usable special attack stat. Its stats look quite dissapointing at first glance. However, once you look at its ability and movepool you'll see why so many people use it. For starters, toxicroad has terrific typing, giving it a buttload of resistances and not many weaknesses (besides psychic and ground). It has an amazing ability in dry skin, making it immune to water type attacks and it gets extra recovery in the rain at the end of every turn. Toxicroak has a ton of boosting moves: swords dance, bulk-up, and nasty plot. It has a very reliable stab in drain punch, giving it even more recovery, and it has a powerful priority move in sucker punch, which also covers its weakness to psychic pokemon. One of the most annoying things about this thing is just how diverse it can be. It can run the standard substitute, bulk-up, sucker punch, drain punch set, or it can also be a very effective sub-puncher.
  23. I would really like a chandelure pokedoll. It is my favorite pokemon and it is also very popular, so many people would probably like it and buy it.
  24. I'm sorry but breloombot is way too overpowered. IT NEEDS TO BE UBER!!!
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