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Everything posted by earthprisonpanopticon

  1. i was actually able to finish that whole quest after finishing chapter 13, not 14. also, make sure you have the tm dive before you start the quest
  2. you can't really just "start" the bad ending from a normal save file, you'd have to go back and replay the game (unless you've racked up enough bad ending points via your normal playthrough). a few things you HAVE to make sure you do: -low rep with Tesla -not saving Amber at Valor Mountain -not saving either rift Garbodor or Hippowdon -running away with the fake time diamond during the Distant Time segment (handing over the diamond glitches your save as of v13.0.5) -getting Florin, Karen, and Karrina killed (tip: you don't actually have to be mean to anyone besides Tesla, since just being mean to her will give you enough points) do all of that and you'll have enough points to be able to join Clear and Kieran during the mc's nightmare realm
  3. i did this in v13.0.5 just last week, so i don't think that's the case lol. it'll most likely be fixed come v13.5 though
  4. it should actually be around 15000 rift matter, but i think you'll get that rift matter back if you reset after the purple beam lights up (since once the beam lights up it'll be like that until you beat the beldum or close the den). at least, that was the case for me. though i'm pretty sure it's an oversight
  5. my bad, i didn't realize that that was the case. so yeah, only those other 4 then glad i was lucky enough to get larvitar as my v12 mystery egg lol
  6. i'm pretty sure as of v13 you can only get it from the mystery egg, so technically it's available. the rest are via encounter though
  7. dunno. all that he said is that she would be revealed come v16. my guess is that it'll probably (if we get both the 16th and 17th badges v14, the 18th in v15) be during or post-elite 4, since i doubt that big of a plot point would be part of the postgame
  8. tyranitar, metagross, garchomp, hydreigon, and goodra are all available
  9. i think that jan mentioned on his tumblr that her identity will specifically be revealed in v16. so we've still got quite a while to go lol
  10. figured it out! to anyone else who sees this and might be wondering, the shadow beldum (and the xen waste) are available right after you get fly. i didn't even need to use 15k essence, only 1k, which worked to open the den on my third reset trying
  11. honestly, i'm glad v14 is being broken down into parts. it's probably good for the devs to not have to complete the whole episode all at once, plus it gives them more time to flesh it out overall
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