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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by earthprisonpanopticon

  1. if you search up "player" in the characters folder, you'll find all of them
  2. it might just be me, but does anyone else's fonts look a little weird in the new patch?
  3. i think they meant literally below the picture in the third stage. there's black text under it that you wouldn't see otherwise
  4. cacturne (lycanroc doesn't have a k lol)
  5. we already have the one sidequest in rejuv with both aya and adrienn, which I think is good enough on it's own. granted, it's a fun idea in theory, but I don't know how a crossover between the 2 regions would even be implemented in the first place. sounds like a lot of extra unnecessary work on top of what they already have
  6. it's random. if you want to change which one you get, you'd have to get debug and change variable 228 to whichever number corresponds to the pokemon you want
  7. pretty glad I wrote this down a while ago now, haha 1. mareanie 2. staryu 3. togepi 4. sneasel 5. shroomish 6. gastly 7. axew 8. a-vulpix 9. pawniard 10. phantump 11. drilbur 12. cottonee 13. vulpix 14. elekid 15. starly 16. rockruff 17. larvesta 18. azurill
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