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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by earthprisonpanopticon

  1. i managed to beat her using the sylveon gifted by ren, plus the sylveon (evolved from an eevee) that you get from the sheridan help center + quite a lot of item spamming and screens. i'm pretty sure there's an audino trainer nearby if you're having level problems
  2. youre in the wrong folder lol. you can find your saves in a folder that looks like this
  3. you can post your file by clicking this button: orr you can just go back a save to before you were stuck by going to saved games > pokemon rejuv > and then deleting you current save data and renaming the next to game.rxdata
  4. just delete your current game.rxdata and rename the next save to that. you can find all your saves in the saved games folder
  5. i think your best bet is just to go back a few saves. that usually fixes any freezes or errors
  6. Game.rxdata (use this one instead lol) sorry about that! your save isn't bugged, i just put it into the wrong game. you should have a metal powder now
  7. Game.rxdata i added the powder, but the save seemed to be bugged out somewhat? most of the screen was black
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