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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by earthprisonpanopticon

  1. ohh. in that case, yeah you would have to use rpgmxp. not sure how you'd go about doing that though, sorry
  2. all you need to do is download the files in the thread, and through the menu ingame you'll be able to mess with pokemon's stats evs and ivs and whatnot. its super easy once you get it downloaded, which they explain how to do in the same thread
  3. did you update your game to v13 from an old save file? there are only a few places in the game that won't break when you transfer up a version, so that's probably why. if you're still at the beginning of the game, i'd just start a new save file
  4. i totally agree with you. i feel bad for the gamefreak employees who have to keep pushing out work this quickly. they barely gave legends any time to breathe before announcing gen 9 honestly i'd be fine waiting and extra year and a half for scarlet and violet if it meant the devs got enough time to work without rushing and suffering because of it. gamefreak execs really have to slow down. plus, more time would mean we get an overall better game. lets hope scvi doesnt end up being swsh 2.0
  5. pogging so hard rn this looks fucking sick
  6. all you need to do is rename whatever file you're trying to move into the rejuv folder with the name of the file you're replacing. like if you made your own trainer sprite and you wanted to replace it with the first male trainer sprite, you'd rename your sprite to "trainer001" and move it to the pokemon rejuvenation characters folder, in which it would replace the previously existing sprite. hope that made sense lol
  7. the method of obtaining beldum has been replaced by getting 15k+ red essence from route 4 and taking it to the wetlands, so there's no need for the card shards
  8. omg these look amazing! cant wait also i think its really funny how melia's wearing pigtails here like melanie.. she really saw an evil toddler alt timeline version of herself wearing pigtails and was like "yeah i could pull that off". good for her
  9. whoops, that's just a bug then. have you tried relearning it through the move relearner? you get access to egg moves after adam
  10. it's probably a form bug. fire fang is probably compatible with one of the other lycanroc forms but not dusk form, which is why it shows up with being compatible unless it is actually supposed to be compatible? id check dusk lycanroc's learnset
  11. people use it, just more so the link battles than the random ones. which would make it seem like not many people are using it, yeah
  12. hi there! i was the one that made that image actually, and i've made quite a few others for people. if you want to dm me a team list + your player character, i'd be happy to whip one up for you ^_^
  13. oh wow! i thought it might've just been a site or something, but that must've taken a lot of work, jeez. it looks pretty professional
  14. looks cool so far! i'd go with the medkit- i think it'll give the sprite a nice balance. i think what you're missing with the clothes, though moreso with the hair, is dimension. adding 1 or 2 more darker greys would make it more defined. same goes for the orange on the sweater, since it's all pretty light unrelated, but how'd did you make that trainer banner?
  15. happy new year everyone! ^_^

  16. milcery isn't in reborn, since gen 8 isn't going to be added. if you were asking for the rejuvenation location, you can find them on the isle of angels at around a 10% encounter rate iirc. shiny odds are 700/65535 for both games, so around 1%
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