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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Zedus

  1. Zedus

    Trade Request

    I can definitely do heartscales, and I'll be ready to trade when you are.
  2. Zedus

    Trade Request

    You're amazing, thank you so much! Again, if you want anything specific in return, let me know. I'll be available to trade for the next few hours.
  3. That sounds fine to me, let me know what your online name is, if it's different than your name on here.
  4. Hey y'all, I need some help. I'm looking for a few Pokemon: - Omanyte - Kabuto - Azurill - Lunatone - Lileep - Anorith - Pancham - Tyrunt - Amaura Natures/IVs don't matter, just need them for Dex purposes. I have every other pokemon save for these few, so I can try and give you whatever you want in return. (Also yes, I have TERRIBLE luck with fossils, pls don't mock me) My online account name is Zedus, and thanks in advance for your help! Edit: This request has been fulfilled, thank you SO much to Kixur!
  5. I'd be willing to trade if I can get a Pancham in return. Any random one is fine, I just need one.
  6. So I'm playing Rejuvenation, and I'm in the Eclysia Pyramid during one of the co-op segments. The main mechanic, that being pressing "a" to switch between characters, suddenly stopped working halfway through the puzzle. The "a" key itself on my keyboard isn't broken, as I can still use it in-game to sort the items in my bag. I can't leave to reset because my character is stuck on an isolated platform. Can't use escape rope, Fly, Dig, etc. to leave either. Really need help bc I can't progress at all.
  7. So I don’t know if anything’s been changed in V12, but I’ve combed every tile of Darchlight caves, and I can’t find Looker/Annabel. Unless there’s a secret area we didn’t explore with Flora/Florin/Erin, I have no idea where to look. Also, idk about the previous versions, but the way I entered the caves was fast-travel via Looker from the Central building in GDC. Took me to the area just above the elevator. Would love any help with this!
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