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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Maxxetto

  1. i've been having the same 3 errors, same can be said for my friends currently, so yeah i think it just comes from the modpack itself, as i thought it was coming from some other minor mod .
  2. for example i see it has an audio folder containing solely the SE folder with 200 something files, while the real main game one (i will be talking about the patch in here) has 1000 and more, other than having other folders than just SE in Audio. Do i just drag and drop everything in the patch to the respective folders and hope for the best? i don't use any other mods, just SWM and Aironfaar.
  3. Quick question, can I just add all those datas to the main reborn folder, or do i have to play from the launcher you have provided? I'd like to use other mods too.
  4. I haven't bred a Pikachu yet unfortunately, but I guess I can still give you a shiny!
  5. I'm ready for trading, is there something in particular you're interested in? I don't mind for the shiny one actually, just one that has 5 IVs in the good stats if possible
  6. I would gladly take one, Female if possible. Nature isn't a problem
  7. Thanks a lot for redirecting me to her!
  8. Most of those are actually cool looking, thank you for sharing! I will, instead, start working on some of the ones that didn't receive a shiny yet and/or might come sooner than we expect (for instance: legendaries). I don't know if Arceus is planned to have different Shiny styles, or if it can have more (for each element) but I'll make sure to find a compromise in the case it's possible to get different forms. I'll give a look around in there and see where I have to submit them. Thanks a lot!
  9. Give me the Discord you guys were speaking about or any sort of contact. I might know someone that would gladly help me with some shinies, and I actually think that there're some peeps debating whether to make their custom shinies or not. This means that they could actually send their ones too. My buddy did a Zangoose one, for example. He said there was the original shiny, so he felt to change it. I too would like to change some shinies, and I got some ideas with the lore too. Let's say that this is kinda our little way of supporting Reborn and Ame's work and the full team work through all thess years
  10. That's a beautiful Volcarona Shiny actually! I would've honestly preferred Ame letting us submit cool shinies for the game to have, I wouldn't feel it really right to make my own shinies and replace the current ones, but I'll see if I'll want to do that. One thing for sure, I would like that Volcarona now!
  11. Hello! I'm making this in order to ask if it's possible to consider newer Shiny palettes for some Pokémons (Ditto and Unnown still have their standard ones) and, if possible, different ones for existing forms already (for instance, Flygon can be taken as an example). Either this, or if it's possible to submit some of them. I know that the next episode might be the last one, and I think some people might want to contribute a little where possible, if possible For instance, I would definitely like to submit a different artwork for Shiny Ditto. The usual palette is plain boring to me.
  12. I don't know if this is a joke, but I still was able to get my shiny Budew.
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