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OmegaStellarSolare last won the day on February 20

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About OmegaStellarSolare

  • Birthday November 13

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    Valor Summit (meditating)
  • Interests
    Loves (Likes the most) : Fire type Pokemons (Mostly Cinderace from Canon Game and Trishout from Fan Made Game), Paragon Route of Pokemon Rejuvenation, Croagunk Poison Jabbing Brock in Pokemon Anime franchise (Because it's very funny), Tekken 8, Humble people, Holy Fire Field (Came formerly from Pokemon Ashen Frost), Holy Flame Field (My future favorite field), Pizza, Playing video games, Ice Cream(It's a food, of course. I'm not referring to someone.), Shiki Tohno and Arcueid Brunestud (Both heroes of Tsukihime series) shipping moments, Makoto Yuki (Main protagonist of Persona 3), How awesome Saitama is, Eminence in shadow (anime) and a lot of things I can't tell...

    Likes : Traveling (My imagination), Being straight, Being a gentleman, Friends that I respect (and forgiving them), Electric type Pokemons (Mostly Pawmot), My mother, My younger brother, Chicken Burger, Club Sandwich, Admiting my fault in case of making a terrible mistake or many of them, Vero (MC Reborn), Aevis (MC Rejuvenation), Chad (MC Desolation), Saitama (Protagonist from One Punch Man), Mitsuru Kirijo (From Persona 3).

    Neutral : My younger sister, My father, Winning, Losing, Other types of pokemons, Inoffensive animals, Love (It can hurt you sometimes), Telling my true name (Though, I'm scared to reveal it to everyone)

    Dislikes : Renegade Route of Pokemon Rejuvenation (Seeing this route makes me want to avoid choosing it completely as it is heartbreaking), Being popular (I rather prefer being altruistic), Alcohols, Number 4 being death, Being told what to do, Losing friends that I respect, Error programs, Deleting many important things in laptop, Multiverse theory, My name getting mispronounced by someone, Sonic Omens (The most saddening Fan Made Sonic Game)

    Hates (Dislikes the most) : My misfortunes, Free fall (I'm very scared of heights/falling down), Number 13 being unlucky, Misunderstandings, Eggs, Spicy foods, Ghosts, Insects, Aggresive animals, Living in a blackout, Being scolded by someone (Same as BETRAYAL), My own act of sheer stupidity, Dying, Bad people/Criminals, The death of innocent people, Being abandonned by my friends, Seeing my trustworthy friends falling into depression, Horror Movies, My younger brother’s aggressive nature, playing video game that has to do with football (like FIFA) and I can't tell you more things that I hate...

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  1. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's four remaining protagonists (Ariana, Alain, Aero, Ana) combined story. In battle royale between Mega Evolved Pokemon :

    Ariana : Mega Venusaur! Attack Swampert with Giga Drain!

    Aero : Mega Swampert! Dodge and counter with Ice Punch!


    Mega Venusaur attacked with Giga Drain to Mega Swampert but the latter dodged and was preparing to use Ice Punch.


    Ariana (Dissapointed) : Ice Punch! Seriously?!


    As Ariana expected, it barely did any damage to Mega Venusaur and got Mega Swampert caught by Giga Drain, knocking it out. Mega Swampert fainted.


    Aero (Dumbfounded) : ...

    Ariana : Never learned your lesson, huh?


    While Ariana defeated Aero, Ana already won against Alain with Mega Kangaskhan dodging Sceptile's Focus Blast by hilariously doing absolutely nothing while using Return for the finishing blow. Mega Sceptile fainted.


    Alain (Sobbing) : DA-A-MMIT!!!

    Ana : All that's left is between me and you.

    Ariana : Too bad. Mega Venusaur will beat you with defensive stalling.

    Use Toxic!

    Ana : Use Seismic Toss!

    Ariana : WHAT?!


    Before Mega Venusaur could use Toxic that Mega Kangaskhan could have dodged it easily but couldn't due to the former being part Poison type that causes Toxic to never miss the target, Mega Kangaskhan used Seismic Toss to double direct hit the former. Mega Venusaur fainted.


    Ariana : Oh, well! So much for that!

    Ana : Guess I won!

    Let's go buy some Ice Creams made by Ice Cream Sand Witch!


    Ana left.


    Ariana : She really likes going to this place. To be honest, it looks delicious.

    Wanna have it to cheer you up.

    Aero/Alain (Depressed) : We do hope so...


    Note : Sorry for past weekends. Focused too much on Pokemon Reborn and that's the reason I'm willing to put this. In case of Pokemon Legends : Z-A starters, nobody thought Tepig would make and entrance as a starter and much to most of the people surprise, revealing that Chikorita would use Disarming Voice. Kinda wonderful in a new way. See you later.

  2. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Aevis’ story. After defeating Shooting Star the Starmie so easily :

    Ren : What in the actual hell?? Why was a Starmie inside of the fountain like that?

    How deep is the water in this thing??

    Lopez : That’s a lot of full mysteries, to be honest.

    Ren If I was Robo-Ren right now, I’d hop in and take a look.


    Lopez : I might worry that Robo-Ren would break, considering robots have low tolerance of water of course.

    Ren : Actually, Robo-Ren can submerge itself into large bodies of water and magma.

    Lopez : For real?

    Ren : I’ve done both quite a few times now! Super-heat and water resistant too!

    Speaking of resistant, how can you breathe in the underwater and how come are you unharmed by lava?

    Lopez : It’s when the Avatar Link influence awakens that I’m immune to non direct damage.

    Ren : Way too similar to Magic Guard.

    Lopez : That’s not all. Avatar Link favors the useful abilities rather than abilities that are considered as a burden like Slow Start, Defeatist and Truant.

    Ren : Can you use types as well?

    Lopez : Somehow, it’s that simple. The are few spirits that I can’t sense them on my side.

    And they are the only ones that can make me use elements of types.

    Ren : I see…

    Anyway, I think that’s enough for this one. Let’s mark it as done.


    Note : Sorry for not posting it in weekend. Due to certain circumstances, I didn’t have time for it. See you later.

  3. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Aevia's and Axel's story. In GDC's Game Corner :

    Aevia : Seriously. How many hours do you intend to play it?

    Axel : As long as it takes for me to obtain Axew.

    Aevia : How many coins do you have?

    Axel : 29473 Coins.

    Aevia : Wow. You can do it while I'm going outside to see what our friends are planning to do.


    Aevia left while Axel is drinking the juice before playing the game.


    Axel : No time left to lose.


    A few moments later.


    Aevia : Where is Axel?

    Receptionist : He's here. Sleeping after winning an Axew as a prize for 30000 Coins.

    Axel : Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

    Aevia : Oh, sweet flowers...


    Note : I know it's short but I got nothing else to plan for posting. See you in next weekend.

  4. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Hero Character's story in a heartwarming way. After defeating Code : Alpha for the first time :

    Lopez : He's gone. But who knows when will he strike back?

    Nancy : Good question.

    Pyrrha : Lopez?

    Lopez : What?


    Pyrrha aproached Lopez and gave him a kiss, causing him to be blushed.


    Nancy : Oh, my...

    Lopez : What was...

    Pyrrha : I'm proud of you. I'm glad that your memories are starting to resurface.

    To be honest, I was afraid that you would forget me.

    Lopez : But I remember you. And also the other girls that we shared together.

    The magenta haired model and the dark blue haired nurse.

    Nancy : Whoa. Really?

    Lopez : It was my happiest moment of my life.

    Pyrrha : Yeah. I remember how we lived as a family but...

    We can save it for later. Let's go back to the place about what you need to do.

    Lopez : Understood.


    Pyrrha uses her light power to teleport back. But not before...


    Nancy : What about Crescent?

    Pyrrha : As for Crescent, don't worry. She will regain her control yet due to having to share a body with her, we both have the way to switch to each other.

    Nancy : Oh, fair enough.

    Pyrrha : Never forget that, Lopez. I'll always be there for you.


    They teleported back to where they left before.


    Crescent : ...

    Lopez : ...

    Nancy : Now that it's all settled...

    Lopez can finally do what they came here for.

    Crescent : ...

    Lopez : You good, Crescent?

    Crescent : I'm fine... I'm just cherishing the words my friends gave me.

    Still, I was aware while the whited haired girl...

    Lopez : Pyrrha!

    Crescent : Yes. Pyrrha who actually helped you get through your difficulties. I saw the entire thing. Including the intimate moment...

    Lopez : You don't really need to say it. It's not neccessary.

    Crescent : (Lopez. I don't mind about what she did since it's the same as I...)


    Crescent's face turns red.


    Crescent : You're right. Don't mind me.

    Anyway, if awakening Adrest is something you need to do then do it.

    Nancy : *Ahem*... Let's get started then.

    Lopez : The moment of truth is nearby. Time to open it.


    Note : To be fair, Lopez and Pyrrha lived for eternity in previous world. So this moment counts. See you in next weekend.

  5. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Dark Character's story in a tragic way. Right before Valor Summit showdown, here's what went differently (Warning : It may contain inappropriate moments and swearing) :


    Geara : I've had enough of this. You deserve-


    A triggered shot is heard. As it did, Jenner felt something cold. He touches his top, only to find his hand having been stained by red. It is revealed that he had been shot.


    Geara : What?! Who did this?!

    Jenner : Melia... My sweet grown up little girl... Forgive... me...


    Jenner losing his balance fell down to the lava but not before that moment...


    Jenner : I'm sorry, Melia. I guess we don't have time after all.

    Even in times of loss, please look to the future. Don't make the same mistake I have.

    Even if all is lost here, there is hope in the future.


    Jenner landed on lava, killing him.


    Melia : No...! Dad!!!!


    While Klinklang ran away as fast as it can from Giratina out of pure sadness.


    Venam : This can't be happening... The Professor...

    It's all because someone bastard shot him in the gut!

    Aevia (showing tears) : Jenner... Rest in peace...


    Zetta wakes up.


    Zetta : What an awful shock. Where is everyone?


    Geara landed here nearby.


    Zetta : A-Ah, Geara!

    Geara : ...



    The cable is snapped in half, causing a petrified Nim to fall also in the lava.


    Melia : ...

    Venam : ...

    Aevia : ...

    Melia : No...

    We've worked so hard... This isn't how this was supposed to go...

    Zetta : Geara, have you gone insane? What are you doing?!

    Geara : You've all lost. That's the price you pay.

    I'm tired of the games. I'm tired of my goals being delayed by brats.

    Yet above all of it, I'm tired of my vendetta being DENIED.

    If you all are in my way, then there's only one option for you.

    Come on over here and settle this, finally. We'll be waiting!


    Melia, angered by the turn of events, decides to face him.


    Venam : Melia, wait-

    Melia : There's no point anymore. We should just defeat them once and for all.

    That, at least, will save a lot of people in the long run.

    So let's hurry up and just do this.

    Venam : ...


    Geara is hearing someone calling him. It's I-Fektor.


    Geara : Hi...

    I-Fektor (livid) : You! Had! One! Job!

    Geara : Come on. I already sent that hostage to the lava.

    I-Fektor : Ha! That's rich! After I shot that traitorous loser of professor!

    Geara (shocked) : I... You... WHAT THE FUCK?!

    I-Fektor : Even if you succeed, your punishment is inevitable. You only have death penalty and I don't give a shit about your vendetta.



    I'm out!


    I-Fektor ended the call.


    Geara (losing his shit) : ...



    Geara is having a major breakdown as he's laughing like a maniac.


    Zetta (frightened) : Geara?!

    Geara (in verge of insanity) : I see how it is... GODDAMNIT!!!


    Geara breaks the communication while throwing a temper tantrum.


    Zetta : Oh, well! So much for that!

    Aevia : GEARA!


    Note : That's what a plot twist does to everyone when hope spot occurs. I'm still waiting for Nintendo Direct and Pokemon Day Direct. Either way, there should be a matter time before another trailer of Pokemon Legends : Z-A arrives. See you later.

  6. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It’s Ariana’s and Axel’s story. As they are in Marine Tube after Latios’s trainer incident :

    Officer Jenny : That man was fast…

    Ariana : That jerk has no respect to our safety.

    By the way, Axel. Why didn’t you tell the truth of about April?

    Axel : As if that matters.

    I did because he really knows about what April has done.

    Besides, he’s made of 0% morality.

    Ariana : In other words…

    Axel : I can’t trust him unlike I did to April because he’s a prick and I loathe him, be a gym leader or not.

    And I really owe her my thanks for what she’s done for Nim.

    Ariana : …Have you ever met him?

    Axel : Yeah. And I hated him at first sight.

    He’s a remorseless revenge seeker.

    Ariana : Ouch. Your honesty was brutal.

    But remember that you wanted revenge on Madame X. And about not forgiving Geara.

    Is that what you-

    Axel (furious) : I’M! NOT! HIM!


    His yelling caused everyone to turn attention to Axel out of concern. The awkwardness ensues.


    Venam : Um… Axel?! What the hell was that?!

    Kanon (To Ariana) : Way to touch a nerve!
    Axel (in quiet tone) : …I’m going back to the train. Have fun.


    Axel left.


    Melia : ...

    Ariana (annoyed by everyone sight) : Where are you looking at?


    Everyone responds in denial.


    April : Are you alright?

    Ariana : Can’t blame him. I think he took Nim’s demise the hardest.

    April : I don’t think that…

    Nevermind. I’ll talk with him later.


    April left. The moments have passed right to 10 minutes before the train leaves.


    Note : The competitive Pokemon usage tiering are currently using 3-month shift schedule as always done few times because of power creep who was taken to extreme in Gen 9. It’s no wonder why certain items like Legend Plate aren’t here. What will happen in Gen 10? To be honest, I don’t have the need to think about it. See you in next weekend.

  7. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It’s Ana’s story. As Ana’s having a nightmare :

    Ana (having a nightmare) : Please, stop!

    Don’t do this, mommy and daddy! Don’t leave me!

    Don’t leave me all alone in darkness!



    Melia came in worry.

    Melia : Ana. Are you alright?

    Ana (still having a nightmare) : I promise that I’ll be a good person.

    So, please. Come back… Mommy… Daddy…

    Seeing this dramatic moment causing her to shed tears.


    Venam : Something wrong?


    Venam came, only to her shock that Melia’s crying.


    Venam : Did something happened?

    Melia : Poor Ana. Having nightmares is kinda sad.

    I know the same thing of what that means to live without parents.

    But seeing them leave is even worse.

    Maybe we should give her some comfort to calm her down.

    Venam : Well, that would be you, Melia. Sometimes, comforting is so kinda not my style.

    Melia : I know.


    Venam left to sleep again while Melia comforts Ana by headpatting her.


    Melia : Relax. It’s going to be OK. I’ll promise that.

    Note : Can’t find any better thoughts about it. Still need to try. By the way, I saw the recent moment in Punishing Raven Gray which I barely noticed and it was beautiful. See you in next weekend.

  8. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Aevis and Alain's story. When they do arm wrestling during break long before going for components :

    Alain : Get a load of this.

    Aevis : May the best wins.

    Melia : I'm cheering for you, Alain.

    Erin : Be careful, Aevis.


    The arm wrestling starts. Yet Alain is struggling very hard to put down Aevis's hand while the latter is doing absolutely nothing while watching until the former gets tired. In the end, Alain got tired quickly and Aevis gently puts down Alain's hand, giving him victory.


    Aevis : I won.

    Alain : No fair.

    Melia : At least you tried your best.

    Alain : "Best" doesn't begin to describe it.

    What a shame.

    Aevis : Consider it as a lesson for the future.

    Alain : About...? Don't tell me...

    Erin : It was to teach you about one thing : Endurance.

    Relying upon force costs you so much stamina that it is pointless continuing forward. That goes the same thing about your team.

    If the team can't build up, then it will be a matter of time before yours are worn out.

    Alain : I see. 

    Aevis : Do you want a Fresh Water?

    Alain : Sure.


    Note : Sorry for doing late. Pokemon Ashen Frost is usually getting to the interesting part. See you in weekend or so.

  9. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Aevia and Aero's story. As they were sparring each other with Aero winning Pokemon Battle :

    Aero : *sigh* Even if I win, this is boring.

    Aevia : Huh?

    Aero : Every time I always defeat opponents, I don't get anything.

    Aevia : You're starting to sound just like Aevis.

    Aero : Haha. Yeah- Wait! What's wrong with him?!

    Aevia : He's been... You know... Not in the mood after always winning as well everytime.

    Aero : ...I think I'm starting to understand how he felt and why he gave us the chance to try defeating him.

    How a person doesn't evolve when not experiencing defeat?

    It's quite frustrating to really think about.

    Aevia : Could be worse.

    Let me guess : Boring, actually?

    Aero : Yeah. Nothing is satisfying if someone's trying their best while the other wins without giving it all.

    Aevia : Anyway, I have prepared some lunch. Wanna try to make you feel better?

    Aero : Why not?


    Note : I finished playing Pokemon Bioterror and now I'm playing the newer version of Pokemon Ashen Frost and seriously I'm having a hard time with controlling the character due to my keyboard being made differently in France. I hope you're not being in the same way of this thing just like me. See you in next weekend.

  10. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Hero Character story. In Valor Mountain where Aevia, Melia and Venam are in front of the giant door :

    Venam : Wait, this door is different somehow?

    Aevia : The mark is glowing gold.

    Melia : I've activated the door now.

    Venam : Wait, so it's open now?

    But there isn't like a key hole, or something. You just touched it!

    Melia : Guess you could say "I'm" the key.

    I've been given permission to use this door, so it opens when I need it to.

    Melia : Any guesses to what's in here?


    Aevia's guessing something only for her to remember the line the hooded guy said : "Whenever behind the door lies a spring field."

    The line causes her to realize the answer.


    Aevia : I found it.

    Venam : What is it?

    Melia : ...

    Aevia : ...It's a forest.


    Melia looks suddenly surprised at the answer.


    Melia : ...!

    Venam : Hah, that was such a stupid guess that you stunned her!

    Aevia (annoyed) : Does it look like a stupid guess to you?!

    Venam : Alright, alright! Let's go see what's actually in here!


    Venam entered the door.


    Melia : ...Aevia, you?



    Melia entered as well.


    Aevia : The moment of truth.


    Aevia entered, too. To find out there's indeed a forest.


    Venam : OK, so Aevia clearly knew what she was talking about.

    Melia : ...Yeah, Aevia, what the?? That was a really good guess.

    Aevia : Thank the hooded guy for giving me such a hint about a certain door.

    Melia : He... WHAT?!

    You're kidding, right?!

    Aevia : It's what he said "Whenever behind a certain door lies a spring field."

    Melia : Wow. He sure is all elements of surprises.

    Venam : I wonder who's that guy. He's been here with the girl who has sunglasses and same hair color as yours.

    I almost mistook for you.

    Melia (Confused) : Huh? That's...


    Listen. We'll deal with them later.

    For now, just follow me as I will explain it clearly about this place.

    Aevia : Sure.

    Venam : You really have witnessed some things far ahead of us.


    Note : We have been waiting for a while and now, we're in year 2025. I'm getting excited about Pokemon Legends Z-A. Please let Mega Charizard Z exist for once in next trailer. And maybe Mega Mewtwo Z as well. See you in next weekend.

  11. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Dark Character story. In Team Xen HQ, after Aevis tortured Geara, where Madame X is :

    Madame X : Soon, it will all be over…


    Red alert activated as the transmission appeared at every part without any screen.


    Madame X : What?!


    All they can hear is the sound of Geara’s crying.


    Geara : (pained sobbing)
    Aevis : Read the fucking paper!
    Geara : (whimpering) "H-hey there, Madame X—"
    Geara : (obviously trying to hold back tears) "HEEY THERE, you maniac... Team Xen... scum..."
    Aevis : That's more like it. Now keep going.
    Geara : (pained) "I… have defeated all of your men. And have Geara at my mercy.

    So I h-hope you made peace... with yourself, 'cause if you piss me off, I'm gonna..." (gags) Oh God...
    Aevis : Keep reading... (clocks gun) or I break your spine!
    Geara : "'Cause if you piss me off, I’m gonna make an example of all of you." (breaks down)

    "And then I'll destroy all your supplies, your hidden labs and backups. Until there's nothing left but your full of broken dreams... and countless failures."

    Oh God, th-this is so sick and wrong!
    Aevis : You ain't finished yet!
    Geara : "So don’t even try... (breaks down again) if you want to wish you were de-eh-ead.

    Now, pardon me while I’m electrocuting him at max voltage—" OHGODNO!!


    All they hear is Geara’s high-pitching scream in pain as he’s being electrocuted, much to their horror. Even Madame X is shocked and appalled.


    Madame X : …

    Aevis : Now you do really understand why it is a bad idea to try to mess with me.

    Because there will no escape for anyone. For what I shall teach you the meaning of pain, much like I did to Geara.

    Any objections?


    Everyone left speechless.


    Aevis : Good!


    Aevis activates the emp as process of shutting down everything Team Xen holds except in Team Xen HQ permanently ensues. It destroyed even communications and disconnected everything from here, leaving Team Xen weaker than before.


    Madame X : YOU!!!

    Aevis : That will be your another worst punishment I’ve ever made for you. Have fun with that.


    The transmission ends as Madame X throws the sword to the wall in rage.


    Madame X : Very well. I admit you ruined most of my plans but I’m not done. Not yet until I’ve used my trump card.

    Let’s see if you can last long enough.


    Note : Kinda the first weekend of this year I’m posting it and it all starts with the bad guys. What a coincidence, I can tell. See you later.

  12. Happy New Year to everyone, especially Pokemon fans! 😁

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