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OmegaStellarSolare last won the day on July 6

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509 Noble

About OmegaStellarSolare

  • Birthday November 13

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    Valor Summit (meditating)
  • Interests
    Loves (Likes the most) : Fire type Pokemons (Mostly Cinderace from Canon Game and Trishout from Fan Made Game), Paragon Route of Pokemon Rejuvenation, Croagunk Poison Jabbing Brock in Pokemon Anime franchise (Because it's very funny), Tekken 8, Humble people, Holy Fire Field (Came formerly from Pokemon Ashen Frost), Holy Flame Field (My future favorite field), Pizza, Playing video games, Ice Cream(It's a food, of course. I'm not referring to someone.), Shiki Tohno and Arcueid Brunestud (Both heroes of Tsukihime series) shipping moments, Makoto Yuki (Main protagonist of Persona 3), Kabane Kusaka (Main protagonist of Kemono Jihen), How awesome Saitama is, Eminence in shadow (anime) and a lot of things I can't tell...

    Likes : Traveling (My imagination), Being straight, Being a gentleman, Friends that I respect (and forgiving them), Electric type Pokemons (Mostly Pawmot), My mother, My younger brother, Chicken Burger, Club Sandwich, Admiting my fault in case of making a terrible mistake or many of them, Vero (MC Reborn), Aevis (MC Rejuvenation), Chad (MC Desolation), Saitama (Protagonist from One Punch Man), Mitsuru Kirijo (From Persona 3).

    Neutral : My younger sister, My father, Winning, Losing, Other types of pokemons, Inoffensive animals, Love (It can hurt you sometimes), Telling my true name (Though, I'm scared to reveal it to everyone)

    Dislikes : Renegade Route of Pokemon Rejuvenation (Seeing this route makes me want to avoid choosing it completely as it is heartbreaking), Being popular (I rather prefer being altruistic), Alcohols, Number 4 being death, Being told what to do, Losing friends that I respect, Error programs, Deleting many important things in laptop, Multiverse theory, My name getting mispronounced by someone, Sonic Omens (The most saddening Fan Made Sonic Game)

    Hates (Dislikes the most) : My misfortunes, Free fall (I'm very scared of heights/falling down), Number 13 being unlucky, Misunderstandings, Eggs, Spicy foods, Ghosts, Insects, Aggresive animals, Living in a blackout, Being scolded by someone (Same as BETRAYAL), My own act of sheer stupidity, Dying, Bad people/Criminals, The death of innocent people, Being abandonned by my friends, Seeing my trustworthy friends falling into depression, Horror Movies, My younger brother’s aggressive nature, playing video game that has to do with football (like FIFA) and I can't tell you more things that I hate...

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  1. Here's the last part of Ultra Ego Pokemons :

    Ultra Ego Alolan Raichu


    Type : Electric/Ego


    Ability : As One (Surge Surfer, Static and Lightning Rod)


    Base stats :

    HP : 60

    Attack : 105

    Defense : 200

    Sp. Attack : 135

    Sp. Defense : 200

    Speed : 300

    Total : 1000


    Electric type signature move : Voltage Whirlpool :

    Category : Special

    PP : 5 (Max 8)

    Power : 120

    Accuracy : 75

    Effect : The target becomes trapped within a maelstrom of wild electricity, taking damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP for five turns (1/4 during Electric Terrain), at the end of each turns. The Pokemon weak to Water type is dealt super effective damage by its move.


    Pokedex entry : Raichu has complete control over the electricity where it uses its speed to create electricity around the water to surf at perfect stance. This is where they call it "The Star of the Beach" in Alola region due to its perfect score at boardsports.



    Ultra Ego Wigglytuff


    Type : Fairy/Ego


    Ability : As One (Cute Charm, Competitive, Friend Guard and Frisk)


    Base stats :

    HP : 140

    Attack : 75

    Defense : 120

    Sp. Attack : 450

    Sp. Defense : 120

    Speed : 95

    Total : 1000


    Fairy type signature move : Draining Sweet Kiss :

    Category : Special

    PP : 10 (Max 16)

    Power : 75

    Accuracy : 100

    Effect : The use steals the target's HP with a kiss of love that doubles the power if the target is infatuated. The user's HP is restored by 3/4 of the damage taken by the target.


    Pokedex entry : Wigglytuff acts like a mother to the other pure hearted Pokemons and punish the evil hearted Pokemons for destroying the peace that they wanted. So don't get on its bad side if you don't want to be "kissed to out cold".



    Ultra Ego Male Combee


    Type : Bug/Ego


    Ability : As One (Honey Gather, Hustle, Pressure and Unnerve)


    Base stats :

    HP : 30

    Attack : 100

    Defense : 335

    Sp. Attack : 100

    Sp. Defense : 335

    Speed : 100

    Total : 1000


    Bug type signature moves :

    Honey Devour :

    Category : Status

    PP : 1 (Max 1)

    Power : -

    Accuracy : -

    Effect : If its held item is none other than Honey, the user consumes it to maximize its Attack, Sp. Attack and Speed. Otherwise, the move will fail.


    Triple Needle Attack :

    Category : Physical

    PP : 5 (Max. 8)

    Power : 30

    Accuracy : 95

    Effect : A consecutive three-needle attack that becomes more powerful with each successful hit.


    Pokedex entry : The male ones have abandoned their loyalty to Vespiquen, becoming more hungrier than before. Once they eat honey, they gain greater power, but they lose all their hunger. This form resembles like a familiar Ultra Beast, but with three tails containing needles. With this, it can attack thrice as it can be used as bullets. That's why in Vespiquen Nest, there's only female Combees with Vespiquen, while in Combee Nest which it is forbidden for people to enter, only male Combees are allowed to live here.


    Note : That's all. It took so long to do every Ultra Ego Pokemon's informations. I hope you like it. And you can tell which is your favorite. See you next time.

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