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OmegaStellarSolare last won the day on February 20

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About OmegaStellarSolare

  • Birthday November 13

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    Valor Summit (meditating)
  • Interests
    Loves (Likes the most) : Fire type Pokemons (Mostly Cinderace from Canon Game and Trishout from Fan Made Game), Paragon Route of Pokemon Rejuvenation, Croagunk Poison Jabbing Brock in Pokemon Anime franchise (Because it's very funny), Tekken 8, Humble people, Holy Fire Field (Came formerly from Pokemon Ashen Frost), Holy Flame Field (My future favorite field), Pizza, Playing video games, Ice Cream(It's a food, of course. I'm not referring to someone.), Shiki Tohno and Arcueid Brunestud (Both heroes of Tsukihime series) shipping moments, Makoto Yuki (Main protagonist of Persona 3), How awesome Saitama is, Eminence in shadow (anime) and a lot of things I can't tell...

    Likes : Traveling (My imagination), Being straight, Being a gentleman, Friends that I respect (and forgiving them), Electric type Pokemons (Mostly Pawmot), My mother, My younger brother, Chicken Burger, Club Sandwich, Admiting my fault in case of making a terrible mistake or many of them, Vero (MC Reborn), Aevis (MC Rejuvenation), Chad (MC Desolation), Saitama (Protagonist from One Punch Man), Mitsuru Kirijo (From Persona 3).

    Neutral : My younger sister, My father, Winning, Losing, Other types of pokemons, Inoffensive animals, Love (It can hurt you sometimes), Telling my true name (Though, I'm scared to reveal it to everyone)

    Dislikes : Renegade Route of Pokemon Rejuvenation (Seeing this route makes me want to avoid choosing it completely as it is heartbreaking), Being popular (I rather prefer being altruistic), Alcohols, Number 4 being death, Being told what to do, Losing friends that I respect, Error programs, Deleting many important things in laptop, Multiverse theory, My name getting mispronounced by someone, Sonic Omens (The most saddening Fan Made Sonic Game)

    Hates (Dislikes the most) : My misfortunes, Free fall (I'm very scared of heights/falling down), Number 13 being unlucky, Misunderstandings, Eggs, Spicy foods, Ghosts, Insects, Aggresive animals, Living in a blackout, Being scolded by someone (Same as BETRAYAL), My own act of sheer stupidity, Dying, Bad people/Criminals, The death of innocent people, Being abandonned by my friends, Seeing my trustworthy friends falling into depression, Horror Movies, My younger brother’s aggressive nature, playing video game that has to do with football (like FIFA) and I can't tell you more things that I hate...

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  1. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation. This time, I'm not talking about protagonists but here's another powerful Team Xen Admin member that only Madame X is able to defeat : the long blond haired woman with sunglasses named Oria. Here's the scene in Team Xen HQ (or whatever) during the beginning of chapter 13 :

    Neved : I only have love for my wife. I'm just being a friend.

    Nastasia : I was just kidding, don't worry. Thanks, though.

    I'll keep... I'll keep your words in mind.

    ??? : Really?! Stop this nonsense about love!

    Blargh! Disgusting!

    Neved : Oh, no! Not him!


    Trezavo came here.


    Trezavo : Love has a color pink! And what does it means?!

    It means it's for SISSIES!

    Neved : Sometimes, that doesn't make any sense.

    Trezavo : Shut your damn mouth at who are you speaking to! Here :

    "Hey, it's me, Neved! Oh, I love you much, my wife! I'm sorry for being such a loser, a failure and a coward!

    I'm happier for you to be dead!"


    Trezavo then gives an evil laughing due to his evil pettiness, in order to screw Neved.


    Neved : Hey, that's very rude for you to say that!

    Nastasia : Calm down, Neved. He's provoking you.

    Trezavo : Or not?

    Nastasia : OK. What's your deal?

    Do you see we're having a conversation?

    Trezavo : "Oh, no, we're having a conversation!"



    Trezavo is laughing again.


    Neved : Do you know what it means to cross the line?


    Neved moves towards Trezavo to try teaching him a lesson.


    Nastasia : Neved. Wait. I believe that is a poor decison.

    Neved : Probably...

    But it's mine to make!


    It leads Trezavo punching Neved's head really hard, when the latter let his guard down by talking, then grabing his neck, trying to choke him.


    Neved : Argh!

    Trezavo : Y'know...

    She wasn't wrong.

    You should know that I can beat you all, just for fun!

    I want to make you scream!

    I want to make you taste the blood in your mouth!

    I want to MAKE! YOU! CRY!


    He prepares to clench his other fist.


    Nastasia : Trezavo. You have to stop it.

    Or else, Madame X...

    Trezavo : Or else what? Madame X doesn't care about your lives.

    She wants stronger allies. And I'm the perfect candidate for it.

    I'm strong enough to give them a pleasure of despair.

    Then, no one will strike me back. They'll learn their place for messing with me.


    Trezavo laughs maniacally while Neved reacts appalled.


    Nastasia : Let me tell you one thing.

    With the way you really are, one day, someone will end up doing the same cruel things you did.

    Or perhaps... Worse than you imagine.

    Trezavo : Oh... And who's gonna do it?

    Nastasia : You'll figure-

    Trezavo : Will you ever shut up with your logic?

    Remember that. None of the underlings can stand a chance.


    Grunt : SIR.

    Trezavo : WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?


    Grunt : Keep your words to yourself.

    Someone's coming.

    Trezavo : Who's...

    Oh. The quiet one.

    Nastasia : She has returned.


    The quiet one appears, revealing to be Oria.


    Oria : ...

    Trezavo : Hello, lady Oria. How was your journey?

    Did you get bored? Even a little?


    Oria gave the sign of order to Trezavo : release Neved from his own grasp.


    Trezavo : As you wish.


    Trezavo released Neved from his own grasp.


    Neved : *cough* *cough*

    Trezavo : You were lucky this time, Neved. One day, I'll bring misfortune to your miserable daughter.

    So you'll never see the day of happiness. Never.


    Trezavo left.


    Nastasia : Are you alright?

    Neved : ...

    So, it must be my punishment for defending Madelis from Madame X.

    This guy's nuts.


    Oria gave a hand to Neved, helping him standing up.


    Oria : ...

    Neved : Thanks. But I didn't need help. I could do by myself.


    Oria scolds gently by giving a message with phone : "Don't be sure of yourself. Needing help is more important than doing alone."


    Neved : I know. I just don't want to be in poor state.

    Nastasia : So, what's your report, lady Oria?


    Oria explains everything through her message.


    Note : Ash's and Pikachu's story has come to an end. I think many fans will miss him very much. Ah, nostalgia. Well, every anime has endings : one which is bad or which is bittersweet or which is fake (in anime's case) or which is happy or which is true. Who knows? That depends. See you next time.


    1. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      Trevazo is such an asshole and a jerk😤

    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      I made Trezavo’s role to be exactly the evil brute with big ego. He mercilessly enjoys beating people for amusement and will do anything to win as he disregards honor and rules. He’s worse than Sirius.

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