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Here's "Protagonists can talk" for Pokemon Reborn because it has been a year since Pokemon Reborn E19 has been released. Here's the scene in Another Time :
Shelly : All right, I can take you underneath the city to where the Relic Stone should be.
Then Celebi can take both of you and the stone back to the correct time and place.
But first...
Did you enjoy the party?
Decibel : Actually. That was fun.
Alice : Never felt so great.
Lucia : I wish I could stay a little bit longer.
Kuro : I loved it.
Ari : Much better.
Elias : I enjoed it greatly.
Vero : ...
Elias : Seeing that Reborn's future is so very bright...
It was truly inspiring, Champion of the Future.
And my Lord, me and his own friends shall endeavor to make our future just as bright as this.
Alice : And we'll make it happen.
Shelly : With you people in it, I'm sure it will be even better.
And hey, maybe with you still around, Vero, I'll train harder and get better even faster.
That was a formidable battle you pulled it out and I lost to you.
I could have never thought your Blaziken is able to use Bolt Beak that no one knows.
Heather : Vero's team never ceases to surprise me like that.
Lucia : You know my Sharpedo can use Fishious Rend.
Heather : Oh... Right!
Alice : I think only fossil Pokemon from Galar region are able to learn these moves. But never believed both Blaziken and Sharpedo managed to do it.
Shelly : Whatever...
Just you wait, Vero. I'll still be Champion one day, so enjoy you title while it lasts!
Vero : ...
Heather : You get so fiery about a good battle, Shelly.
So much that I think you're forgetting something.
Shelly : I am?
Ah, I know what you mean--
Don't worry, I remembered very well.
I was just building up for the dramatic effect!
Speaking of, if I may make a strange request for all of you.
Decibel : Huh?! What is it?! What is it?!
Ari : Relax, Decibel. Just listen what she has to say.
Kuro : I hope it's another good surprise you're trying to make.
Shelly : You'll figure it out.
Can you close your eyes and follow us?
As Kuro said, we have one last surprise before sending you home.
Kuro : Figures.
Elias : An odd request, but you have given us no reason to distrust you.
Any surprise to end such a pleasant occasion will surely be lovely, after all.
Shelly : Brilliant, just brilliant.
Protagonists (including Vero, of course) and Elias close their eyes.
Shelly : All right, now follow me...
They are blindly following both Shelly and Heather.
Shelly : Nearly there...
Okay, open your eyes!
They open their eyes, only to find out being surrounded by all their friends they encountered so far. Rivals, Gym leaders, the former and the new Elite Four ones.
Heather : We figured if you have to go back, we should make sure you have something to remember this by!
Kuro : Oh, thanks!
Shelly : With that in mind...
Everybody say "Reborn!"
Everybody/Vero : Reborn!!!/Reborn.
They took a photo.
Then everyone reacted in shock about Vero who's been saying it for real.
Shelly : WHAT?!
Heather : Vero. Did you just say "Reborn." like that?
Alice : I heard that, too. He really did.
It shows that it's never too late for us to save him from his "Eternal Despair Syndrome".
Luna : ...
One thing, Alice.
Alice : What is it, Luna?
Luna : When you return to your home, tell us that there's a way to cure Vero.
But above all, I'm requesting you to let the past me take care of him after that.
Alice : Understood.
Shelly : All right, this is it; time for Celebi to take you home.
Have a safe journey back.
Shelly : Oh, and Vero?
Even if you'll be there to defend it in your timeline...
Vero : ...
Shelly : Watch your back-- I'm coming for your title!
Vero is quietly smiling about what Shelly said.
Note : Sorry for not being here at yesterday. I was playing Pokemon Desolation and the story was interesting, including side quests. To me, this post represents about completed Pokemon Reborn's anniversary.