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"Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Desolation. Here's the battle between Danielle and Sienna like I said 2 weeks ago :
Playing Wild Battle Theme (Remix) - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Danielle : Your turn, Bulbasaur.
Danielle summons Bulbasaur.
Bulbasaur : Saur!
Danielle : Bulbasaur! Use Seed Bomb!
Bulbasaur used Seed Bomb against Sienna's Deino.
But much to Bulbasaur's surprise, Deino effortlessly dodged it.
Sienna : Use Dragon Breath!
Deino unleashed Dragon Breath to deal serious damage to Bulbasaur, paralyzing it.
Sienna : Direct hit!
Danielle : What?!
Sienna : Use Headbutt!
Deino used Headbutt against Bulbasaur. Bulbasur fainted.
Danielle : Bulbasaur! Return to Pokeball!
A fainted Bulbasaur returned to Pokeball.
Danielle : I'm sorry. You did great.
Scarlett : Wow! Way to start the battle!
Ava (to Scarlett) : Many surprises have yet to come.
Chad (to Scarlett) : Sienna isn't an ordinary trainer.
Connor (to Chad) : Are you sure about this?
Chad (to Connor) : Just watch what Sienna is capable of.
Danielle : *sigh*
I choose you! Bibarel!
Danielle summons Bibarel.
Bibarel : Biba!
Danielle : Use Headbutt!
Sienna : Deino! Do the same thing!
Both clashed with Headbutt with Deino having the upper hand, defeating Bibarel. Bibarel fainted.
Danielle : No way! I thought Bibarel had the advantage with Headbutt affected by STAB.
Sienna : Don't underestimate the ability Hustle, Danielle.
Danielle : We'll see about that.
Bibarel! Return to Pokeball!
A fainted Bibarel returned to Pokeball.
Danielle : Let's go, Noibat.
Danielle summons Noibat.
Noibat : Noi!
Sienna : This time, it's a Noibat. Bad mistake.
Danielle : Use Supersonic!
Noibat uses Supersonic.
Sienna : Counter with Dragon Breath!
Deino uses Dragon Breath against Supersonic, repelling it. It deals also damage to Noibat. It's super effective. Noibat fainted.
Danielle : Noibat! Return to Pokeball!
Noibat returned to Pokeball.
Danielle : Skitty! I choose you!
Danielle summoned Skitty.
Skitty : Ski!
Danielle : Use Copycat!
Skitty used Copycat, using the move used by which the last Pokemon has used the move : Dragon Breath.
It didn't reach it.
Danielle : Come on!
Diego : You forgot that it's ability is Normalize.
Danielle : Ouch! Uh oh!
Sienna : Just as I was waiting for! Counterattack with Bite!
Deino used Bite against Skitty, damaging it. Skitty fainted.
Danielle : Skitty! Come here to Pokeball!
A fainted Skitty returned to Pokeball.
Danielle : Diglett! I need your help!
Danielle summons Diglett.
Danielle : Diglett! Use Bulldoze!
Diglett used Bulldoze against Deino.
Sienna : Use Focus Energy!
Deino used Focus Energy. Not only it raised critical hit chance but stopped the attack. Yet, it lowered Deino's speed.
Danielle : What are you going to do now that your Pokemon's speed is lowered?
Sienna : Speed is meaningless.
Danielle : Use Bulldoze, again!
Diglett used Bulldoze, trying to hit Deino.
Sienna : Counterattack with Bite.
Deino attacked with Bite, while jumping to avoid getting hit by Bulldoze.
Danielle : What?! How did...?!
Deino dealt damage to Diglett. It's a critical hit. Deino fainted.
Danielle : Come back, Diglett!
A fainted Diglett returned to Pokeball.
Danielle : I... I don't understand...
Sienna : Do you see that? Your pride has failed you.
You have one Pokemon left.
Danielle : Grr! Let's go, Venipede!
Danielle summoned Venipede.
Danielle : I'm not done yet.
Venipede! Bug Bite!
Venipede used Bug Bite to deal damage to Deino. But it missed
Sienna : Use Dragon Breath!
Deino retaliated by using Dragon Breath to Venipede, hitting and paralyzing it.
Danielle : Oh, no! Stay with me!
Use Bug Bite, again.
It tried to use Bug Bite but get interruped by paralysis.
Danielle : Venipede!
Sienna : Use Headbut!
Deino used Headbutt for the finishing blow. Venipede fainted.
Dainelle : ...
Return to Pokeball!
A fainted Venipede returned to Pokeball.
And as expected, Sienna won.
Note : It took long to finish this. That's what happened in this battle. Sorry for being late and hope you enjoyed reading. See you in next weekend.