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Here's Pokemon Desolation to Pokemon Desolation : Reality of Willpower and Dream of Despair. When Chad arrives in time to stop Aurora from killing Nova :
Aurora : It's over, Nova. It's finally over.
This is my Grid, not yours.
You don't even know how to get out.
She tries to escape but realized that she's in dead end.
Nova : Aurora... please, please don't do this!
Nova saw Chad nearby.
Nova : Wait... Chad! Chad, please!
Aurora realized she's been followed.
Aurora : You... you're here.
Chad comes closer to Aurora.
Chad : Your brother helped me out to reach you.
Aurora : You continue to surprise me, Chad.
You won't leave me alone, will you?
You'd even chase me here...
But you're no different, when it comes down to it.
Because even you don't understand.
And how could you? You're not like Shiv and I.
You're not a complete monster.
You're just... you, a normal person.
Chad : Sure, I am.
Aurora : Yet... you at least appear to care a whole lot more than one.
How very heroic of you.
Chad : I don't need to be a hero. I try being like that because of what the situation calls me.
When I do something, you know that is serious.
Aurora : ...
Tell me, Chad.
What is a hero, really?
In a world such as this... heroes aren't all we envisioned.
When you think of a hero... who do you imagine? Truly?
Chad : ...
Someone envied.
That's the answer.
Aurora : Well, well.
That's not what I expected... you're quite bright indeed.
In this empty world we live in, a hero isn't admired or respected.
Rather, they are just subject to a rather crude envy.
Tell me, Chad... do you think people envy you, after all you have done for them?
Chad : It's natural for them to be envious of me.
Like I don't care. What is right is all that matters to me.
To tell you the truth, those who violate the rules and fail to follow the orders are scum.
But those who do not care for and support their friends... are even lower than scum!
And those who don't have the decency to respect their friends' memories are the worst scum ever.
Nova : Chad?
Nova is impressed by the words Chad said. It's like, deep inside her, the influence is starting to disappear.
Aurora : Hmph, not that it matters.
What do you intend to do here, Chad?
You're in my world, under my rules.
Neither of you are going anywhere, not without my say so.
But still... you pique my interest.
So interesting for such a normal person...
Or perhaps I've been wrong about you this entire time.
Chad : Stop acting like you've fallen in love with me, right now.
Aurora : It's not like what you think.
By the way, in time, we will see.
Aurora is preparing to do something bad to Nova.
Aurora : As for you... time is up.
Nova : I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Aurora! Please!
Chad : Aurora, this is madness. You're losing your way, seeking revenge.
Is "killing Lady Nova" that worth it for you?
The answer you choose leads to emptiness.
You just end doing the same thing as the one you try to kill.
An annoyed Aurora turns back to talk Chad.
Aurora : You just won't give up, will you?
Are you so blind, Chad?
Chad : Like you're the one to talk.
Aurora : Allow me to remind you.
Nova. She manipulated Shiv, stabbed him twice.
She stole a part of me, refused to give it back.
She even manipulated you too at some point, didn't she?
Chad : Even so, I choose my loyalty to her. Nothing else.
Aurora : You don't understand.
People like this don't deserve a spot on this planet.
And you, what do you think?!
Chad : Do you want the truth? Then I'll give you that damn truth that you said but you don't want to admit it or at least forgot it.
Aurora : So what is it, then?
The answer gave Aurora a great shock. While Nova looks surprised.
Aurora : ...
What... what are you talking about...
How did you... how did you know about...
Of course... that entry...
You continue to surprise me.
I had almost forgotten.
No. It doesn't matter.
She manipulated him... lied to him...
Who cares if she... this was her fault.
Nova : ...You're right, Aurora.
It was my fault. I lied to him, hurt him.
But I really did feel something for him.
It wasn't all fake.
Chad : That's the fact that you accept.
Aurora looks a bit confused about what to do.
Aurora : ...
You've destroyed my family, Nova.
You took an important part of me and never gave it back.
You turned my little Shiv into the shadow he is now.
Nova stands up to Aurora in a gentle way.
Nova : I know, Aurora.
I can't take back what I've done.
Look... damn it...
I was just so scared.
I was all alone too, remember. Just like you and Shiv.
I wanted your powers. I wanted to be strong.
I feel like... I feel like I wasn't myself.
Like I wasn't in control.
Even now, I feel like... I don't know.
I feel like I'm losing control again.
I know that I can't fix what I've done...
I know that I can't be forgiven.
Look... I get it.
...I know what needs to happen. I know what I deserve.
I'm tired of running, Aurora.
Do it, do what you have to do.
Chad : Lady Nova. You don't need to...
Aurora : ...
Aurora calms down and talks to her in front of Nova.
Aurora : You took everything from me.
You could have at least taken all of my powers and let me live as a normal person.
But no, you had to break both Shiv and I.
Ruin everything we had, just for yourself.
I hate you, Nova.
And you deserve everything you get.
Chad : ...
So you're still not finished with your revenge part.
Aurora : But I'm not the one to deal justice.
Both Chad and Nova went surprised about Aurora's change of mind.
Aurora : After all... you saved my little brother.
Without you, he'd be dead.
Nova : Aurora... I...
Aurora : No more, Nova.
No more fighting.
We're done talking.
Nova : ...
...Thank you.
Aurora wants to talk to Chad, one more time.
Aurora : Chad.
You're an enigma, I can say that with certainty.
You brought out a side of me that I haven't seen in a long, long time.
You truly are curious, aren't you?
Perhaps... you and I will also get to know one another better...
Chad, it has been certainly interesting chatting with you.
So, thank you.
Aurora comes closer to Chad and gave a kiss to his cheek.
Chad : Aurora. But why?
Nova : What?! I can't believe this, Aurora!
Aurora laughs at her reaction.
Aurora : I believe I will be in contact with you, and soon.
But for now...
The place is starting to black out.
Aurora : I think we shall call it a day, yes?
For now, just sleep.
Note : The moment might be tragic but ended up being heartwarming. Don't you think? Well, see you in next weekend.