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OmegaStellarSolare last won the day on February 20

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About OmegaStellarSolare

  • Birthday November 13

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    Valor Summit (meditating)
  • Interests
    Loves (Likes the most) : Fire type Pokemons (Mostly Cinderace from Canon Game and Trishout from Fan Made Game), Paragon Route of Pokemon Rejuvenation, Croagunk Poison Jabbing Brock in Pokemon Anime franchise (Because it's very funny), Tekken 8, Humble people, Holy Fire Field (Came formerly from Pokemon Ashen Frost), Holy Flame Field (My future favorite field), Pizza, Playing video games, Ice Cream(It's a food, of course. I'm not referring to someone.), Shiki Tohno and Arcueid Brunestud (Both heroes of Tsukihime series) shipping moments, Makoto Yuki (Main protagonist of Persona 3), How awesome Saitama is, Eminence in shadow (anime) and a lot of things I can't tell...

    Likes : Traveling (My imagination), Being straight, Being a gentleman, Friends that I respect (and forgiving them), Electric type Pokemons (Mostly Pawmot), My mother, My younger brother, Chicken Burger, Club Sandwich, Admiting my fault in case of making a terrible mistake or many of them, Vero (MC Reborn), Aevis (MC Rejuvenation), Chad (MC Desolation), Saitama (Protagonist from One Punch Man), Mitsuru Kirijo (From Persona 3).

    Neutral : My younger sister, My father, Winning, Losing, Other types of pokemons, Inoffensive animals, Love (It can hurt you sometimes), Telling my true name (Though, I'm scared to reveal it to everyone)

    Dislikes : Renegade Route of Pokemon Rejuvenation (Seeing this route makes me want to avoid choosing it completely as it is heartbreaking), Being popular (I rather prefer being altruistic), Alcohols, Number 4 being death, Being told what to do, Losing friends that I respect, Error programs, Deleting many important things in laptop, Multiverse theory, My name getting mispronounced by someone, Sonic Omens (The most saddening Fan Made Sonic Game)

    Hates (Dislikes the most) : My misfortunes, Free fall (I'm very scared of heights/falling down), Number 13 being unlucky, Misunderstandings, Eggs, Spicy foods, Ghosts, Insects, Aggresive animals, Living in a blackout, Being scolded by someone (Same as BETRAYAL), My own act of sheer stupidity, Dying, Bad people/Criminals, The death of innocent people, Being abandonned by my friends, Seeing my trustworthy friends falling into depression, Horror Movies, My younger brother’s aggressive nature, playing video game that has to do with football (like FIFA) and I can't tell you more things that I hate...

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  1. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. Somewhere very distant... After Carotos Mountain event :

    Black haired spoiled brat : Can you please explain to me what's going on, Nastasia?!

    Ever since your idiotic attack on the S.S. Oceana, we've been on a massive decline.

    We've lost Melia. Do you understand what that means for us?

    Not only that, but Zetta has been captured by Crescent. Please tell me how we're supposed to operate now.

    Zetta is the only one out of all of us who is capable of creating Dimensional Rifts.

    Nastasia : Yeah, I'm gonna need you to tone it down by 3 notches.

    Black haired spoiled brat : Tone it down?! You're in no position to scold me after all this!

    And guess what? We got notice that Madelis failed her mission too.

    That worthless trash heap of an Admin... I don't understand how can you all be so calm?!


    Someone's coming.


    Black haired spoiled brat : Hmph, speak of the devil and she shall appear.


    Madelis appeared.


    Madelis : I see Geara is actively working on giving everyone in the facility a migraine.

    Geara : If a migraine is what it takes for any of you morons to take things seriously, then fine.

    Nastasia : ...

    It's good to see you, Madelis. It's unfortunate that it has to be on these circumastances.

    We're all very curious on how you were defeated so embarrassingly.

    Care to give us some insight?


    Madelis went to the bar.


    Madelis : Alright. I need a drink. There's your insight.

    Neved, one margarita on the rocks, please~!

    Neved : I think it would be wise to answer Nastasia.

    Rather than run to the bar for a cheap out.

    Madelis : Why are men so complicated?? All I asked for was a drink.

    Well, if you really wanna know what happened, it was because of that fiendish TRAITOR.


    That surprised Nastasia.


    Nastasia : Oh? A traitor? Now this is interesting...

    Madelis : It was that sniveling Sensei of Sheridan Village, Keta!

    Everything was going perfectly. I just needed a few more days...

    And it's because of him and that monster Aevis that Mewtwo was lost...

    Aevis' Pokemon... Their strengh... Mewtwo coudn't handle these trash.

    They thrashed Mewtwo like nothing mattered to it.

    Nastasia : That's a new one!

    Madelis : At least I got my just desserts soon after. Keta of Sheridan Village is no more!

    Geara : So pathetic. I would've never let this happen in the first place.

    Madelis : Then why don't you try being useful for once? Just to test the theory.

    Maybe instead of playing video games all day, you could actually contribute to something!

    That's just a thought though, deary.

    Geara : Talk all you want, failure.

    Madelis : ...Tch. Oh yeah, I forgot a crucial detail of my failure.

    Crescent was there too, and she caused a whole lot of problems.

    How would you fare against her, I wonder?

    Geara : ...

    Nastasia : Crescent? Again? Hm...


    Black hole appeared, giving their attention to it.


    Nastasia : ...What the?!

    Neved : What's wrong?

    Nastasia : I'm gonna need everyone over here, now.


    Every admin assembled for the black hole.


    Madelis : Can someone tell me what this blob is doing in our lounge?

    Geara : Oh, you know. We let it in after it asked nicely...

    Of course no one can tell you what this thing is doing, idiot!

    Neved : Settle down. Whatever this thing is, it's about to do something...


    Black hole flashed, that caused... to summon Aevia.


    Aevia : Wait, what is-OH, DEAR ARCEUS!

    Nastasia : ...?! You!

    Madelis : Aevia. Never expected on that one.

    She's no threat but since she's in facility, it means business.

    Geara : Is she Aevis' friend?

    Madelis : Of course she is, moron.

    Geara : *chuckle* Fair enough. Things are falling into place for us.

    Neved : What are we doing running our mouths? Capture her!

    Aevia : Oh, dear...


    Aevia tried to escape, only to be blocked by Neved.


    Neved : My name is Neved. I'm sorry, but this is where your journey ends.

    Come quietly and we won't hurt you.

    Aevia : The one of many advices is to never trust the enemy for a good reason.

    Neved : You don't know me well...


    Aevia tried the other way, only to be blocked again by Madelis.


    Madelis : We've already met. Remember? At Carotos? That was quite embarrasing, yes?

    How about a rematch? Oh, I forgot I defeated you back there. Too bad he won't be here to help you enjoy your victory.

    Aevia : To be honest. That isn't always a fair play in favour of the dumbass hag like you.

    Madelis (triggered) : WHAT?! YOU MISERABLE...


    Aevia tried again. Still this time, by Geara.


    Geara : Aw, your wretched friend caused Madelis so much trouble, didn't he. How cute.

    The name's Geara. Remember what happens next if you cross me or any other admins...

    It's more like we're going to get along just fine.

    Aevia : Listen up. I don't want to waste my time dealing with spoiled rotten brat like you.

    Geara (suddenly angered) : And now you're making it personal for me to break you!


    Aevia tried to escaped the other way but ended up surrounded.


    Nastasia : I believe we've met before too. I'm sure you remember?

    Aevia : You and Neved were here. You took people in S. S. Oceana. Especially my mom.

    Nastasia : It's quite fortunate that you ended up here. How that's possible is another matter.

    As for me, my name is... Nastasia.

    Aevia : You might took my mom, but you'll never take me.

    Nastasia Now, now... What to do with you?

    Geara : I bet the Boss would be happy to end her life to make Aevis suffer after everything he's done.

    But how about we show her our wrath too?

    Neved : If she shows more resistance, that would be justified.

    Madelis : Aevis should be enough but you'll do!

    Geara : Someone grab her!


    As they're about to grap her, other two people appeared from teleportation : hooded guy and blonde girl with hair in long high ponytail and black glasses.


    Hooded guy : I do not think so.


    Hooded guy effortlessly beats all admins one by one.


    Nastasia : ...

    Neved : ...

    Madelis : W-why-y?!

    Geara : Ow!

    Aevia : Whoa!

    Blonde girl : Take my hand if you want to live.

    Aevia : OK.


    Aevia took her hand and both of them took her to Sheridan Village by teleportation.


    Madelis : We... let... ourselves... quite... o-ope-en!

    Geara : ...


    Nastasia got up.


    Nastasia : That was rough. But I'm sure we'll meet the other thorns in our path.

    Just know that the game is on, Aevia.

    Let's see who bests who.

    Madelis : Next time, when I find Aevis, I'll make sure to never let my guard down ever again! Yeah!


    Back to Sheridan Arena where Aevis, Aelita and Eldest search Aevia.


    Eldest Aelita?

    Aelita : ...

    Eldest : Still nothing from Aevia?

    Aelita : No... I asked everyone around the village and no one has seen anything...

    What if... What if Aevia didn't...

    Aevis : Stop with your pessimism. She'll come back in any moment. Trust me.

    Eldest : He's right, Aelita. You need to be patient for a while.

    Aelita : Sorry. I hope she might be OK.

    Aevia... Where are you?


    Then came flash.


    Aelita : What's that?!


    The destination reached to the battlefield for Aevia accompanied by hooded guy and blonde girl.


    Hooded guy : You got lucky this time. That Gothitelle gave you a hard time for sure.

    Blonde girl : Next time, don't expect us to help you out there.

    Aevia : Alright. I understand. Thank for the help, anyway. Bye.


    Both of them teleported away. While Aelita appeared.


    Aelita : Aevia!


    Note : That part was quite long enough that took hours to write this. Don't ask me about who are hooded guy and blonde girl. See you next time.

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