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Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. At this weekend, I’m not going to do "Protagonist can talk" because I can’t get over with about what happened last year during (and after) April Fools day. I was completely paranoid as that ended with me being in a part of the argument.

  2. Oscarus. I saw the video that you’re not gonna like it :



    1. Oscarus


      No offense, Sol, but you're quite slow.

      Tyranitar dropped to UU even before Chi-Yu was banned to Ubers.


      And the description is wrong - Tyranitar dropped once to UU in Gen 8, but only for a month - they re-emerged against with the rise of Dragapult.


      Now it's very unlikely that Tyranitar will rise to OU in Gen 9 due to bountiful of both bulky and fast Ground, Steel and Fighting Pokemon; not even Tera Flying and Tera Ghost safe them.


      But they see niche uses in OU - once as Chi-Yu counter (as ot was probably the ONLY Pokemon to reliably counter it), and now Tyranitar sees their usage as Specially Bulky Psyhical Attacker - Max SpD Tera Rock Tyranitar in sand with Assault Vest, and I quote: "eats special attacks for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and later asks for two takeouts"


      I currently use Tyranitar as Sand Setter and anti-setter/anti-weather eliminator in Gen 9 NatDex, and it does a pretty good job.

    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      You’re quite right that I’m slow. Yet, I just sent you the video about the reason why Tyranitar was good and how it went down. Plus Chi-Yu has been banned at more than two months ago. However, you have a good point about competitive NatDex Gen9.

    3. Oscarus


      I am a bit of an competitive veteran, so of course I would know about the competitive history of my favorite 'mon.


      But thanks for letting me know.

  3. Return of "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Desolation. After argument between Reeve and Waldenhall, Chad appeared :

    Reeve : I... I can't fail Danielle, not now...

    But... there's nothing more that I can do...



    Chad : I feel sorry for your former teacher.


    Chad appeared.


    Reeve : It's alright. This doesn't matter anymore. He's gone beyond reason.

    Chad : The artificial Perfection is something of deadly upgrade as you said.

    Reeve : You heard our conversation.

    Chad : You said those trainers from the past achieved Perfection.

    It's some sort like ascending to a higher plane of existence.

    Reeve : Why are saying that?


    You really don't mean...

    Chad : The dark method I can think of might be even crueler.

    Reeve : It's...

    Death... Isn't it?

    Chad : Yes. I'm afraid that might be the case.

    Reeve : But... That's insane.

    You told me that your Flareon achieved Perfection.

    Just like Lilith's Umbreon did.

    I don't want you to...

    Chad : I don't plan on dying now. Too soon for that.

    Let's move on.

    Reeve : Right.


    Note : It has returned. I made this dialogue since there are many protagonists goals for "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Desolation :

    Danielle's goal : Become Pokemon Master

    Avery's goal : Become a doctor

    Diego's goal : Become Pokemon Ranger

    Sienna's goal : Meet Arceus

    Chad's goal : Stop Darkrai for good reasons

    Robin's goal : Complete the Pokedex

    See you in next weekend.

  4. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation. This time, I'm not talking about protagonists but here's another powerful Team Xen Admin member that only Madame X is able to defeat : the long blond haired woman with sunglasses named Oria. Here's the scene in Team Xen HQ (or whatever) during the beginning of chapter 13 :

    Neved : I only have love for my wife. I'm just being a friend.

    Nastasia : I was just kidding, don't worry. Thanks, though.

    I'll keep... I'll keep your words in mind.

    ??? : Really?! Stop this nonsense about love!

    Blargh! Disgusting!

    Neved : Oh, no! Not him!


    Trezavo came here.


    Trezavo : Love has a color pink! And what does it means?!

    It means it's for SISSIES!

    Neved : Sometimes, that doesn't make any sense.

    Trezavo : Shut your damn mouth at who are you speaking to! Here :

    "Hey, it's me, Neved! Oh, I love you much, my wife! I'm sorry for being such a loser, a failure and a coward!

    I'm happier for you to be dead!"


    Trezavo then gives an evil laughing due to his evil pettiness, in order to screw Neved.


    Neved : Hey, that's very rude for you to say that!

    Nastasia : Calm down, Neved. He's provoking you.

    Trezavo : Or not?

    Nastasia : OK. What's your deal?

    Do you see we're having a conversation?

    Trezavo : "Oh, no, we're having a conversation!"



    Trezavo is laughing again.


    Neved : Do you know what it means to cross the line?


    Neved moves towards Trezavo to try teaching him a lesson.


    Nastasia : Neved. Wait. I believe that is a poor decison.

    Neved : Probably...

    But it's mine to make!


    It leads Trezavo punching Neved's head really hard, when the latter let his guard down by talking, then grabing his neck, trying to choke him.


    Neved : Argh!

    Trezavo : Y'know...

    She wasn't wrong.

    You should know that I can beat you all, just for fun!

    I want to make you scream!

    I want to make you taste the blood in your mouth!

    I want to MAKE! YOU! CRY!


    He prepares to clench his other fist.


    Nastasia : Trezavo. You have to stop it.

    Or else, Madame X...

    Trezavo : Or else what? Madame X doesn't care about your lives.

    She wants stronger allies. And I'm the perfect candidate for it.

    I'm strong enough to give them a pleasure of despair.

    Then, no one will strike me back. They'll learn their place for messing with me.


    Trezavo laughs maniacally while Neved reacts appalled.


    Nastasia : Let me tell you one thing.

    With the way you really are, one day, someone will end up doing the same cruel things you did.

    Or perhaps... Worse than you imagine.

    Trezavo : Oh... And who's gonna do it?

    Nastasia : You'll figure-

    Trezavo : Will you ever shut up with your logic?

    Remember that. None of the underlings can stand a chance.


    Grunt : SIR.

    Trezavo : WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?


    Grunt : Keep your words to yourself.

    Someone's coming.

    Trezavo : Who's...

    Oh. The quiet one.

    Nastasia : She has returned.


    The quiet one appears, revealing to be Oria.


    Oria : ...

    Trezavo : Hello, lady Oria. How was your journey?

    Did you get bored? Even a little?


    Oria gave the sign of order to Trezavo : release Neved from his own grasp.


    Trezavo : As you wish.


    Trezavo released Neved from his own grasp.


    Neved : *cough* *cough*

    Trezavo : You were lucky this time, Neved. One day, I'll bring misfortune to your miserable daughter.

    So you'll never see the day of happiness. Never.


    Trezavo left.


    Nastasia : Are you alright?

    Neved : ...

    So, it must be my punishment for defending Madelis from Madame X.

    This guy's nuts.


    Oria gave a hand to Neved, helping him standing up.


    Oria : ...

    Neved : Thanks. But I didn't need help. I could do by myself.


    Oria scolds gently by giving a message with phone : "Don't be sure of yourself. Needing help is more important than doing alone."


    Neved : I know. I just don't want to be in poor state.

    Nastasia : So, what's your report, lady Oria?


    Oria explains everything through her message.


    Note : Ash's and Pikachu's story has come to an end. I think many fans will miss him very much. Ah, nostalgia. Well, every anime has endings : one which is bad or which is bittersweet or which is fake (in anime's case) or which is happy or which is true. Who knows? That depends. See you next time.


    1. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      Trevazo is such an asshole and a jerk😤

    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      I made Trezavo’s role to be exactly the evil brute with big ego. He mercilessly enjoys beating people for amusement and will do anything to win as he disregards honor and rules. He’s worse than Sirius.

  5. I'm listening to this music, because it's not for fun. When it comes to that, it shows that, deep inside, I'm starting to stop hoping.
  6. What about Zygarde Cores quest? I totally forgot that question a long time ago.
  7. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation. While the protagonists have PTSD before giving the Interceptor control of their body, Aevis suffers differently. The place that he was revived happens in Grand Dream City, in The Underground :

    Crescent : There, that should do it...

    It took me a long time to gather your soul, but it was all worth it...

    Aevis, please come back to me. We'll be together...


    Aevis got revived.


    Crescent : Aevis...! Aevis, you're back!

    You're finally back!

    I'm glad... After everything, I finally have you back in this world again!


    Aevis is looking around, clueless. Then towards Crescent.


    Aevis : ...

    Crescent : We'll be okay. We're not in danger anymore.

    It was a bit of a task to get to this point, but we can start over at last...

    As long as I'm able to take care of the loose ends, then everything should be able to fall into place.

    All we have to do is--

    Aevis : Who... Who are you?


    Crescent's joy turned into shocking reaction.


    Crescent : Huh?

    You don't remember?

    I gave you back your life... We can continue living our lives now.

    Aevis : Our lives? How can we live our lives while I can't remember about you?

    And above all... Who...

    Who am I?

    Crescent : What are you talking about?

    You don't remember everything about what happened before?

    Not even after you and your friends got petrified by Ultra Beasts?

    Aevis : What are you talking about? What are these?

    I can't remember anything about what you said. I don't know anything.

    I'm sorry.


    Then Crescent realized her mistake.


    Crescent : Oh, no. What have I done?

    I tried to revive him but it went wrong.

    I've prepared everything. But...

    It had side-effect. That is the reason why it inflicts the common cause to the person :

    The amnesia.


    Crescent begins to cry.


    Crescent : Oh, Aevis. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

    Aevis : What is that name? Oh!

    ...Please, don't cry. Why are you feeling bad about yourself?

    Crescent : Aevis is the name you had. For a long time.

    You were my friend. We had good times together.

    But now, you forgot everything. Even your name, too.

    All because of me. I have miscalculated, this time.

    Aevis : ...


    An amnesiac Aevis approaches towards a despaired Crescent.


    Aevis : Please, don't cry. It's not going to help you.

    You mustn't give hope.


    Crescent stops crying.


    Crescent : Yes. You're right. I'm glad you didn't lose everything.

    Wait a minute. You're starting to regain everything you lost.

    No, it must take the slow path for you to regain your memories.

    Unfortunately, it will take years.


    Aevis : Yes?

    Crescent : You can call me Crescent. So you should be able to remember me about who I am. Right?

    Therefore, your name will remain as Aevis.

    We'll meet again, later. Be 5 years or more.

    Aevis : Understood.


    Aevis begins to have headache.


    Aevis : Ugh my head... There's so many voices in my head!?


    Crescent : ...I don't understand what's happening?

    You shouldn't be hearing things in your head.

    Maybe it's another side-effect of the black device...

    Don't worry. I'll find a place for you to sleep for a while.

    You'll feel better after you rest. I can promise you that.


    Crescent accompanied Aevis to the room where fortune teller lives here.

    After, Crescent left Aevis, who sleeping right now, under fortune teller's care.

    Then, suddenly, it turns dark...


    Aevis : The voices have stopped?

    What were they in the first place?


    The woman appears, revealing to be Variya.


    Variya : Greetings.

    Aevis : Who are you?!

    Variya : I could ask you the same question, Aevis.

    But, no, you aren't quite Aevis. You're much more than that.

    If you want to decide to change your name, that is.

    Aevis : I'll stay with that name to honor my friend.

    Variya : Good.

    The voices in your head may be chaotic and loud, but they are not unfamiliar, yes?

    Aevis : ...

    What do you want with me?

    Variya : I am here because of your potential.

    This world won't last in this current state. If left to continue, it would be destroyed by evil forces.

    I am here to ask you for help.

    Aevis : ...Us?

    Variya : Correct. You fit the criteria for one of my next Interceptors.

    One who can change fate itself. One who lives outside of my own control.

    And with your "potential", I believe a good future may be possible.

    Aevis : I agree but...

    With the way I am now, do I deserve to be "Interceptor"?

    No, I can't do it. It's too much for me.

    You know that I...

    Variya : You have amnesia.

    I understand.

    Despite your experiences with Storm-9 and the Nihilego, your revival must have made you lose your memories.

    But, on the bright side, you are lucky that these haven't torn away at your self and spirit.

    Still, without your memories, it's impossible for you to bring out your "potential" and use its capabilities.

    So, don't worry.

    Allow me to offer you a deal-- A contract, if you will.

    Whether or not you choose to accept being the Interceptor, that is what you will be.

    However, I can call someone else for help, and they'll do your duties for you.

    Aevis : Do our duties... For us?

    Variya : Correct, a being not from this world will inhabit your mind.

    As a result, you all will sleep deeply in the subsconscious of this individual.

    You will be able to put your soul to rest.

    Aevis : ...

    Variya : However, there is a caveat to this particular deal.

    In doing this, the power the role of an Interceptor would present to you will be cut in half.

    Additionally, you will lose control of your body permanently.

    Even if you are to wake up again somehow, this fact will not change.

    It would be equivalent of a second death. Are you OK with that?

    Aevis : ...What about Crescent?

    I promised to her that we'll meet again.

    Variya : She will be fine. I have a feeling it will work out somehow.

    This is based off data on her character. What may actually happen is up in the air.

    You'll just have to take my word on this one.

    Aevis : ...

    We would want nothing less of a perfect future for the people of this world.

    But I can't accomplish anything. I will never understand my purpose.

    And as such...

    We accept this offer.

    Variya : Then it is a contract. You, Aevis, will be replaced by Lopez.


    The reality is starting to glitch causing the Interceptor to appear, controlling Aevis' body.


    Variya : Then it is a contract. You, Lopez, have replaced #########.

    Lopez : ...

    What's going on?

    Variya : My Interceptor. You will have no memory of this meeting.

    I will edit this world to fit your existence and criteria.

    Still, you will be named Aevis as requested. You can go back to your name if you wish.

    So, Crescent will still call you with the same name. As that is what she knows you by from this moment on.

    And you will bring prosperity and peace to the land of Aevium--


    To this world.

    To all worlds.

    Aevis (Lopez) : To the universe.

    Variya : Exactly. You will be its saving grace.

    Oh Interceptor. Great Interceptor.

    Change our fate.

    As that is your nature.

    Aevis (Lopez) : Yes. Master.


    Note : The dialogues that I made was meant as lesson for Crescent to never make the same mistake at reviving the other protagonists and that's how it worked better for the others. Yet, they blame Crescent and told that they didn't wish to be revived due to trauma of facing Storm-9. It took me hours to make this dialogue. Enjoy reading and see you in next weekend.

  8. Thanks. But I will test it when V13.5 is released. I hope it the same one as what you told me.
  9. How about protagonist’s different themes : And also Madame X and Erin’s :
  10. Very nice artwork on protagonists (Mostly Aevis because it's truly the best).
  11. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation. During League Administration, after Erin suggested about making a trip down to the 3rd HQ with Allan and Alice, here's the dialogue :

    Erin : If Genesis Syndrome is as common as it seems to be, we need to make sure Alice, Allen and I aren't sick as well.

    Alain. I have a request to make.

    Alain : What is this?

    Erin : Ariana must be here, next time. She hasn't been well since...

    Alain : The reveal of Risa the imposter! I get it!

    It has been a worse reaction for Ariana.

    Erin : As for you, Aevis. There's a change of plans. Come with us to 3rd HQ. You're the most important person for escort.

    Therefore, both Aevia and Aero are going to retrieve Platinum component in your place.

    Aero : What?

    Aevia : Well, it can't be helped.

    Aevis : I'm nothing special but I'm coming since you asked.

    Venam : Why are you so humble? I have never seen you like that before.

    Ren : There are many things that you don't need to know, Venam.

    Venam : Oh, please. I hope there's nothing crazier than Genesis Syndrome that Melia is having.

    Erin : That's all I have to say.

    This meeting is adjourned for now.

    We'll meet again in three days, got it?

    Melia : Understood.

    Venam : Got it...

    Erin Come on, Melia and Aevis. We need to prepare.

    Aevia : Wait, Aevis. I have something for you.

    Aero : What's that?


    Aevia gave Soul Stone to Aevis.


    Aevis : Why are you giving me this?

    Aevia : Because you are worthy.

    Even despite both me and Aero have awakened Interceptor's powers, we know that we'll never stand a chance against you who's far ahead of us without your powers, no less.

    Aevis : I...

    Aero : Come on. You deserve better.

    Melia : I agree because I trust you with all my heart.

    Venam : It's not a big deal but you are one of my best friends.

    Ren : And also my greatest eternal rival to me.

    Aelita : You can count on us to help you, anytime.

    Alain : Because you're not alone, anymore.

    Venam : Besides, Anathea wants to talk with you when the time comes.

    Aevis : ...

    Thank you. Everyone.

    Aevia/Alain/Aero/Melia/Ren/Venam/Aelita : You're welcome.

    Erin : Aevis. I never thought that you would make friends.

    But that's actually for the best.


    Alexandra realizes that Damien is showing is tears of joy.


    Alexandra : Damien. Are you crying?

    Damien : Shut up. What's your problem?

    Kanon : ...

    There are many moments that can be heartwarming.

    That reminds me of my past days.


    Note : I included the dialogue about Soul Stone because it serves as foreshadowing where, sadly, that's gonna happen at many years later when Pokemon Rejuvenation is completed. See you in next weekend.

  12. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation. Here's the dialogue where Ana meets, for the first time, a legendary Pokemon who's the future paradox of Cyclizar : Miraidon. It happens to hotel from Grand Dream City, in balcony, while both Venam and Lavender are trying to run away from Nim with alias name : Lorna :

    Ana (HC) : I wonder where did Venam go. I'm afraid that might happen something really bad.


    A flying wild Pokemon appears afar from her.


    Ana (HC) What the- What is this? A flying serpent?


    The flying Pokemon is approaching towards Ana.


    Ana (HC) : Oh! A flying metallic serpent!

    Wait a minute! I recognize this appearance!


    It appears to be Miraidon.


    Miraidon : Don.

    Ana (HC) : Hey, there. How are you doing?

    Miraidon : Don!!!


    Miraidon is licking her face.


    Ana (HC) : Whoa, there!

    *laugh* *laugh*

    Stop! You're tickling me!


    Ana couldn't stop laughing because of it. A moment later, she stops laughing.


    Ana (HC) : So? Why are you here, big buddy?

    Miraidon : Mira.

    Ana (HC) : Maybe is because you feel lonely.


    Miraidon nods in agreement.


    Ana (HC) : ...

    Wanna hang out with me?! I want to know about you even more.

    Miraidon : Rai?!!


    Miraidon reacts with joy about Ana's request. Then she took a ride with Miraidon itself.

    Then the night has passed.


    Note : Sorry for being late. My sister was playing Sonic Adventure 2 in my laptop for some reasons. I thought it was better to let her play for a while. See you in next weekend.

    1. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      That was a pretty sweet one👍

    2. OmegaStellarSolare
  13. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation. There's the battle with Alain's Infernape against Aelita's Hawlucha :

    Infernape : Feeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

    Alain : Infernape. Calm down.

    Aelita : Well, you should know that your Infernape hates losing.

    Alain : ...Damn! Can't you stop being reckless for once?!

    Aelita : They aren't listening, are they.

    Alain : Use Thunder Punch.


    Infernape tries to counter Hawlucha with Thunder Punch, but ends being predictable as, due to Unburden ability, Hawlucha managed to dodge with increased speed.


    Aelita : I knew this outcome. Hawlucha! Give the finishing blow to Infernape with Acrobatics!

    Hawlucha : Hawl!


    Hawlucha dealt super effective damage with Acrobatics move to Infernape. Infernape fainted.


    Alain : Goddammit, Infernape! Not again!

    Aelita : To tell you the honest response, Infernape has many powerful moves but its drawback is that its defenses aren't quite good.

    Alain : I know. Using offensive tactics won't do the trick. That's why I decided Infernape to keep the move Slack Off.

    But it takes many damages, causing him to miss the chance to strike back.

    In other words, Infernape can't keep up with many faster and stronger ones.

    Aero : Exactly.


    Aero appeared.


    Aero I wonder why you chose Chimchar as your first Pokemon.

    Alain : I choose because that's not what I want it to be powerful.

    It's because I like him as I always want to.

    Aero : Makes sense. But why Infernape acts much competitve than usual?

    Alain : After Monferno evolved into Infernape, its personality drastically changed.

    It's like it doesn't fully recognize me.

    Aero : That's not true.

    It's because it wanted to impress you of being your best partner.

    But its pride was overwhelming as...

    Seriously. You should tell Infernape to not overdo it.

    Alain : ...Yes. I will.

    Aero : And don't lose your temper in case of worst moments.

    Patience is more important to you than wrath.

    Rage is your own poison.

    If you lose it, you'll be blinded by your own wrath. It's like losing seft-control.

    Alain : What am I supposed to do?!

    Aero : I have an idea. You must go to Kingdom of Goomidra.

    Aelita : Kingdom of-What exactly is this?!

    Alain : What's that ridiculous location you're talking about?

    Aero : It's a place where many Goomy species live here.

    That might be a myth you're thinking about but it really exists somewhere.

    Alain : It's a bad idea and I'm not interested coming with you.

    Aero : OK. Maybe, I'll tell Aevis about you refusing my request.

    Alain : NO! NO! NO! That's awesome and I'll better be prepared for adventure!

    Aero : Good. See you later.


    Aero left.


    Aelita : What's got into you?!

    Alain : ...

    Aevis is really scary and I don't want to face his wrath when I refuse the request.

    Aelita : Well, that's the risk you take. See you later.


    Aelita left.


    Aelita : Why, in my life, did I deserve it?!


    Note : For Pokemon Azurite fans, there has been a recent post about it at yesterday. It took like an eternity for us to wait for it. You can read it if you like. See you in next weekend.

  14. I want to tell you about Nintendo eShop will be discontinued in Nintendo 3DS and Wii U at March 27th. That means, for the worst moment of our entire life, no Pokemon Sun and Moon demo version and that also means :


    Missing the opportunity to use Ash-Greninja in franchise games

    That’s why I’m going to include the Ash-Greninja mod to Pokemon Desolation E6 when I start playing it. That is, in order to never forget him.

  15. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation. When it ends with an argument between Tesla and Amber in their house :

    Tesla : But I'm not strong enough for this.

    Everything is falling apart!

    Amber : ...


    Amber, in sadness and shock, left the room where Aevia lives now.


    Alain : Tesla! Seriously?!

    Tesla : ...!

    Amber... Stop. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean...

    Aevis (in sarcastic mode) : Wow! Congratulations, Tesla!

    You really stood up to your daughter! I respect that!

    Aevia : Aevis?

    Tesla : Please, you need to understand. I lost my temper so sudden.

    I was trying to be reasonable with her.

    Aevis (being deadly serious) : Unfortunately, you missed the mark, this time.

    Tesla : What is it?


    Tesla : What? No.

    I mean...

    Aevis : Do you know why she blames you for him not being here?

    Tesla : Because she thinks I hated him for leaving us.

    Aevis : Because she's trying to secretly help you to reunite with your husband, who, as you said, has been missing for a long time, in order make things right or to settle the score with Keta.

    Or I should say by his real name... Kenneth.

    Sometimes, both.

    Tesla : ...

    So you know about him...

    Aevis : And do you want to know about him, recently?

    Tesla : What happened to him?








    Tesla : ...

    Aevis : Just as I thought. Those aren't their problems.

    It's your problem and yours alone. You're just making excuses.

    Aevia : Aevis. That was totally uncalled for.
    Aevis : You stay out of it.

    Aevia : ...

    Tesla : Does anyone else agree with him?

    Ana : Yeah, a little bit.

    Ariana : I mean…

    Axel : Yeah.

    Aero : Pretty hard to dispute.

    Alain : Eh, no one’s perfect!

    Tesla : Oh…

    I just messed up, did I?!

    Forgive me, Aevis.

    Aevis : It's better that you have to apologize to her, first.

    Then, you can do the same to me after that.


    Aevis is trying to leave.


    Tesla : Wait. Where are you going?

    Aevis : I'm going to comfort Amber, immediately.

    She needs to recover but she'll be fine.

    Just, don't even try to go after her. It gets worse.

    Tesla : But...?



    Aevis left.


    Tesla : Sorry that you had to see that, Aevia. I need some time alone.

    Aevia : Don't blame him. He might be harsh but he's trying to do things for what's right.

    He knew that you were telling the truth.

    But when it comes to a harshful manner, he thinks that it's not the right answer.

    And he's right.

    Tesla : It's OK. I'm aware he's trying to calm me down.

    I don't want to make mistakes, again.

    I'm so ashamed of myself. To think that I would be scolded by someone much younger than me.

    I have to leave for a moment. By the way, have fun.

    Aevia : OK.


    Tesla left.


    Note : I'm continuing playing Sonic Adventure DX, raising my Chao, who has been reincarnated twice. However, it takes a while to raise my Chao's stats, again. See you in next weekend.

    1. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      Sheesh, that was pretty tense. I hope Amber won't be much harmed. Also Aevis kinda reminds me how Vero was during your protag talks a little👀

    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      However, the path that Aevis walks is different than the path that what Vero does.

  16. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Reborn. It's where the protagonists meet their past selves (those from the beginning) in New World. It occurs after the epilogue :

    Ari (Past) : Where are we?

    Lucia (Past) : I don't really know.

    Vero (Past) : This place looks different. I want to know why we were sent here.

    Decibel (Past) : Sometimes. I feel like we're stuck, forever.

    Ari (Past) : I wouldn't be hopeless if I were you, Decibel.

    Alice (Past) : Hey, guys.

    Kuro (Past) : We have company.


    They are witnessing the company approaching, only to find out, much to their shock, that they are the same person.


    Alice : I wish Celebi should sent us to our timeline. I don't know if...


    Kuro : What's wrong?!


    This is...

    Ari : What's this with your reaction? It's like you're looking in the mirror-


    Decibel : ...

    Alice (Past) : Is that... us?!

    Alice : Am I dreaming?!

    Kuro/Kuro (Past) : It's not a dream, actually.


    Decibel (Past) : Hello!

    Decibel (annoyed by his past self) : Hi.

    Lucia (Past) : What brings you here?

    Alice : I'm asking the same question.

    Lucia (coming here) : I can't believe what I'm seeing!

    Lucia (Past) : And now, the other me is joining at the awkward moment!

    Lucia : Nice to meet you.

    Lucia (Past) : Me, too.

    Alice (Past) : So, what are you?

    Alice : We came from a different timeline.

    Alice (Past) : Different timeline? That explains...

    Alice : I came from the timeline where Team Meteor is disbanded for good.

    Alice (Past) : WHAT?! They were finished?!

    Lucia : So you're from the past, by the way. That was the work of Celebi.

    It sent us to meet our past selves.

    Lucia (Past) : Oh. That's exactly it.

    Alice : Which timeline you came from?

    Vero (Past) : We came from the timeline when after I saved Victoria from Aster and Eclipse.

    Decibel : Yeah. That was quite heroic thing you did.

    Decibel (Past) : That's ridiculous. I should be the one to save her.

    Decibel : Why don't you just SHUT UP?!

    Decibel (Past) : Oh, my god!

    Alice (Past) : Wow, I didn't think you would be hostile towards-

    Decibel : Yeah. I was a naive jerk. What's the problem?

    Alice (Past) : No. Just saying.

    Decibel : Don't bother. I'm not in the mood for it.

    Ari : What's up?

    Ari (Past) : Just having a good time. And you?

    Ari : Far better.

    Ari (Past) : Figures.

    Kuro : Nice to meet you.

    Kuro (Past) : Same.

    Vero (Past) : Wait a minute. Where's the other me?

    What's going on?

    Lucia : …

    I'll show you.

    Follow me.


    They went to see the current Vero (now an empty shell of himself) who's currently standing in wheelchair.


    Alice (Past) : Oh, no.

    Ari (Past) : What a nightmare.

    Decibel (Past) : This isn't...

    Lucia (Past) : That's insane. He couldn't have ended up like that.

    Kuro (Past) : Poor guy. He had a hard life, dammit.

    Vero (Past) : The other me. No.

    Vero : ...










    The current Vero can't respond.


    Alice (Past) : Are you alright?

    Vero : ...









    Vero (Past) : It's not true. You can't be kidding.


    That reaction causing Vero to scream in frustration.




    Note : That's the reveal. There's something I need to tell you. Just because he is my favorite protagonist doesn't mean I'll go easy on him during "Protagonist can talk". Even if in Lin route and Anna (Malice) route, there won't be a happy ending for him : He will be ceased to exist as, even worse, nobody will remember him. Sometimes, for those who watched My Hero Academia manga, Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children Complete, Steven Universe Future, etc., will understand the grief and pain in their heart how it feels like doing alone, pushing their friends away or become a martyr to them. That's quite sad, really. See you in next weekend.

  17. You forgot something about Bennett. You get 2 relationship points with him in Glass Factory when you choose the answer : "To make things different", when asked about remembering the promise.
  18. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation. In Ranger HQ, Axel got framed about stealing Crawli's badge that only those who defeat him are allowed :

    Ariana : What happened to my brother?

    Aevia : I heard someone said about Axel receiving punishment.

    Ariana : For what?

    Aevia : For stealing Gym Leader's badge that Crawli owns.

    Ariana : He. WHAT?!

    Aevia : Of course, you would react but we don't know his reasons. Or if that part was a set up to frame him.

    Ariana : I hope he really is OK. He should be.




    Holly : You really are an idiot. To think you have guts stealing it.

    Axel : Hey. I didn't do anything to begin with. Trust me.

    Holly : I don't think so. I found it in your pocket.

    Axel : OK. That was a set up to make my life miserable.

    Holly : And you know how worse it's going to be.

    Rangers. Bring the parody looped version of "I want my baby back". Without ribs.


    Hearing this one makes Axel scream like a girl.






    Playing music "I want my baby back" without ribs.


    Axel : OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!



    *loud sob*


    Back to Aevia and Ariana.


    Aevia : Let's not talk about it.

    Ariana : Yeah. I don't want think about the consequences. It disturbs me.


    Note : In Pokemon Showdown, the National Dex AG format in Gen 9 no longer exists. That's really unfortunate for those who want to play in this format. See you in next weekend. And seriously, don't ask about why I included this part.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      Yet, I’m really sorry for your change of plans. It wasn’t intentional for my part because I wasn’t aware of your activities.

    3. CURIE


      No need to apologize it’s like two sentences I gotta change

    4. CURIE


      Wait, after looking at the wiki, the guy uses...  Pokeballs?  As in the opposite of the first rule of being a Ranger?  Does he get exemption from the Union because he also doubles as gym leader or something?  It also says he's with the International Police but a regional head Ranger at the same time somehow???  The wiki doesn't elaborate on anything, or even mention the Rangers underneath him, and I don't want to sit through who knows how long of a Youtube LP, so what's the deal with that guy?


      Wait, don't tell me they're those dumbass """rangers""" you see in Hoenn.  Damn fakers muddy up the lore surrounding the real Rangers...

  19. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation. During battle between Aero's Corviknight and Aevis' Talonflame in Route 4, it ends with latter's victory due to Gale Wings' strategy :

    Aero : I lost. Again!!! How?!

    Your Talonflame dodged all my Corviknight's attacks like it was nothing!

    Aevis : It's thanks to Gale Wings, that using Acrobatics gave Talonflame's entire body to act on its own, attacking in every point in higher speed!

    Aero : Then Talonflame used Flare Blitz for the finishing blow.

    Aevis : You guessed right.

    Aero : *sigh*

    I guess it needs for me to take 50 steps to reach you.

    Aevis : You tried to defeat my Cinderace with your Swampert but it got one shotted by Cinderace's Trailblaze move.

    You know why.

    Aero : Because Trailblaze is a Grass type move that makes Cinderace a perfect hardcore.

    And the ability Libero is the reason for it.

    Aevis : I hope you learned your lesson : using your Pokemon having type advantages doesn't always guarantee victories to you.

    Much less when affected by fields.

    Aero (being sarcastic) : I know. Thank you.


    Then, at the moment, Aero is feeling any pain.


    Aero : Arrgg!!!

    Aevis : Aero. Are you alright?

    Aero : No. Not good.


    Aero's shows a glimpse of dark aura, giving Aevis a shocking moment.


    Aevis : This is bad. You're starting to feel down.

    Aero : I'll be fine. Don't worry.

    Aevis : Maybe we should stop training, right now.

    Aero (corrupted dark aura) : No. I want to fight you.


    Aevis : ...

    Aero : Aevis. I'm sorry. Did I say something really stupid, this time?

    Aevis : ...

    Venam was right. It really happened to Aevia too when she fought against Angie.

    She got badly corrupted by darkness and became Dark Aevia.

    That's how she told about Angie taking higher leveled breakdown after her brutal loss.

    Aero : Am I going to be corrupted, too?

    Aevis : ...There's only one way to prevent.

    Aero : Huh?

    Aevis : We must conquer our own ego and admit our sin.

    Otherwise, we will be overcome by guilty and become the next victims.

    Aero : ...

    Aevis : Let's not worry about it. We will deal with it later.

    Aero : I'm really sorry.

    Aevis : You don't need to apologize. That wasn't you at all.

    Aero : *sigh* I need to ease myself.

    Aevis : Talonflame. Fly us to Grand Dream City.

    Talonflame : Talon!


    Aevis and Aero flew away with Talonflame to Grand Dream City.


    Note : I wish I wanted to play Pokemon Desolation E6. But it's too soon because there might be bugs to be fixed and also, I'm just gonna wait until the completed guide arrives. My mistake to Pokemon Reborn E19 was to never get Titania's ending in my first playthrough. I got what I deserved to play without knowing the outcome.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      Doesn't matter. Even Hisoka from Hunter X Hunter wants stronger opponents.

    3. Oscarus


      Don't mention Hisoka... that guy legitimately creeps me out. 

      And English Dub doesn't do him any favor - I personally like Keith Silverstein's work, but his Hisoka is even more 'terryfing' than the original. Which, I guess, makes him superior, but still... Jesus

    4. OmegaStellarSolare


      Sorry about that. I didn't mean it. I'll never mention that again.

  20. Well, technically, using Houndoom with Destiny Bond move and Focus Sash item is enough to beat Solaris' Garchomp in Pyrous Mountain really fast. The new possibility of this guide.
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