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Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. Huh. I feel like I’ve been left behind. Curse my own uselessness of creating a fanmade Pokemon game. Because I don’t have knowledge of making it. I wish things could have gone differently. It’s just like I’m becoming back just a normal veteran without any talents. Well, except that I’m currently posting "Protagonist can talk" in every weekend. I must admit that @Oscarus was right about me. I should have boosted my self-esteem from beginning while I had the chance at a very long time ago. If it were to be the case, I could have started to create fanmade game.

    1. Oscarus


      Ummm... You're welcome, I guess? 

    2. OmegaStellarSolare
  2. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Reborn. Here's the scene about Lucia with Sharpedo who shows the glimpse of learning the move Fishious Rend with no success of mastering it in Neo Azurine Island (That move that only Dracovish and Arctovish can learn) :

    Lucia : What in the Houndoom was that?

    I have never seen my Sharpedo trying to use such mysterious move like that.

    It's more like a move came from an ancient Pokemon.

    Sharpedo! Try again!


    Sharpedo is trying to learn Fishious Rend. But... with no success.


    Lucia : Oh! Too bad! But don't worry!

    You will succeed mastering it!


    Sharpedo looks upset at its own hopelessness at learning Fishious Rend.


    Lucia : Aw! Please! Don't be sad!

    Anyone can learn their mistakes, sometimes! Did you know?!

    So, let's go! Try again if you wish!


    Sharpedo looks mega determined to learn it. Then it took about several hours for Lucia to train Sharpedo with no luck.


    Lucia : *pant* *pant* *pant*

    It's quite very hard to learn. Damn.


    Sharpedo became tired.


    Lucia : Maybe we should rest, tomorrow.


    But Sharpedo refuses, showing beyond determination into confidence. As a result, Sharpedo manages to try harder and then...


    Lucia : Sharpedo! Don't force yourself!


    Sharpedo tries to use Fishious Rend, one more time. But this time, it's different.


    Lucia : Sharpedo. You...



    Note : That's all for now. I have 3 things to tell you :

    First :


    You know that the new game Coromon has been released few days ago. There's much of severe difference.


    Second :


    The music : "Feeling - Far Gone" that came from Pokemon Rejuvenation is so gorgeous and that's why it has become one of my favotites. If you have found that music, just give me the link. Don't worry if you didn't find it.


    Third :


    In Pokemon Rejuvenation case, if Carvanha/Sharpedo were to be a Shadow Pokemon, I wish it had Fishious Rend in its move slot after being purified. Don't give me the wrong idea. It's not like I changed my mind about my favorite type of Pokemon.


    See you next time.

  3. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation. Here's the scene in train that goes to Grand Dream City where Aevia tells to Krystal (Alexandra for real name) about where Aero is :

    Krystal : Any case, if I only saw you and other 4, where's that orange haired person that they call them Aero?

    Aevia : I'm sorry. But Aero's in the toilet.

    Venam : Yeah. They really went sick since the train has started moving.

    Aevia : It's called motion sickness, Venam.

    Venam : Of course, Aevia! I'm not dumb!

    Krystal : I hope everything is OK. ...For Aero, that is.


    Meanwhile, in the toilet where Aero is throwing up as always.


    Aero : BLEURG!


    Is... that... a curse...?

    What did I derserve to-







    Note : If want to say about reactions :


    The way I've been insulted with such words by someone is like someone who's crossing the line. Going that far to say that is nothing but committing a crime. So I'm going to ignore this answer. The reason why I said those post is because I don't want anyone to be punished because of just lies. Well, I suck at arguements. Just being careful about April Fools has caused me more troubles. Then I have to accept reality but I won't trust that person from now on.

    Ignoring that first part, I hope you liked it because it's funny. See you tomorrow.

  4. That was just April Fools. That’s not gonna happen.
  5. She's been great. Sorry that she won't come here. By the way, Q-Jei. When 108 divided with 27, what will it be?
  6. I would like to say about interceptor name. I wish for them to be canon because those names in Pokemon Rejuvenation were those from the past before the Storm-9 incident. How about this. What if interceptors have names :

    Aevis -> Lopez

    Aevia -> Milla

    Axel -> Takt

    Ariana -> Emmanuel

    Alain -> Tex

    Aero -> Lino

    Ana -> Emilia


    Note : I wonder why didn't they use canon names for interceptor before.

    1. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      Sounds interesting 

  7. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Reborn. Here's the scene with Alice, having problems with understanding Z-Move :

    Alice : Mmm...

    Things are getting complicated at the time like this. At this rate, how am I supposed to win without understanding the meaning to use Z-Move?

    Arclight : Are you OK? You look down.


    Arclight came.


    Alice : Oh! Arclight!

    You're right! Because I don't know the basics of using Z-Move?

    Arclight : Have you tried using it?

    Alice : Yes. I did, for the first time, with Meganium but what I saw is powered up version of Aromatherapy.

    Arclight : That's Z-Aromatherapy.

    Alice : Huh?!

    Arclight : You hoped for Bloom Doom.

    I get it. You lack something that you didn't know.

    Alice : What is it?

    Arclight : You must use your thoughts of choosing a damaging move in order to reach a damaging Z-Move.

    Let me tell you about Z-Move :

    There are three different kinds of Z-Moves: Z-Moves which can be used by any Pokémon, with one Z-Move for each of the 18 types; status moves that have been turned into Z-Moves by one of the 18 type-specific Z-Crystals; and Z-Moves that can only be used by specific Pokémon. The Z-Move that a Pokémon can perform depends on the Z-Crystal it holds. There are 18 different Z-Crystals that correspond to each of the 18 types, and several others that correspond to specific Pokémon. Z-Moves work by powering up one of the Pokémon's normal moves, so the Pokémon must also know an appropriate move. For the type-related Z-Crystals, the Pokémon must know a move of the same type as the Z-Crystal it is holding. For the Pokémon-specific Z-Crystals, the move required differs for each Pokémon.

    However, Mega Evolved and Primal Pokémon cannot use Z-Moves, even when holding an appropriate Z-Crystal.

    Alice : Oh, I see. Thanks.

    Arclight : You're welcome.


    Arclight left.


    Alice : ...

    Let's try again.


    Note : The spring has already started. But just to warn you :

    Don't trust everyone during April 1st!

    See you next time.

  8. What the?! The progress has passed to almost half of the complete development.
  9. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation. When Alexandra asks Aevis to battle Melia for Normal badge :

    Alexandra : Well? What do you say?

    Have Aevis battle you for a legitimate badge.

    That way we can both personally assess your skills while also having an official league battle.

    Melia : It's been quite some time since our last battle... Alright, let's do it!

    Aevis : No need to rush like that! I have anticipated as far as I can see.

    Erin : Aevis. What did you anticipate?

    Aevis : I knew that badge won't help me get to the league. So...

    Erin : So...?


    Aevis reveals another Normal badge.


    Alexandra : That's... Eternal Grace Badge! Don't tell me!

    Aevis : During the journey, while Aevia and Aelita was imprisoned in Blacksteeple Castle, I met Martin and battled him fair and square. That's what happened!

    Alexandra : So where did you get badges from?

    Aevis : Easy. I can explain :

    Poison Heart Badge - Got from Venam

    Diamond Punch Badge - Got from Keta

    Infested Badge - Got from Crawli

    Phantasm Badge - Got from Narcissa

    Dewdrop Badge - Got from Valarie

    Cerberus Badge - Got from Tenebris, the Reserve Dark type Gym Leader

    Voltage Badge - Got from Volta
    Blade Works Badge - Got from ET2000B, the Reserve Steel type Gym Leader

    Eternal Grace Badge - Got from Martin

    Rose Badge - Got from Flora

    Trickery Badge - Got from Lavender

    Golden Wing Badge - Got from Talon

    Rugged Badge - Got from Adam

    Glacier Badge - Got from Kreiss

    Ancient Dragon Badge - Got from Damien

    Pyramid Point Badge - Got from Ryland

    That's all it is!

    Damien : I'm quite surprised that you met other Reserve ones!

    Alexandra : If that's the case, who?

    Aevis : I have an idea. Aevia. You're in.

    Aevia : Huh?

    Melia : That's right. She didn't have Normal Badge.

    So come here with me.

    Aevia : Right. Thanks!


    Note : Sorry for late. I was occupied. See you next time.

  10. You’re half right and half wrong. Police Officers Sidequest must be done to obtain Growlithe, even before battle against Taka and ZEL with third Pulse Tangrowth.
  11. I only choose Fire type Starters. So : 5. Cyndaquil (Later : Choice Scarf Eruption Combo) 4. Litten (Later : Assault Vest/Incinerium Z (with Darkest Lariat) + Intimidate + Fake Out + U-Turn Combo) 3. Chimchar (Later : Iron Fist + Learnable Punching Moves + Life Orb) 2. Charmander (Later : Mega Charizard X sweep) 1. Torchic (Later : Has many crazy destroyer moves and packs a lot speed thanks to Speed Boost, even if not mega evolved.)
  12. Fuecoco (Gen 9 Fire type Starter)
  13. That arena is about New World Field where the protagonist will battle Lin. To be honest, I was never liked and I will never be.
  14. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Reborn. The scene might be boring but here about patience while doing nothing :

    Decibel : ...

    Ari : ...

    Kuro : ...

    Decibel : ...

    Ari : ...

    Kuro : ...

    Decbiel : ...

    Ari : ...

    Kuro : ...

    Decibel : ...

    Ari : ...

    Kuro : ...

    Decibel : Boring!

    Ari : Tiring!

    Kuro : Lame!

    Decibel : We don't know what are we waiting for.

    Ari : Huh!

    Kuro : Of course. Slacking off!

    Ari : We really are in foul mood!

    Decibel : You can say that, again!

    Ari : Honestly, I don't care!

    Kuro : Then what are we supposed to do?!

    Ari : ...

    Wait! I see a salesman!

    Kuro : Oh!

    Decibel : Wait a minute! Don't trust that guy!

    Ari : Why?!

    Decibel : Because I've been a victim of many salesmen taking my Pokédollars because they told about having an ultra rare Pokémon that is super strong. Then I got tricked. They gave me many Pokémons that are weaklings as hell.

    Ari : Oh, come on!

    It's not like that's gonna happen to me!

    Hey, you! Do you have that Pokemon?

    Salesman : So you're looking for that one. Well, then I have got a deal for you!

    How would you like to be the proud new owner of one fantastic beast?

    This Pokemon is so powerful, so utterly BAD-ASS, it's been heralded among dragons for centuries!

    Ari : Wow! Really?!

    Decibel : I've got a terrible feeling about this!

    Salesman : For you, I'll make a special discount, bringing the price down to only $500!

    What do you say?!

    Ari : YES!


    Ari gave $500 to salesman.


    Salesman : Aha! Thank you! Thank you!

    Goon : Heh. Bad-ass, you say?

    Not a bad deal. I think I'll just help myself.


    The Pokémon was stolen!


    Ari : WHAT?!

    Goon : See ya, nerds!

    Ari : Hey! Get back here, you thief!

    Salesman : ...Well, I got my money. That's your problem now!

    Ari : Oh, come on! Not fair!


    Salesman is leaving.


    Salesman : Buuuut, if you really wanted to get that ultra-rare Pokémon, you could try and find that guy.

    Thugs like him hang out at the end of the tracks in the Peridot Ward. Good luck!


    Salesman left.


    Decibel : Well, that was different this time. But don't say I didn't warn you.


    Decibel left.


    Ari : Wait, Decibel! I'm sorry for not listening to you!

    Kuro : So much misfortune! I pity you, Ari!

    Ari : Awww...!


    Note : I have nothing to say. See you next time.

  15. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation. Here's the scene after Venam and Aevia are fighting against Kanon in restaurant in Kugearen City :

    Venam : Heh, not bad, huh?

    Kanon : Definitely not terrible. I take back what I said before.

    Your fighting indicates you all have been through actual turmoil.

    Aevia : Now, you really understand what we have been through.

    Kanon However. That Charizard...


    Charizard begins to react strangely.


    Charizard : Char, char! Char Char!

    Kanon : Is truant.

    Aero : Please, calm down.


    Then the mysterious green clothed guy snaps while having meal.


    Green cloth guy : HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!

    Woman #1 : Yeah!

    Man #1 : That's right!

    Venam : Hey, chill out, man. No need to-

    Green cloth guy : DO YOU KNOW THIS PLACE?!

    Kanon : Of course, we do know this-


    Woman #2 : Disgraceful!

    Woman #3 : You should be ashamed of yourselves!

    Man #2 : I hope you get what you deserve! Go straight to the prison!

    Aevia : Listen! Let me explain-

    Green cloth guy : Explain! Explain! Explain! Explain! NO EXCUSES!


    Woman #4 : Yeah! Miss Doomsday!

    Man #3 : Destroyers!

    Man #4 : Get out!

    Woman #5 : I've had enough of you!

    Melia : Calm down, everyone! What's going on?!

    Green cloth guy : These troublemakers are disturbing us! Having a Pokemon battle, I can tell!

    Melia : What?! You know it's forbidden in here!

    Wait a minute! VENAM?!

    What's Tesla's Charizard doing here?!

    Venam : It's not what you think! Maybe. PERHAPS.

    Green cloth guy : Do you know stealing is bad?!

    Woman #1 : Thief!

    Man #3 : Monster!

    Melia : Alright! Alright! Calm down, everyone! You can sit down, you green...

    Green cloth guy : Don't mind my name! Thanks!

    Melia : OK!

    Back to the situation.

    Did you seriously steal her Charizard after everything she's done for us?!

    Aevia : Is that true, Venam?!

    Aero : Shame on you!

    Charizard : Char!! Charrr!!!

    Melia : Control that thing!

    Kanon : Salamence, Outrage!

    Venam : ...Thanks.

    Melia : Now that's settled, you all have to leave.

    Kanon : Leave? But...

    Green cloth guy : Don't you "But" her like that. I told you there's no excuses!

    Melia : No need to defend me but he's right, you know!

    You're involved too Kanon. I know you're troubled, but this is unacceptable!

    Kanon : ...I.

    Melia : All three of you have caused such a scene. And these people's angry reactions are example of your cause. Let me at least perform some sort of damage control!

    Out, all of you!

    Venam : Fine.

    Aevia : Sorry.


    And they left.


    Melia : That takes care of them for their mess.

    You can stay if you want, Aero.

    But after you leave, you must take responsibility about their actions.

    I don’t want them to make a mess around.

    Aero : I won’t disappoint you. And, also…

    I’m bored. I’m leaving. See you later.


    Aero left.


    Melia : Looks like they had a hard time. Poor, Aero.
    By the way,...


    Melia goes near green clothed guy.


    Melia : Hey! Can I ask a question? You look familiar!

    Do I know you?

    Green cloth guy : Sorry but it's none of your business!

    Melia : Oh!

    Green cloth guy : Let's not get crazy. You need to focus.

    Melia : Well, yeah! That's right! Sorry for doubting you!

    Green cloth guy : That's fine. I don't need an apology.


    Melia left away from the guy.


    Melia : Why is he always encouraging me?!


    Then again, I need to work.


    Note : That's all for now. Don't ask the reason about green cloth guy. See you tomorrow.

    1. Oscarus


      "Kanon : is truant"


      Just like Ash's?

    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      I edited the dialogue by adding Aero’s role due to change of plans.

  16. The way it happens, the way it will happen. And I believe E19 will be the last episode of Pokemon Reborn, ever.
  17. I hope very much that you're right. And no wonder why Sirius hates Solaris' guts for me.
  18. If you say so, then, in Reshiram Route case, why didn't Lin kill Solaris after what happened to Taka as Lin send him to death by Titania? You knew that Taka was son of Solaris.
  19. Sounds like a nobody who became the terrible nightmare.
  20. No matter what you said, people who thinks about murdering mercilessly, taking something what what the worst nightmare had will become the worst nightmare themselves. To be honest I think Lin was never kind to begin with. Did you know that Lin used to be an orphan at Connal's City Orphanage?
  21. Cherishing those "trophies" of the big bad that you call is no different from what Lin did to Ame. Besides, I hope you didn’t mean literally.
  22. I wish you hadn’t said that. And yet, I want Lin to perish into nothingness.
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