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Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. I’ll tell you about Ikebukuro Region :

    It’s the largest region in this planet where there’s a conflict between 10 continents with different generations of Pokemon :

    Azrael - Gen 1

    Bujinn - Gen 7

    Kishan - Gen 5

    Zetsir - Gen 2

    Hontefx - Gen 6

    Ushra - Gen 4

    Harntoc - Gen 9

    Pajirra - Gen 3

    Virsiryun - Gen 8

    Ultimoxeg - Hisui

    And unfortunately, there’s no peace here but an endless war of desperation and there’s no gym leaders, neither Pokemon League. But there exists continental kings which one of them is trying to conquer the entire Ikebukuro Region. The newcomers aren’t welcome at most of continents, except Azrael. Besides, newcomers must win against the royal grunts to survive. Otherwise, it’s death that they will go. In order to stop the war, defeat every kings and Ikebukuro Region will become a peaceful one.

  2. I vote No. Because Freeze is far more dangerous than Frostbite.
  3. "The Empress" Field "Celebrate life's grandeur... Its brilliance... Its magnificence..." General Effects - All moves will gain priority if it's used only by non-legendary female-only Pokemons : Female Nidoran evolution line Happiny evolution line Kangaskhan (Including Mega Kangaskhan) Smoochum evolution line Miltank Illumise Wormadam (All forms) Vespiquen Froslass Petilil evolution line (Including Hisuian Lilligant) Vullaby evolution line Flabébé evolution line Salazzle Bounsweet evolution line Hatenna evolution line Milcery evolution line - This field lasts for five turns. Abilities Affected - Parental Bond has the second strike deal the same as its usual damage. - If user with Flower Veil ability isn't Grass type, this ability grants user's Grass type resistance and always is in effect. - Symbiosis has its user passes one random target's held item to an ally, if activated. It can activate if ally doesn't have held item. - The user with ability Corrosion can instead deal super effective damage to Poison type and Steel type with Poison type moves. - Queenly Majesty raises its user's Atk, Def, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Spd, Accuracy and Evasion by two stages. When it's in the battle, it punishes user with Mold Breaker ability : -> Mold Breaker's effect is nullified. -> Deals its user's damage 25% of max HP at end of each turn. Moves affected - Soft-Boiled restores the user's HP to max and cures its status condition. - Dizzy Punch increases in base power by 2x and always confuses the target. ("TAKE THAT!") - Lovely Kiss absorbs 25% of target's max HP and only restores ally's HP to max and cures the ally's status condition instead. This move never misses. - Milk Drink raises user's Atk, Def, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def and Spd unless the user HP is at maximum. - Defend Order increases the user's Defense and Special Defense stats by three stages each. - Heal Order restores user's HP to max and grants the user's Bug type moves to deal double damage in next turn. - Attack Order increases in base power by 1.33x and always lands a critical hit. ("Minions! CHARGE!") - Victory Dance's effect is doubled. - Light of Ruin increases in base power by 1.5x and prevents the user receiving recoil damage. ("The beam of hope.") - Trop Kick increases in base power by 2x and has 50% chance to cause the target to flinch. ("Taste my wrath.") - Ally Pokemon that became Psychic type due to being affected by Magic Powder retains original type resistances and immunities, while opponent retains type weaknesses. - Decorate raises target's Atk and Sp. Atk to max if the target is an ally but inflicts random status condition instead if the target is an opponent. - Nature Power becomes random of moves affected. - Camouflage changes the user’s type to random type similar female-only final form/non evolution line. - Secret Power causes the target to flinch and to be infatuated. Transitions to other Field Effects - Transitions this field back to Arcana Destiny Field automatically after five turns. Seed - The Magical Seed grants user's Aqua Ring and Magic Bounce effect if the user is female.
  4. Here's the 3rd event Pokemons that I caught so far in Pokemon Xenoverse :


    Flying Pikachu :

    Electric/Flying type


    Surfing Pikachu :

    Electric/Water type


    Type Swap Bulbasaur :

    Fire/Poison type


    Type Swap Ivysaur :

    Fire/Poison type


    Type Swap Venusaur :

    Fire/Poison type

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      Between Original Charizard and Type Swap Charizard, who do you hate the most?

    3. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      Regular, because its still the most popular pokemon.

    4. OmegaStellarSolare


      I'm glad you said that. Otherwise, I would be surprised.

  5. Yesterday, I played Pokemon Xenoverse. Then, I get to update since the Legend Bidoof event has been closed in Pink Pathway, forever. Now, the event concerns about Kanto starters :


    They got their primary types swapped.

    And Pikachu has gained Flying type.

    That’s as far as I can see.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      Well, that makes sense. These aren't regional variants, but they're not the original forms either. Therefore, there wouldn't be a Mega for them. For example, Galarian Slowbro can't Mega Evolve, but Kantonian Slowbro can.

    3. OmegaStellarSolare


      But I can hope they will be quite useful.

    4. Dark Legend
  6. "The High Priestess" Field "The silent voice within one's heart whispers the most profound wisdom." General Effects - All moves will gain priority if it's used only by Pikachu clones : Azurill evolution line Plusle Minun Pachirisu Emolga Dedenne Togedemaru Mimikyu Morpeko - All non-Fairy type Pikachu clones will gain Fairy type resistances. - This field lasts for five turns. Abilities Affected - Huge Power triples user's Atk stat, instead of double. - Plus raises user's Atk and Sp. Atk by one stage, grants Focus Energy to its user when entering the battle. - Minus lowers the opponent's Atk and Sp. Atk by one stage and paralyzes the target. - Disguise causes the opponent to flinch in next turn if user's ability is activated. - Due to Hunger Switch effect, Full Belly Morpeko has Dark type weaknesses ignored, while Hangry Morpeko has Electric type weaknesses ignored. Moves affected - Play Rough and Let's Sunggle Forever increase in base power by x1.3 and lowers the target's Attack. ("It's playtime hug!") - Zing Zap increases in base power by x1.25 and raises Spd by one stage. ("Rolling time!") - Aura Wheel has 50% chance to paralyze the target if Morpeko is in Full Belly Mode and 50% chance to put the target to sleep if Morpeko is in Hangry Mode. - Nature Power becomes random of moves affected (excluding Z-Move). - Camouflage changes the user’s type to random type similar to the Pikachu clone's final form/non evolution line. - Secret Power infatuates the target. Transitions to other Field Effects - Transitions this field back to Arcana Destiny Field automatically after five turns. Seed - The Magical Seed raises user's Speed by two stages and grants Magnet Rise effect.
  7. I do like Cynthia, too. But I despise Volo. Besides, I didn't say I love Bidoof. It's just only naive people that tell the rumor about Bidoof being the strongest.
  8. I updated some moves affected that I forgot to put in "The Magician" Field.
  9. I included this effect for Bidoof due to its own popularity.
  10. "The Magician" Field "Attaining one's dream requires a stern will and unfailing determination." General Effects - All moves will gain priority if it's used only by : -> Rodents : Rattata evolution line (Kanto/Alola) Sentret evolution line Zigzagoon evolution line (Hoenn/Galar) [Including Obstagoon] Bidoof evolution line Patrat evolution line Bunnelby evolution line Yungoos evolution line Skwovet evolution line -> Bugs : Caterpie evolution line Weedle evolution line [Including Mega Beedrill] Ledyba evolution line Spinarak evolution line Wurmple evolution lines Kricketot evolution line Sewaddle evolution line Venipede evolution line Scatterbug evolution line Grubbin evolution line Cutiefly evolution line Blipbug evolution line -> Birds : Pidgey evolution line [Including Mega Pidgeot] Hoothoot evolution line Taillow evolution line Starly evolution line Pidove evolution line Fletching evolution line Pikipek evolution line Rookidee evolution line - Bidoof raises every stats by 3 stages - Kantonian Rattata evolution line can't be KOed if its remaining HP isn't 1. - This field lasts for five turns. Abilities Affected - Unaware makes the user's moves ignore target's type resistances and immunities. - Gale Wings summons Tailwind effect and restores user's HP to max, when entering. - Stakeout forces the target to be switched out if the user's is hit by target's move before. - Battery draws Electric type moves and restores the user's HP. - Mirror Armor has Mirror Coat effect. Moves affected - Twineedle doubles its base power and its chance of poisoning. ("Shot by needles!") - Feather Dance raises user's Atk and Sp. Atk stats by one stage. - Super Fang does damage equal to 50% of the target's max HP. - Hyper Fang becomes an one-hit knockout move. ("Those fangs are deadly.") - Spider Web lowers the target's Atk, Sp. Atk and Spd by one stage. - Toxic Thread badly poisons the target and lowers its Speed stat by two stages. - Powder covers the target in powder for three turns (unless this field has changed). If a Pokémon affected by Powder attempts to use any moves that are super effective against Bug types, they take damage equal to 50% of their maximum HP and cannot execute the move. - Beak Blast always burns the target after hitting it. - Pollen Puff poisons the opponent and cures the ally, when they are targeted by this move. - Stuff Cheeks makes the user raises its Def and Sp. Def stat by two stages after eating its held Berry. - Obstruct protects the user from any moves, including status moves for that turn. Any contact moves against Obstruct lowers the attacker's Def and Sp. Def stat by two stages. - Nature Power becomes random of moves affected. - Camouflage changes the user’s type to random type similar to the final evolved rodents/birds/bugs. - Secret Power may lower the target's Sp. Def stat by two stages. Transitions to other Field Effects - Transitions this field back to Arcana Destiny Field automatically after five turns. Seed - The Magical Seed grants Aqua Ring and Safeguard to user. Note : I replaced Overheat effect with Morning Sun effect in "The Fool" Field.
  11. By the way, @pizzagod13. If you have problem with using Aevian Milotic, use Kantonian Rapidash by evolving Ponyta that you obtained by catching and purifying it. It has some useful moves.
  12. This method is quite the challenge. For someone who beat Amber in Intense mode by using only one Pokemon, that was quite the strongest strategy.
  13. Perhaps, if you have played Pokemon Reborn, you should have known about the prediction in Abandoned Factory before facing Shade.
  14. As while the protagonist doesn't have keys anymore, can't enter Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie due to Reborn City being renovated that blocks the entrance, forever as of E18.
  15. Well, I know which place Adrienn was frozen in time for 10 years : Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie. Even when MC went here, how many times have passed?
  16. Did you forget they can't both Mega Evolve at the same battle? You can mega evolve only one of them, in case of your strategy.
  17. Ignoring the last one, I wasn't the one who started it. It's your fault to begin with, because of your quote : "One does not need to be the strongest Trainer, but without correct strategy, might one own a Legend, one will fall even to most common of Magikarp." ... For Mega Stones, I can't wait to mega evolve Blaziken. That's also the part of Aya's character development.
  18. Maybe because of her character development. Aya somehow took a level in kindness after what's going to happen to Pokemon Reborn E19.
  19. Octillery (Dark Champion. Articuno has one n letter. Not two.)
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