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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation. Here's the scene about Aero's goal :

    Alain : Aero. Are you alright?

    Aero : I'm fine. I don't want to worry you.

    Alain : I'm not worried about you. You know?

    Aero : Fine by me.

    Alain : ...



    What are you going to do after we defeat Team Xen and save Aevium region?

    Aero : Pardon me?!

    Alain : Aevis and Aevia have both the same goal of becoming the champion, but the difference is that Aevis does to protect this region from the evildoers and to end people's suffering, giving their moral and hope for the future.

    While Aevia wants to explore many regions to find the champions from the past. She wanted to challenge them.

    Ariana's goal never changes. About becoming an idol just like Risa Raider.

    Then Axel wants to seek friendship with girls since he was bad at being respected by them. Kinda creepy. But Axel didn't know about Nim's feelings for him before that happened.

    Well, I can't blame him for that.

    Aero : Then what is your goal?

    Alain : To help you.

    Aero : Huh?!

    Alain : Maybe I don't remember who was I. But my past self shared the same moments with yours.

    But then why do I feel like doing the same thing as before?!

    Such superstition!

    Aero : That part doesn't matter!

    Alain : Yeah! Let's not talk about that!

    Aero : ...


    I want to become the next Aevium's professor.

    Alain : Aero?

    Aero : After Geara killed Jenner by sending him into the lava in top of Valor Mountain, I felt so sorry for Melia.

    Even my friends felt so sorry for her, too... Besides...

    Who's going to take responsibility of taking care of Gearen Laboratory, now? Who...?


    Aero starts to cry.


    Aero : Our life isn't fair at all.

    Nobody should have crushed their joy of living.

    I'll curse Team Xen for that. I'll curse them for messing with our lives.

    Alain : ...

    Just listen.

    Jenner did the right thing to do. So we're not going to let his sacrifice go to waste.


    Aero stopped crying.


    Aero : That's right. He didn't have any choice but to betray them. To protect Melia.

    So I'm going to be his successor but I'll never take the same dark path as he did before, even if he didn't intent to do.

    Alain : That's the spirit!

    By the way, I'm going!

    Aero : Can we go, together?!

    Alain : Why not?!


    Both Aero and Alain left. While Melia stayed hidden all this entire time hearing their conversation, ending with her reaction.


    Melia : ...

    Aero. You have really matured. I'm proud of you.

    If that's your decision, I respect that.


    Note : That's all for today. See you tomorrow. Bye.

  2. Here’s something more important in case of the biggest problem for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl :


  3. Using a Ditto with Imposter Ability sure makes El a member of Elite Four.
  4. For everyone who wants their favorites, here’s how to evolve a Pokemon with special condition :


  5. I'll go for Infernape, @P.Kiko. Infernape Type : Fire/Fighting Ability : Contrary Stats : HP : 76 Attack : 104 -> 180 Defense : 71 -> 100 Sp. Attack : 104 -> 80 Sp. Defense : 71 -> 100 Speed : 108 -> 170 Total : 534 -> 706 Moves : Legendary : V-Create (It has negative effect but Contrary makes it the most dangerous of any moves). Regular : Ice Hammer (This move not only that counters many Ground, Dragon and Flying types but can raise its Speed instead of lowering, thanks to Contrary). Kinda it makes Infernape one of the most broken starters very much.
  6. Cinderace, Mega Blaziken, Rotom (Heat Form), Regieleki, Galarian Darmanitan (Zen Mode), Heliolisk
  7. Here’s something if you’re interested about upgrading Trainer Card :


  8. Sure. Why not? Life usually can't be bad. I hope SilverAngelus is doing fine.
  9. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Reborn.  Here's the scene in Onyx Arcade where both Lucia and Decibel are playing in order to obtain Pokemons :

    Decibel : Hey, Lucia. I'm going for a jackpot.

    Lucia : You'll never learn. It will slow you down.

    It has been 59 minutes and 15 seconds since we started playing.

    And here you are. Struggling to gain Coins.

    Decibel : Aw... Nonsense. I'll show you how wrong you are.


    Many seconds later...


    Prize Exchange Vendor : Time's up!

    Show me how many Coins do you have!


    Decibel has 947 Coins while Lucia has over 20000.


    Prize Exchange Vendor : Well, Decibel! You have enough Coins to obtain... only Slugma!

    Decibel 🤯 What the... What in the- Why?!

    Aw... OK! Slugma it is!


    Decibel obtained Slugma.


    Prize Exchange Vendor : As for Lucia, you have much Coins! However, you should choose only one Pokemon!

    But don't worry! You can obtain TMs also!

    Lucia : Wow! Today is my lucky day! But there's only Slugma, Male Nidoran and Shinx.

    So I choose Shinx! And I will take every TMs! So, thanks!


    Lucia obtained Shinx and also TM42, TM45 and TM90.


    Lucia : Facade, Attract and Substitute. Well, it has been fun playing with you!

    So, see ya!


    Lucia left.


    Decibel : What am I gonna do?!


    Note : That's it for special scene. See you next time.

  10. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation. Here's one in Land of Broken Dreams after Hazuki's suicide in conclusion of battle between Aevis and Hazuki :

    Aelita : Hazuki, I hope you can finally rest now.

    Aevia : Your death won't be in vain. I wish you wanted to have faith in us.


    Then Aevis begins to suffer from darkness...


    Aevis : ...

    Valarie/Aelita : Aevis?!

    Aevia : Aevis! No!

    Saki : Are you OK?!

    Adam : Don't you dare making us worry!

    Delpha : Is that...




    He's surrounded by darkness. He's suffering.

    Aevia : Aevis. Please stop.


    During the Aevis' consciousness, a voice appears inside his head.


    ??? : What's the matter? Do you feel guilty? Or maybe I'm forcing you to fall into darkness?

    Aevis : ...

    ??? : Such pride! Such bravery! That's what it takes for driving someone precious to die.

    Do you believe this?

    That's how the inevitable shall become.

    You really work alone and don't care anything about everyone else.

    That's what Axel called you like that earlier. A selfish ignorant fool. And yet...

    You still act like you know better than everyone.

    You believe everyone will be safe because of your heroic actions.

    But all you did was causing worries to your friends.

    Aevis : ...

    ??? You really help everyone. But so what?

    Nothing's going to change anything for you.

    Nothing's going to be different.

    No matter what you try, you'll still reach your limit.

    You won't be able to save everyone. Everyone you love will die, including you.

    Aevis : ...

    ??? : Too bad you won't be able to see Crescent after your last moments with her.


    Flashback in Teila Resort.


    Crescent : What are you going to do, now?

    Aevis : I will always do what you want.

    Crescent : No! Just...

    You must do your duty as a trainer if you want.

    I'm not going to stop you. You're free from my orders from now on.

    Aevis : Why?

    Crescent : ...


    Do you think what I'm doing is selfish? You knew I'm the one who deceived Ren and that's why he's in big trouble.

    You knew I attempted to kill a person, which it was the right thing to do.

    Do you have pity into me from inside?

    Aevis : ...

    Everyone can make mistakes, sometimes! I'm not angry at you!

    You wanted us to be happy for you, aren't you?

    Crescent : Yes. All of my actions was to protect you and my friends.

    Aevis : Sure that proves in your reason.

    Crescent : Listen. Just go.

    Aevis : OK.


    Crescent. You will be always my best friend, no matter what.

    Crescent 😳



    And Aevis left. Then Crescent cries emotionally.


    Crescent : Yes. Forever.


    Back to present.


    ??? : You should have taken responsibilities.

    You know why?


    The dark version of Aevis appears.


    Dark Aevis : Because I am you. And you are me.

    You shall fall as I will rise into your body and your heart.

    Aevis : ...


    Dark Aevis : What?!

    Aevis : It's true about what I did. But I don't have any regrets, anymore.

    I'll will help people to find their resolve. I won't let anyone suffer like they did before.

    I choose my own way of protecting the world. And you will never be able to stop me.

    You understand why. Because I have friends that I love them so much.

    I'm not alone because they are always here to help me and they will. It's something you don't see.

    Dark Aevis : No! You're lying!

    Aevis : I litteraly never lie.

    So... BEGONE!


    Aevis' light resonates, surpassing the darkness. Back to Land of Broken Dreams while Aevis is about to shine.


    Aevia/Aelita/Valarie/Saki/Delpha : What?!

    Adam : Whoa?!


    As a result, Aevis get separated into two people : the current Aevis and Dark Aevis.


    Aevia : WHAT?! Aevis! You...

    Aelita : There's TWO Aevis?!

    Adam : Oh, man!

    Valarie : I don't understand. I thought bad things were going to happen.

    Saki : Can you explain what THE HELL is going on?!

    Delpha : I don't understand, either. But there's only one thing.

    Aevis dominated the darkness itself, rejecting everything so evil inside.

    That's why the second Aevis is born. With all its total darkness.

    Aevis. You are truly amazing. You conquered your own self.

    Dark Aevis : Grrr! Curse you!


    Dark Aevis left.


    Aevia : Aevis. Are you alright?

    Aelita : I want to know if everything is going alright from you.


    Aevis smiles with satisafaction.


    Aevis : I'm perfectly fine. I'm no longer burdened by guilty, forever.

    Aevia : Thank Arceus that everything is alright for him!

    Aelita : Time to go. We have to be careful about what happens next.


    And then Aevis, Aevia and Aelita went forward in journey to stop Master of Nightmares.


    Note : When you're playing Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, if you are in post game, ask me about the guide for the other legendary pokemons. And if you're asking where can you find some useful items to make your pokemon strong, here it is :

    https://serebii.net/brilliantdiamondshiningpearl/battletower.shtml (It's not completed yet)

    See you tomorrow. Bye.

  11. I have good news and bad news :

    The good one is the remake version of Pokemon is released.

    Bad news is :



    And I have to admit. Dark Eclipse was right about that.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      TRANSFER ONLY!?!?!?!


      Whatever. Lets see. Shaymin is already in the game, and if its not, then its in Legnds: Arceus. Which, btw, WILL have moves like liquidation. Also, no matter what people think, Rowlet, Cyndiquill, and Oshawott will not have new evolutions.

    3. OmegaStellarSolare
    4. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      Hmm those are very useful. I wonder if Mega Evolution will be in Legends: Arceus...

  12. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Reborn. Here's the scene in Pyrous Mountain after Kuro's defeat at hands of Solaris' Garchomp :

    Kuro : *pant*



    Damn it.

    Cain : Woah, Kuro...

    Victoria : Huh? He beat Kuro?

    No way...

    Solaris : What a dissapointment, Kuro! You haven't known your place, yet!

    Thinking you could defeat my Garchomp who's overprepared for this makes your own ego be shattered by yourself.

    That's what happens when you try to avenge your friend.

    Kuro : Grr... Curse you!

    Solaris : Pointless!

    You lose the battle.

    Kuro : That! Is!




    Vero's Murkrow appears, using Perish Song on Solaris' Garchomp so fast, thanks to its ability Prankster.


    Garchomp : GAAAAARRRRRRR...!

    Solaris : What?!

    Vero : You really should have brought more Pokemons, instead.


    Vero appears.


    Victoria : Vero, you're back! What took you so long?!

    Cain : Seriously! I mean...

    Vero : Long story but we're have enemies to deal with.

    Taka : It's you, again. That must be fate.

    Solaris : Focus on Victoria, instead of talking in this situation.

    And as for you. I shall dispose of you. Right here, right now.

    Vero : Payback time!

    Solaris : Tsk! I forgot that with six Pokemon by Vero's side, my powerful Garchomp is in effect of Perish Song!

    No matter what happens, I'm going to lose.


    Vero and Solaris fought for a while, leading to Garchomp faint due to the Perish Song effect, making Vero victorious.


    Vero : Checkmate, Solaris!

    Solaris : So that's how it is.

    Victoria : Amazing! I knew he would beat you!

    Cain : Wow! Looks like I taught an important lesson! It doesn't need stength to defeat the opponent, but strategy!

    Taka : My father... lost?!

    Cal : The purple haired boy was right. That person who defeated Solaris wasn't battling with strength but in a different way.

    Kuro : Great job, Vero!

    Vero : How does it feel for you to lose like this?!

    Solaris : ...

    Hmph. There's no point in continuing.

    Cain : What do you mean, "no point"? It's a battle!

    Solaris : It's inconsequential.

    Kiki : Please stand aside.


    Kiki came.


    Victoria : Sensei!

    Vero/Kuro : Kiki?!


    Note : That's what's done, today. Enjoy the reading. See you next time.

  13. Hi! Today, it's my birthday. And it's the return of "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation. Here's one near the end of Pearl Route :

    Nim : But it is true. I've already accepted it.

    ??? : You can't accept anything after what you've done.

    Nim : Who's here? Show yourself?

    Melia : That voice. It's Axel.

    But his voice is darker than before.


    The person approaches, revealing to be Dark Axel.


    Melia/Nim : Axel?

    Nim : Axel? You're fine but what's happening to you?

    Melia : No! Please, no!

    Nim : Do you know something?

    Melia : That's the dark self of Axel. That's why he has been suffering.

    Venam told me also what happened to Aevia while I was unconscious.

    Nim : No way! They have been suffering like that, deep in inside?

    Melia : It's true.

    But why aren't the ghosts attacking him?

    Dark Axel : Those are the spirits of the people who seeks revenge and lifeforce.

    Sure, you understand, Nim.

    However, I'm the one who's going to kill you all.

    Nim : Axel, no!

    Melia : It's no use. He will never listen to us.

    Nim : ...

    That's... how I acted when I was after being ordered by that fool. I lost my reason to believe in anyone.



    Nim opens the portal for escape.


    Nim : You all need to get out of here. I can help you escape.

    Melia : And let you stay down here to fend for yourself?!

    Dark Axel : Adorable! Touching! Blah! As if the escape it's going to save you from troubles!

    Nim : Melia...

    Melia : Come with us! We can escape together!

    Despite everything we've been through... We still love you, Nim!

    Nim : ...

    I know that now.

    And that's why I'm doing this.


    Nim sends them to the portal.


    Nim : It's me you all want, right?!

    I'm the one who terrorized you all...

    But I'm here now... I won't run away...

    Dark Axel : I don't like your sarcasm.

    Nim : It wasn't sarcasm! It's the truth! And...

    I'll face my destiny!

    Dark Axel : Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Fool!

    You'll always fail and you shall not be forgiven for what you have done!

    Nim : I want to talk to Axel I know. I wanted to say something for a long time ago.

    I just wanted to have a private moment with you but I couldn't do anything to help you.

    But here we are! So...

    I love you, Axel! Not as a friend, but for real!

    That's why I'm going to save you from despair! The despair you've been holding back since the beginning!

    Dark Axel : THEN BRING IT!


    Then their fates is left unknown.


    Note : I hope you enjoyed reading this. See you tomorrow. 💖🎂💖

    1. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      This is a little bit late, but happy birthday!!!!!!!!!

    2. OmegaStellarSolare
    3. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      You're welcome!

  14. Shampoo Shine-up is more like extreme makeover for protagonists. No offense!
  15. I know that. I’m just saying that, even if I don’t know who the hardest boss in Pokemon Reborn is.
  16. Me, I’m going to have my Blaziken Flare Blitz in her stomach.
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