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Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. Here's the last part of Ultra Ego Pokemons :

    Ultra Ego Alolan Raichu


    Type : Electric/Ego


    Ability : As One (Surge Surfer, Static and Lightning Rod)


    Base stats :

    HP : 60

    Attack : 105

    Defense : 200

    Sp. Attack : 135

    Sp. Defense : 200

    Speed : 300

    Total : 1000


    Electric type signature move : Voltage Whirlpool :

    Category : Special

    PP : 5 (Max 8)

    Power : 120

    Accuracy : 75

    Effect : The target becomes trapped within a maelstrom of wild electricity, taking damage equal to 1/6 of its maximum HP for five turns (1/4 during Electric Terrain), at the end of each turns. The Pokemon weak to Water type is dealt super effective damage by its move.


    Pokedex entry : Raichu has complete control over the electricity where it uses its speed to create electricity around the water to surf at perfect stance. This is where they call it "The Star of the Beach" in Alola region due to its perfect score at boardsports.



    Ultra Ego Wigglytuff


    Type : Fairy/Ego


    Ability : As One (Cute Charm, Competitive, Friend Guard and Frisk)


    Base stats :

    HP : 140

    Attack : 75

    Defense : 120

    Sp. Attack : 450

    Sp. Defense : 120

    Speed : 95

    Total : 1000


    Fairy type signature move : Draining Sweet Kiss :

    Category : Special

    PP : 10 (Max 16)

    Power : 75

    Accuracy : 100

    Effect : The use steals the target's HP with a kiss of love that doubles the power if the target is infatuated. The user's HP is restored by 3/4 of the damage taken by the target.


    Pokedex entry : Wigglytuff acts like a mother to the other pure hearted Pokemons and punish the evil hearted Pokemons for destroying the peace that they wanted. So don't get on its bad side if you don't want to be "kissed to out cold".



    Ultra Ego Male Combee


    Type : Bug/Ego


    Ability : As One (Honey Gather, Hustle, Pressure and Unnerve)


    Base stats :

    HP : 30

    Attack : 100

    Defense : 335

    Sp. Attack : 100

    Sp. Defense : 335

    Speed : 100

    Total : 1000


    Bug type signature moves :

    Honey Devour :

    Category : Status

    PP : 1 (Max 1)

    Power : -

    Accuracy : -

    Effect : If its held item is none other than Honey, the user consumes it to maximize its Attack, Sp. Attack and Speed. Otherwise, the move will fail.


    Triple Needle Attack :

    Category : Physical

    PP : 5 (Max. 8)

    Power : 30

    Accuracy : 95

    Effect : A consecutive three-needle attack that becomes more powerful with each successful hit.


    Pokedex entry : The male ones have abandoned their loyalty to Vespiquen, becoming more hungrier than before. Once they eat honey, they gain greater power, but they lose all their hunger. This form resembles like a familiar Ultra Beast, but with three tails containing needles. With this, it can attack thrice as it can be used as bullets. That's why in Vespiquen Nest, there's only female Combees with Vespiquen, while in Combee Nest which it is forbidden for people to enter, only male Combees are allowed to live here.


    Note : That's all. It took so long to do every Ultra Ego Pokemon's informations. I hope you like it. And you can tell which is your favorite. See you next time.

  2. Here's the fifth part of Ultra Ego (and there are different counterparts) :

    Ultra Ego Lycanroc


    Type : Rock/Ego


    Ability :

    For Midday : As One (Keen Eye, Sand Rush, Steadfast and Vital Spirit)

    For Midnight : As One (Keen Eye, Vital Spirit, No Guard and Steadfast)


    Base stats :

    For Midday :

    HP : 75

    Attack : 255

    Defense : 155

    Sp. Attack : 110

    Sp. Defense : 155

    Speed : 250

    Total : 1000


    For Midnight :

    HP : 85

    Attack : 255

    Defense : 180

    Sp. Attack : 110

    Sp. Defense : 180

    Speed : 190

    Total : 1000


    Rock type signature move :

    For Midday : Nitrorock :

    Category : Physical

    PP : 5 (Max 8)

    Power : 80

    Accuracy : 100

    Effect : The user charges the target at speed harder than Accelerock. This move has priority +2.


    For Midnight : Hard Counter :

    Category : Physical

    PP : 10 (Max 16)

    Power : -

    Accuracy : 100

    Effect : A retaliation move harder than Counter that counters any physical attack, inflicting triple the damage taken. This move has priority -5.


    Pokedex entry :

    For Midday :

    Its body is formed with spikes made of rock and the shape and color of its eyes becomes similar to the sun. It symbolizes the path to the heaven, becoming the sage of Lycanrocs.


    For Midnight : Its body is formed with big fur and the shape and color of its eyes becomes hyptonic and blue respectively. It symbolizes the path to the hell, becoming the devil incarnate of Lycanrocs.



    Ultra Ego Nidoking


    Type : Poison/Ego


    Ability : As One (Poison Point, Rivalry, Hustle and Sheer Force)


    Base stats :

    HP : 81

    Attack : 240

    Defense : 209

    Sp. Attack : 100

    Sp. Defense : 130

    Speed : 240

    Total : 1000


    Poison type signature move : Acid Megahorn :

    Category : Physical

    PP : 5 (Max 8)

    Power : 150

    Accuracy : 85

    Effect : Merging the power between acid and strong horn, the user strikes with it into the target, being super effective to Steel. It has 10% chance to poison the target.


    Pokedex entry : Nidoking has mutated and is feeding the lust for battle. Losing control leads people to the funeral and uses his horn to melt anything weak that touches it, even metal. That's why someone keeps people out of his territory to prevent the incident.



    Ultra Ego Nidoqueen


    Type : Poison/Ego


    Ability : As One (Poison Point, Rivalry, Hustle and Sheer Force)


    Base stats :

    HP : 90

    Attack : 200

    Defense : 170

    Sp. Attack : 100

    Sp. Defense : 240

    Speed : 200

    Total : 1000


    Poison type signature move : Sludge Slash :

    Category : Physical

    PP : 5 (Max 8)

    Power : 130

    Accuracy : 100

    Effect : The user strikes everything around it by slashing with its poisonous claws. Has 10% chance to poison the target.


    Pokedex entry : Nidoqueen's ego isn't aggressive but has her emotions become numb. She will attack with any claws that causes an eternal illness to the enemies. But she has a soft side of herself that will make Nidoking stop their rampage.



    Ultra Ego Hydreigon


    Type : Dragon/Ego


    Ability : As One (Hustle and Levitate)


    Base stats :

    HP : 92

    Attack : 190

    Defense : 170

    Sp. Attack : 180

    Sp. Defense : 170

    Speed : 198

    Total : 1000


    Dragon type signature move : Fury Astral Combo :

    Category : Physical

    PP : 5 (Max 8)

    Power : 30

    Accuracy : 100

    Effect : That ancient power deals damage always six times in a row.


    Pokedex entry : Its body didn't change but except, it got it new arms grow up. Now, it can attack with any part of its body, using the power inherited from the ancient times where dragons lived in harmony for eternity.


    Note : That's all. Sorry for being so late. It's all because I'M HAVING PROBLEM WITH THE INTERNET. WHY IT ALWAYS HAS TO BE MY DAMN BAD LUCK IN MY SIDE? Well, see you tomorrow.

  3. What's done is done? There's no way Life Orb is obtainable if Karen is killed, and there's no LITERALLY turning back. Unless must have that save file before this event.
  4. Hello, everyone! Since there's NUMBEBBEBEBEBEBERRRRRRRRSSSSSSSS and Letterssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, this time is with greek letter names. How to play : Same rules of NUMBEBBEBEBEBEBERRRRRRRRSSSSSSSS and Letterssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, except we use only greek letters names by order (Like Alpha -> Beta -> Gamma -> etc.). If there's admin's post or moderator's post, you're forced to restart it. When we get to Omega, we win and start over. Enjoy the gaming! Warning : Using a case letter (like β) will not move on to the next until only greek letter name (like Beta) is posted to the next. I'll start with : Alpha
  5. This time, it's about themes for upcoming Pokemon Revenge. Here goes :


    Wild Pokemon battle :




    Ultra Ego Pokemon battle :




    Ultra Instinct Pokemon/Wild Pokemon (God Dens) battle :




    Team Nightmare Grunt battle :


    1. Dark Legend

      Dark Legend

      To anyone who reads this, I will be releasing things about this game as well here soon. Not big spoilers, just little things.

  6. Another explaination about Ultra Ego :

    The Pokemon can't inherit abilities came from the transformed Pokemon (like Mega Evolution ability). While its Heart Gauge is full, a Ultra Ego's EV stats are hidden, stats modifiers and critical hits are ignored, the Ability and STAB effect are nullified, can only use first move, can't learn Ego type move and cannot gain experience or friendship. Each time the player fully opens one of the Pokémon's Heart Gauge bars, some of these restrictions are removed and additions will be available.


    Heart Gauge Progress Changes

    10 bars : None

    9 bars : None

    8 bars : Can use only first two moves now.

    7 bars : None

    6 bars :

    - The Pokémon's EV stats are revealed.
    - The Pokémon can gain experience and friendship.

    5 bars : The Pokemon will be able to learn signature moves.

    4 bars : Can only use first three moves now.

    3 bars : None

    2 bars :

    Pokemon can learn all 4 moves.

    - Pokemon in Hyper Mode's critical hit chance has passed 50% to 100%.

    1 bar :

    Everytime the Pokemon gets hit by contact move, the highest base stats will rise drastically (only applies if one of EV stats is maxed).

    - Hyper Mode won't have drawbacks anymore.

    - The Pokemon regains Ability. But due to combining with all its Ability, it will become As One.

    Fully empty :

    STAB effect is applied.

    - The Pokemon can learn Ego type moves, depending on species.

    - Heart Gauge dissapears.


    That's all the information for now. Here's 3 next ones :

    Ultra Ego Spiritomb


    Type : Ghost/Ego


    Ability : As One (Pressure and Infiltrator)


    Base stats :

    HP : 50

    Attack : 120

    Defense : 340

    Sp. Attack : 120

    Sp. Defense : 340

    Speed : 30

    Total : 1000


    Ghost type signature move : Nightmare Pain :

    Category : Special

    PP : 5 (Max 8)

    Power : 100

    Accuracy : 100

    Effect : The user uses forbidden move that corrupts dreams into nightmares of death. If the target is asleep, the move doubles the power and leaves the target fall into Nightmare. It also triples the power if Pokemon is under Nightmare while asleep, instead of double.


    Pokedex entry : This Pokemon has absorbed 892 spirits at more, gathering 1000 spirits to become the ultimate nightmare. A ghost with a shape of the human that can be invulnerable and scares every people out of hell.



    Ultra Ego Mightyena


    Type : Dark/Ego


    Ability : As One (Run Away, Quick Feet, Rattled, Intimidate and Moxie)


    Base stats :

    HP : 70

    Attack : 450

    Defense : 100

    Sp. Attack : 100

    Sp. Defense : 100

    Speed : 180

    Total : 1000


    Dark type signature move : Darkness Impact :

    Category : Physical

    PP : 5 (Max 8)

    Power : 150

    Accuracy : 100

    Effect : The user charges at the target using such absolute negative power. The user can't move on the next turn.


    Pokedex entry : Mightyena acts more loyal to its Trainer. It grew its wings as result of lifeforce given by a fallen Mega Absol. Mightyena now wants to stay in this form in order to cope Absol's death and to honor it.



    Ultra Ego Galarian Slowking


    Type : Psychic/Ego


    Ability : As One (Oblivious, Gluttony, Quick Draw, Curious Medicine, Own Tempo, Regenerator)


    Base stats :

    HP : 95

    Attack : 75

    Defense : 110

    Sp. Attack : 270

    Sp. Defense : 420

    Speed : 30

    Total : 1000


    Psychic type signature move : Psycho Switch :

    Category : Special

    PP : 20 (Max 32)

    Power : 80

    Accuracy : 100

    Effect : After using this move, the user rushes back to switch places with a party Pokémon in waiting.


    Pokedex entry : After this point, it's now Slowking who has dominance of control over Shellder, due to its intelligence surpassing the people's excpectation. Not even Alakazam will be able to rivalize it.


    Note : That's all. See you tomorrow. Happy Halloween!

  7. Here's the third part of Ultra Ego. Before that, another explaination :

    Ultra Ego Pokemons can also learn the move came from their regional pokemon and regional evolution (like Hoennian Linoone can learn Galarian Linoone's/Obstagoon's Night Slash) by Move Relearner. And has Heart Gauge but is split into 10 equal bars. When Pokemon goes Ultra Ego for the first time, it starts with 5 red bars, then 5 green bars behind the red bars. The information will be told tomorrow. About the Ultra Ego effect, for example, if there's two highest base stats, both of them will rise by three stages.


    Now, here's 3 more :

    Ultra Ego Kantonian Marowak


    Type : Ground/Ego


    Ability : As One (Rock Head, Lightning Rod, Battle Armor, Cursed Body)


    Base stats :

    HP : 60

    Attack : 100

    Defense : 200

    Sp. Attack : 260

    Sp. Defense : 200

    Speed : 180

    Total : 1000


    Ground type signature move : Bone Spear Power :

    Category : Special

    PP : 5 (Max 8)

    Power : 120

    Accuracy : 95

    Effect : If the target is caught by this move before the target uses any moves, the target's move will become Electric type. Has 50% chance to lower the target's Sp. Defense.


    Pokedex entry : Reaching this state, Marowak is the reason why most of Mandibuzz have been extinct in many location in this region. Because Marowak took vengeance on them, ending with many bloody deaths of Mandibuzz being caused by Marowak's spear made of bone. No wonder why Vullaby's and Mandibuzz's are very rare to be encountered only in one location, due to a terrible threat because of their only fatal mistake.



    Ultra Ego Bisharp


    Type : Steel/Ego


    Ability : As One (Defiant, Inner Focus and Pressure)


    Base stats :

    HP : 65

    Attack : 215

    Defense : 215

    Sp. Attack : 75

    Sp. Defense : 215

    Speed : 215

    Total : 1000


    Steel type signature move : Devil Blade :

    Category : Physical

    PP : 5 (Max 8)

    Power : 100

    Accuracy : 100

    Effect : The malicious blade has 20% chance to cause the target to be tormented.


    Pokedex entry : Bisharp is finally capable of understanding Pawniard's pain, sadness and sorrow. Therefore, Bisharp now battles the enemies for looking down on Pawniards. That's what it can't understand human emotions because of not having any enough trust. Bisharp uses its hand blades to slash them, causing an illness named "Berserker Syndrome".



    Ultra Ego Weavile


    Type : Ice/Ego


    Ability : As One (Inner Focus, Keen Eye, Pickpocket and Pressure)


    Base stats :

    HP : 70

    Attack : 186

    Defense : 186

    Sp. Attack : 186

    Sp. Defense : 186

    Speed : 186

    Total : 1000


    Ice type signature moves :

    Blizzard Storm :

    Category : Special

    PP : 5 (Max 8)

    Power : 160

    Accuracy : 90

    Effect : The user uses this lance to whip up a storm of strong blizzard around the target. The attack's recoil lowers the user's Sp. Atk stat.


    Icicle of Death :

    Category : Physical

    PP : 5 (Max 8)

    Power : 250

    Accuracy 100

    Effect : The user attacks by using an infinite of large icicles onto the target, causing to freeze the opponent permanently. The user faints upon using this move.


    Pokedex entry : The lancer incarnate has awakened. Weavile uses everything it gets to finish the opponents with any dangerous Ice attacks, even if it damages its own life. Revealing that it has lost his survival instinct, Weavile doesn't care if it is the end. So it has the will of the thief to steal items belonging to the other for its own sake of battling.


    Note : That's all. Tell me if I wrote wrong. But I only decide to correct the words. So, see you tomorrow.

  8. Just go to the southwest. When you find water, just use Surf to walk down to ladder. So that doesn’t need Rock Climb.
  9. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Reborn. Here's the scene outside near the Nightclub entrance where Ari and Arclight have their Pokemon battle, ending with Ari losing so pathetically, even Ari's Pokemon couldn't hit them :

    Ari : I... lost...?

    Arclight : Now, you realize why it's not necessary for you to enter the Nightclub.

    Ari : But... I...

    Arclight : Listen. I know you want the Nightclub but...

    You won't be able to survive like that. Do you know there are many Ace Trainers who are strong just like me?

    Ari : ...

    Arclight : If you don't wan't to be upset, then become stronger.

    Become the champion. That's the only option. Is that clear?

    Ari : I understand. I failed you, didn't I?


    Ari left.


    Arclight : Hey! Don't go! That's not what I meant!

    Awwww...! I believe I shouldn't look down on Ari like that.

    But that's the truth what I said. You would fall into a deeper depression than this.

    Well. I hope Ari understands the reality in the future.


    Note : Sorry for late. Kinda made you dissapointed. See you in this weekend.

  10. "Protagonist can talk" for Pokemon Rejuvenation. Here's the scene in Dream Complex, in Central Penthouse :

    Rhodea : You ate all of the food in the freezer?!

    Alice : Oh yes! They were all delicious! I've never had something so flavorful!

    Ariana : I can't help it if they looked delicious! More like I'm starving like it's been a while since I've never have eaten something so good!

    Allen : I dunno, they tasted kinda weird...

    Axel : Horrible...! How stupid they can be?!


    Rhodea checked the food like something isn't going well.


    Rhodea : Y-You didn't even cook them! You two just ate a bunch of frozen meals.

    Axel : Three, exactly!!!

    Rhodea : Yeah, three!

    Alice : Oh, my... That would explain why it tasted so cold.

    I just imagined we were eating a mystical rock from the galaxy!

    Where everything is white with snow and silent as space!

    Axel : That's why I don't like airheaded people like you!

    Ariana : Hey, I take offense to that, Axel!

    Allen : Me, too!

    Rhodea : Do you know how long it took to afford all this food?!

    I was going to be ahead in meals for months, but you've ruined it all in one day!

    What were you three thinking?!

    Alice/Ariana : *Burp*

    Alice : O-Oh my... Excuse me!

    Ariana : Sorry!

    Allen : Heh...Heh Heh...

    Rhodea : I... I can't. I just I can't.


    Rhodea : Oh, Aevia...

    I'm sorry you had to see that. I'm just on edge with what happened with Venam and Lavender.

    Aevia : How did you know about Lavender?

    Rhodea : Huey told me all about it... I don't know what to do at this point.

    Both of them are currently admitted into the Hospital of Hope.

    We can't do anything but hope for a full recovery.

    Venam is going to have an even rougher time...

    Aevia : I hope so but still...

    I have a bad feeling about this.

    Rhodea : Don't worry. It's your imagination.

    Aevia : I believe that's the case.


    Axel : Whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop!


    Everyone glares at Axel.


    Axel : What?! WHAT?!

    Rhodea : Anyway. I'm going.

    Excuse me.

    Aevia : See you later.


    Rhodea left.


    Note : Well, I suppose that's it for today. I can do another for tomorrow (not for Rejuvenation). See ya!

  11. Here's the return of "What if" music for Pokemon Rejuvenation. After what I posted about protagonist dark self several weeks ago (I don't need to count how many weeks), it's decided what happens if they battle their dark selves. For administrators and moderators, if that concerns you, as I said a long time ago that it's hypothetical. Understand? Well, time for themes :


    Dark Aevia battle :



    Dark Axel battle :



    Dark Ariana battle :



    Dark Alain battle :



    Dark Ana battle :



    Dark Aero battle :



    Dark Aevis battle :



    Note : Enjoy the music. See you next time.

  12. Here's the second part of Ultra Ego. Before that, here's another explaination. Ultra Ego Pokemon can inherit Abilities depending from the same species of the family, even in regional forms (only not counting from Egg Group).

    -> About Ego type's battle properties :

    - Defense :

    Damaged normally by : None

    Weak to : Instinct, Ego

    Immune to : Normal, Psychic, Fighting, Ghost

    Resistant to : Other types


    - Offense :

    Effective : Other types

    Super effective : Normal, Ghost, Dragon, Ego, Instinct

    Less effective : None

    Ineffective : None


    -> About its effect :

    Gains highest base stats by three stages every time they get hit by a contact move. Has 30% chance to enter Hyper Mode (It won’t hurt the user, but forces the user to use a move different than those of trainer’s orders like a wild Pokemon). But Hyper Mode can be lifted by doing the same thing as before.


    Here comes the other ones :

    Ultra Ego Bouffalant


    Type : Normal/Ego


    Ability : As One (Reckless, Sap Sipper and Soundproof)


    Base stats :

    HP : 95

    Attack : 260

    Defense : 170

    Sp. Attack : 90

    Sp. Defense : 170

    Speed : 215

    Total : 1000


    Normal type signature move : Head Impact :

    Category : Physical

    PP : 5 (Max 8)

    Power : 180

    Accuracy : 80

    Effect : The user attacks the target with power of headbutt beyond limits. The user receives recoil damage equal to 1/2 of the damage done to the target but the user's Attack stat rises drastically each time the move KO the target.


    Pokedex entry : Once Bouffalants pass into this stage, there's no turning back to their old personality. They become less agressive but more arrogant. Nobody will know the reason of their behaviour. They get their afro grow bigger, covering their eyes as they can't see and ears as they can't hear anything. But they can sense the movements of their opponents only because they can only see their own energy of the potential. Being hit by Bouffalant's powerful headbutt is a death wish.



    Ultra Ego Swellow


    Type : Flying/Ego


    Ability : As One (Guts and Scrappy)


    Base stats :

    HP : 60

    Attack : 180

    Defense : 100

    Sp. Attack : 160

    Sp. Defense : 100

    Speed : 400

    Total : 1000


    Flying type signature move : Aerial Facade :

    Category : Physical

    PP : 10 (Max 16)

    Power : 90

    Accuracy : 100

    Effect : Its base power doubles if the user is poisoned, paralyzed, or burned.


    Pokedex entry : Due to Ultra Instinct and Ultra Ego, there was a fight between group of Staraptors and group of Swellows. They battled each other during 3 years without any victor. Comparing to Swellow's red aura and Staraptor's blue aura, Swellow can power up its body during its extreme condition to strike the opponents with its speed faster than light.



    Ultra Ego Tyrogue


    Type : Fighting/Ego


    Ability : As One (Guts, Steadfast, Vital Spirit, Limber, Reckless, Unburden, Keen Eye, Iron Fist, Inner Focus, Intimidate and Technician)


    Base stats :

    HP : 35

    Attack : 270

    Defense : 270

    Sp. Attack : 35

    Sp. Defense : 110

    Speed : 280

    Total : 1000


    Fighting type signature moves :

    Over Drain Punch :

    Category : Physical

    PP : 5 (Max 8)

    Power : 120

    Accuracy : 100

    Effect : A vicious energy-draining punch. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.


    Over Jump Kick :

    Category : Physical

    PP : 5 (Max 8)

    Power : 160

    Accuracy : 90

    Effect : The target is attacked with a leg kick from a jump. If it misses, the user is hurt instead.


    Berserker Strike :

    Category : Physical

    PP : 5 (Max 8)

    Power : 30

    Accuracy : 90

    Effect : A consecutive three-strikes attack that doubles the power if the user is poisoned, paralyzed or burned.


    Pokedex entry : Tyrogue has found its own way to become stronger without relying in any evolutions. After several decades of training, it's able to master the arts of Hitmons. Therefore, it's now respected by Hitmons for acheiving a level that neither any of them couldn't perform such a feat. Ultra Ego Tyrogue's resolution is to protect the Hitmons, even if it costs its own life or lifespan.


    Note : Well, that's what it happens. I hope you liked it. I will be here also tomorrow to post something. See ya!

  13. The progress has leveled up. This is a big start for V13.5.
  14. About Hisuian forms and evolutions, I think they come from the very past. Maybe they can be caught or evolve only in the past. But I respect your decision. Ignoring the first one about what I said, about changes in Terajuma Island, they look quite stunning. I can't wait to see what happens next.
  15. Very cool about Vero's design. I like it. I have faith for the future.
  16. Here's for 3 first Ultra Ego Pokemons :

    Ultra Ego Male Salandit


    Type : Fire/Ego


    Ability : As One (Corrosion and Oblivious)


    Base stats :

    HP : 48

    Attack : 240

    Defense : 116

    Sp. Attack : 240

    Sp. Defense : 116

    Speed : 240

    Total : 1000


    Fire type signature move : Venom Burn :

    Category : Depends between Atk stats and Sp. Attack stats.

    PP : 5 (Max 8)

    Power : 100

    Accuracy : 100

    Effect This move inflicts Attack or Sp. Atk damage, whichever stat is higher for the user. Has 50% chance to badly poison and 50% chance to burn the target. Doubles the power against poisoned target but triples the power against bad poisoned target.


    Pokedex entry : Due to their ego influence, many male Salandits have their body transform into the body of the real dragon, becoming so much powerful as hell. As a result, they passed to the stage of rebellion against the female ones who can't go Ultra Ego and even Salazzles, because of their jealousy towards superiority. When male Salandits gets charged with their purple flames, they can move into hyper speeds which can destroy even an entire region if they wanted or they can control those purple flames to hit the opponents without hesitation. That's why somewhere in region so far away, it's forbidden for trainers to enter without permission and female ones are more encounterable than male ones.



    Ultra Ego Wishiwashi


    Type : Water/Ego


    Ability : Schooling


    Base stats (Solo Form) :

    HP : 45

    Attack : 95

    Defense : 95

    Sp. Attack : 95

    Sp. Defense : 95

    Speed : 135

    Total : 560


    Base stats (School Form) :

    HP : 45

    Attack : 205

    Defense : 205

    Sp. Attack : 205

    Sp. Defense : 205

    Speed : 135

    Total : 1000


    Water type signature moves :

    Multi Water Pulse :

    Category : Special

    PP : 10 (Max 16)

    Power : 15

    Accuracy : 95

    Effect : The user hits the target with water pulses two to five times in a row when in Solo form, but six to ten in a row when in School form. This move has 10% chance of confusing the target.


    Hydro Impulse :

    Category : Physical

    PP : 5 (Max 8)

    Power : 100

    Accuracy : 100

    Effect : The user charges with a giant aura of water smashing to the target. Has 10% chance of flinching the target.


    Pokedex entry :

    Solo Form Its body and its eyes became crimson like Wishiwashi has mutated itself like to a demon fish. It's acting so strong like a regular rare Pokemon. It can call its friends for help to transform into a bigger form of abomination. Once Wishiwashi mutates, so its friends does.


    School Form : That's the true appearance of crimson demon fish. Its eyes looks more monstrous than its regular self has. Once the target is exposed, Wishiwashi will chase without stopping and will devour it.



    Ultra Ego Amoonguss


    Type : Grass/Ego


    Ability : As One (Effect Spore and Regenerator)


    Base stats :

    HP : 114

    Attack : 150

    Defense : 250

    Sp. Attack : 150

    Sp. Defense : 250

    Speed : 86

    Total : 1000


    Grass type signature move : Master Spore :

    Category : Status

    PP : 10 (Max 16)

    Power : -

    Accuracy : 100

    Effect : The user scatters bursts of spores that induce burn, freeze, paralysis, bad poison or sleep. It also has 10% chance to induce curse to the target. Then it switches with a party Pokemon.


    Pokedex entry : Its thanks to Ultra Ego that Amoonguss is able to fool people and Pokemons by using the mushroom that has the Master Ball design in its head. It causes every victims to be caught by status condition. Be careful not to mess with it! Otherwise its anger will cause to use a sinister spore to inflict curse as a punishment to them.


    Note : That's all I can do. How's your life? I have to tell you that this day is my brother's anniversary. See you tomorrow.

    1. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      I'm doing fine these days and to say, that are some neat concepts you made for these Pokemon💖👍🏼

    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      Edit: I changed HP with other stats in order to have a fair balance.

  17. Hi! Tomorrow, there will be informations about Ultra Ego Pokemons for the upcoming Pokemon fan game Pokemon Revenge (From @Dark Eclipse). About that, it's opposite of Ultra Instinct. They will get one of the types replaced by Ego type. Every Pokemons won't need the level to fully master it and they will have their base stats becoming to kind of different with total of 1000 as always. They won't be able to use the Ego type signature moves, but their type of signature moves. Also, due to ego influence, they can learn every moves by Move Relearner. Well, not everything but from level up, TM, Egg Moves, Move Tutor and ancient generations which they are compatible with the Pokemon. They can also relearn from their evolved Pokemon moves too (like Salandit can learn Fire Lash without need to evolve which it can be learned only by its evolution). Because once Pokemons capable of evolving having attained Ultra Ego, they can no longer evolve. It also needs Move Tutor for only Pokemons that can attain Ultra Ego to learn Ego type moves. Their own abilities (including Hidden Abilitiy) will be combined and become this ability As One. That's all! See you tomorrow!

  18. Happy birthday, Chrixai. What does it feel for you? May the cake might be super delicious for you.

    1. Chrixai


      Thanks Roy! Feels younger lol

    2. OmegaStellarSolare
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