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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Aevia's story. After Aevia defeated Spector during nightime :

    Spector : Ahaha... What strength!

    It's far beyond any of the other Reserve Leaders I've fought in the past.

    And the spirits are singing their praises, too.

    Aevia : Oh, it's been an honor fighting you with your team's true strength.

    I hoped that I didn't dissapoint you.

    Spector Ah, but I suppose I should've expected this outcome. I was a Reserve Leader for a reason.

    I've got a lot of growing to do to fill the shoes of Narcissa, it seems.

    Aevia : Even so, I'm glad you're quite learning how to enjoy your job at being a Reserve Leader.

    Even better than Narcissa.

    Spector : ...


    They approched face to face as Spector is giving Aevia a Gym Badge.


    Spector : Here's the badge that you deserve.


    Spector gave Phantasm Badge to Aevia.


    Spector : Since you have 7 badges, your Pokemon with Level 55 or less will obey you.

    As for you Aevis, for winning the bet...


    Spector throws a mysterious drive at Aevis, revealing to be a Ghost Memory.


    Aevis : How did you find it?

    Spector : While exploring Wispy Tower, I found this drive wedged between some of the bookcases.

    It has "Ghost Memory" etched on the side of it. I don't know what it's for.

    Aevis : I do. It's for my Silvally.

    Spector : Good. I'm sure you'll find a way to get use out of it.

    You're both just that kind of person.

    Aevis : Thanks./Aevia : Thank you.

    Spector (to Aevia) : ...Oh, and take these too.

    Consider them a little gift on behalf of the spirits.


    Spector gave Aevia two Ghost Gems and three Kasib Berrys.


    Spector : And this, too.


    Spector also gave Aevia a TM30 containing Shadow Ball move.


    Aevia : Oh, good. That reward is amazing.

    Aero : ...

    Alain : Are you OK, Aero?


    Aero left in frustration.


    Alain : They left. What a baby!

    Aevis : They'll get over it.

    Spector : In any case. ...I'll see you around.

    Aevia : Us, too.


    They all left while Spector stays here.


    Note :


    I wish Holy Flame Field existed here in Pokemon Rejuvenation, in case of Domain Shift's effect that is exclusively used in Paragon Route. See you next time.


  2. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. Be careful : There's a plot twist that changes the moment but will resume the same story. Right now, it's Aevis' story. In Tower of Theolia, after defeating Servants, as Angie performs the ritual on Melia :

    Venam : There... You guys failed again. That's all you're good for!

    Aevia : How does that feel, Angie?

    Angie : Failure is but an inevitability for the Servants of this tower.

    As failure is their purpose.

    However, one's failure is one's success.

    Ample time has been bought for the ceremony to continue.

    But before then...


    Angie teleports and eleminates Servants.


    Crawli : You would sacrifice your own Servants?!

    What is the reason for your cruelty?!

    Angie : Cruelty? I am doing nothing more than saving them from the wretched grasp of the corrupted physical world.

    Aero : You're so corrupted!

    Angie : Say what you want. Each and every one of my Servants have come to terms that to be sacrificed is to be saved.

    They all have met the same end, and anticipate it.

    Kreiss : Never have I seen such blatant brainwashing in all of my days...

    Aevis : ...

    Venam : Brainwash or not, I'm helping Melia right now!


    Angie teleports back.


    Angie : Servants.


    Servants moved to the front, standing in heroes' way.


    Angie : The ritual shall begin.


    The ritual is starting, causing the view turn blue and Melia to levitate.


    Melia : Aevis... Aevia... Aero... Venam... I'm sorry...

    Angie : Oh Almighty Arceus...

    Cleanse the spirit from this girl and accept her into your everlasting light!

    Venam : Angie, please stop!

    Melia : ...

    This feeling...

    It's all so familiar to me...

    Where have I felt this before?

    This loneliness?

    This emptiness?

    I can't remember...

    But those feelings... I can't keep them away!


    The view starts to turn red.


    Angie : ....Wh-What's going on here?!


    The spirit of young Maria appears.


    Angie : ....?!


    Then every other spirit that are the other versions of Melia appear.

    As the energy starts to explode...


    Aevis : MELIA!!!


    Aevis witnessing this reminds him of his mysterious past traumatic events. This caused him to awaken his hidden power, causing his eyes to glow. At this point, every spirits merged into Melia, cancelling the energy explosion and ruining the ritual.


    Angie : What in the-

    Aevia : Aevis?!

    Melia : ...


    Melia woke up.


    Melia : Ugh... My head! What happened?! Huh?!


    Melia and Angie saw Aevis as his eyes glowing color to aquamarine.


    Melia (worried) : Aevis?

    Venam (extremely worried) : AEVIS?!

    Aero (shocked) : Stay with me!

    Crawli (scared) : No!

    Angie (terrified) : ...

    Kreiss (understandibly on guard) : You need to calm down!

    Aevia (sad) : Oh, Aevis...

    Aevis : ...


    Meanwhile, in Kakori Village.


    Blonde girl : How long is going to take these Servants?

    Hey? Are you listening to me?

    Answer me!



    The blonde girl saw the hooded guy's eyes glowing color to aquamarine.


    Hooded guy : ...


    Playing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-eNWTl8X5Y


    Both Aevis and hooded guy are starting to say at the same time but from afar each other.


    Aevis/Hooded guy : We have... We have waited, for this time.

    Now... Now is the time of our revival.


    We... become one.

    We become one.

    Melia : Get a hold of yourself!/Blonde girl : Snap out of it!

    Venam : At this rate.../Flora : Oh, screw this...

    Aevia : Aevis?/Talon : Mate...?

    Aevis/Hooded guy : One...




    We become one!

    We become one!

    Angie : What's this? What even is this?!



    Every spirit that different from Melia appeared. There are 9000 of them that are scattered accross the Terajuma Island, Floria Island and Blacksteeple Castle.

    Meanwhile, in Valor Mountain Summit...


    Geara : What the hell is this?!


    In Route 6...


    Neved : Are these ghosts?

    No. Perhaps spirits from somewhere...


    And the place where Madame X is...


    Madame X : ...

    Interesting. I wonder what they are.


    In Kristline Town where they're surrounded by Servants...

    Aelita : These spirits are... so familiar.

    Saki : Whaaaaaaaa?!

    Adam : I don't know if they're friendly.

    Valarie : We've never seen them before.

    Braixen : We need to brace ourselves for next attack.


    While Reina...


    Reina : Wow. Look at those. Are these...


    Back to Aevis and hooded guy.


    Aevis/Hooded guy : NOW WE BECOME ONE!


    They both scream at the same time, unleashing a powerful shockwave to where the spirits (who are moving quickly around) are, causing for everyone else to suffer with Servants taking the worst hit. Many Servants (including the ones where Aevis is) are disintegrating. While Angie is about to faint, she sensed something sinister : a shadowy face with glowing yellow eyes and mouth as something is taking Angie. She was nowhere to be seen. Melia, on the other hand, tries to aproach Aevis, ending with her hugging him tight, while blonde girl did the same to hooded guy in Kakori Village.


    Melia (quiely speaking) : Aevis. Please, stop. I'm sorry you had to experience horror.

    It makes me sad or hurt or both. But I was so happy I've met you and everyone else.

    Remember at the time you managed to get friends.

    The truth is you gave us hope. Everyone's hope.

    You always cared us because you would do anything to make us choose our happiness. Even at the cost of yours.

    We all love you just like you loved us.

    That's why, no matter what, I'll never let you go.

    Venam : That's right. I don't care if we're hurt or something.


    Venam hugs Aevis as well.


    Venam : Please, stop hating yourself.


    Aevia joins hugging Aevis, too.


    Aevia : You're the reason why we're always follow the path to fight for what's best, even if we can't win.

    Even so, we'll try harder next time until we win for sure. I mean, you defeated Madame X.

    We all realized that if you can do the impossible, so we will be.

    Aero : ...


    Back to Kakori Village. 


    Blonde girl : You really are something. I don't blame you.

    We both wanted to atone for everything we did.

    Still, you need to take resposibility after that. Or maybe should I.

    Don't forget our goal here. Got it?


    Both Aevis and hooded guy's energy subdued, ending the shockwave. Then they went unconscious.


    Melia : Aevis?!/Blonde girl : ...


    Music stops. Back to Tower of Theolia.


    Kreiss : Is everyone OK?

    Crawli : I'll be fine.

    Venam : Thank goodness...

    Aevia : It looks like everyone's OK. While Aevis...

    Melia : Aevis. Wake up. Don't leave us.


    Aevia tries to hear Aevis' heart beating. His heart is beating normally.


    Aevia : He's just unconscious. He'll wake up soon.

    Kreiss : Good, we're all fine and still standing up. I was imagining the worst outcome.

    Besides, this shockwave caused this room to become severely damaged!

    Crawli : And that unknown freak appeared and took Angie.

    Venam : Yeah. We saw that. Who was that something else?

    Melia : It really doesn't matter and that's not the case. The last time I saw Angie is when she dissapeared before "it" took her.

    And now she's waiting us. But not in the state we're hoping for.

    Venam : I don't care. We must stop her.


    Venam went ahead.


    Melia : And... she's gone.

    Crawli : What are we going to do with Aevis being out of commission?

    Kreiss : Let me take care of him. It's like repaying his kindness for freeing me.


    Kreiss holds Aevis by the former's back.


    Aero : Angie won't hide from us, forever.

    Aevia : Let me take care of her.

    Crawli : Aevia?

    Kreiss : You know she's completely dangerous. You won't survive long to stand for.

    Aevia : I've been prepared for it. That's what he would have wanted.


    Aevia went after Venam.


    Kreiss : *sigh* What would Martin do?

    Well, nevermind. Let's catch up with them.

    Aero : We mustn't forget freeing the remaining Tapus.

    It's right up there.

    Melia : We get it, Aero.


    They went forward, only to find shiny Tapu Koko freeing Tapu Fini.


    Aero : I guess that only remains the original Tapu Koko to be freed.

    Crawli : I hope so.

    Aevis : ...


    Aevis is awake.


    Kreiss : Good. He's awaken.


    Kreiss releases Aevis from holding him by his own back.


    Melia : Are you alright?

    Aevis : Not quite great.

    Crawli : That power was terrifying back there.

    How did you do that?

    Aevis : I don't know. The moment I saw reminds me of something tragic I forgot to remember. I think that's how it really went wild for me.

    Aero : Sometimes, it's better for you to not know when we're near the end of the road.

    Melia : I'm deeply sorry I let my guard down.

    Aevis : Stop apologizing when we're in the middle of the danger.

    You're suddenly turning your morale off, right now.

    Melia : Aw. *laugh* I agree with that.

    Aevis : Where's both Venam and Aevia?

    Melia : They have a head start up there.

    Especially when Aevia decided to face her instead of what you'll do for.

    Aevis : So she decided to face her. To be honest, I'm proud of her.

    Melia : She knew you would say that.

    Aevis : She really understands me very well.

    Kreiss : No time wasting for chit chat.

    Aevis : Yes. Let's go.


    Note : I've been doing this dialogue earlier since I got the biggest idea which it would take hours to make it. And I did. Now, I'm actually thinking which new Mega Evolution will appear in Pokemon Legends Z-A? I hope there's Mega Charizard Z and Mega Mewtwo Z. And I'm having theory about the story which it is about finding Zygarde Cells and Zygarde Cores. See you tomorrow.

  3. What’s going to happen about relationship points when we skip puzzles?
  4. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. Somewhere very distant... After Carotos Mountain event :

    Black haired spoiled brat : Can you please explain to me what's going on, Nastasia?!

    Ever since your idiotic attack on the S.S. Oceana, we've been on a massive decline.

    We've lost Melia. Do you understand what that means for us?

    Not only that, but Zetta has been captured by Crescent. Please tell me how we're supposed to operate now.

    Zetta is the only one out of all of us who is capable of creating Dimensional Rifts.

    Nastasia : Yeah, I'm gonna need you to tone it down by 3 notches.

    Black haired spoiled brat : Tone it down?! You're in no position to scold me after all this!

    And guess what? We got notice that Madelis failed her mission too.

    That worthless trash heap of an Admin... I don't understand how can you all be so calm?!


    Someone's coming.


    Black haired spoiled brat : Hmph, speak of the devil and she shall appear.


    Madelis appeared.


    Madelis : I see Geara is actively working on giving everyone in the facility a migraine.

    Geara : If a migraine is what it takes for any of you morons to take things seriously, then fine.

    Nastasia : ...

    It's good to see you, Madelis. It's unfortunate that it has to be on these circumastances.

    We're all very curious on how you were defeated so embarrassingly.

    Care to give us some insight?


    Madelis went to the bar.


    Madelis : Alright. I need a drink. There's your insight.

    Neved, one margarita on the rocks, please~!

    Neved : I think it would be wise to answer Nastasia.

    Rather than run to the bar for a cheap out.

    Madelis : Why are men so complicated?? All I asked for was a drink.

    Well, if you really wanna know what happened, it was because of that fiendish TRAITOR.


    That surprised Nastasia.


    Nastasia : Oh? A traitor? Now this is interesting...

    Madelis : It was that sniveling Sensei of Sheridan Village, Keta!

    Everything was going perfectly. I just needed a few more days...

    And it's because of him and that monster Aevis that Mewtwo was lost...

    Aevis' Pokemon... Their strengh... Mewtwo coudn't handle these trash.

    They thrashed Mewtwo like nothing mattered to it.

    Nastasia : That's a new one!

    Madelis : At least I got my just desserts soon after. Keta of Sheridan Village is no more!

    Geara : So pathetic. I would've never let this happen in the first place.

    Madelis : Then why don't you try being useful for once? Just to test the theory.

    Maybe instead of playing video games all day, you could actually contribute to something!

    That's just a thought though, deary.

    Geara : Talk all you want, failure.

    Madelis : ...Tch. Oh yeah, I forgot a crucial detail of my failure.

    Crescent was there too, and she caused a whole lot of problems.

    How would you fare against her, I wonder?

    Geara : ...

    Nastasia : Crescent? Again? Hm...


    Black hole appeared, giving their attention to it.


    Nastasia : ...What the?!

    Neved : What's wrong?

    Nastasia : I'm gonna need everyone over here, now.


    Every admin assembled for the black hole.


    Madelis : Can someone tell me what this blob is doing in our lounge?

    Geara : Oh, you know. We let it in after it asked nicely...

    Of course no one can tell you what this thing is doing, idiot!

    Neved : Settle down. Whatever this thing is, it's about to do something...


    Black hole flashed, that caused... to summon Aevia.


    Aevia : Wait, what is-OH, DEAR ARCEUS!

    Nastasia : ...?! You!

    Madelis : Aevia. Never expected on that one.

    She's no threat but since she's in facility, it means business.

    Geara : Is she Aevis' friend?

    Madelis : Of course she is, moron.

    Geara : *chuckle* Fair enough. Things are falling into place for us.

    Neved : What are we doing running our mouths? Capture her!

    Aevia : Oh, dear...


    Aevia tried to escape, only to be blocked by Neved.


    Neved : My name is Neved. I'm sorry, but this is where your journey ends.

    Come quietly and we won't hurt you.

    Aevia : The one of many advices is to never trust the enemy for a good reason.

    Neved : You don't know me well...


    Aevia tried the other way, only to be blocked again by Madelis.


    Madelis : We've already met. Remember? At Carotos? That was quite embarrasing, yes?

    How about a rematch? Oh, I forgot I defeated you back there. Too bad he won't be here to help you enjoy your victory.

    Aevia : To be honest. That isn't always a fair play in favour of the dumbass hag like you.

    Madelis (triggered) : WHAT?! YOU MISERABLE...


    Aevia tried again. Still this time, by Geara.


    Geara : Aw, your wretched friend caused Madelis so much trouble, didn't he. How cute.

    The name's Geara. Remember what happens next if you cross me or any other admins...

    It's more like we're going to get along just fine.

    Aevia : Listen up. I don't want to waste my time dealing with spoiled rotten brat like you.

    Geara (suddenly angered) : And now you're making it personal for me to break you!


    Aevia tried to escaped the other way but ended up surrounded.


    Nastasia : I believe we've met before too. I'm sure you remember?

    Aevia : You and Neved were here. You took people in S. S. Oceana. Especially my mom.

    Nastasia : It's quite fortunate that you ended up here. How that's possible is another matter.

    As for me, my name is... Nastasia.

    Aevia : You might took my mom, but you'll never take me.

    Nastasia Now, now... What to do with you?

    Geara : I bet the Boss would be happy to end her life to make Aevis suffer after everything he's done.

    But how about we show her our wrath too?

    Neved : If she shows more resistance, that would be justified.

    Madelis : Aevis should be enough but you'll do!

    Geara : Someone grab her!


    As they're about to grap her, other two people appeared from teleportation : hooded guy and blonde girl with hair in long high ponytail and black glasses.


    Hooded guy : I do not think so.


    Hooded guy effortlessly beats all admins one by one.


    Nastasia : ...

    Neved : ...

    Madelis : W-why-y?!

    Geara : Ow!

    Aevia : Whoa!

    Blonde girl : Take my hand if you want to live.

    Aevia : OK.


    Aevia took her hand and both of them took her to Sheridan Village by teleportation.


    Madelis : We... let... ourselves... quite... o-ope-en!

    Geara : ...


    Nastasia got up.


    Nastasia : That was rough. But I'm sure we'll meet the other thorns in our path.

    Just know that the game is on, Aevia.

    Let's see who bests who.

    Madelis : Next time, when I find Aevis, I'll make sure to never let my guard down ever again! Yeah!


    Back to Sheridan Arena where Aevis, Aelita and Eldest search Aevia.


    Eldest Aelita?

    Aelita : ...

    Eldest : Still nothing from Aevia?

    Aelita : No... I asked everyone around the village and no one has seen anything...

    What if... What if Aevia didn't...

    Aevis : Stop with your pessimism. She'll come back in any moment. Trust me.

    Eldest : He's right, Aelita. You need to be patient for a while.

    Aelita : Sorry. I hope she might be OK.

    Aevia... Where are you?


    Then came flash.


    Aelita : What's that?!


    The destination reached to the battlefield for Aevia accompanied by hooded guy and blonde girl.


    Hooded guy : You got lucky this time. That Gothitelle gave you a hard time for sure.

    Blonde girl : Next time, don't expect us to help you out there.

    Aevia : Alright. I understand. Thank for the help, anyway. Bye.


    Both of them teleported away. While Aelita appeared.


    Aelita : Aevia!


    Note : That part was quite long enough that took hours to write this. Don't ask me about who are hooded guy and blonde girl. See you next time.

  5. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Ana's story. When Aevia and Ana enter for the first time in East Gearen City :

    Aevia : This city.

    Ana : Are we going to be safe here for a while?

    Aevia : That depends on your view.

    Ana : I wish I wanted to go home.

    Aevia : Then why not go to the hotel? Maybe that might help you refresh.

    Ana : There's two reasons for me for calling you your naivety. We don't have enough Pokédollars for us and we don't even know where the hotel is.

    Aevia : It's OK. Please, calm down. We'll find a way or another but we need to get to the laboratory.

    Being a trainer is required to roam around the city due to many trainers looking for a battle.

    Ana : OK. I believe you.

    Aevia : Follow me.


    Note : M2 might be the crazy one but I wish she was there in Paragon Route as well in case of atonement she deserved. If both Melia and M2 met, that would make the former angrier at the latter for everything she caused, especially for breaking Venam's heart to trillion pieces.

  6. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Aero's story. Here's the moment where Aero can't stand watching Axel's way of finding the password for making Dusclops dissapear in Lost Castle while Alain is trying to find books about the passwords :

    Axel : 1111

    Dusclops : Incorrect...

    Axel : 1112

    Dusclops : Incorrect...

    Axel : 1113

    Dusclops : Incorrect...

    Axel : 1114

    Dusclops : Incorrect...

    Axel : 1115

    Dusclops : Incorrect...

    Axel : 1116

    Dusclops : Incorrect...

    Axel : 1117

    Dusclops : Incorrect...

    Axel : 1118

    Dusclops : Incorrect...

    Axel : 1119

    Dusclops : Incorrect...

    Axel : 1120

    Dusclops : Incorrect...

    Aero : It's been two hours and half! Can't you even wait until-

    Alain : I found them.

    Aero : Finally.

    Axel : Oh, come on! I wanted to do by myself!

    Aero : By torturing me for days?! No! Thank you!

    Alain : QUIET!

    Axel/Aero : Yes, mom!

    Alain : AND DON'T CALL ME MOM!

    Axel/Aero : Yes, mom!

    Alain (Annoyed) : GRR!

    Aero : Did you find something?

    Alain : I have deciphered the codes and wrote in my list.

    Aero : Good. Let's get this over with.

    Alain : How was it going?

    Aero : Axel said the first password : 0044.

    Alain : It has to do with "The day of reckoning".

    What's next?

    Aero : "The alliance with the Zigara Kingdom".

    Alain : That would be 6677.

    Dusclops : That is correct...

    Aero : I'm glad this worked so well.

    Dusclops : "Power's control. Kingdoms shall fall."

    Alain : 3645

    Dusclops : That is correct...

    "Failure followed, and so did..."

    Alain : 9043

    Dusclops : That is correct...

    "Seven Kingdoms, now five. The broken alliance."

    Alain : 7171

    Dusclops : That is correct... All of them are answered. You have earned the right of passage.

    But the trials don't end here... One final test awaits you.


    Dusclops dissapeared.


    Alain : Let's go.


    Alain moved.


    Aero : Perhaps I should have done searching the passwords, instead.

    Axel : Why did you force Alain to find them?

    Aero : I knew their reaction about your stupid attempts to find numbers. They would have beaten you even worse.

    Axel (insulted) : That's insulting.

    Aero : Totally.


    Note : About Code : Alpha, it almost reminds me of All For One from My Hero Academia for various reasons, despite being the part of the Pokemon Rejuvenation adaptatation posted by me. I hope that doesn't sound so ironic. That isn't the time to tell you. See you next time.

  7. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Alain's story. Meanwhile, while Aevia, Aelita and Melia are in Weather Institute, back in Mt. Terajuma where Alain can't handle in the bridge (which it is their greatest fear) yet still moving too slow in case of being too very careful :

    Alain : Oh, my god! Such a big bridge!

    I'll find whoever made this bridge and push them down from the bridge just to show them how stupid the bridge it is!

    Or maybe I'll destroy the bridge to teach how fearsome the bridge can!

    Their legs and arms will be broken and they will no longer be able to pass by bridge, anymore!

    It will be ironic and their loved one will leave them and go with another people who invented the cable cars!

    Because everyone knows that cable cars are much cooler than bridges!




    Note : Many people can be left traumatized by the nonpleasant experience. Ignoring that part, for those who prefer fanmade games, I pity them because the website Relic Castle is being DMCA'd. I rarely enter this website to download the game in case of being bored of doing nothing. To be honest, I don't even know what to choose the Pokemon Fanmade Game because I get bored with it as well.

  8. The "New Patch" option looks quite realistic. It almost reminds me of Pokemon Uranium which it has the updater as well. Yet, in a different way.
  9. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Ariana's story. After Legendary Beasts incident in Alamissa Urben where both Alexandra and Damien left after Karen fell into the void :

    Ryland : ...

    I believe I'll return to Sashila as well.

    I was unable to protect myself from Karen efficiently.

    In the event Madame X comes for the jewel, I don't think I would be able to fend her off.

    Lopez : You tried your best though. Don't beat yourself about it.

    Ariana : Yeah. Relax. Everything's going to be OK.

    Ryland : I admire your optimism.

    Thank you for coming, again, Lopez. And you too, Ariana. Forgive me for putting you through this.

    Lopez : It's OK. You're forgiven.


    Ryland left.


    Ariana : What are you going to do with legendary beasts that you've caught?

    Lopez : I'll train them. No need to worry about.

    Ariana : I wish my brother was there.

    Lopez : We know your pain of loss. We'll find Axel. Get it together.

    Ariana : Yeah. I just want to see him one more time.

    So, I could have my second chance of repairing our sibling bond.

    Lopez : ...

    Ariana : I have to go. I need to talk to Alexandra about what it means to have sibling bond.

    Lopez : Take your time for now.


    Ariana left.


    Lopez : Well, then.

    ??? : ...Sorry.


    Melia appeared.


    Melia : Karen won't be able to escape from the depths of the void.

    ...I made sure of that.


    Note : Well, I hope Karen doesn't have a hard time suffering from being stuck in the void. Maybe I wish that would cause to repair her broken mind. See you next time.

  10. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Axel story. Back to Sashila Village entrance, right after Aevis defeated Ren :

    Warning : There are some words that might be inappropriate. Read at you own risk.


    Huey : And my friend are in the city, I can't just leave!

    Axel : Oh, maybe you're saying that because you failed your own sister!

    Aevis : Axel. What are you saying?

    Huey : ...

    Ren : ...

    Reina : ...

    Axel : Aevis. I'm not in the mood, right now.

    Right at the fact that this grand stature of dissapointment is one of the reasons why Rune is gone.

    Huey : I-I...

    Axel : Sorry doesn't change the fact the you're the worst trash that I've ever met, ever.

    Do you really think that you can atone so easily?

    Aevis : Axel.

    Huey : I know that I...

    Axel : Does she even know...

    Huey : About what?

    Axel That you let her die?!

    Huey : ...


    Huey's crying.


    Aevis : Axel. Listen to me for once in your entire life.

    Axel : And here you are. Crying like a bitch.

    To be honest, right now, my only thought is...

    You should have died instead of her.

    Reina : AXEL! ENOUGH!


    Reina slaps Axel.


    Reina : Why are you like this?!

    You're the one who's being trash right now!

    Can't you even understand people's feelings first?!

    Like you didn't want your sister to help you? You stupid ungrateful hypocrital monster?!

    Listen to me...


    Axel shows the glimse of his own dark aura and slaps Reina back harder in return.


    Ren (understandibly pissed to Axel) : HEY!

    Axel (dark aura cloak) : No, you listen! I'm done. This has gone far enough.

    Besides, I don't listen to bastards!


    Aevis graps Axel's shoulder.


    Aevis (sad and worried) : Stop...


    Axel darkness dissipated quite for a moment.


    Axel : Sorry, Aevis.

    I don't know where did that came from.

    ...I'm leaving for a while. Don't follow me.


    Axel left.


    Ren : Are you alright, you both?

    Reina : Ouch! That did hurt!

    Huey : ...

    Aevis : Huey. I'm sorry.

    Huey : It's OK. That reminds me.

    Aevia and I are supposed to go participate in a tournament soon. Like, real soon.

    Ren : Alright. If you have unfinished bussiness, so be it. I have to go.


    Ren is flying, preparing to leave.


    Reina : Bye, Ren! If you die, I'll kill you! Don't forget.

    Ren : Heh... I'll keep that in mind. Goodbye everyone! We'll see each other soon.

    Especially you, Aevis.

    Aevis : I hope we do.


    Ren left.


    Note : I played this game since V12, then suddenly, in V13.5, nothing is the same anymore. Even despite I never saw and never even played the older versions, somehow, I really do miss them as well. And we all don't know what kind of future awaits us. See you later.

  11. I wonder if gaining relationship point with Titania after giving her a Blue Moon Ice Cream might be changed. Or it will stay like that.
  12. For those who never played Pokemon Showdown, saw it or which these Pokemon are your favorites, you’re not gonna believe what I just saw :


  13. I… I never saw that one coming! It’s true that we thought Pokemon Reborn is complete. Perhaps, it was too very soon to conclude for this game.
  14. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It’s Aevia story. In train to Grand Dream City :

    Aevia knocks the door.


    Aevis : You can enter.


    Aevia entered the room.


    Aevis : Do you need any help?

    Aevia : I came here to talk to you.

    Aevis : What? About the Valor Summit?

    I admit that I was in outrage.

    Why do you ask me?

    Aevia : I don’t want you to lose yourself that way.

    It was my fault for falling into Geara’s trap.

    Aevis : No. The only person who’s to blame is myself.

    Even the strongest one can’t protect those who are dear to us.

    Still, I don’t want to see them showing their vulnerability.

    Aevia : Like Melia crying?

    Aevis : That’s right. Still, one of the examples.

    Aevia : I feel sorry for you.

    Aevis : It’s OK. Making mistakes and learning them is what makes us humans.

    Aevia : But are you an ordinary one?

    Aevis : I don’t care who I am.

    Aevia : …

    Aevis : I even lost my chance of asking Ren about Team Xen part.

    But that’s OK. One day, I’ll learn his own intentions.

    Aevia : You sure understand us very well.

    Aevis : I understand what I can.

    Aevia : … (He sure reminds me of someone. But I don’t know about what exactly?)

    Anyway, I was thinking if I could sleep in your room.

    Aevis : I know there are many beds here. So, no big deal.

    Aevia : Thank you.


    Note : I finished playing Pokemon Rejuvenation V13.5. Now, I have nothing to do but wait for Overseer files mod. Then I’ll restart with NG+ features. See you next time.

  15. Cool design for Aevian Incineroar, despite the same type. I hope it's way faster than Torracat.
  16. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Aevis story. Here's the moment between Lopez and Pyrrha in Route 6 :

    Lopez : Look at the stars. They're quite beautiful.

    Pyrrha : I agree. Starry night can give us the charming moment.

    How was your adventure without me?

    Lopez : Getting quite better. Ever since I was in Aevis body.

    The only old shame I had is that I've been using that name for a while.

    I never wanted to be that guy. But I did for Crescent.

    Pyrrha : I understand that you've been suffering since we've been separated.

    Lopez : Even so, I've never blamed you for once. You had been dragged for your role to guide Crescent. Help her embrace the Interceptor's role.

    Still, you didn't want to appear because you thought I hated you for abandoning us.

    Pyrrha : ...That's... actually a good point.

    Lopez : Then allow me to make this clear. I'm not Tesla. And neither you're Deagan.

    We're our own people. We're better than that.

    Pyrrha : Lopez...?

    Lopez : You're the reason why I conquered my inner demons and moved on.

    And I'm grateful for what you did.

    Pyrrha : Oh, sweetheart. Thank you.

    Lopez : You're welcome.

    Pyrrha : ...

    Lopez. Can I have a question?

    Lopez : What is it?

    Pyrrha : What will you do in the future?

    Lopez : I have two plans.

    First, I'll take the journey to visit many regions. And Reborn Region is my first stop.

    Second, when I return to Aevium Region, I'll take my job as the journalist.

    Pyrrha : You've taken interest to the job thanks to Volta. I'm so proud of you.

    Lopez : Being a Champion isn't that interesting to me. Too much attention.

    Pyrrha : Even being the journalist can give you the same effect.

    Lopez : Well, less than that, anyway.

    Pyrrha : I’m coming with you as well about your journey.

    Lopez : Oh, thanks. I appreciate this suggestion that you’re bringing.

    Pyrrha : Lopez. I love you.

    Lopez : I love you, too.


    Note : I've started playing Paragon Route. Super cool, indeed. Imagine what miracle can happen in V14? That would be amazing. See you tomorrow.

  17. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. Right after Erin's Secret! scene moment ; back to Rose Theater :

    Erin : Oh!


    Pyrrha came.


    Erin : Cresc- I mean. Pyrrha?!

    Pyrrha : Can we have a moment?

    Erin : Sure.


    To Erin's room.


    Erin : You're here for a talk. Am I right?

    Pyrrha : Yes. About what you done for Lopez.

    Erin : No big deal.

    Pyrrha : I have many things about asking and telling you.

    First : How come did you and my husband live together in Rose Theater?

    Erin : Oh! It's a long story.

    But to summarize short, it's because I owe my life to him for protecting me back there.

    Pyrrha : Not surprising. Second : When did you meet him for the first time?

    Erin : It's when he protected me from bullies and threatened them. That's how I met him for the first time and that's how my life was starting to improve better, thanks to him.

    Pyrrha : Then...? Third : How did you convinced him to stay with you?

    Erin : Yet, I never got to thank him, earlier. I felt so guilty.

    That's why I wanted to find him.

    I've been searching everywhere in Grand Dream City without any success.

    Then... I found him at the Night Maket near the trash bin.

    He felt so empty and alone. He couldn't say a word.

    I just simply asked him to come to a safe place. That's what convinced him.

    No. It's more like he's given himself a purpose. To protect me until I grow up.

    Pyrrha : He stayed with you for few years. Right?


    Erin nods positively.


    Pyrrha : To be honest, I'm very proud of my husband.

    He did accomplish everything he could for our sake.

    Before, his only goal was to find me. Unaware that I was in Crescent's body.

    But he has been changed since then when he became a Pokemon trainer.

    Lopez realized that creating new connection with new friends and helping people was the top priority above anything else and the most important thing.

    It's all just to know all the answers about this world.

    Erin : I get that a lot.

    He's grown far stronger to the point that he doesn't need to use his Interceptor's powers, thanks to all connections he made.

    ...Pyrrha. I need to know about Alpha Curse and Omega Astro.

    What are these poweups that both Code : Alpha and you mentioned, respectively?

    Pyrrha : Guess I'll tell you. You earned it.

    Erin : Thanks.

    Pyrrha : To start...


    Note : Grand Dream City is very huge and different compared to the previous version. I love it. Can't wait to play Overseer files with NG+ content when I'm done with it. See you next time.

  18. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Ana's story. Here's the moment where both Aevia and Ana met each other for the first time, in S. S. Oceana while it is being hijacked by Team Xen :

    Aevia : Wow. Didn't think I would jump so recklessly without any plan.


    Aevia saw the girl with dark pink hair being unconscious.


    Aevia : Ah!


    Aevia approached her.


    Aevia : Are you alright?! Speak with me?!

    ??? : *cough* *cough*

    What... happened...?


    She opened her eyes.


    ??? : ???

    No! No! NO! NO!!!

    Aevia : Calm down!

    ??? : The ship is on fire! I don't wanna die! I DON'T WANNA DIE!

    Aevia : Stay calm!

    ??? : ...

    Aevia : What's your name?

    ??? : ...Ana.

    Aevia : Very well, Ana. Where are your parents?

    Ana : I-I don't remember, everything else besides my name.

    Aevia : Oh, dear. That might have caused amnesia into her.

    Just, let me make myself clear. I want you to listen to me for once.

    You need to follow me. No matter where I go. Understand?

    Ana : OK.

    Aevia : I must find my mother before everything bad happens to her.

    Let's go.


    Note : It's hard to play without any item locations for every items around. Even guide about progress is still not here. Just! My! Luck! See you tomorrow.

  19. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Aero's story. Here's the moment where Aero loses to Spector during daytime :

    Aero : What? I lost? I was so close. After many attempts.

    Spector : Your team is quite strong but can't handle my strategy of trapping oppents and become victim of Perish Song.

    Aero : I don't understand. Where did I go wrong?

    Spector : Next time. Try figuring out how to counter my strategy.

    Aero : Right. This isn't over, yet.


    While both Aevis and Aevia are watching the conclusion of the battle.


    Aevia : That's too bad. They lost.

    Aevis : What's worse, is that Spector isn't at full power, yet.

    Aevia : Not at full power?!

    Aevis : The strategy we saw is nothing special to say at least.

    Remember the guy about what he said. Spector might act strange during nightime.

    Also, it's possible he will use different team that relies on hyper force.

    Aevia How am I supposed to defeat him?

    Aevis : Come with me. I'll train you about how to counter it.


    Both Aevis and Aevia left.


    Aero : What the- You aren't at your full potential! Is that true?!

    Spector : Uuuuuuuuh, well...

    Sometimes, you don't really need to know.

    Aero : That means it's that I'm responsible for the loss? That my way of training wasn't perfect?


    Spector : I'm literally sorry.

    Aero : I... I guess I have to go. I feel like I'm coping for that one.

    Spector : Wait, Aero.


    Aero left.


    Spector : Looks like I broke their own spirit. Well, even I'm Ghost Reserve Leader, I don't like using the way of breaking a trainer's spirit.

    Even Aevis and Aevia left as well before that.

    Aevia. I'll be waiting until you're ready.


    Back to Goldenleaf Town.


    Alain : You lost, did you?

    Aero (depressed) : ...

    Alain : I'll take it as a yes.

    (Mischievously smiling) ...You suck!


    Alain quickly left while laughing.


    Aero (sarcastic) : Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Very funny!

    Goddamn it! I now know what it's like to feel like Axel!


    Note : That "Worf effect" thing couldn't get any worse from there. But it's quite funny, sometimes. See you next time.

  20. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Alain's story. During Aevia's battle against Erick, in West Gearen City, Alain is trying to convince Aero to enter the train to Grand Dream City since it was planned :

    Alain : Oh, come on. Aero.

    That's not the first time you're refusing to enter the train.

    You were alright in Xen Battleship.

    Aero : That lasted for many hours before I got motion sickness.

    Alain : Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. But that doesn't excuse something for the fact that we have nothing else to do in Floria Island, let alone Terajuma Island.

    Aero : Maybe we can ask Corviknight to Fly us to Grand Dream City.


    Aero : What did you say?! I'm not a goddamn big chicken!

    Alain : Yes, you are! It won't work if your Pokemon doesn't know the direction to Grand Dream City unless you visit here, first, dumbass!

    Are you going to be left behind like a coward?!

    Aero : I'm not trying to-

    Alain : The way you fear about your health being in danger for such a stupid reason disgusts me!

    Sooner or later, you won't be able to catch up to our level. Even both Venam and Axel will surpass you as well since they're both the weakest trainer.

    Doesn't that sound ironic?!

    Aero : !!!

    Alain : Just as I thought. That's we're going to take the train whether you like it or not.

    Deal with it!


    Alain left.


    Aero : I guess it can't be helped. I need to prepare my package.

    Otherwise, I'll get in big trouble.


    Even Aero left. While Alain is revealed to be secretly watching the former as the latter never left.


    Alain : And I'll make sure you won't escape, idiot.


    Note : The Pokemon Day is coming soon. Can't wait to see what's next for surprise. See you tomorrow.

  21. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Ariana's story. During time travel to the past, meanwhile, Ariana is trying to find Axel :

    Ariana : Axel! Axel! Axel?! Where are you?!

    Axel : What do you want?

    Ariana : Why aren't you joining us? We need to stick together.

    Axel : It's just. I just want to be alone for a while.

    Ariana Listen... I'm sorry for your loss. Nim was completely special to you.

    Axel : Don't mind about me. I just got over with it. She may be watching us.

    Everything is fine. Stop worrying about me. I'm fine.

    Ariana : Oh. Well, then. I'll leave you alone but I'll be right back.

    Axel : It's not like I care much your pity towards me or about you being an overprotective sister.

    Ariana : I'm doing this for your own good.

    Axel : ...

    Ariana : Axel. I don't wanna lose you the same way as before.

    Axel : What are you referring to?

    Ariana : No. Nevermind. Be careful, Axel.

    Axel : Yes. Thank you.


    Axel left.


    Ariana : Stop lying to me, brother. I know you aren't OK.

    You hate it when we pity you. All because you think youself as a weak, cowardly scum.

    I'll make sure you're not going to wrong path.


    Note : Well. Let's face it. We all know how it all ended out, at very late time. See you next time.

    1. OmegaStellarSolare


      Edited : I added "Meanwhile" here because someone might misunderstand the story. Sorry.

  22. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Axel's story. In Kakori Village, at September 2nd :

    Aelita : I get that! Anyway, you guys ready?

    Melia : Yeah, let's finally head on into Terajuma Jungle.

    Aevis : ...

    Melia : What's wrong, Aevis? Is it because of my changing hairstyle?

    Aevis : Actually, you almost remind me of someone.

    Melia : Huh? Who?

    Aevis : One of the people that I cherish the most.

    Melia (Looking surprised but very satisfied inside) : Oh, my.


    Axel : Oh, so you're into these type of girls like blonde ones or purple ones.

    Aelita/Melia (Confused) : I don't know what are you talking about.

    Aevis : Axel. Shut the hell up.

    Axel : Besides, do they look mature to you?


    Aelita and Melia are blushing. Unfortunately for Axel...

    Aevis is closing his eyes, giving Axel a smile that is so creepingly disturbing.

    Then he violently pulled Axel's ear, much to Melia's and Aelita's shock and to Axel's horror.



    Aevis (sarcastically smiling; To Axel) : Let's get the hell out of here.

    (To Melia and Aelita) Sorry. I'm going to have a talk with him for a while.


    Aevis drags Axel by the latter's ear.


    Axel : OW! OW! OW! AIE! AIE! AIE!



    They left akwardly.


    Aelita : What am I watching?

    Melia : Don't mind the topic.


    Note : Sorry for the delay. I was playing Pokemon Rejuvenation that I lost focus on something else. Bye.

  23. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Aevia's story. After what happened in Valor Mountain, Aevia was a little upset in Kakori Village :

    Aevia : ...

    Alain : Are you alright?

    Aevia : ...

    Alain : I know you're upset because we lost both Jenner and Nim.

    Aevia : ...No. That's not the case. I'm just worried about Aevis.

    Alain : Did something happen to him?

    Aevia : When Geara went too far, Aevis became so enraged that he massacred and scared Giratina out and then he brutalized Geara for 30 minutes, leaving Geara's body and spirit broken. All because Melia was crying.

    We were shocked at his behaviour of giving gruesome beatdown yet still not killing.

    Even Crescent is appalled.

    Alain : Yup. That's exactly one of the things that triggers him.

    Aevia : Huh?

    Alain : He hates good hearted people crying.

    So once a villain or a bully forces good hearted people crying, they get the worst taste of their own medicine.

    It happened once that I saw the results for what he did.

    It was terrifying.

    Aevia : Oh, dear.

    Alain : Right. Now you know that's why it's best and interest for us to stay strong.

    So we don't want to be a burden to him.

    Aevia : To be honest, he never treated us a burden and he wouldn't do that.

    All he wanted is to give us hope. And that's how far we got here.

    Alain : All you need to do now is to face Amber for the badge, right now.

    Too bad he refuses to fight her until he gets 17 badges after the drama. That's what he promised.

    Aevia : You're right. I'm going to Teila Resort.


    Alain : It's not like I wanted to help you.

    Aevia : Bye.

    Alain : See ya.


    Note : Moments can get dark if pushed too far. Don't ask me why. It's just my own guess. See you next time. 

  24. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Aevis story. In Alamissa Urban beginning path :

    Ren : As for what that situation was, I'm sorry, but I can't tell you that.

    I didn't join Team Xen because I wanted to betray anyone.

    I didn't want anyone to get hurt or die... I just wanted my best friend back.

    Aevis : You already know that the dead cannot return.

    Ren : I know. I was so stupid to fall for that just to see her.

    But it's not even about her anymore.

    It's about something that's bigger than Team Xen itself.

    Something I'm determined to see to the very end.



    Ren begins to cry.


    Ren : But how am I suppose to atone for that?

    I feel so regretful. I feel like I can't be forgiven.

    Not after what I've done something that resulted the loss of the trust.

    What am I supposed to do? How should I know if things are going back to normal?

    I can't bear it. I can't...


    Aevis hugs Ren.


    Ren : Aevis?

    Aevis : Please. No more crying. Alright?

    Ren : ...

    Aevis : I realized your reasons from the beginning. The moment I saw your face filled with confusion and heartbreak.

    I knew it was Crescent's fault.

    Ren : What did you do to her when you found out?

    Aevis : I slapped her.

    Ren : Oh... Thanks.

    Aevis : You idiot. You would never disappoint me like that.

    No matter what you did wrong or something so risky, you'll always have my back.

    Ren : Thank you for understanding me. What could I do without you?

    Aevis : Feeling is mutual.


    Aevis stopped hugging.


    Ren : There's one last thing I wanted to do before we continued.


    Note : I just keep progressing through a lot of training every current available Pokemon that I've caught. Why do I feel like I'm being paranoid about verifying everything in my playthrough? I usually forget about past days. See you tomorrow.

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