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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Alain's and Aero's story. In Route 6 where they got defeated by Team Xen in Xen Battleship who have their overleveled Pokemon :

    Alain : How are these this strong?

    Aero : We have one option : run for your lives.

    Alain : Good idea.


    They ran away like a scaredy cat.


    Aero : *pant* *pant* *pant*

    Alain : *pant* *pant* *pant*

    Aero : Why these guys' Pokemon are changing like that?

    Alain : Maybe it's because of their experiments. They really augmented some of them.

    To counter our attacks.

    We need to figure it out before facing them again.

    Aero : And that is...

    Alain : Facing Gym Leaders in order to get Gym Badges.

    Aero : ...

    Alain. Let me ask a question : Is there any Gym Leader we're going to face?

    Alain : ...Oops.

    Aero : Yeah. It's hopeless.

    Alain : Even so, we have to try.


    Alain left.


    Aero : Wait. Wait. Wait.

    *sigh* Way too confident.


    Note : I've been playing Pokemon Rejuvenation, again. This time, with Partner Starters Mod, of course. See you next time.

  2. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow.  It's Axel's and Ariana's story. In Oblitus Town :

    Axel : What's the meaning of this?

    Ariana : I just wanted to...

    Axel : These bullies are irredeemable scums. Horrible monsters.

    Ariana : I thought...

    Axel : And did you just expect them to apologize for what they did to me.

    And guess what...? I taught them a lesson they will never forget.

    That's why it's the first reason why I made my decision to stay in Oblitus Town.

    Ariana : And what's the second?

    Axel : ...I don't trust that mayor.

    Ariana : Huh? Even Aevis knows it?

    Axel : He told me that he already knew. Considering of what he has been through in Grand Dream City.

    Ariana : Haha!!! I'm not buying it.

    Axel : Well, then. You know what that's coming to get you?

    Ariana : No, not...


    Axel turns his back, serving it as a punishment to Ariana.


    Ariana : Come on.


    Note : The reason I didn't post yesterday and why it's two protagonists story is because of my two reasons : my bad illness and having trouble with internet connection. I hope you understand what I mean.

  3. As a fan of Paragon, I’m thinking about who’s about to risk their lives for their friends?
  4. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Aevia's story. After both Aevia and Melia changed their clothes in Irvin's house :

    Melia : Hey!! I love your new look! You can definitely rock any style you want!

    In a way, I'm super jealous.

    Aevia (blushed) : Um... Thank you.

    Melia Sooo... How do I look?

    Aevia : I really love your new look, too. It's so beautiful!

    Melia : Aww, thank you, Aevia! That's so wonderful of you to say!

    I wanted to go with a bit more of a brighter look!

    Before I was a bit depressed and all, so I stuck to darker clothing, but...

    Venam : Okay... Okay, I think everything's put together.

    Melia : Oooh, I'm curious to see the end result!

    Venam : I'm curious too, and I'm the one being shown off...

    Melia : Whenever you're ready.

    Venam : Okay.

    One... two... three... and...


    Venam shows up with her different appearance that it is unrecognized.


    Venam : ...Well? How do I look?

    Melia : You look great, duh! I told you that you would!

    Keeping the rugged look while keepin'it responsible!

    Venam : Hm... Well, I gotta say... I don't hate it.

    In fact, it feels a bit nice... Can't say I look "responsible", though.

    Aevia (showing her tears) : Still, I'll miss your purple hair.

    Venam (annoyed) : Stop being so dumb! I can dye it back if I want to!

    Yet I can feel the same way, too.

    Melia : ...

    Maybe I wish Aevis was there for us.

    Aevia : Yeah. About that.

    Next time we see him, we better keep an eye on him.

    Just in case of "out of control".

    Venam : You know. I really admit I was scared of him.

    Even my pranks wouldn't make him that mad.

    And yet very sad. Sad about what he felt. It's like I let one of my closest friend down.

    Melia : It's not your fault. We feel as well. Even if he didn't commit murder, the way he subjected was way more terrifying for us.

    But his anger was justified because Geara was a piece of work. Aevis did this for us. For me.

    The way that happened makes us never live it down.

    Aevia : Aevis? We need to become stronger. Strong enough to support him.

    We won't allow for us to get left behind.

    Melia : I know. I don't want to lose him as well.

    Venam : If he really wants to save the world, he really should need us in case.

    When he's in danger, who's going to save him then?

    Melia : Venam...


    Melia is smiling.


    Melia : I think you're right. We will show him that he's never alone. One day or another.

    Okay... Now that that's settled, let's head back downstairs.


    Note : My Hero Academia manga is next to be ending. I hope the fans aren't upset with the outcome. See you next time.

  5. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Aevis' story. In Rose Theater's backyard while Aevis is meditating as Erin came here :

    Erin : Aevis?

    Aevis : ...

    Erin : Oh, right. Meditating.

    Can I... join?!

    Aevis : ...

    Suit yourself.


    Erin joined Aevis into meditation.


    Erin : So... How was your jouney?

    Did you become trainer? Did you make friends?

    Aevis : Yeah. More like it.

    Erin : At least you are completely mature compared to Aelita. She's really... You know.

    Aevis : Energetic yet impatient.

    Erin : Yeah. That one.

    Aevis : It really doesn't matter.

    Because the only thing I want to say that she really is strong physically but her heart is weak.

    When her heart is weak, she's vulnerable to anything dark.

    No wonder why she can't control herself from the curse she's been given.

    It's like she's overcome by fate.

    Erin : And she doesn't realize it yet that she shouldn't do anything rash.

    One way or another, she's going to cause much trouble since, like you said, she's influenced by the curse she has long time given.

    Let's not talk about that. Have you faced Gym Leaders? How many badges do you really have?

    Aevis : 15 badges.

    Erin : Wow. That was really a bit fast.

    Aevis : I'm way ahead of them but that really doesn't matter.

    Erin : Aevis. You need to have pride in yourself, sometimes.

    Aevis : I can't and I'll never will.

    Erin : Why? Explain yourself.

    Aevis : Even being the strongest doesn't gain me anything.

    In fact, I really wasn't here for my friends.

    It's because of my absence that I couldn't save them.

    Keta, Nancy, Jenner. They died. I couldn't be here to save Nim.

    I wasn't here for Ren as well. He was our friend and yet he sided with Team Xen.

    I want to know why did he do this.

    Erin : You really know people's feelings.

    Aevis : You had no idea.

    Erin : By the way, what will you do then after becoming a Pokemon Champion?

    Aevis : I thought that my reasons for that is to protect you until you're suffering no longer.

    Then I had change of plans. It wasn't just you.

    I had to involve into protecting Melia as well.

    Erin : Huh? Why?!

    Aevis : Because of what she really is. She reminded me of you when I met her for the first time.

    Even as a child or as a grown up doesn't change anything the fact that you and her are connected.

    Erin : Connected? Hm...

    Aevis : I just didn't want her to be in same pain as you were.

    I know how it's like about the fate to screw you up into worst possible way.

    Even so, I consider it as a job as a caretaker which it is my top priority.

    It's like my instincts took over when I see you as you are my only reasons for living.

    Erin (worried) : Oh, Aevis...


    Erin headpats Aevis, leaving him confused.


    Aevis : Erin. I'm not a child, you know.

    Erin (suddenly smiling) : Thank you for being here. I wish I had a big brother like you.

    Aevis : No need to thank me. Think nothing of it.


    Erin finished meditating and is trying to leave. Then she's asking something.


    Erin : ...

    Wanna come for dinner?

    Aevis : Sure.


    Note : I've been watching Shadow the Hedgehog game in 100% completition but I haven't finished watching it yet. Mostly first, it has to do with completing every whooping 326 pathways. 326. That's much. My most favorites are the pathways that ends with Hero Ending of Pure Hero Path. Well, see you tomorrow.

  6. OMG! This looks... amazing!!! The design is awesome and both her second sprite and Interceptor are the coolest. I love it.
  7. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. In the scene (where Madame X punishes Madelis) :

    Nastasia : So, how are you adjusting?

    Ren : It’s… A little weird? It feels like my head is lagging, but…

    Nastasia : You’ll get used to it. Probably.


    Madelis arrives.


    Nastasia : Madelis… Where have you been this entire time?

    Madelis : Well, I said I was going on vacation, but…

    I really was just hiding from—

    Then both Nastasia and Ren reacted in fear of seeing someone behind Madelis.


    Ren : Ren, stay behind me.


    It was Madame X.


    Madelis : Huh?


    She turned back and saw her. Furious and yet in cold tone.


    Madelis : M-Madame X…

    Madame X : Do you understand what you’ve cost us?

    Madelis : …

    Madame X : This team cannot succeed if unity isn’t our biggest strength.

    We lost because our lack of unity. Do you know who divided us?

    Madelis is moving way in front of Madame X.


    Madelis : …It was me.

    Madame X : Correct.

    Because of your incompetence, the Shadow Pokemon project failed.

    (moving while talking) The mission at Valor Mountain has failed.

    Zetta has been reverted and captured by Crescent.

    And finally, thanks to Aevis, Geara is unable to function as a member of Team Xen.

    Such a waste.

    Madelis : Wait, what? What happened to Geara?

    Madame X : See for yourself.

    Grunts. Bring him here.

    Ren : ??!!!


    Grunts brought Geara and left.


    Madelis : Geara?

    Geara : *Loudly sobbing uncontrollably like a 3 year old*
    Ren : OH, MY GOD!!!

    Madelis reacted in horror of Geara’s fate.


    Madame X : This is the consequence of facing Aevis and fails.

    Geara’s reduced to a crybaby incapable of saying a single word, neither of thinking.

    Ren : Why would Aevis do that?

    Madame X : Because Geara unleashed his wrath and got tortured, bruised and his ego decimated. To the point of no complete mental recovery.

    It took… 30 minutes.

    Ren (disturbed) : Ow! That’s quite an horrifying turn of events!

    Madelis : I can’t believe this. That means that triggering him is no longer an option.

    Madame X : I told you all that messing with him is forbidden which it was my own job of taking care of him.

    But even a little mistake can have lethal consequences.

    Enough of this. It’s important for me to know, though…


    Note : Being reduced to a mentally broken person with a mind a 3 years old or less is even worse than being separated into millions of pieces. Does this remind you of a certain anime? Well, see you next time.

    1. OmegaStellarSolare


      Edit : I just didn’t double check the post but now, I corrected the name Geara in one of every lines.

  8. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Ana's story. As she's having a freetime with Aevis in Grand Dream City :

    Ana : Thanks for accompanying me.

    Aevis : Think nothing of it.

    Ana : ...

    Aevis : What's wrong?

    Ana : Everyone said that you rarely can show a very dangerous side of yours.

    Which it is really concerning.

    When you're outraged, you really break people who have crossed the line.

    Can you tell me how mad can you get?

    Aevis : ...

    I don't know. But it's better of you to not know what I have done to them.

    Ana : Maybe it's justified. They were irredeemable demons. And yet you didn't kill them.

    Aevis : I'm not Crescent and neither Madame X. I'm not murderer.

    You better know that I wanted them dead... I would have done so.

    But living them with being left away, humiliated, broken and ignored. That's how's worse than death.

    Killing them feels empty inside. You gain nothing. You'll never be in peace.

    And so you'll be haunted for the rest of your life being no different than the ones with their motives we dissaprove of.

    Ana : Oh...

    Aevis : That's why I'm helping you in order for you to never experience suffering just like I used to be.

    Ana : You're trying to say that I shouldn't follow on your footsteps. I should choose my own path.

    Aevis : That's the idea. One day or another, you'll find your own way.

    Ana : I clearly understand.

    Aevis : Shall we return?

    Ana : Yes. Actually, I'm becoming so sleepy.


    They went back to the Rhodea's Penthouse.


    Note : I'm going through vacation. Even so, the story still lives. So I won't be absent in summer vacation. I'm always present if I want to. See you later.

  9. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Aero's story. In Zorrialyn Coast, as Alain is searching for both Aero and Goomink :

    Alain : *sigh*

    I can't believe they went far ahead into Badlands.

    I wonder if they- HUH?!


    Alain found Aero and Goomink being KO.


    Aero (in pain) : O...o..o..ow...!

    Alain : Oh, my god?! I-I need to call Aevis. I'll be right back.


    Alain called Aevis as they went taking them into Sashila Village.

    They scuried to the Inn at Sashila Village in hopes of saving Goolink and Aero.


    Goomink : Hrk...

    Aero : ...


    They both woke up.


    Aevis : Thank goodness.

    Goomink : Hrggnh?


    Goomink finds out that he's in different place.


    Goomink : Alain! And Aevis! Where both of you find Goomink? And Aero? ...Where are Goomink and Aero?

    Aevis : Chill out. We're in Sashila Village. There's no need to worry.

    Goomink see... We end up in Sashila Village.

    But Sashila Village in Badlands, no? That mean Goomink make it to destination!

    Alain (sarcasm) : And so Aero is. Right at the worst possible way. Great!

    Goomink : How Goomink get here though... Goomink have trouble remembering...

    Aero (suddenly woke up) : I do remember.

    Alain : Huh?!

    Aevis : *sigh* I'm glad you're alive.

    Aero : Yeah. It was a miracle that we were saved thanks to you.

    Alain : Can you explain what happened?!

    Aero : I sure can explain and you're not gonna believe what I saw.


    Cut to flashback.


    Note : It's sad to see Typhlosion and Meganium never showing their Mega Evolution in Pokemon Desolation. Mostly, Meganium who, according to most of them, is the worst designed starter. Kinda sad, it is. See you next time.

  10. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Alain's story. During the training :

    Alain : Aevis. You're running too fast.

    Aevis : That's exactly why you need exercice.

    You'll get left behind.

    Alain : I know.

    Aevis : I told that training with me is the hardest path you'll need.

    Alain : Of course, I did hear that.

    Aevis : That's why I'm going to show you what I'm capable of.


    Aevis moves faster than before and then went into jumping and dodging obstacles. Alain isn't amused.


    Alain : Oh, come on.


    Alain tries as well but spectacularily fails as expected.


    Alain : Oooow...!!!


    And there they went doing 100 times of push-ups, sit-ups and squats. Though, Aevis did them all without even showing a glimse of his own fatigue while Alain gave up competely after doing 19 time push-ups, 23 sit-ups and 11 squats.


    Alain (heavily breathing) : Oh... my god...

    Aevis : Are you willing to give up?

    Alain (heavily breathing) : Like hell I will!

    Aevis ; It's time for 5 minutes of rest.

    Alain (is about to be screwed) : ...Yes!!!

    Aevis : Hang in here, Alain. It was just the beginning.

    Alain (sobbing) : Aaaaw...


    Alain endured too an entire hour and a half of training as they became exhausted while Aevis was always in better shape.


    Note : Sorry for the late. I was playing the game where I lost my focus on this one. See you later.

  11. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Ariana's story. In Chrisola Hotel Casino, Ariana is gaining Coins via using slot machine. It took so many attempts :

    Ariana (deranged) : Come on! Come on! Come on!

    Alain : What's going on, exactly?

    Casino Manager : Since she started playing, she really couldn't take once a break.

    She has been always here for 10 hours.

    Alain : 10 hours?! OK! That's it!


    Alain drags Ariana away from slot machines.


    Ariana (deranged) : NO! I WANT TO PLAY!

    Alain : ENOUGH!


    Alain knocks out Ariana.


    Alain : Sorry for the disturbance.


    They both left from the Casino.


    Note : I'm in extremely bad mood right now. And outright angry. I don't want to explain why I'm like this now, again. I know how much selfishness can have great consequences but this. I'm too tired for it. I've had enough of this craziness of BEING USED FOR SELFISH DEEDS. See you later. 😠

  12. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Axel's story. In Terajuma Beach, while Aevia and Valarie are battling in Minori Sea, Axel went to see how Nim is doing :

    Nim : Oh! You're here! Can I help you?!

    Axel : I wanted to stay with you for a while.

    Nim : I'm sorry about Aevia's mom.

    She was a good mother to not only Aevia but to you all.

    Axel : Yeah. That's the reason.

    I'm so weak compared to everyone else.

    I was scared of Madame X. Seeing Aevia losing against Yveltal woke me up completely.

    It was a huge gap between us but still...

    Aevis put a good show outsmarting everyone around him, including how he defeated Madame X without any Pokemon that are knocked out.

    Nim : Wow! I didn't see that coming! Too bad I wasn't there to witness it!

    Axel : Yes. Even at the impossibility, he still comes out on top.

    I swear how many losses has he ever been received?! None!

    He has even never lost a battle. Everyone told me about his legendary winning streak.

    Even so, I've been losing so many times so bad as I'm not worthy of helping people.

    I might lose-

    Nim : Stop. Right now.

    I you lose your morale, that's all you'll be for the rest of your life.

    You'll have your moment when the time comes.

    Axel : I see.


    Nim is preparing to leave.


    Axel : Nim. Where are you going?

    Nim : Somewhere. Just don't follow me. OK?

    Axel : But, I-

    Nim : DON'T!


    Nim left quickly.


    Axel : ...

    (Something's wrong with Nim.)

    (I should keep an eye on her.)

    (I don't want to lose her, too.)


    Note : Well, as story told, it's always foregone conclusion where Nim gets kidnapped by Team Xen after being turned into stone. It's something of a fate that can't be changed, no matter what happens. See you later.

  13. I theorize that M2 will be the final boss of Renegade Route and the final boss of Paragon Route will be depending on two choices :
  14. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Aevia's story. As Aevia was watching Axel and Aero playing chess, it was made clear who won :

    Axel : Check! And mate!

    Aero : WTH!!!

    Aevia : The winner is Axel!

    Axel : Well, despite you being physically the strongest after Aevis, you need to use your brains at the right moment where you can make a comeback.

    If you excuse me, I need to go buying something. I heard there's Witch Parlor in renovated East Gearen.

    See you later!


    Axel left.


    Aevia : Here he goes. Him and his way of being hungry.

    Aero : ...


    Aero left.


    Aevia : *sigh* In comparison to both sore losers, Aero is the most suffered of the two.

    Aevis, on the other hand, he actually never lost in every match. Not even once. But I pity him when I realized about how he really dislikes winning.

    It becomes boring to the point of him not having satisfaction.

    The only worthy opponents for Aevis were Adam, Keta, Damien, Kreiss, ET2000B, Neved and... Madame X.

    I hope Amber can find a way to release him from his boredom by entertainment.


    Note : There's one thing I'm imagining : about their appearances that they change depending in either Renegade Route or Paragon Route like :


    Example Aevia holds many scars, has her clothes ragged and being dirty and having her hair cropped to very short in Renegade Route.

    While Alain has their hair become short but neater, their clothes becoming different but quite cleaned up and better shaped in Paragon Route.

    Anyway, if you think that's a very bad idea, don't take it so seriously about that. I'm not forcing you, anyway. See you later.

  15. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Aevis' story. Back to Tesla Resort after Jenner, Nim and Aevia fell into lava and perished in Valor Summit (Warning : That may contain some inappropriate words.) :


    Amber : We did it. They are done for.

    Tesla : I'm glad it all ended up well.


    The blond girl with black glasses suddenly sensed something.


    Blonde girl : Ugh!

    Hooded guy : What's going on?

    Blonde girl : ...

    It's all pointless, now.

    Geara won.

    Hooded guy : No... You gotta be kidding me...

    Blonde girl : I can tell because I sensed Melia's emotion.

    She was crying...

    Hooded guy (furious) : ...For what exactly?

    Blonde girl (upset) : Jenner... Nim... Aevia...

    They are-

    Hooded guy (furious) : No. No more words.


    Blonde girl : What is it?



    Hooded guy saw as Aevis heard everything she said. Aevis' presence becomes very menacingly dangerous.


    Amber : Thank goodness. I can't thank you for all the time you-


    Before Amber finished her words, she saw something in Aevis that scared the hell out of her.


    Tesla : Sweetie! Are you alri-


    Tesla in turn reacted in fear seeing Aevis as well.


    Blonde girl (frightened) : A-A-Aevis! Just chill out!!!

    Hooded guy (understandibly concerned) : Too late! You had to say that outloud, you idiot!

    Aevis (in an uncontrollable unleashed fury) : ...

    Amber : Aevis. Your eyes are completely scary...

    Tesla : Aevis. Snap out of it. Listen!

    Aevis (increasing his rage right to extreme degree) : ...


    Aevis showing his eyes so quite scary as he's filled with total rage and vengeful thoughts, instead of usual worry.


    Aevis (in quiet tone) : ...

    ...Amber!!! Tesla!!! I'm going to Valor Mountain!!!

    If Geara wanted to piss me even more, then... Congratulations! He succeeded!

    I'm going to make him so fucking sorry!

    I'm going to torture him to make sure that he'll will never ever fucking walk again!

    I'm going to break him to the very inch of his life so fucking hard he'll never recover completely! In order for him to never try to mess with me, again! Forever!

    Geara has already signed a fucking "Fate worse than death" warrant!

    Amber (scared) : Eh...

    Tesla : Whoa, there...

    Hooded guy : Oh, for the love of Arceus!


    A furious Aevis summons Talonflame and orders it to fly fast as it can to reach Valor Summit as he left.


    Blonde girl (to hooded guy) : Excuse me! I have a question : What would you do if you were in Aevis' place?

    Hooded guy : There are the cruelest and the most unusual method of torture you would ever imagine. Let me clearly explain.


    Hooded guy whispered blond girl about everything he knows. Blond girl's reaction?


    Blond girl (shocked) : YIKES!!! WHAT THE SHIT?!

    Hooded guy : And of course that wouldn't be pretty for you as well if you had crossed the very dangerous line.


    Both Amber and Tesla heard what they said, despite not hearing what hooded guy was whispering about.


    Tesla : Oh, poor him...

    Amber : If you're referring to Aevis, then I also can understand his pain.

    I hope he doesn't lose his shit. I really hope.


    Note : Did you like that post? I just made the moment that completely triggered Aevis. Oh, boy. That would be satisfying for those who really hate Geara to read the part where Aevis is giving Geara a beatdown of 30 minutes if I had posted it as well. See you tomorrow.

  16. I like Mega Partner Eevee (despite that Mega Evolutions can’t raise max HP stats). Type changers are the best.
  17. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. As Zetta and Geara (both in disguise) are shopping :

    Zetta : How long will it take?

    Geara : Come on. It’s been 24 minutes since we got here.

    Zetta : Actually. It’s been 6 hours.

    6 hours of wasting our time for your own benefit.

    Geara : That’s completely stupid and you know it.

    Zetta : Karma will bite your butt. I’m warning you.

    Geara : As if that cursed karma can do something ridiculous. What a bitch.


    Old lady appears and Geara is pushing her accidentally.


    Geara Hey, watch your step, you stupid hag.

    Old lady : You, bad boy!


    Old lady gives Geara a beating by hitting him many times with her handbag, kicking him in groin, spraying into his eyes and throwing him in trash can.


    Old lady : Do you like that? Feels so good, doesn’t it?


    Old lady left.

    Zetta : Right in the batteries!

    I told you so, Geara!

    Geara : *High-pitched squeal*

    Zetta : Come on! Let me help you!


    Zetta drags Geara back to into Valor Summit.


    Note : I mostly like the moment in Madagascar where a lion got beaten by a old lady. Even an irredeemable villain from Madagascar 2 got owned as well. See you next time.

  18. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Ana's story. Here's at the moment Aevia tells a poem to Ana in the train to Grand Dream City (which it really takes a very long time to arrive) :

    Ana : I can't sleep.

    Aevia : What's wrong?

    Ana : I try but I can't bring myself to sleep after what happened to West Gearen City.

    Aevia : About which one?

    Ana : About Garbodor. I hope they can find a way to purify it from this "rift corruption thing".

    Aevia : Indeed. Didn't see "Aevis showing himself a diary about how to purify a Rift Pokemon" coming.

    I want to know how did he find out. But, enough of that. I have a poem.

    It's about "a man taking care of a child".

    Ana : Oh. Interesting.

    Aevia : Here goes :

    "A man finds a child,

    A child is a girl,

    The man raises a lonely child,

    He went through the journey with her,

    Time passes as she grows up to be a teenager,

    A teenager girl who has become cheerful,

    But then tragic horror ensues,

    It breaks the man, eating his sanity,

    The moment a teenager became a woman,

    A sweet beautiful grown up woman who earns her dertermination,

    While the man loses it, casting his will to live,

    His choice to sacrifice himself,

    For her happiness, at the cost of his life,

    A woman was sad but living on with a smile,

    Then a woman finds a child,

    A child is a boy,

    A boy used to be a man,

    A man reverted to his child form with a childlike mind,

    A woman raises a broken child,

    Then she lived happily with him."

    Aevia : How was it?



    She finds Ana sleeping.


    Aevia (smiling) : Sweet dreams.


    Aevia kisses in Ana's forehead and goes to sleep as well in her bedroom.


    Note : That scene reflects a parent taking care of a child as best as what a good parent can. If you have played many games, you would know how sad it is to understand what parents went through when you grow up. See you tomorrow.

  19. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It’s Aero’s story. As Aero is traveling through the ocean with Swampert, they are followed by hundreds of officers :

    Officer : Get back, here.

    You’re not allowed to leave Terrial Island without our permission.

    Aero : Seriously. I’m trying to return to Floria Island.

    Why can’t you give me a break?

    I’ll come back after finishing my business.

    Officer : Any excuses are irrelevant.

    You must come back this instantly.

    Aero : MY ROTTEN LUCK!!! COME ON!!!


    Note : As it has happened about the leak for Nintendo Direct, I hope I’m not waiting this moment for nothing. See you next time.

    1. OmegaStellarSolare


      Edit : I have waited this moment for nothing. Understandable, since that’s not Pokemon Presents. Maybe, I should enjoy summer.

  20. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Alain's story. There are montages of Alain temper issues :

    In the cinema.


    Axel : Achoo! Achoo!

    Alain (annoyed) : Grr!

    Axel : ACHOO!

    Alain (angered) : Ggrrr!



    Axel's sneezing blows up their popcorns.


    Alain (triggered) : ARRGG!


    In the Somniam Mall.


    Huey : *Snickering*


    Huey is pranking Alain by using the officer method.



    Alain : Oh, no! What did I do?!

    Wait a minute. I know that voice.

    Huey (scared) : Uh, oh.


    Huey : YIKES!!!


    Alain chases after Huey and punches him.


    In the restaurant.


    Aevis : I hope you have everything under control. Or I will pay the bills for you.

    Alain : No need for concern. I can do this alone.


    Waitress came and gave the note to Alain about paying the bills. The payment is written : over 2 million Pokedollars!!!


    Alain (😱) : AAAAAAAAAH!!!

    Aevis : Called it!

    Alain : Why?! Damn it?! Everytime!


    Alain watched Venam, Axel and Aero with hundreds of empty plates.



    Venam : Oh, damn! We're a dead meat!


    Aero : I'M SORRY!!!


    In the street, everyone's kicking their butt.


    Alain : Ow! Ow! Ow!

    What was that for?!


    Alain sensed and grabbed something in their back. It's a paper noted "Kick my butt, suckers!".


    Alain (😠😡) : AAAARRR-


    Cut to the apartment, with both Axel and Huey bruised.


    Axel : Ouch!

    Huey : They got us.

    Aevis/Melia : Serves you right.

    Alain (calmed down) : Totally.

    Aevia : I knew it was a bad idea of angering her.


    Note : Angry moments are really funny sometimes. It reminds me of certain characters with such trigger. See you tomorrow.

  21. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Ariana's story. Here's the moment where Ariana, Erin, Aelita and Eldest meet Pyrrha :

    Eldest : Wow. He said "Thank you". I'm surprised.

    Ariana : Sure. Typical words from Texen.

    Erin : I thought you said this guy was a total prick?

    Aelita : Um, he was? I dunno about now, but...

    Ariana : I have sympathy for him. We both lost our precious person named Risa. It's clearly simple for us to face the harsh reality.

    I was her fan but he was her brother.

    Erin : You're both too nice.

    That boy was not on my itinerary, so he's your responsibility to look after.

    That means you need to take his order. Is that clear, Aelita?

    Aelita : Understood!

    Ariana : Lopez told me that he'll be right here after taking care of someone.

    He wanted her to try wearing clothes that are conservative.

    Erin : Wait, who's HER?!


    Lopez arrived in Rose Theater.


    Lopez : It's good to be back.

    Ariana : Speak of the devil, here you are.

    Lopez : Hi. I wanted you to meet her.


    Someone appears, revealing to be Pyrrha.


    Erin : Wow. This girl that you're showing is so...

    Aelita : She's beautiful.

    Eldest : Oh, dear.

    Ariana (:O) : ...


    Pyrrha has her wearing her conservative clothes and have her very long white wavy hair tied into high ponytail.


    Pyrrha : I never thought this place is so cultured.

    These people in front are your friends, right?

    Lopez : Yes.

    (To Ariana, Erin, Aelita and Eldest) Everyone. Meet Pyrrha.

    Aelita : Nice to see you.

    Ariana : Me, too.

    Eldest : Welcome to Rose Theater. And I hope you're enjoying your...

    Lopez : It's a date, actually.

    Eldest : Oh, suit yourself.

    Erin : It's a honor to meet you.


    Pyrrha approaches Erin and gives her a handshake and a cheerful smile. Erin is left stunned.


    Pyrrha : I hope we can get along with each other. Right?

    Erin (Nervous) : Um... Yes.

    Pyrrha : Show me the way, Lopez.

    Lopez : Yes. I've been here for a long time.

    You will be surprised if I show you.


    Lopez accompanied Pyrrha to each different places in Rose Theater.


    Erin : I never thought she's so... Pure, actually.

    Aelita : Pure kindness, to be exact.

    Ariana : She ressembles completely like Crescent.

    Erin : And her personality is quite the opposite of me.

    Eldest : So familiar...

    Erin : I'll be off, then. Ariana, feel free to hang around and chat with everyone.

    I may need some help with dinner, so if you could help me out when you're done socializing, that'd be great.

    Ariana : Roger that.

    Erin : I'll be in my room, upstairs.


    Everyone left, leaving Ariana here.


    Ariana : ...

    Now, where to go next?


    Note : My life gets way harder. I can't catch a break, completely. When I get requested for the chores and if I have a job, that's fine. But when I get requested for their own benefits, THAT REALLY MAKES ME FRUSTRATED. My siblings can't understand me at all. They just keep pretending to never hear what I'm saying just because they want to. I'm just want to chill out but everytime it's always infuriating. Well, see you next time. I hope I can calm down for a moment.

  22. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Axel's story (during backstory between Pearl Route and his fate in Hospital of Hope). After hidden Team Xen basement is ruined, Team Xen is on high alert :

    Grunt (Male) : What's happening?

    Grunt (Female) : Something's destroying our base. Could it be?


    Explosion ensues, causing many deaths of grunts by someone, revealing to be Axel being corrupted by his sin (his full red eyes and wild hair explains a lot).

    Then an army of Deathwings appear.


    Deathwing : Not so fast...

    Another Deathwing : Really?! That's the best line you got?!


    Corrupted Axel atomizes every one of Deathwings, leaving nobody left alive.


    Axel (Corrupted) : Rrrrgg...


    While Geara saw this carnage.


    Geara : Oh, no. Oh, geez. Oh, shoot. I should have listened to Neved about him.

    Activate many traps.


    Axel is walking while the traps are activated. Many noises of slashing are heard.


    Geara : Excellent. I think I got him.


    As Geara is about to see, Axel was already near in front of him. Geara left feared. That moment reminds him of what Aevis did to him back in Valor Summit.


    Geara (Helplessly scared): No! No!! NO!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!



    Axel thrashes Geara, leaving him completely in worse condition.


    Axel (Corrupted) : Where... are... you...? WHERE ARE YOU?


    Axel begins to unleash an explosion with radius of 2.5km.

    The hidden Team Xen basement is no more, leaving Geara's fate unknown.


    Axel (Corrupted) : I'll find you! I'll break you! I'll burn you! I'LL BURY YOU ALIVE! I'M GOING TO DRAG YOU TO HELL FOR ETERNITY!


    Axel's dark aura is bursting.


    Axel (Corrupted) : And then... I'll take everything away... FROM YOU!!!


    Note : Sad it is like I wonder if Nim will return since I think her Lorna persona is gone. It's been a half-year since V13.5 was released. Pokemon Rejuvenation still remains a mystery. See you tomorrow.

  23. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Aevia's story. Here's the moment between Aevia and Cresscent in South Zorrialyn Coast near strange house (which is very familiar) :

    Aevia : Huh? I don't know what you're talking about.

    Crescent : Don't be ridiculous. Despite gaining Interceptor's Full Power, you still lose to Lopez in his base form.

    Aevia : Yes. I lost. He's always walking way far ahead of us.

    My attacks didn't even connect him.

    Crescent : I even remember that. Despite my advantages and his own handicaps, he still won even against me.

    Because he has the accumulated experiences of what depends on time.

    Pyrrha told me that she didn't expect this outcome.

    But Code : Alpha still remains a threat to us. Far more obstructive than every threat we faced.

    Then again, Lopez's strong connections amplifies him even further beyond that state.

    Which Code : Alpha doesn't have this trait. Instead, he's powered up by despair, revenge and yearn for malevolence.

    One day, Code : Alpha's true existence will be revealed. And the reason why he's after Lopez.

    You really do understand, don't you, Mi-

    Aevia : Huh?

    Crescent : ...

    Aevia : ...

    Crescent : ...

    Perhaps it's too soon to call you by that name.

    But don't forget who you really are and what are you capable of.

    Aevia : Sure. I'll promise.

    Crescent : Can we go back?


    Note : Sorry for being late. I was occupied. I had a little rough day. See you next time.

  24. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. It's Aevis' story. In the end part of Sand Stream Cave (where Zygarde Core is) as both Melia and Venam finally find Lopez talking with many wild Pokemon :

    Melia : Here he is.

    Venam : Where have you been?

    Lopez : Melia? Venam? What are you doing here?

    Melia : We figured out we could invite you for our dinner, tonight. Just three of us.

    Lopez (feeling a little down) : What? But...

    Venam : Come on. This will be fun!

    Lopez (with straight response): Sure...


    They went to having a dinner in Grand Dream City. Then they're having a conversation.


    Melia : So how was it?

    Venam : Did you like it?

    Lopez : Yes. My stomach is full.

    What's going on? Why are you so cheerful all of sudden?

    Melia : We just want to talk to you.

    Venam : About your...


    Melia secretly glares at Venam.


    Venam : Your plan for Xen Raid.

    Melia : Or maybe we just want to hangout with you.

    Venam (smiling) : Right.

    Lopez : You don't need to hangout with me.

    Venam : Oh, he's saying because he has other plans to do.

    Melia : Even though you don't have any.

    Lopez : Hmm...

    Melia (suddenly being serious) : Listen, Lopez. Everytime there's a free place, you always choose to sit down with boys.

    You don't even hangout with girls.

    Even though you're helping us, you don't even want to have time with us.

    It's sounds like you have issues with girls.

    Venam (worried) : You know? I've been worried about you.

    You're kind of gentleman but you don't want get involved with friendship or love like that.

    Which makes me sad seeing you there. Alone.

    Melia : You always trusted Ren. And then Jenner. And then Keta. And you always got well along with Adam, Ryland and Crawli.

    You even cared about Axel and even talk down with Damien who respects you the most.

    You really do talk normally with boys.

    But eveytime you talk with girls, it did last 1 minute.

    Everytime they ask you about girls, you really change the subject, immediately.

    Pyrrha even told me to help you about opening your feelings with girls like we are doing this right now.

    Lopez (confused) : Really? She did say that.

    Melia : She might get jealous a bit but she doesn't mind if you have moments with us.

    Lopez : Even so, I'll never be worthy of passing time with you.

    Venam : Look. Me and Melia, I know you don't want to get involved.

    But it's thanks to you that we're here together.

    The hangout about both of us is not fun anymore without you.

    Lopez : I don't understand. Why are you doing this?

    Melia : I already told you.

    Because we love you. Everyone loved you. Just like you loved us.

    Lopez (surprised) : But... I...

    Melia : Please, you need to stop running away from your own feelings.


    Melia gently grabs Lopez's hand.


    Lopez (sad) : You know I'm not Aevis.


    Venam gently grabs Lopez's other hand.


    Venam : We already knew. And that is OK.

    Melia : Just stay with us for a while. Right?

    Lopez (sad) : ...OK.

    Still, I can't bring myself to cry.

    Melia : It's OK to cry. I remember how shocked we were when you lost control of your temper and mercilessly brutalized Geara.

    Because I really cried. I thought I lost hope.

    But I'm really glad you came for us in the end. That's what matters to us.

    Venam : And you know. You will be always my most favorite male friend. I do admit I don’t mind you replacing Erick.

    Melia : Hey. Not cool, Venam.

    Venam : Oops. Sorry…

    Lopez : Melia. Venam. Thank you.


    They have passed a long time before returning to League Administration.


    Note : I celebrated along with my family about my mother's birthday. It was great, actually. See you tomorrow.

  25. Here's Pokemon Rejuvenation : LightDarkness and Shadow. In Crescent’s inner mental world :

    Crescent : Where am I?

    Pyrrha : No need to worry.


    Pyrrha appears in her true form : An youthful adult having past waist length white hair with right side bangs and white eyes that shine with hope and wears a long maid dress and headband, yet doesn’t wear makeup.


    Crescent : You look completely mature.

    Pyrrha : *chuckle* You don’t need to compliment me.

    Crescent : No wonder why Lopez loved you.

    Just like Aevis loved me. He would be proud.

    Pyrrha : Guess you really are trying to do something good for once.

    I’ve been watching you for a long time.

    Crescent : Yeah. And don’t tell Lopez about my journey.

    Pyrrha : Understood. Not that he would care unless your actions against morals, that is.

    Crescent : That will do.

    …I wonder what his father was like.

    Pyrrha (suddenly yet understandably being quiet) : …This is something depressing whatever you need to know or not.

    Lopez… He never acknowledged him as his own real father.

    Crescent (confused) : What?

    He really did it for real?

    Pyrrha : He always called him "The biggest disgraceful traitorous goddamn failure".

    Crescent (with sincere response) : Oh! Wow! That’s extremely harsh!

    Pyrrha : You had really no idea. He meant it because his existence reminds Lopez of the moment his mother died out of despair because his father wasn’t here and never came back.

    Then his brothers and sisters died, one by one.

    Lopez was left alone, cursing his own weakness as a result. He couldn’t protect them.

    His father only returned right after the funeral ceremony had passed.

    This made him earn Lopez’s wrath. Then the latter disowned him without hesitation.

    It was the harshest moment where Lopez can’t see his face since then.

    His father tried to help him but Lopez never looked back and never responded back at him.

    He ignored his entire existence.

    That’s what he told me.

    Crescent (realizing what did she just hear) : …

    He’s like I used to be. I should have never left him alone. Damn.

    Pyrrha : You didn’t know back there. That wasn’t your fault.

    Crescent : I know but still…

    He only told me about you but didn’t tell me about his father.

    It makes sense now. He didn’t save him. You did.

    Pyrrha : Lopez’s way of helping at cost of every years of eating his own sanity is all thanks to his own father’s incompetence.

    It only got worse when his father died protecting him from a terrible accident.

    That brought Lopez seeing his father’s face and reconsidered disowning him. But it was one last time.

    His father smiled not because Lopez acknowledged him but because he was glad that he acted like what a good and noble father would.
    His state became worse until my actions helped him restore his distorted mind.

    Crescent : I see.

    Lopez wanted to be a good husband because he doesn’t want to make same mistakes as he did.

    Yet, he felt like he abandoned his family again.

    Pyrrha : It’s something he hadn’t realized yet.

    One day, his own family he created will be reunited once again.

    Crescent : What does that mean?

    Pyrrha : I’m leaving now. See ya.

    Crescent : Hey, wait.


    Pyrrha left.


    Crescent : And she’s gone.

    Maybe I should apologize to him when I get the chance.


    Note : I’m celebrating my father’s and my sister’s birthday along with my family since we couldn’t get the chance to do it earlier. See you next time.

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