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Everything posted by OmegaStellarSolare

  1. Yet, for me, taking Ren’s Pokemon is like stealing them by force and I don’t like that method. I prefer obtain by catching them, trading them and taking them as a gift.
  2. There's a list of team duo trainers with high friendship. But before that, if Pokemon Rejuvenation were to be manga like the original mangas of Pokemon, I was thinking there should be all protagonists and with their past :

    Aevia : She lived with her mother named Nancy before Team Xen abducted her mother while Aevia was saved by Crescent's Gothitelle and Tesla's Talonflame.

    Aero : Worked as the professor Jenner's assistant. The dream is to encounter many Pokemons and analyze them in order to become the professor's successor.

    Ariana : She was a fan of Risa Raider and wanted to become like her. So she went for the journey to become an idol.

    Alain : Lived as an orphan with Mosely in Lost Camp, helping Maman around the house but doesn't steal anything like Mosely does.

    Axel : He lived in Grand Dream City and was infamous of many girls who ignored him for being annoying.

    Aevis : He lived alone and had no family until he encountered Erin for the first time and saved her from bullies, who tried to hurt her, by swatting them out. That's why, when Erin encounterd Aevis for the second time, she invited him to live with her at Rose Theater as a reward for saving her life.

    Well, it's just only hypothetical story. It's nothing special.


    Here's the team :

    -> Team Pinkie Flowers :




    -> Team Utopia Chasers :




    -> Team Wishing Stars :




    -> Team Mighty Guardians :




    -> Team Zero Motives :




    -> Team Hyper-go-ons :




    -> Team Slpashy Sands :




    -> Team Fated Friends :




    -> Team Ghost Siblings :




    -> Team Wandering Lovers :




    -> Team Dragon Haunters :




    That's all. Oh, I have to tell you that I saw even Zacian Base Form banned from Ubers and now both Zacian formes are ranked to AG. That's kinda weird. Even so, I like that Pokemon. See ya.

  3. Here's the second part of intro quotes about team of trainer duos :

    -> Team Factory Masters :

    First quote :

    Saki : Erick. Wanna check this out my invention?

    Erick : Sure, but not this time. Because I'm focusing on something important, right here.


    Second quote :

    Saki : C'mon. Wanna play with me?

    Erick : Well, how about a Pokemon battle?


    -> Team Melody Bravery :

    First quote :

    Amber : I never thought I would team up with my sworn enemy.

    Venam : I never thought I would team up with my sworn friend. Or kinda.


    Second quote :

    Amber : Listen up, Venam. If we win this battle together, I will forgive you, even after you ruined my life.

    Venam : No hard feelings. Because in my thoughts, I'm sure you will still have a grudge against me.


    -> Team Mystical Loyalties :

    First quote :

    Alice : Allen. I...

    Allen : It's OK. I will protect you to the end.


    Second quote :

    Alice : I don't know if we can do this together.

    Allen : Even if you feel sad, I'm here for you.


    -> Team Earth Brothers :

    First quote :

    Adam : It's that you?

    Ryland : I couldn't see you for a while. 


    Second quote :

    Adam : As your brother, can we team up?

    Ryland Of course.


    -> Team Serenity Women :

    First quote :

    Lavender : I don't want to hold you back.

    Valarie : You mean you want to help me. Is that so?


    Second quote :

    Lavender : We both are gym leaders. You better get ready for this.

    Valarie : Prepare to be washed up.


    -> Team Joy Girls :

    First quote :

    Erin : Don't act so reckless, even if you progressed.

    Aelita : Don't worry about me.


    Second quote :

    Erin : I want to repay for what you and your friends risked your lives to save me.

    Aelita : You're welcome.


    -> Team Mysterious Figures :

    First quote :

    ??? : I hope you enjoyed having fun.

    Kieran : Because you're about to be overwhelmed.


    Second quote :

    ??? : Fear the power of illusions.

    Kieran : And fear the power of surfing.


    -> Team Parental Bond :

    First quote :

    Ana : Will you always be my family?

    Dylan : Of course, I am.


    Second quote :

    Ana : What if they kidnap me?

    Dylan : You can stay behind me or you can battle them as hard as you can. I'm here to help you.


    -> Team Xen Executives :

    First quote :

    Geara : I won't let you get away with this. Come at me. Come at us.

    Zetta : The time has come. This time, we'll dominate.


    Second quote :

    Geara : Zetta. If you dare to disobey my orders, I'll report to Madame X.

    Zetta : Yeah. Do whatever you want. I don't care the consequences.


    That's all for now. Those duo teams I did at last weekend are the teams that are the strongest one. Tomorrow, I'll write the duo teams with high friendship.

  4. It doesn't matter if it becomes a single type when it comes to the ability Protean. Plus, Greninja has technically 5 weaknesses : Water weak to Grass and Electric Dark weak to Bug, Fighting and Fairy.
  5. Well, I wish I was better talented. But here's another song I usually hear :
  6. Don't worry about that. Just we can focus on waiting until V13 testing phase is completed.
  7. I’m gonna admit that every arguments about the V13 thread closure won’t help change anyone’s mind, anymore.
  8. Even baby Pokemons can have 3 perfect IVs like that because of undiscovered egg group, too.
  9. Well, once the V13 is released, then there's no need to comment in V13 thread.
  10. "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Rejuvenation. During scene in Route 9 when old Cella open the Dimensional Rift leading to Aelita, there's the player choice when having more than 6 positive relationship points with Aelita and more than 1 relationship point with Erin. There it is :

    Melia : Okay, "Player" and I will go in there and get her.


    Answer :

    - Stay here. Erin will come with me.

    - If you insist, then you can come with me.


    Choosing the second answer will have the same dialogue as the original.

    Choosing the first asnwer :

    Melia : "Player"? But?

    Erin : "Player" is the only one who understands me and my feelings, too. (Erin +1)

    That's why I agree with that decision because I've also been with Aelita through most of this.

    Therefore, both of us will free her. Do you understand, Melia?

    Cella : Besides, I need your help. Your powers might help in case of the worst scenario.


    Melia seems surprised about Cella's knowledge with her light powers.


    Melia : My power? You knew it, already?

    Cella : There's no time to waste. For now, we must dive into Aelita's heart.


    Back to original dialogue as Erin tells the player to speak to her when being ready to enter the Dimensional Rift for the battle against Rift Regirock.


    Note : That's how it goes. Two weekends remaining for "What if" dialogues and there's summer vacation for me. See you next time.

  11. Yes, it's me. Can I help you something, Baumina?
  12. If this argument keeps continuing in V13 Rejuvenation thread, there’s gonna be trouble. Understand?
  13. "What if" dialogue for Pokemon Reborn. During the conversation in "Once Upon a Waste of Time" with a knight pretending to be Lin if the player chose Reshiram Route, the scenario would be different if the player gave a Blue Moon Ice Cream earlier to Titania and chose the answer "Yes" to Lin after being asked if the player can stand up to her after the champion's demise. Here it is :

    Before Titania stabs the knight, the player stops her.

    Titania : Hey, what are you doing? Are you trying to betray me?


    But the player takes off the knight's helmet, revealing to be Taka.


    Titania : Huh, the boy we saw in Water Treatment Center? That makes sense, now.

    Lin was trying to use him as a puppet, waiting for the moment to put us into a living hell.

    Of course, it's a trap. Huh! Like that's gonna happen!

    Show yourself, Lin.

    Lin : ...


    Lin appears behind the trainer.


    Lin : So, be it. You're all gonna die here.

    Titania : Not if you die first.


    The same scenario as the original occurs until before Aegislash stabs Lin.


    Lin : And yet, now look whose back is exposed.

    Taka : Yeah! It's your back that's exposed, Lin! Take this!


    Taka stabs Lin with Aegislash by behind.


    Lin : Taka... you...

    Titania : "Player"!


    The player helps Titania while Lin falls to the ground, losing consciousness.


    Titania : Please, excuse me!

    Taka : OK!

    Titania : For the sake of everything good in this world,

    Just go to hell.


    Titania stabs Lin with Aegislash. Then, Aegislash returns to Pokeball.


    Titania : What are you doing here?

    Taka : I came with "Player" and arrived at the Scrapyard. So I decided to take a rest. But at the moment, I was kidnapped and used as a guinea pig. So, here I am.

    Titania Thank Arceus that you were lucky that "Player" saved you. Otherwise, I would have screwed up of killing you, instead of her.

    Taka : Well, you have my thanks, "Player". I don't know what to say to you. (Taka +10)

    Titania : Enough with thanks. Let's go.

    Taka : OK. Whatever you say.


    Both Titania and Taka left to the upstairs. And the scenario will be altered as long as Taka is still alive and the player will gain relationship with Titania, instead of losing them, when the player talks to her during Agate City battle.


    Note : So, that's it. I suppose you may like this dialogue or maybe, the scenario. Well, see you tomorrow.

  14. I chose Tepig because : - The other Fire type starters (Kanto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Galar) that are unavailable - Its final evolution was currently better ranked in Gen 7 competitive than the other, though it’s ranked in NUBL, while the others are ranked to NU - Those moves like Wild Charge might have been buffed. Maybe the ability Reckless can help it. But, in my first playthrough, I was unaware of Tepig’s evolution to Pignite because I thought Pignite was acting different until I saw its type and its ability and I saw the other regional starters, too. Well, thanks to redesign, that made sense. I hope you understand. Also, I hadn't used mine, either.
  15. Did you see that your starter received a regional evolution? I told you. Yet, Kalos and Alola starters have the same evolution line forms.
  16. There's first part of intro quotes about the team of trainer duos :

    -> Team Ace Slayers :

    First quote :

    Ren : Let's go.

    Aevis : Right.


    Second quote :

    Ren : Let's win the match, together. Right, Aevis?

    Aevis : Sure. No holding back, now. Not even the danger that awaits us.


    -> Team Cutie Pies :

    First quote :

    Aevia : C'mon. This is gonna be fun.

    Melia : Yeah. I suppose.


    Second quote :

    Aevia : The bonds of friendship will never be broken. That's what it makes people strong.

    Melia : So that's why my light powers have been released inside me.


    -> Team Unpopular Men :

    First quote :

    Huey : Do you wanna battle? Then let's fi-

    *Smack* Aie!

    Axel : Reckless is what makes us losers. That's why we must battle in my terms.


    Second quote :

    Huey : Hey. You won't get away with this. Time to-

    *Smack* Ohohohohohoooooooo! Why is this happening to me?!

    Axel : BECAUSE YOU'RE ACTING LIKE YOU DON'T CARE! That's why many girls will mock us for such behaviour!


    -> Team Best Friends :

    First quote :

    Reina : I'm going to help you. After all, you're the one who saved me when I was in trouble.

    Ariana : Good point. It's what a heroine will do. FOR JUSTICE!


    Second quote :

    Reina : Do we have luck?

    Ariana : Not sure! Why are you asking me?


    -> Team Secret Agents :

    First quote :

    Crawli : We have been prepared for this.

    Aero : It's simple and easy way when we have many strategies to play with.


    Second quote :

    Crawli : It's showtime!

    Aero : Hey! That's my line!


    -> Team Neo Specialists :

    First quote :

    Kanon : Will I be able to win Melia if we win the fight?

    Alain : I doubt!


    Second quote :

    Kanon : I don't know if we can win this!

    Alain : If you don't want that, then go home!


    That's what I can do for now.

  17. Happy birthday, Aboodie. Make sure you you keep living foward, as long as you're happy.

    1. Aboodie


      Thanks (: I wish you the same~

  18. Well, after my thinking of the team protagonist/of the trio trainers in Pokemon Rejuvenation, I decided to list the team of the duo trainer but also with protagonists :

    -> Team Ace Slayers :




    -> Team Cutie Pies :




    -> Team Unpopular Men :




    -> Team Best Friends :




    -> Team Secret Agents :




    -> Team Neo Specialists :




    -> Team Factory Masters :




    -> Team Melody Bravery :




    -> Team Mystical Loyalties :




    -> Team Earth Brothers :




    -> Team Serenity Women :




    -> Team Joy Girls :




    -> Team Mysterious Figures :




    -> Team Parental Bond :




    -> Team Xen Executives :




    That's all I did. Writing about duo trainers sounds more difficult than before.

    1. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      No Maria?

      What a shame? It would be nice to include Maria and Anathea as well as a mother-daughter-duo maybe

    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      I'm sorry. I haven't seen Anathea being also a trainer. And I don't think there's another trainer capable of creating a team with Maria. That's why I didn't include those duos.

    3. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      Well yes, you're right... 

  19. I knew that’s gonna take also during summer holidays, of course. Good luck.
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